1,583 research outputs found

    Janko Jesensky\u27s The Democrats: Translation form the Slovak with Commentary and Introduction

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Languages and Literature of Bard College

    Does Mandarin dou ever have rightward associates?

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    The Mandarin quantificational adverb dou 都 is well-known for its versatility: it occurs in a wide variety of constructions, and has a wide range of s emantic and pragmatic contributions to the meaning of the clause it occurs in, ranging from un iversal quantification, through even- type focusing, to clearly pragmatic-attitudinal functions. This pa per targets a relatively narrow segment of this wid e spectrum: those use of dou where (i) it is used with universal quantification al force, and/but (ii) the linguistic expression often associated with its qua ntification domain in the literature appears to its right in the clause, as opposed to the much more usual s cenario of its associate taking a position to its left . It is shown that the alleged associates to its ri ght are in fact not its true associates syntactically, at least not in the manner that its leftward associates are: (i) the ’personal pronoun’ construction in fact complies with the LC, making u se of covert elements; (ii) in the ’kind-denoting N P’ construction the associate of dou , providing it with a variable to bind, is the VP, rather than the kind- denoting NP; (iii) in the ’wh-pronoun’ construction dou is an adverb functioning as a discourse particle, it takes no associate, binds no variable, but modifies the meaning of the question by adding two congruency requirements (plurality, exhaustivit y). Some remaining questions are addressed in a very tentative manner in an Appendix

    Conditions on conditional mood

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    This paper argues that conditional mood morphology in Hungarian is the spellout of a morphosyntactic feature excl(w), the semantic interpretation of which is modal exclusion, i.e., counterfactuality. In certain cases (such as wishes, or CF conditionals) this feature is lexically specified on M[ood], with the direct interpretive aim of counterfactuality, while in others M has this feature unvalued, and inherits its value from the category Mod[ality] in a standard AGREE relation. The strong interrelation between M and Mod also manifests in scope phenomena earlier analysed as scope inversion between Mod and T[ense], but can now be accounted for in a more principled way. Finally, it is shown that, unlike what is found in many other languages, Hungarian cannot use tense marking as the exponent of excl(w), because its "tense" is relative, rather than deictic. Therefore, this language makes use of mood morphology to encode CF, in the particular form of conditional mood

    The Dichotomy of Election

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    Human Values for a Sustainable Future from the Czech and Slovak Perspective

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    Ľudské hodnoty zlučiteľné s udržateľným spôsobom života sú súborom hodnôt, ktorých uplatňovanie podporuje posun k udržateľnej budúcnosti. Tieto hodnoty nie sú úplne nové a nesúvisia s myšlienkou „sociálneho inžinierstva“. Práve naopak. Tvoria jadro spoločného dedičstva ľudstva od najstarších náboženstiev a kultúr až po súčasnosť. Ľudské hodnoty a environmentálna etika mali mimoriadny význam počas prvej celoeurópskej konferencie ministrov životného prostredia na zámku Dobříš pri Prahe (1991). Túto konferenciu inicioval Josef Vavroušek: bývalý československý minister životného prostredia. Vzhľadom na túto skutočnosť sa Josef Vavroušek zvykne nazývať otcom procesu „Životné prostredie pre Európu“. Tento článok je venovaný jeho pamiatke.Human values compatible with a sustainable way of living are a set of values, the implementation of which promote the shift towards sustainable future. These values are not completely new and are not related to the idea of “social engineering”. Just opposite. They create the core of the common heritage of Mankind, since the oldest religious and cultures until today. Human values and environmental ethics were of particular importance during the first Pan-European Environmental Ministers Conference at Dobříš Castle near Prague (1991). This conference was initiated by Josef Vavroušek: former Czechoslovak Minister of the Environment. Due to this fact, Josef Vavroušek used to be called the father of the “Environment for Europe”. This article is dedicated to his memory

    Mándy György professzor születésének centenáriumán

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    A new mechatronic vibration isolation system has been developed on the basis of system theory. The methods of this theory allow the typical mechanic reference problem in measuring and control easier to manage. This new mechatronic equipment integrates mechanics, pneumatics and electronics in synergetic co-operation. The electronic control is responsible for the dynamic behaviour and the special computing transfer block for the real time interaction and compensation of floor vibration disturbances

    An Analysis of various web tracking methods

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    The accurate tracking of web clients has historically been a difficult problem. Accurate tracking can be used to monitor the activity of attackers which would otherwise be anonymous. Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, there is no built-in method for tracking clients. Many methods have been developed for this purpose; however they primarily rely on the cooperation of the client and are limited to the current session and are not designed to track a client long-term or through different environments. This paper takes an in-depth look at the most popular methods of tracking web users and how well they preserve information when a client attempts to remove them. Each method is evaluated based on the amount of unique information they provide and how easy a client can defeat the method. The tracking methods are then combined using a profiling algorithm to correlate all of the available information into a single profile. The algorithm is designed with different weights for each method, allowing for environmental flexibility. Test results demonstrate that this approach accurately determines the correct profile for a client in situations where the individual methods alone could not

    The Nature of Object Agreement in Hungarian

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    After a short review of dynamic phenomena, identification and analyses concerning the aerospace structures, some general remedies will be discussed. In the second part of the lecture, some selected special problems and the corresponding solutions will be presented