138 research outputs found

    Evaluation of two new-generation global soil databases for macro-scale hydrological modelling in Norway

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    Lack of national soil property maps limits the studies of soil moisture (SM) dynamics in Norway. One alternative is to apply the global soil data as input for macro-scale hydrological modelling, but the quality of these data is still unknown. The objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate two recent global soil databases (Wise30sec and SoilGrids) in comparison with data from local soil profiles; 2) to evaluate which database supports better model performance in terms of river discharge and SM for three macro-scale catchments in Norway and 3) to suggest criteria for the selection of soil data for models with different complexity. The global soil databases were evaluated in three steps: 1) the global soil data are compared directly with the Norwegian forest soil profiles; 2) the simulated discharge based on the two global soil databases is compared with observations and 3) the simulated SM is compared with three global SM products. Two hydrological models were applied to simulate discharge and SM: the Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) and the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model. The comparison with data from local soil profiles shows that SoilGrids has smaller mean errors than Wise30sec, especially for upper soil layers, but both soil databases have large root mean squared errors and poor correlations. SWIM generally performs better in terms of discharge using SoilGrids than using Wise30sec and the simulated SM has higher correlations with the SM products. In contrast, the VIC model is less sensitive to soil input data and the simulated SM using Wise30sec is higher correlated with the SM products than using SoilGrids. Based on the results, we conclude that the global soil databases can provide reasonable soil property information at coarse resolutions and large areas. The selection of soil input data should depend on the characteristics of both models and study areas.publishedVersio

    Search for ultralight dark matter with a frequency adjustable diamagnetic levitated sensor

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    Among several dark matter candidates, bosonic ultralight (sub meV) dark matter is well motivated because it could couple to the Standard Model (SM) and induce new forces. Previous MICROSCOPE and Eot Wash torsion experiments have achieved high accuracy in the sub-1 Hz region, but at higher frequencies there is still a lack of relevant experimental research. We propose an experimental scheme based on the diamagnetic levitated micromechanical oscillator, one of the most sensitive sensors for acceleration sensitivity below the kilohertz scale. In order to improve the measurement range, we used the sensor whose resonance frequency could be adjusted from 0.1Hz to 100Hz. The limits of the coupling constant are improved by more than 10 times compared to previous reports, and it may be possible to achieve higher accuracy by using the array of sensors in the future

    Generating Giant and Tunable Nonlinearity in a Macroscopic Mechanical Resonator from Chemical Bonding Force

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    Nonlinearity in macroscopic mechanical system plays a crucial role in a wide variety of applications, including signal transduction and processing, synchronization, and building logical devices. However, it is difficult to generate nonlinearity due to the fact that macroscopic mechanical systems follow the Hooke's law and response linearly to external force, unless strong drive is used. Here we propose and experimentally realize a record-high nonlinear response in macroscopic mechanical system by exploring the anharmonicity in deforming a single chemical bond. We then demonstrate the tunability of nonlinear response by precisely controlling the chemical bonding interaction, and realize a cubic elastic constant of \mathversion{bold}2×1018 N/m32 \times 10^{18}~{\rm N}/{\rm m^3}, many orders of magnitude larger in strength than reported previously. This enables us to observe vibrational bistate transitions of the resonator driven by the weak Brownian thermal noise at 6~K. This method can be flexibly applied to a variety of mechanical systems to improve nonlinear responses, and can be used, with further improvements, to explore macroscopic quantum mechanics
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