16 research outputs found


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    Objective: Few studies have explored the diuretic property of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the antiurolithiatic property of ethanolic extract of fennel seeds in male Wistar albino rats.Methods: Prophylactic and curative urolithiasis models were used with 5 groups of 6 rats in each model. Ethanolic extract of fennel seeds in three doses 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg was used. Cystone 750 mg/kg was used as a standard drug. All drugs were administered orally. Zinc discs were surgically implanted in the bladder in all rats. After recovery, rats in the prophylactic model received three different doses of ethanolic extract of fennel seeds along with 1% ethylene glycol for 2 weeks whereas the rats in the other model received 1% ethylene glycol for 2 weeks followed by an ethanolic extract of fennel seeds in three doses for the next 2 weeks. Both models had a control group receiving 1% ethylene glycol. At the end of study period, rats were sacrificed and vesical calculi collected, weighed, and statistically evaluated using one-way ANOVA.Results: In both the models, all three doses of an extract of fennel seeds were effective in reducing stone formation as compared to control group with p<0.05. In both the models, all three test doses were comparable with cystone, but 300 mg/kg extract in prophylactic showed significance (p <0.05) when compared to standard.Conclusion: Fennel seeds can be used prophylactically as well as curatively in the treatment of urolithiasis. However, further studies and clinical trials are warranted to explore this property

    Anomalous superficial peroneal nerve with higher division: a case report

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    The superficial peroneal nerve is one of the terminal branch of common peroneal nerve. There are reports in the available literature about the variant course and distribution of this nerve. The variations of the above nerve are important and provide important information to surgeons during dissection of lower limb. In the present case a rare higher division of superficial peroneal nerve into medial and lateral branches in the leg was seen in an adult male cadaver in left lower limb. Awareness of anatomical variations of superficial peroneal nerve presented here becomes important to avoid injury in clinical situations like pain over the lateral malleolus

    Evaluation of the antipeptic ulcer activity of the seed extract of sesame (Sesamum indicum) in stress induced peptic ulcers in rats

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    Background: The peptic ulcers can be developed inside the inner lining of the stomach (gastric ulcer) or the small intestine (duodenal ulcer). Around 10% population of the world is suffering from the peptic ulcer disease. From the ancient times there is a reference about herbal extracts like Sesame indicum for the treatment of various diseases. The aim of the study is Evaluation of the anti-peptic ulcer activity of the seed extract of sesame (Sesamum indicum) in stress induced peptic ulcers in rats.Methods: The study was carried out by stress-induced ulcer model in wistar rats. The antiulcer activity of S. indicum (0.5, 1mg/kg p.o. for 7 days) was compared with standard drugs (pantoprazole). The studied parameters were mucin content, gastric volume, pH, total acidity, free acidity, ulcer index, size and number.Results: The low and high dose of S. indicum extract significantly reduced gastric mucosal lesion, mucin content, volume of gastric juice, gastric pH, free and total acidity when compared to positive control group. The high dose of S. indicum extract showed comparable results in parameters like effect on mucin content, gastric volume, pH, free acidity and total acidity with standard group. The statistical significant changes noted only in ulcer size, number and index.Conclusions: Although the high dose S. indicum (1mg/kg) group showed significant gastric protection against ulcer induced by cold restraint method. However, no clear inference can be drawn at this stage and hence there is a need for further extensive research

    The histochemical assessment of sulpho-, sialo-, and neutral-mucosubstances in fetal gastric mucosa

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    Background: Mucins are complex composition of carbohydrates and may be present as a mixture of different types. Normal distribution of mucin and its alteration in various inflammatory, benign and malignant lesions of gastrointestinal tract has aroused interest in the field of histochemistry. The main purpose of present work is to study the staining pattern and distribution of cells in different parts of fetal gastric mucosa and to correlate the nature of gastric mucins and its functional significance.  Methods: A total of 25 fetus stomach specimens (total 75 samples) one sample each from different parts of the stomach like fundus, body and pylorus, from fresh specimens. The samples were washed in normal saline, fixed in 2% calcium acetate in 10% formalin. These tissues were routinely processed and paraffin blocks were prepared. 6 m sections of these blocks were taken for histological and different histochemical staining.Results: Fetal fundic part of stomach shows increased neutral mucin in surface epithelium and foveolar cells. With combined AB pH 2.5 - PAS technique increased neutral mucin and small amount of acid mucins are observed. With AB pH 1, surface epithelium and deep glands show negative staining. Moderate alcinophilia is observed in deep foveolar cells and glandular cells. AB pH 2.5 shows alcinophilia in surface epithelium, foveolar cells and mucous neck cells indicating presence of sialomucin. Fetal pyloric part of stomach shows increased acid and neutral mucins. With pH 2.5 - PAS staining, purple staining is observed in surface epithelium, deep foveolar and pyloric glands.  Conclusion: All types of mucosubstances - neutral, sialo and sulpho-mucins, are secreted in relatively increased amounts by the surface epithelium and the glands of the stomach of the human fetus and neonate. Sulphomucin is seen mainly in the cells of the surface epithelium.  

    Rare Origin of Accessory Left Gastric Artery from Splenic Artery and Its Clinical Significance: A Case Report

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    During routine dissection of abdomen an accessory left gastric artery was found arising from the splenic artery in one out of 30 adult formalin fixed cadavers in the Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College Manipal. The origin of left gastric artery was normal. The accessory artery was running upwards behind usual left gastric artery and run along lesser curvature of the stomach and also gave oesophageal branch supplying the lower part of esophagus. Before attempting any surgical procedure on stomach or lower end of oesophagus, preoperative evaluation of the arterial pattern and variations is desirable for correct surgical approach and to reduce postoperative complications. However, accessory left gastric origin from splenic artery becomes important to be noted when the patient undergoes angiography for diagnostic bleeding or during trans catheter therapy. Knowledge about these variations is also important to be noted prior to surgery in order to prevent postoperative complications which would be fatal

    Inventory of current EU paediatric vision and hearing screening programmes

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    Background: We examined the diversity in paediatric vision and hearing screening programmes in Europe. Methods: Themes relevant for comparison of screening programmes were derived from literature and used to compile three questionnaires on vision, hearing and public-health screening. Tests used, professions involved, age and frequency of testing seem to influence sensitivity, specificity and costs most. Questionnaires were sent to ophthalmologists, orthoptists, otolaryngologists and audiologists involved in paediatric screening in all EU fullmember, candidate and associate states. Answers were cross-checked. Results: Thirty-nine countries participated; 35 have a vision screening programme, 33 a nation-wide neonatal hearing screening programme. Visual acuity (VA) is measured in 35 countries, in 71% more than once. First measurement of VA varies from three to seven years of age, but is usually before the age of five. At age three and four picture charts, including Lea Hyvarinen are used most, in children over four Tumbling-E and Snellen. As first hearing screening test otoacoustic emission (OAE) is used most in healthy neonates, and auditory brainstem response (ABR) in premature newborns. The majority of hearing testing programmes are staged; children are referred after one to four abnormal tests. Vision screening is performed mostly by paediatricians, ophthalmologists or nurses. Funding is mostly by health insurance or state. Coverage was reported as >95% in half of countries, but reporting was often not first-hand. Conclusion: Largest differences were found in VA charts used (12), professions involved in vision screening (10), number of hearing screening tests before referral (1-4) and funding sources (8)

    Anomalous origin of superior laryngeal artery from external carotid artery report

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    Abstract During routine dissection in Anatomy Department, KMC Manipal, anomalous origin of superior laryngeal artery arising from external carotid artery was observed on the right side in an adult male cadaver. Superior laryngeal artery normally is a branch of superior thyroid artery. It supplies laryngeal muscles, mucosa and glands. The origin of lingual and facial arteries normal. The courses of nerves in the carotid triangle are also normal. the left carotid arterial system. V may arise from lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal, external carotid artery or even from the common carotid artery. There are reports of rare variation of the common trunk of origin of superior laryngeal and inferior thyroid artery from the external carotid artery linguofacial trunk. Though embryogenesis of this variation is not clear, but may be important for reconstruction surgery of the larynx, laryngeal transplantation and it will also be useful to the surgeons in minimizing the post aware of these variations in the super selective intra laryngeal cancers

    A Cadaveric Study of the Origin of Sublingual Artery from Facial Artery and its Clinical Significance

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    Sublingual artery has attracted growing interest among dentists, because vascular injury to the floor of the mouth during the placement of dental implants, in oral surgery.The study was designed to evaluate the variant origin & course of the sublingual artery and its clinical significance.Present study was carried out on 30 formalin fixed adult cadavers of age varying from 35 to 60 years. The variant origin of the sublingual artery from facial artery was identified, colored and photographed. The artery was running deep to mylohyoid and crossed by mylohyoid nerve.Out of 60 specimens, (30 on right side and 30 on left side) in one of the cadaver the right sublingual artery originated from facial artery.The knowledge of variant origin of sublingual artery will conceivably contribute to safer dental implant surgery and more accurate interpretation of angiographic images of arteries in the floor of the mouth. It is also of clinical relevance to the surgeons and radiologists while performing cervicofacial reconstructive surgeries