14 research outputs found

    Assessing the thermal stability of laser powder bed fused AlSi10Mg by short-period thermal exposure

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    Laser powder bed fused (LPBFed) AlSi10Mg is recognised for its superior mechanical properties. However, its thermal stability has never been justified. Herein, we exposed as-built AlSi10Mg to different temperatures (200–500°C) for only 3 min to evaluate its thermal stability. Results showed that LPBFed AlSi10Mg had relatively low thermal stability. Only 3 min of thermal exposure at 200°C would deteriorate its tensile strength dramatically. Microstructural analysis revealed that with increasing thermal input, as-built AlSi10Mg exhibited a microstructural evolution similar to annealing of cold-worked metals, namely recovery, recrystallisation followed by grain-growth. The excessive energy stored in as-built microstructure due to fast cooling during LPBF was deduced as the driving force for this phenomenon. Therefore, such microstructural change was at the expense of dislocations stored in the as-built material, which in turn caused deterioration in tensile strength. The present findings may provide guidance for the application of LPBFed AlSi10Mg

    Enhanced bending-tuned magnetic properties in epitaxial cobalt ferrite nanopillar arrays on flexible substrates

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    Herein, large-scale epitaxial (111) CoFe2O4 nanopillar arrays with an average nanopillar diameter of ∼40–60 nm and thicknesses of 26–700 nm have been obtained on flexible fluorophlogopite substrates by chemically etching the vertically aligned self-assembled CoFe2O4:MgO nanocomposite thin films. The chemical etching process has not affected the crystalline quality of the CoFe2O4 phase, but results in volume shrinkage through the removal of the surrounding MgO phase. Compared with the planar CoFe2O4 films, the nanopillar arrays show sharply declined coercivity and enhanced saturation magnetization. Even the thinnest nanoisland-shaped arrays (∼26 nm) retain a relatively high saturation magnetization (∼90 emu cc−1), nonzero coercivity (∼250 Oe), and remanence (∼30 emu cc−1), which are promising for the requirements of weak ferromagnetism in flexible devices. With an increase in the bending radius, a strong and monotonous increase in saturation/remanent magnetization has been found in the nanopillar arrays. This reveals that the bending-induced shape anisotropy as well as the intrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy mainly dominate the tunable magnetic properties in the CoFe2O4 nanopillar arrays. With strong bending, the increment of remanent magnetization in the nanopillar arrays can be as high as 98%, exhibiting the huge potential of these nanopillar arrays in future applications such as in bending sensors and related devices

    Flexible Lithium Ferrite Nanopillar Arrays for Bending Stable Microwave Magnetism

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    Recent development in magnetic nanostructures has promoted flexible electronics into the application of integrated devices. However, the magnetic properties of flexible devices strongly depend on the bending states. In order to realize the design of new flexible devices driven by an external field, the first step is to make the magnetic properties insensitive to the bending. Herein, a series of LiFe5O8 nanopillar arrays were fabricated, whose microwave magnetic properties can be modulated by tuning the nanostructure. This work demonstrates that nanostructure engineering is useful to control the bending sensitivity of microwave magnetism and further design stable flexible devices

    Seasonal Variation and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM2.5 during Winter and Summer over Xi'an, China

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    In this study, 24 h PM2.5 (particles with an equivalent diameter equal to or below 2.5 mu m) samples were collected in winter and summer in Xi'an, Northwestern China to characterize the seasonal variations of eleven elements (As, Cd, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Mo, Pb, Ni, Zn, and Cu) and to evaluate their health risks by using the US EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) method. Mass concentrations of the elements (except Ni) in winter were much higher than those in summer, with similar variations for both seasons. The levels of elements followed a decreasing order of K > Zn > Fe > Pb > Cr > As > Mn > Cu > Mo > Ni > Cd. According to the enrichment factor (EF) analysis, the highest EF value for Cd inferred that it should be linked with the metal smelting and other anthropogenic sources. In contrast, the EF values of K and Mn (1 < EF < 5) suggested that they were influenced by both natural and anthropogenic sources. The daily average exposure dose for children and adults by different exposure pathways were both ingestion > dermal contact > inhalation. The non-cancer risks for different exposure pathways showed different orders. The non-cancer risks (hazard quotients) were lower than the average risk threshold (1.0) except for As, Pb, and Cr, which require greater attention. Elements of As and Cr were higher than the cancer risk threshold value (1 x 10(-6)), indicating that the cancer risks of PM2.5 elements in Xi'an should be a concern

    IL-1β-mediated inflammatory responses in intervertebral disc degeneration: Mechanisms, signaling pathways, and therapeutic potential

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) has been widely recognized as the primary cause of low back pain and is one of the major chronic diseases imposing a severe socioeconomic burden worldwide. IDD is a degenerative process characterized by inflammatory responses, and its underlying pathological mechanisms remain complex. Genetic, developmental, biochemical, and biomechanical factors contribute to the development of IDD. There is a pressing need for an effective non-surgical treatment, mainly due to the lack of comprehensive understanding of the specific mechanisms involved and the effective therapeutic targets for IDD. Recently, interleukin (IL)-1β has been recognized as an essential inflammatory factor and a key mediator of the inflammatory process in IDD. Current studies have found that IL-1β is mainly involved in IDD by affecting the metabolism of the extracellular matrix and regulating cell death (RCD), such as apoptosis, pyroptosis, and ferroptosis (a new form of RCD). Although analysis of clinical samples from different laboratories confirmed how IL-1β is induced in IDD, its specific signal transduction pathway, and the inflammatory role mediated in IDD remains unclear. This review describes the molecules and mechanisms involved in IL-1β-mediated inflammatory responses, and their roles in resolving the inflammatory process in IDD. Understanding the signaling pathways involved in IL-1β may lead to a new class of targets that promote remission for IDD patients. This review aims to provide a framework for the treatment of IDD by analyzing the signaling mechanism and function related to IL-1β, especially in terms of inflammation, matrix metabolism, and cell death regulation

    A Strategy to Modulate the Bending Coupled Microwave Magnetism in Nanoscale Epitaxial Lithium Ferrite for Flexible Spintronic Devices

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    With the development of flexible electronics, the mechanical flexibility of functional materials is becoming one of the most important factors that needs to be considered in materials selection. Recently, flexible epitaxial nanoscale magnetic materials have attracted increasing attention for flexible spintronics. However, the knowledge of the bending coupled dynamic magnetic properties is poor when integrating the materials in flexible devices, which calls for further quantitative analysis. Herein, a series of epitaxial LiFe5O8 (LFO) nanostructures are produced as research models, whose dynamic magnetic properties are characterized by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements. LFO films with different crystalline orientations are discussed to determine the influence from magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Moreover, LFO nanopillar arrays are grown on flexible substrates to reveal the contribution from the nanoscale morphology. It reveals that the bending tunability of the FMR spectra highly depends on the demagnetization field energy of the sample, which is decided by the magnetism and the shape factor in the nanostructure. Following this result, LFO film with high bending tunability of microwave magnetic properties, and LFO nanopillar arrays with stable properties under bending are obtained. This work shows guiding significances for the design of future flexible tunable/stable microwave magnetic devices

    Efficient thermal dissipation in wafer-scale heterogeneous integration of single-crystalline β-Ga2O3 thin film on SiC

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    The semiconductor, β-Ga2O3 is attractive for applications in high power electronic devices with low conduction loss due to its ultra-wide bandgap (∼4.9 eV) and large Baliga's figure of merit. However, the thermal conductivity of β-Ga2O3 is much lower than that of other wide/ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors, such as SiC and GaN, which results in the deterioration of β-Ga2O3-based device performance and reliability due to self-heating. To overcome this problem, a scalable thermal management strategy was proposed by heterogeneously integrating wafer-scale single-crystalline β-Ga2O3 thin films on a highly thermally conductive SiC substrate. Characterization of the transferred β-Ga2O3 thin film indicated a uniform thickness to within ±2.01%, a smooth surface with a roughness of 0.2 nm, and good crystalline quality with an X-ray rocking curves (XRC) full width at half maximum of 80 arcsec. Transient thermoreflectance measurements were employed to investigate the thermal properties. The thermal performance of the fabricated β-Ga2O3/SiC heterostructure was effectively improved in comparison with that of the β-Ga2O3 bulk wafer, and the effective thermal boundary resistance could be further reduced to 7.5 m2K/GW by a post-annealing process. Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were fabricated on both a β-Ga2O3/SiC heterostructured material and a β-Ga2O3 bulk wafer. Infrared thermal imaging revealed the temperature increase of the SBDs on β-Ga2O3/SiC to be one quarter that on the β-Ga2O3 bulk wafer with the same applied power, which suggests that the combination of the β-Ga2O3 thin film and SiC substrate with high thermal conductivity promotes heat dissipation in β-Ga2O3-based devices