130 research outputs found

    Évolution de la qualitĂ© de vie sous traitement des patients atteints de maladie bulleuse auto-immune

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    Les maladies bulleuses auto-immunes (MBAI) sont associĂ©es Ă  une altĂ©ration non nĂ©gligeable de la qualitĂ© de vie (QDV). L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’évolution de la QDV sous traitement des patients atteints de MBAI et si elle Ă©tait corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  l’évolution clinique de la maladie. MĂ©thode : 171 patients atteints de pemphigoĂŻde bulleuse (PB), de pemphigus ou de pemphigoĂŻde des muqueuses (MMP) ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans une Ă©tude multicentrique prospective. 103 patients Ă©taient dĂ©jĂ  traitĂ©s au moment de l’inclusion (cas prĂ©valents) et 68 patients Ă©taient nouvellement diagnostiquĂ©s (cas incidents) et suivis prospectivement pendant 6 mois. La QDV a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  l’inclusion chez tous les patients et Ă  6 mois chez les patients incidents, via les scores DLQI, ABQOL et TABQOL. Les scores de QDV ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s entre patients prĂ©valents et incidents, et entre patients incidents entre l’inclusion et le 6Ăšme mois. Enfin il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© la corrĂ©lation entre scores de QDV et scores objectifs de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© (PB : BPDAI, pemphigus : PDAI, MMP : MMPDAI). RĂ©sultats : Les scores objectifs de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© s’amĂ©lioraient nettement lors du suivi Ă  M6 pour les PB (BPDAI -88%) et les pemphigus (PDAI -86.8%), en moindre mesure pour les MMP (MMPDAI -58.6%). En comparaison aux scores de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© clinique, les scores de QDV baissaient mais de façon deux fois moindre lors du suivi Ă  M6, pour les pemphigus (ABQOL -43.6%) et les PB (ABQOL -38.8%). Les MMP prĂ©sentaient une faible amĂ©lioration de leurs scores de QDV. La corrĂ©lation entre scores de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© clinique et de QDV Ă©tait moyenne dans le groupe des PB (R=0.57) et des pemphigus (R=0.39), nulle dans le groupe des MMP (R=0.14). Conclusion : La QDV des patients atteints de PB et de pemphigus s’amĂ©liore de façon nettement moindre que les scores de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© clinique. L’amĂ©lioration de la QDV est encore plus faible pour les MMP. Ces donnĂ©es sont essentielles Ă  connaĂźtre pour le soignant, qui ne doit pas se limiter seulement Ă  l’amĂ©lioration clinique constatĂ©e

    Prise en charge des carcinomes Ă©pidermoĂŻdes cutanĂ©es localisĂ©s aux membres infĂ©rieurs. Étude d’une cohorte de 100 patients

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    International audienceLe CEC survient principalement chez des personnes ĂągĂ©es et entraĂźne une morbiditĂ© non nĂ©gligeable du fait de ses localisations et de son potentiel mĂ©tastatique. Les CEC localisĂ©s aux membres infĂ©rieurs ont des caractĂ©ristiques cliniques distinctes. Le traitement de rĂ©fĂ©rence est la chirurgie et en cas de contre-indication, la radiothĂ©rapie est une alternative thĂ©rapeutique possible mais cette prise en charge peut s’avĂ©rer dĂ©licate en cas de localisation Ă  la jambe, de pathologies vasculaires ou de comorbiditĂ©s, entraĂźnant un retard de cicatrisation. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer quels Ă©taient les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’absence de cicatrisation Ă  6 mois aprĂšs traitement

    Prise en charge des carcinomes Ă©pidermoĂŻdes cutanĂ©es localisĂ©s aux membres infĂ©rieurs. Étude d’une cohorte de 100 patients

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    International audienceLe CEC survient principalement chez des personnes ĂągĂ©es et entraĂźne une morbiditĂ© non nĂ©gligeable du fait de ses localisations et de son potentiel mĂ©tastatique. Les CEC localisĂ©s aux membres infĂ©rieurs ont des caractĂ©ristiques cliniques distinctes. Le traitement de rĂ©fĂ©rence est la chirurgie et en cas de contre-indication, la radiothĂ©rapie est une alternative thĂ©rapeutique possible mais cette prise en charge peut s’avĂ©rer dĂ©licate en cas de localisation Ă  la jambe, de pathologies vasculaires ou de comorbiditĂ©s, entraĂźnant un retard de cicatrisation. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer quels Ă©taient les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’absence de cicatrisation Ă  6 mois aprĂšs traitement

    Breeding for mixed cropping – New concepts developed within ReMIX

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    A contribution to an online conference in the framework of the EU H2020 project LIVESEED dealing with the producer-associate concept and key traits

    Partnerwahl fĂŒr die Erbse

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    Das Rattern der Siebmaschine sind die Mitarbeiter*innen der gzpk mittlerweile gewohnt. Dieses Jahr mussten jedoch besonders viele Erbsen-Getreide-Gemenge fein sÀuberlich in die einzelnen Körnerbestandteile aufgetrennt werden, denn europaweit wird nach den passenden Partnern zwischen Leguminosen und Getreide gesucht

    Breeding methodologies for mixed cropping using barley-pea mixtures as a model system

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    Mixed cropping is the simultaneous cultivation of different crop species in the same field at the same time. Especially combina-tions of legume with non-legume plants provide agronomic advan-tages, such as increased productivity and higher yield stability under low-inputs conditions. In mixed cropping, choosing the right cultivars is crucial for the performance of the crop, as shown for e.g. maize with bean by Hoppe (2016). As performance in pure stand can strongly diverge from performance in mixture, estimating the ability of a cultivar to be mixed with another crop is therefore of utmost importance. For this purpose, concepts of general and specific combining abili-ty from hybrid breeding have been adapted to cultivar and crop mixtures. Thus, these effects are called general mixing ability (GMA) and specific mixing ability (SMA). The harvest of most inter-specific mixtures can be separated due to different grain sizes. This fact allows to access valuable information about competition and facilitation among mixing partners, leading to diviating fraction yields. Until now, statistical deve-lopments have neglected to mobilize the additional information provided by these separated harvest lots. The concept of producer- and associate-effects (abbreviated Pr and As) describes interac-tions between varieties in this context. The Pr is the average per-formance of a cultivar grown in mixture with a companion crop, whereas As is the average effect of a cultivar on the respective mixing partner. However, in the past the Pr/As-concept has only been applied to variety mixtures of the same species, sown in alternate row trials. We used the fraction yields of a spring-pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spring-barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mixed cropping experiment to determine Pr and As of different pea ge-notypes. The additional information provided by this approach is biologically more informative than GMA/SMA estimates, since it better reflects competition and facilitation occurring between different cultivars of the two crop-species. Plant material comprised 28 pea- (plus 4 mixtures) and 7 barley- (plus 1 mixture) cultivars. The genotypes were chosen in a way to maximise morphological diversity and origin (breeding programs). A subset of all possible combinations was sown: 56 bi-specific pea-barley mixtures were arranged in an incomplete factorial design (Figure 1). Mixtures and pure stands were sown in 7.5 mÂČ plots with two repetitions at two locations in Switzerland. Harvested grains were separated into pea and barley fractions. Variance components for both the GMA/SMA and the Pr/As model were estimated within a mixed model framework with best linear unbi-ased prediction. GMA of pea cultivars, SMA (interaction of pea cultivar with barley cultivar) and the error term were set as rand-om variables. The random effects were assumed of having a mean of 0 and being normally distributed. In analogy, Pr and As effects were estimated with the pea and barley component yields as de-pendent variables, respectively. Potential functional traits, such as early vigour of pea, were measured and evaluated using corre-lation analysis to relate them to GMA, Pr and As effects. When prerequisites for parametric test procedures were not fulfilled, non-parametric tests (e.g. Spearman rank-correlation) were ap-plied . The proportion of GMA variance of pea is the variance in mixture yield explained by the presence of a given pea cultivar in mixture. We found this variance to be predominant over SMA variance (the variance due to interaction of pea and barley cultivars). Our analy-ses yielded variance components of GMA pea ≈40%, SMA ≈10%, residual ≈50%. There was a significant negative correlation between the pea Pr and it’s As with Spearman’s rs = -0.47. How-ever, few individual pea genotypes were found with positive Pr and positive As. The As of pea were correlated over locations (RÂČ=0.48). The GMA of pea was not significantly correlated with early vigour of pea (rs = 0.21), whereas As of pea had a significant negative correlation with this trait (rs = -0.36). The GMA approach, based on the testcross methodology from hybrid breeding is a valuable tool to determine mixing ability in pea-barley mixtures. This potential is further pronounced by our finding that pea GMA variance is predominant over SMA variance, indicating the potential for breeding for mixed cropping. The GMA approach can be extended using the Pr/As concept for under-standing trait influences on mixture behaviour. We observe a ne-gative correlation between Pr and As effects, indicating a trade-off between a cultivar’s performance and its companion-crop’s per-formance as observed also by Forst (2018) for wheat cultivar mix-tures. However, our data suggests room for genetic improvement, e.g. by selecting deviating genotypes with both positive Pr and As effects. As effects were correlated over locations, indicating an underlying heritable component. Early vigour of pea was not cor-related with GMA, however, it significantly negatively correlated with pea’s As effect (its effect on the barley yield), indicating the surplus of precision and information on trait-performance relati-onships that the Pr/As-concept gives compared to the GMA con-cept. The results allow us to seize the effects of cultivar choice in the performance of crop mixtures allow researchers to propose breeding schemes and experimental designs for improving pea-barley mixtures. Acknowledgments The project ReMIX “Redesigning European cropping systems based on species mixtures” is funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Inno-vation Programme (grant agreement No 727217) and the Swiss State Sec-retariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI, contract number 17.00091). We thank GetreidezĂŒchtung Peter Kunz, Agroscope Reckenholz and Stefan Rindisbacher for their contribution acknowledged. References Bedoussac L, Journet E-P, Hauggaard-Nielsen H, Naudin C, Corre-Hellou G, Steen Jensen E, Prieur L, Justes E (2015) Ecological principles underlying the increase of productivity achieved by cereal-grain legume intercrops in organic farming. A review. Agron Sust Dev 35: 911–935. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-014-0277-7 Federer W (1993) Statistical design and analysis for intercropping experi-ments, Vol I: Two crops. Springer, New York. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-9305-4 Forst E (2018) DĂ©veloppement de mĂ©thodes d’estimation de l’aptitude au mĂ©lange pour la prĂ©diction des performances et la sĂ©lection de mĂ©langes variĂ©taux chez le blĂ© tendre et co-conception d’idĂ©otypes de mĂ©langes adaptĂ©s Ă  l’agriculture biologique. UniversitĂ© Paris Saclay. Hoppe C (2016) Entwicklung von Energiemaissorten fĂŒr die Mischkultur mt Stangenbohnen. PhD Thesis, NiedersĂ€chsische Staats-und UniversitĂ€tsbib-liothek Göttingen
