3 research outputs found

    Ocupación del Oso Andino Tremarctos ornatus en el Área de Conservación Regional Choquequirao, Cusco

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    El conocimiento de espacios de hábitat del oso andino dentro del Área de Conservación Regional (ACR) Choquequirao, son indispensables para un manejo sostenible. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar la ocupación de oso andino en el ACR Choquequirao, mediante modelos de ocupación para determinar el hábitat potencial de oso andino y las presiones 2 que afectan al hábitat de la especie. Para este fin se realizaron 18 cuadrantes de 16km , se procesó la información SIG e imágenes satelitales, para determinar el hábitat potencial de oso andino, de acuerdo a la cobertura vegetal del ACR. Los resultados indican que el 66% del área es su hábitat potencial. Sin embargo, esta área está siendo fragmentada por acciones antrópicas (poblaciones aledañas y carreteras). La presión que afecta en mayor medida al hábitat del oso andino dentro del ACR, es la presencia de ganado en un 40% del ACR Choquequirao, y se superpone en un 59% al área ocupada por el oso andino, conllevando esto a un posible conflicto oso-hombre. El Área de Conservación Regional Choquequirao, cuenta con un gran porcentaje de hábitats potenciales para el oso andino Sin embargo, está siendo amenazada por factores antrópicos

    Indigenous lands are better for amphibian biodiversity conservation than immigrant-managed agricultural lands: a case study from Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru

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    The efficacy of protected areas is tied to the management of surrounding areas. Still, the importance of buffer zones for biodiversity conservation is overlooked. Manu Biosphere Reserve is one of the most biodiverse places on earth, yet destructive land-use practices are degrading the ecological integrity of its buffer zone. To better understand the importance of different land-uses within Manu’s buffer zone for biodiversity conservation, we assessed amphibian communities across a land-use gradient in the buffer zone (immigrant agricultural land, forests used by three Indigenous communities, and a regenerating forest), in addition to a reference site in its core protected area. We surveyed six sites and sampled amphibian communities using visual encounter surveys and leaf litter searches over dry and wet seasons. Overall, in 2249 ha surveyed of the buffer zone, we recorded 70 amphibian species (57% of the 124 species recorded in the Manu Biosphere Reserve from the same elevational range within our study). Species richness, evenness, and diversity of amphibians decreased with habitat degradation and were lowest in the agricultural land. Conversely, the richness and diversity of amphibians in the regenerating forest and the Indigenous communities’ forests were similar to that of the core protected area, and each had a relatively unique community composition, whereas the agricultural land was dominated by generalist species. Our results suggest that increasing degradation through expanding agriculture traditionally adopted by immigrant communities could significantly threaten biodiversity within the buffer zone. However, our findings also underscore the high potential of buffer zones managed by Indigenous communities for biodiversity conservation. A combination of sustainable livelihood activities, cultural practices, and forest protection, as observed in many Indigenous communities, is critical to fulfilling the role of a Biosphere Reserve—to reconcile the conservation of biological and cultural diversity while improving social and economic development

    Clima social familiar y resiliencia en estudiantes peruanos de educación primaria

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    Objective: Determine the relationship between family environment and resilience in Peruvian primary school students. Materials and methods: The research had a quantitative approach, a non-experimental design, and was descriptive-correlational-transectional. The sample consisted of 142 students from the fifth and sixth grades of primary education to whom the Family Environment Scale and the Inventory of Personal Resilience Factors were applied, instruments with adequate levels of reliability and validity. Subsequently, the responses were systematized using the SPSS® version 22 program. Results: 31.7% of the students were characterized by perceiving that the family environment where they operate is adequate and 42.3% have moderately developed their resilience. On the other hand, it was found that there is a direct statistically significant relationship between both study variables (rho= 0.589; p<0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary to manage the presence of specialists to develop workshops and talks where they promote reflection in parents about the importance of maintaining a favorable family dynamic, where interrelationships are based on respect, responsibility, solidarity, and empathy. On the other hand, teachers, and psychologists, through mentoring and accompaniment work, will be able to develop psychoeducational strategies to improve the resilience of students, which will be beneficial, not only academically, but also in a personal, family, social, and in the future, at the labor level.Objetivo: Determinar la relación que existe entre el clima social familiar y la resiliencia en los estudiantes peruanos de educación primaria. Materiales y métodos: La investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, un diseño no experimental y fue de tipo descriptivo, correlacional - transeccional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 142 estudiantes del quinto y sexto grado de educación primaria a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Clima Social Familiar y el Inventario de Factores Personales de Resiliencia, instrumentos con adecuados niveles de confiabilidad y validez. Posteriormente, las respuestas fueron sistematizadas mediante el uso del programa SPSS® versión 22. Resultados: El 31,7% de los estudiantes se caracterizaron por percibir que el clima social familiar donde se desenvuelven es adecuado y el 42,3% han desarrollado de manera moderada su resiliencia. Por otro lado, se halló que existe una relación directa estadísticamente significativa entre ambas variables de estudio (rho= 0,589; p<0,05). Conclusiones: Es necesario gestionar la presencia de especialistas para que desarrollen talleres y charlas donde promuevan la reflexión en los padres de familia sobre la importancia de mantener una dinámica familiar favorable, donde las interrelaciones se basen en el respeto, la responsabilidad, la solidaridad y empatía. Por otra parte, los docentes y psicólogos, mediante el trabajo en tutoría y acompañamiento, podrán desarrollar estrategias psicoeducativas para mejorar la capacidad de resiliencia de los estudiantes, lo cual será beneficioso, no solo académicamente, sino en a nivel personal, familiar, social y en el futuro, a nivel laboral