188 research outputs found

    A critical review of recent trends, and a future perspective of optical spectroscopy as PAT in biopharmaceutical downstream processing

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    As competition in the biopharmaceutical market gets keener due to the market entry of biosimilars, process analytical technologies (PATs) play an important role for process automation and cost reduction. This article will give a general overview and address the recent innovations and applications of spectroscopic methods as PAT tools in the downstream processing of biologics. As data analysis strategies are a crucial part of PAT, the review discusses frequently used data analysis techniques and addresses data fusion methodologies as the combination of several sensors is moving forward in the field. The last chapter will give an outlook on the application of spectroscopic methods in combination with chemometrics and model predictive control (MPC) for downstream processes

    Process monitoring of virus-like particle reassembly by diafiltration with UV/Vis spectroscopy and light scattering

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    Virus‐like particles (VLPs) have shown great potential as biopharmaceuticals in the marketand in clinics. Nonenveloped, in vivo assembled VLPs are typically disassembled andreassembled in vitro to improve particle stability, homogeneity, and immunogenicity. At theindustrial scale, cross‐flow filtration (CFF) is the method of choice for performingreassembly by diafiltration. Here, we developed an experimental CFF setup with an on‐linemeasurement loop for the implementation of process analytical technology (PAT). Themeasurement loop included an ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) spectrometer as well as alight scattering photometer. These sensors allowed for monitoring protein concentration,protein tertiary structure, and protein quaternary structure. The experimental setup wastested with three Hepatitis B core Antigen (HBcAg) variants. With each variant, threereassembly processes were performed at different transmembrane pressures (TMPs).While light scattering provided information on the assembly progress, UV/Vis allowed formonitoring the protein concentration and the rate of VLP assembly based on themicroenvironment of Tyrosine‐132. VLP formation was verified by off‐line dynamic lightscattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the experi-mental results provided evidence of aggregate‐related assembly inhibition and showedthat off‐line size‐exclusion chromatography does not provide a complete picture of theparticle content. Finally, a Partial‐Least Squares (PLS) model was calibrated to predict VLPconcentrations in the process solution.Q²values of 0.947–0.984 were reached for thethree HBcAg variants. In summary, the proposed experimental setup provides a powerfulplatform for developing and monitoring VLP reassembly steps by CFF

    Process monitoring framework for cross-flow diafiltration-based virus-like particle disassembly: Tracing product properties and filtration performance

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) are an emerging biopharmaceutical modality with great potential as a platform technology. VLPs can be applied as gene therapy vectors and prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines. For non-enveloped VLPs, recombinant production of the protein subunits leads to intracellular self-assembly. The subsequent purification process includes VLP dis- and reassembly which aim at removing encapsulated impurities and improving particle properties. Filtration-based separation and processing has proven successful for VLPs but requires large product quantities and laborious experiments in early development stages. Both challenges can be tackled by implementation of process analytical technology (PAT) to efficiently obtain extensive process information. In this study, an existing PAT setup was extended to comprehensively monitor the diafiltration-based disassembly of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) VLPs. Process-related signals were monitored in-line, while product-related signals, such as ultraviolet light (UV) spectra as well as static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS), were monitored on-line. The applicability of the sensors for disassembly monitoring was evaluated under varying processing conditions. HBcAg VLP subunit concentrations were accurately predicted based on UV data using ordinary and partial least squares regression models (Q2 from 0.909 to 0.976). DLS data were used for aggregation monitoring while the SLS intensity qualitatively reflected the disassembly progress

    Integrated Process for Capture and Purification of Virus-Like Particles: Enhancing Process Performance by Cross-Flow Filtration

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) are emerging nanoscale protein assemblies applied as prophylactic vaccines and in development as therapeutic vaccines or cargo delivery systems. Downstream processing (DSP) of VLPs comes both with challenges and opportunities, depending on the complexity and size of the structures. Filtration, precipitation/re-dissolution and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) are potent technologies exploiting the size difference between product and impurities. In this study, we therefore investigated the integration of these technologies within a single unit operation, resulting in three different processes, one of which integrates all three technologies. VLPs, contained in clarified lysate from Escherichia coli, were precipitated by ammonium sulfate, washed, and re-dissolved in a commercial cross-flow filtration (CFF) unit. Processes were analyzed for yield, purity, as well as productivity and were found to be largely superior to a reference centrifugation process. Productivity was increased 2.6-fold by transfer of the wash and re-dissolution process to the CFF unit. Installation of a multimodal SEC column in the permeate line increased purity to 96% while maintaining a high productivity and high yield of 86%. In addition to these advantages, CFF-based capture and purification allows for scalable and disposable DSP. In summary, the developed set-up resulted in high yields and purities, bearing the potential to be applied as an integrated process step for capture and purification of in vivo-assembled VLPs and other protein nanoparticles

    Image analysis as PAT-Tool for use in extrusion-based bioprinting

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    The technology of bioprinting is arousing a growing interest in biopharmaceutical research and industry. In order to accelerate process development in the field of bioprinting, image-based analysis methods are non-invasive, time- and cost-saving tools which are useable for printer characterization, bioink printability evaluation, and process optimization. Image processing can also be used for the study of reproducibility, since reliable production is important in the transition from research to industrial application, and more precisely to clinical studies. This study revolves around the establishment of an automated and image-based line analysis method for bioprinting applications which enables an easy comparison of 3D-printed lines. Diverse rheological properties of bioinks and the printing process affect the geometry of the resulting object. The line represents a simple geometry, where the influence of the rheological properties and printing parameters is directly apparent. Therefore, a method for line analysis was developed on the basis of image recognition. At first, the method is tested for several substances such as Nivea®, pure and colored Kolliphor solutions, and two commercially available hydrogel formulations which can be used as bioinks. These are Biogelx™-ink-RGD by Biogelx and Cellink® Bioink by Cellink. The examination of limitations showed that transparent materials such as Kolliphor-based solutions cannot be analyzed with the developed method whereas opaque materials such as Nivea® and both bioinks can be analyzed. In the course of process characterization, the method was used to investigate the shrinkage behavior for both bionks. With the help of the line analysis tool, a shrinkage behavior of both bioinks was demonstrated and thus, process time could be identified as a critical process parameter

    Exploitation of the coil-globule plasmid DNA transition induced by small changes in temperature, pH salt, and poly(ethylene glycol) compositions for directed partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems

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    In this study, the interplay of two linked equilibria is examined, one concerning an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and salt employed to partition plasmid DNA (pDNA), and the other a potential structural transition of pDNA depending on PEG and salt concentration and other system parameters. The boundary conditions for pDNA partitioning are set by PEG and salt concentrations, PEG molecular weight, pH, and temperature. While investigating these parameters, it was found that a small increase/decrease of the respective values led to a drastic and significant change in pDNA behavior. This behavior could be attributed to a coil-globule transition of the pDNA triggered by the respective phase conditions. The combination of this structural change, aggregation effects linked to the transition process, and the electrostatic potential difference found in PEG-salt systems thus offers a sensitive way to separate nucleic acid forms on the basis of their unique property to undergo coil-globule transitions under distinct system properties

    Immobilization of β-Galactosidase by Encapsulation of Enzyme-Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Inside Hydrogel Microparticles

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    Increasing the shelf life of enzymes and making them reusable is a prominent topic in biotechnology. The encapsulation inside hydrogel microparticles (HMPs) can enhance the enzyme’s stability by preserving its native conformation and facilitating continuous biocatalytic processes and enzyme recovery. In this study, we present a method to immobilize β-galactosidase by, first, conjugating the enzyme onto the surface of polymer nanoparticles, and then encapsulating these enzyme-conjugated nanoparticles (ENPs) inside HMPs using microfluidic device paired with UV-LEDs. Polymer nanoparticles act as anchors for enzyme molecules, potentially preventing their leaching through the hydrogel network especially during swelling. The affinity binding (through streptavidin-biotin interaction) was used as an immobilization technique of β-galactosidase on the surface of polymer nanoparticles. The hydrogel microparticles of roughly 400 μm in size (swollen state) containing unbound enzyme and ENPs were produced. The effects of encapsulation and storage in different conditions were evaluated. It was discovered that the encapsulation in acrylamide (AcAm) microparticles caused an almost complete loss of enzymatic activity. Encapsulation in poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-diacrylate microparticles, on the other hand, showed a residual activity of 15–25%, presumably due to a protective effect of PEG during polymerization. One of the major factors that affected the enzyme activity was presence of photoinitiator exposed to UV-irradiation. Storage studies were carried out at room temperature, in the fridge and in the freezer throughout 1, 7 and 28 days. The polymer nanoparticles showcased excellent immobilization properties and preserved the activity of the conjugated enzyme at room temperature (115% residual activity after 28 days), while a slight decrease was observed for the unbound enzyme (94% after 28 days). Similar trends were observed for encapsulated ENPs and unbound enzyme. Nevertheless, storage at −26°C resulted in an almost complete loss of enzymatic activity for all samples

    Steric exclusion chromatography of lentiviral vectors using hydrophilic cellulose membranes

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    Enveloped viral vectors like lentiviral vectors pose purification challenges due to their low stability. A gentle purification method is considered one of the major bottlenecks for lentiviral vector bioprocessing. To overcome these challenges, a promising method is steric exclusion chromatography which has been used to purify a variety of target molecules. In this study, we successfully identified optimal process parameters for steric exclusion chromatography to purify lentiviral vectors. Lentiviral vector particle recoveries and infectious recoveries of 86% and 88%, respectively, were achieved. The process parameters optimal for steric exclusion chromatography were determined as follows: polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 4000 Da, a polyethylene glycol concentration of 12.5%, and a flow rate of 7 mL⋅min−1^{−1} using 5 layers of stabilized cellulose membranes as a stationary phase. High protein and dsDNA removal of approximately 80% were obtained. The remaining polyethylene glycol concentration in the eluate was determined. We defined the maximum loading capacity as 7.5 × 1012^{12} lentiviral particles for the lab device used and provide deeper insights into loading strategies. Furthermore, we determined critical process parameters like pressure. We demonstrated in our experiments that steric exclusion chromatography is a gentle purification method with high potential for fragile enveloped viral vectors as it yields high recoveries while efficiently removing impurities

    Structured Data Storage for Data-Driven Process Optimisation in Bioprinting

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    Bioprinting is a method to fabricate 3D models that mimic tissue. Future fields of application might be in pharmaceutical or medical context. As the number of applicants might vary between only one patient to manufacturing tissue for high-throughput drug screening, designing a process will necessitate a high degree of flexibility, robustness, as well as comprehensive monitoring. To enable quality by design process optimisation for future application, establishing systematic data storage routines suitable for automated analytical tools is highly desirable as a first step. This manuscript introduces a workflow for process design, documentation within an electronic lab notebook and monitoring to supervise the product quality over time or at different locations. Lab notes, analytical data and corresponding metadata are stored in a systematic hierarchy within the research data infrastructure Kadi4Mat, which allows for continuous, flexible data structuring and access management. To support the experimental and analytical workflow, additional features were implemented to enhance and build upon the functionality provided by Kadi4Mat, including browser-based file previews and a Python tool for the combined filtering and extraction of data. The structured research data management with Kadi4Mat enables retrospective data grouping and usage by process analytical technology tools connecting individual analysis software to machine-readable data exchange formats

    Modeling the impact of amino acid substitution in a monoclonal antibody on cation exchange chromatography

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    A vital part of biopharmaceutical research is decision making around which lead candidate should be progressed in early-phase development. When multiple antibody candidates show similar biological activity, developability aspects are taken into account to ease the challenges of manufacturing the potential drug candidate. While current strategies for developability assessment mainly focus on drug product stability, only limited information is available on how antibody candidates with minimal differences in their primary structure behave during downstream processing. With increasing time-to-market pressure and an abundance of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in development pipelines, developability assessments should also consider the ability of mAbs to integrate into the downstream platform. This study investigates the influence of amino acid substitutions in the complementarity-determining region (CDR) of a full-length IgG1 mAb on the elution behavior in preparative cation exchange chromatography. Single amino acid substitutions within the investigated mAb resulted in an additional positive charge in the light chain (L) and heavy chain (H) CDR, respectively. The mAb variants showed an increased retention volume in linear gradient elution compared with the wild-type antibody. Furthermore, the substitution of tryptophan with lysine in the H-CDR3 increased charge heterogeneity of the product. A multiscale in silico analysis, consisting of homology modeling, protein surface analysis, and mechanistic chromatography modeling increased understanding of the adsorption mechanism. The results reveal the potential effects of lead optimization during antibody drug discovery on downstream processing
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