596 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional co-culture of mesenchymal stromal cells and differentiated osteoblasts on human bio-derived bone scaffolds supports active multi-lineage hematopoiesis in vitro: Functional implication of the biomimetic HSC niche.

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    Recent studies have indicated that the hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HSPC) niche, consisting of two major crucial components, namely osteoblasts (OBs) and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), is responsible for the fate of HSPCs. Thus, closely mimicking the HSPC niche ex vivo may be an efficient strategy with which to develop new culture strategies to specifically regulate the balance between HSPC self-renewal and proliferation. The aim of this study was to establish a novel HSPC three-dimensional culture system by co-culturing bone marrow-derived MSCs and OBs differentiated from MSCs without any cytokines as feeder cells and applying bio-derived bone from human femoral metaphyseal portion as the scaffold. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the excellent biocompatibility of bio-derived bone with bone marrow-derived MSCs and OBs differentiated from MSCs. Western blot analysis revealed that many cytokines, which play key roles in HSPC regulation, were comprehensively secreted, while ELISA revealed that extracellular matrix molecules were also highly expressed. Hoechst 33342/propidium iodide fluorescence staining proved that our system could be used to supply a long-term culture of HSPCs. Flow cytometric analysis and qPCR of p21 expression demonstrated that our system significantly promoted the self-renewal and ex vivo expansion of HSPCs. Colony-forming unit (CFU) and long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) assays confirmed that our system has the ability for both the expansion of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HPCs) and the maintenance of a primitive cell subpopulation of HSCs. The severe-combined immunodeficient mouse repopulating cell assay revealed the promoting effects of our system on the expansion of long-term primitive transplantable HSCs. In conclusion, our system may be a more comprehensive and balanced system which not only promotes the self-renewal and ex vivo expansion of HSPCs, but also maintains primitive HPCs with superior phenotypic and functional attributes

    Unravelling the Correlation of Electronic Structure and Carrier Dynamics in CuInS\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Nanoparticles

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    In this work, we report the direct correlation of photoinduced carrier dynamics and electronic structure of CuInS2 (CIS) nanoparticles (NPs) using the combination of multiple spectroscopic techniques including steady-state X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), optical transient absorption (OTA), and X-ray transient (XTA) absorption spectroscopy. XAS results show that CIS NPs contain a large amount of surface Cu atoms with ≪four-coordination, which is more severe in CIS NPs with shorter nucleation times, indicating the presence of more Cu defect states in CIS NPs with smaller size particles. Using the combination of OTA and XTA spectroscopy, we show that electrons are trapped at states with mainly In or S nature while holes are trapped in sites characteristic of Cu. While there is no direct correlation of ultrafast trapping dynamics with NP nucleation time, charge recombination is significantly inhibited in CIS NPs with larger particles. These results suggest the key roles that Cu defect sites play in carrier dynamics and imply the possibility to control the carrier dynamics by controlling the surface structure at the Cu site in CIS NPs

    Unravelling the Correlation of Electronic Structure and Carrier Dynamics in CuInS2 Nanoparticles

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    In this work, we report the direct correlation of photoinduced carrier dynamics and electronic structure of CuInS2 (CIS) nanoparticles (NPs) using the combination of multiple spectroscopic techniques including steady-state X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), optical transient absorption (OTA), and X-ray transient (XTA) absorption spectroscopy. XAS results show that CIS NPs contain a large amount of surface Cu atoms with ≪four-coordination, which is more severe in CIS NPs with shorter nucleation times, indicating the presence of more Cu defect states in CIS NPs with smaller size particles. Using the combination of OTA and XTA spectroscopy, we show that electrons are trapped at states with mainly In or S nature while holes are trapped in sites characteristic of Cu. While there is no direct correlation of ultrafast trapping dynamics with NP nucleation time, charge recombination is significantly inhibited in CIS NPs with larger particles. These results suggest the key roles that Cu defect sites play in carrier dynamics and imply the possibility to control the carrier dynamics by controlling the surface structure at the Cu site in CIS NPs

    Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Glass Fibre Dispersion in an Internally Spout-Fluidised Bed for Thermoplastic Composite Processing

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    Large eddy simulation (LES) has been conducted to investigate glass fibre dispersion in an internally spout-fluidised bed with draft tube and disk-baffle, which was used in the manufacture of long glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites. The LES results have demonstrated that the internally spout-fluidised bed with draft tube and disk-baffle can remarkably improve its hydrody-namic behaviour, which can effectively disperse fibre bundles and promote pre-impregnation with resin powder in manufacturing fibre reinforced thermoplastics. The hydrodynamics of the spout-fluidised bed has been investigated and reported in a previous paper (Hosseini et al., 2009). This study attempts to reveal important features of fibre dispersion and correlations between the fibre disper-sion and the characteristics of turbulence in the internally spout-fluidised bed using the LES modelling, focusing on the likely hydro-dynamic impact on fibre dispersion. The simulation has clearly indicated that there exists a strong interaction between the turbulent shear flow and transported fibres in the spout-fluidised bed. Fibre entrainment is strongly correlated with the local vorticity distribu-tion. The dispersion of fibres was modelled by a species transport equation in the LES simulation. The turbulent kinetic energy, Rey-nolds stress and strain rate were obtained by statistical analysis of the LES results. The LES results also clearly show that addition of the internals in the spout-fluidised bed can significantly change the turbulent flow features and local vorticity distribution, enhancing the capacity and efficiency of fibre flocs dispersion

    Numerical simulation and analytical models for thin film CdTe layers deposited by an inline AP-metalorganic chemical vapour deposition process

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    The metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) as an attractive method for depositing CdTe and other group II-VI compound thin films has been widely used for fabrication of optoelectronic devices, including photovoltaic solar cells. The thin film deposition of CdTe layer on a substrate with dimethylcadmium (DMCd) and diisopropyltelluride (DIPTe) as precursors has been investigated both numerically and experimentally using an inline reactor. The present work mainly focuses on two aspects of the inline AP-MOCVD process: (1) effects of key deposition parameters such as the substrate temperature Ts, the deposition profile, the film thickness distribution and material utilisation on the pyrolysis of CdTe using the dynamic mode (moving substrate) in the simulation; (2) optimisation of the process conditions using static mode (stationary substrate). Both two-dimension (2D) and three-dimension (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling simulations were conducted to simulate the deposition process. Two modelling modes were trialled in the present work, one with the 2D simulation and optimisation of process conditions being conducted by adopting the dynamic mode and the other with 3D simulation but adopting the static mode. The use of dynamic mode in the CFD modelling for CdTe thin film MOCVD was found to be more suitable for approximation of the actual deposition process. The predicted thin film growth rates are consistent with those obtained from the deposition experiments

    SwinFIR: Revisiting the SwinIR with Fast Fourier Convolution and Improved Training for Image Super-Resolution

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    Transformer-based methods have achieved impressive image restoration performance due to their capacities to model long-range dependency compared to CNN-based methods. However, advances like SwinIR adopts the window-based and local attention strategy to balance the performance and computational overhead, which restricts employing large receptive fields to capture global information and establish long dependencies in the early layers. To further improve the efficiency of capturing global information, in this work, we propose SwinFIR to extend SwinIR by replacing Fast Fourier Convolution (FFC) components, which have the image-wide receptive field. We also revisit other advanced techniques, i.e, data augmentation, pre-training, and feature ensemble to improve the effect of image reconstruction. And our feature ensemble method enables the performance of the model to be considerably enhanced without increasing the training and testing time. We applied our algorithm on multiple popular large-scale benchmarks and achieved state-of-the-art performance comparing to the existing methods. For example, our SwinFIR achieves the PSNR of 32.83 dB on Manga109 dataset, which is 0.8 dB higher than the state-of-the-art SwinIR method