272 research outputs found

    Ageing and changes in medical practices : reassessing theinfluence of demography

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    On the basis of French individual data, this paper compares the effect of demographic change, changes in morbidity and changes in practices on the growth in health expenditures that occurred between 1992 and 2000. Microsimulations show that the rise in expenditures due to aging is relatively small and that the impact of changes in practices is 3.8 times larger. Furthermore, changes in morbidity induce savings which more that offset the increase in spending due to the population aging.Aging - Health Expenditures - Micro-Simulations

    Prozessoptimierung als Instrument der QualitÀtssicherung : Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Darstellung eines Optimierungsprozesses in der Stiftung Opferhilfe

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    Die Arbeit gibt Antworten auf Fragen zur Bedeutung der prozessorientierten Sichtweise als Gestaltungsprinzip und zur Art und Weise wie die Prozessoptimierung als Instrument der QualitĂ€tsentwicklung in der Praxis einer Sozialen Institution angewendet werden kann. In einem ersten Schritt wird die Prozessoptimierung als Instrument der QualitĂ€tsentwicklung theoretisch eingeordnet. Im zweiten Teil wird die DurchfĂŒhrung der Optimierung des Prozesses «Kontaktaufnahme/Intake» als Teilprozess des Kernprozesses Beratung beschrieben. Zum Schluss werden Folgerungen in Bezug auf die Erfahrungen mit dem Instrument der Prozessoptimierung sowie der QualitĂ€tsentwicklung innerhalb der Institution gezogen. Die Arbeit ist praxisorientiert. Der Blick auf den Arbeitsalltag einer Sozialen Institution ist zentral. Der «Gewinn» in Form von QualitĂ€tsverbesserung einzelner Arbeitsschritte steht im Mittelpunkt. Die Aufarbeitung der Theorie dient als Voraussetzung, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen

    Health expenditure growth : reassessing the threat of ageing

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    In this paper we evaluate the respective effects of demographic change, changes in morbidity and changes in practices on growth in health care expenditures. We use microdata, i.e. representative samples of 3441 and 5003 French individuals observed in 1992 and 2000. Our data provide detailed information about morbidity and allow us to observe three components of expenditures: ambulatory care, pharmaceutical and hospital expenditures.We propose an original microsimulation method to identify the components of the drift observed between 1992 and 2000 in the health expenditure age profile. On the one hand, we find empirical evidence of health improvement at a given age: changes in morbidity induce a downward drift of the profile. On the other hand, the drift due to changes in practices is upward and sizeable. Detailed analysis attributes most of this drift to technological innovation.After applying our results at the macroeconomic level, we find that the rise in health care expenditures due to ageing is relatively small. The impact of changes in practices is 3.8 times larger. Furthermore, changes in morbidity induce savings which more than offset the increase in spending due to population ageing.ageing ; health expenditure ; microsimulations ; econometrics

    Emotionalization in the Media Coverage of Honey Bee Colony Losses

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    Emotionalization is increasingly used in the daily news. However, communication scholars have only just begun to explore how journalists use emotionalization in coverage of scientific and environmental topics. This study contributes to filling this research gap by investigating emotionalization in reporting on honey bee colony losses. The aim of the study is to analyze the amount of emotionalization that took place, as well as to observe changes over time. Emotionalization is assessed in two ways; by analyzing to what extent journalists (1) explicitly mentioned discrete emotions in news stories (joy, hope, fear, anger, etc.) and/or (2) used rhetorical devices to evoke emotions (affective vocabulary, metaphors, colloquial language, superlatives, etc.). Results from a quantitative content analysis of four Austrian newspapers in 2010/2011, 2013/2014, and 2017/2018 show that the coverage is highly emotionalized across all three time periods studied. Emotionalization occurs far more often by using rhetorical devices than by explicitly mentioning positive or negative emotions. Interestingly, the incorporation of emotional elements and scientific expertise in the news items do not exclude one another. Hence, there seems to be no strict dichotomy between rational/objective and emotional reporting

    Social media and democracy

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    Slowly approaching the second quarter of the 21st century, research on social media and its effects over democracy has quickly permeated across various fields in social sciences, particularly political communication. Based on accumulated evidence in this strand of literature, this paper briefly summarizes several established research areas. First, it highlights how social media facilitates individuals’ political expression. Second, it sheds light on how this enhanced communicative behavior has reinvigorated a more participatory society in democracy. Third, it examines social media’s democratic deficit mechanisms in regards to stagnant political knowledge acquisition. Finally, the paper offers a theoretical explanation to this lack of knowledge acquisition through the lenses of the ‘news-finds-me’ perception theory. Overall, the present manuscript explains specific ways in which social media helps and hinders the advancement of healthy democracies, thereby also providing promising guidelines for future research. 

    Taking Corrective Action When Exposed to Fake News: The Role of Fake News Literacy

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    Fake news poses a threat to democracy. The rise of social media and its lax content regulation have facilitated a dynamic environment where mis- and disinformation are spread. However, social media is also the place where false information may be corrected. Initial scholarly efforts begin to highlight what is needed for citizens to take corrective action when exposed to fake news on social media. This study is a further step in that direction by introducing the construct of ‘fake news media literacy’. Relying on survey data from the U.S. (N = 1338), we show that news media literacy in terms of media locus of control and need for cognition might not be sufficient to take corrective action; individuals rather need to develop specific fake news literacy. Implications for media literacy initiatives are discussed

    The Proliferation of the “News Finds Me” Perception Across Societies

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    Today, people are exposed to vast information flows while online or on social media. This abundance has led some people to believe that they no longer have to actively seek the news to be well informed about public affairs and that important news will find them through social media or other online channels. Recently, academics have offered a first theoretical account, capturing this belief as the “news finds me” perception (NFM). Initial studies have been conducted in the U.S. and Austria, indicating deleterious effects between NFM and both traditional news use and political predispositions and behaviors. This study seeks to expand this line of research, exploring the proliferation of NFM in 10 societies around the world. Findings give further insights into the degree of NFM proliferation in diverse contexts. Across societies, NFM is associated with age, social media news use, and other meaningful democratic variables such as political interest, political knowledge, and voting behavior

    Structural Influences on the News Finds Me Perception: Why People Believe They Don’t Have to Actively Seek News Anymore

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    Using data from a two-wave panel survey among 18 countries worldwide, this study investigates the individual- and country-level antecedents of the “News Finds Me” perception (NFM). Results show that older, more educated, and individuals belonging to the ethnic majority are less prone to develop the NFM. However, social media (news) use, incidental news exposure, discussion frequency, and group affiliations lead to a higher NFM. In contrast, information elaboration as well as news use online were found to weaken the NFM. Testing various country-level factors, only gross domestic product was found to be negatively related to the NFM. The findings form a theoretical and empirical basis for future studies that aim at investigating news use in today’s high-choice media environment

    Social media and democracy

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    Slowly approaching the second quarter of the 21st century, research on social media and its effects over democracy has quickly permeated across various fields in social sciences, particularly political communication. Based on accumulated evidence in this strand of literature, this paper briefly summarizes several established research areas. First, it highlights how social media facilitates individuals’ political expression. Second, it sheds light on how this enhanced communicative behavior has reinvigorated a more participatory society in democracy. Third, it examines social media’s democratic deficit mechanisms in regards to stagnant political knowledge acquisition. Finally, the paper offers a theoretical explanation to this lack of knowledge acquisition through the lenses of the ‘news-finds-me’ perception theory. Overall, the present manuscript explains specific ways in which social media helps and hinders the advancement of healthy democracies, thereby also providing promising guidelines for future research

    Wechselwirkungen zwischen SchilddrĂŒse, Zyklus und TrĂ€chtigkeit bei der HĂŒndin

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    Vorliegende Arbeit stellt neben einer Auswertung der zum Thema SchilddrĂŒse und Reproduktion bei Hund und Mensch zugĂ€nglichen Literatur die sonographisch erfassbare Auswirkung des Zyklus, des Metöstrus und der TrĂ€chtigkeit auf die canine SchilddrĂŒse dar. Im LiteraturĂŒberblick wurden dazu vornehmlich fĂŒr den Menschen und den Hund zum Thema SchilddrĂŒse und Reproduktion verfĂŒgbare Literaturstellen gesichtet und deren Ergebnisse im Vergleich gegenĂŒber gestellt. Hierbei wurde der Forschungsbedarf fĂŒr die Spezies Hund deutlich sichtbar. WĂ€hrend bei der Frau SchilddrĂŒsenstörungen in der gynĂ€kologischen Praxis als Unfruchtbarkeitsursache vollkommen akzeptiert und umfassend untersucht sind, fehlen in der VeterinĂ€rmedizin vergleichbare Studien in großer Zahl. Die DiversitĂ€t der wenigen tiermedizinischen Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema mit teilweise geringer Patientenanzahl lĂ€sst darĂŒber hinaus keine definitive Aussage bezĂŒglich der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung von Reproduktion und caniner SchilddrĂŒse bei der sexuell intakten HĂŒndin zu. Im praktischen Teil wurden die SchilddrĂŒsen von 7 gesunden Cockerspaniel-HĂŒndinnen im Verlauf von TrĂ€chtigkeit, Zyklus und Metöstrus im Abstand von 3-4 Tagen sonographisch untersucht. FĂŒnf weitere HĂŒndinnen wurden im gleichen Rhythmus ĂŒber den Zeitraum der LĂ€ufigkeit und des Metöstrus ĂŒberwacht. Im Verlauf dieser Untersuchungen konnten im Metöstrus und der LĂ€ufigkeit keine relevanten oder signifikanten, mit dem Zyklusgeschehen assoziierbaren, Volumenschwankungen der SchilddrĂŒse aufgezeigt werden. Im Gegensatz zum Metöstrus konnten jedoch deutliche und teilweise hochsignifikante Volumenschwankungen der SchilddrĂŒse im Verlauf der caninen GraviditĂ€t beobachtet werden. WĂ€hrend die Volumina in der ersten SchwangerschaftshĂ€lfte weitgehend konstant blieben, konnte ca. ab dem 35.-40. TrĂ€chtigkeitstag eine deutliche VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der endokrinen DrĂŒse festgestellt werden, die sich sowohl in steigenden absoluten, wie auch in weniger ausgeprĂ€gt ansteigenden relativen SchilddrĂŒsenvolumina manifestierte. Dieser Trend setzte sich jedoch im Gegensatz zur Frau nicht bis zum Ende der TrĂ€chtigkeit fort. Bereits 10 Tage vor der Geburt begannen die SchilddrĂŒsenvolumina trotz steigender Körpermasse rapide und hochsignifikant (Friedman-Test p < 0,001) zu sinken und erreichten um den Geburtstermin Minimalwerte, die grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils unter den Ausgangsvolumina vor Beginn der TrĂ€chtigkeit lagen. Unter Zuhilfenahme der maximalen SchilddrĂŒsenquerschnittsflĂ€chen in Verbindung mit den maximalen Ergebnissen der LĂ€ngenmessung konnte erstmals aufgezeigt werden, dass die VerĂ€nderungen der SchilddrĂŒsengrĂ¶ĂŸe aus einer Dickenzu- bzw. abnahme, nicht aber aus einem gesteigerten, respektive verminderten LĂ€ngenwachstum resultieren. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte vor allem vom 48. TrĂ€chtigkeitstag bis zur Geburt dargestellt werden. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der vorliegenden Daten gelang somit der Nachweis einer sonographisch darstellbaren schwangerschaftsassoziierten Beeinflussung der caninen SchilddrĂŒsenvolumina, welche in allen Zyklusphasen der nongraviden HĂŒndin fehlte
