116,098 research outputs found

    Apollo gastrointestinal analysis

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    Fecal bile acid patterns for the Apollo 17 flight were studied to determine the cause of diarrhea on the mission. The fecal sterol analysis gave no indication of an infectious diarrhea, or specific, or nonspecific etiology occurring during the entire flight. It is assumed that the gastrointestinal problems encountered are the consequences of altered physiology, perhaps secondary to physical or emotional stress of flight

    Neutrino oscillations in de Sitter space-time

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    We try to understand flavor oscillations and to develop the formulae for describing neutrino oscillations in de Sitter space-time. First, the covariant Dirac equation is investigated under the conformally flat coordinates of de Sitter geometry. Then, we obtain the exact solutions of the Dirac equation and indicate the explicit form of the phase of wave function. Next, the concise formulae for calculating the neutrino oscillation probabilities in de Sitter space-time are given. Finally, The difference between our formulae and the standard result in Minkowski space-time is pointed out.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the superconducting gap symmetry in Fe-based superconductors

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    The superconducting gap is the fundamental parameter that characterizes the superconducting state, and its symmetry is a direct consequence of the mechanism responsible for Cooper pairing. Here we discuss about angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of the superconducting gap in the Fe-based high-temperature superconductors. We show that the superconducting gap is Fermi surface dependent and nodeless with small anisotropy, or more precisely, a function of momentum. We show that while this observation is inconsistent with weak coupling approaches for superconductivity in these materials, it is well supported by strong coupling models and global superconducting gaps. We also suggest that the strong anisotropies measured by other probes sensitive to the residual density of states are not related to the pairing interaction itself, but rather emerge naturally from the smaller lifetime of the superconducting Cooper pairs that is a direct consequence of the momentum dependent interband scattering inherent to these materials.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of temperature fluctuations on plasma turbulence investigations with Langmuir probes

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    The reliability of Langmuir probe measurements for plasma-turbulence investigations is studied on GEMR gyro-fluid simulations and compared with results from conditionally sampled I-V characteristics as well as self-emitting probe measurements in the near scrape-off layer of the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade. In this region, simulation and experiment consistently show coherent in-phase fluctuations in density, plasma potential and also in electron temperature. Ion-saturation current measurements turn out to reproduce density fluctuations quite well. Fluctuations in the floating potential, however, are strongly influenced by temperature fluctuations and, hence, are strongly distorted compared to the actual plasma potential. These results suggest that interpreting floating as plasma-potential fluctuations while disregarding temperature effects is not justified near the separatrix of hot fusion plasmas. Here, floating potential measurements lead to corrupted results on the ExB dynamics of turbulent structures in the context of, e.g., turbulent particle and momentum transport or instability identification on the basis of density-potential phase relations

    Hertz-level Measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2-3d 2D5/2 Clock Transition Frequency With Respect to the SI Second through GPS

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    We report a frequency measurement of the clock transition of a single ^40Ca^+ ion trapped and laser cooled in a miniature ring Paul trap with 10^-15 level uncertainty. In the measurement, we used an optical frequency comb referenced to a Hydrogen maser, which was calibrated to the SI second through the Global Positioning System (GPS). Two rounds of measurements were taken in May and June 2011, respectively. The frequency was measured to be 411 042 129 776 393.0(1.6) Hz with a fractional uncertainty of 3.9{\times}10^-15 in a total averaging time of > 2{\times}10^6 s within 32 days