65 research outputs found

    Is chronic kidney disease associated with diabetic retinopathy in Asian adults?

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is commonly associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR). Few studies have demonstrated that chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with DR. However, it is not clear if CKD in the absence of albuminuria is associated with DR. Methods: We included 301 participants with diabetes (Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnicity aged ≥24 years who participated in the Singapore Prospective Study Program (2003-2007). Retinal photographs taken from both eyes were graded for DR using the modified Airlie House Classification. We examined the association of CKD defined by low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (&lt;60mL/min per 1.73m2, n=54), and albuminuria (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥30, n = 116) with any-DR (n=99) in logistic regression models. We replicated this analysis in another independent population-based sample of Malay adults (n=265) with similar methodology in Singapore. Results: 41% of those with low-eGFR had normoalbuminuria. In separate models, while albuminuria was significantly associated with any-DR, low-eGFR was not significantly associated with any-DR. In a model combining both markers, compared to the referent group (normal-eGFR+normoalbuminuria), the odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) of any-DR were: 2.33 (1.27-4.27) for normal-eGFR+albuminuria, 1.38 (0.49-3.91) for low-eGFR + normoalbuminuria, and 2.64 (1.05-6.63) for low-eGFR+albuminuria. Similar findings for any-DR were observed in the replication cohort of Malay persons (3.56 [1.49-8.54] for normal-eGFR+albuminuria, 1.69 (0.52-5.55) for low-eGFR+normoalbuminuria, 4.34 [1.68-11.24] for low-eGFR+albuminuria.Conclusion: We demonstrated that CKD is associated with DR only in the presence of albuminuria suggesting that CKD is more likely related to diabetes in the presence of albuminuria.</p

    The association between alteration of maternal lipid levels and birthweight at term: A within-family comparison.

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    CONTEXT: Maternal lipid levels affect birthweight and the long-term health of the offsprings. However, this association could be influenced by genetic and other common factors. OBJECTIVE: This work aimed to explore the relationship between maternal lipid levels and birthweight of two pregnancies in the same mother. METHODS: In this population-based cohort study, 705 women and their 1 410 offsprings were included. From an initial sample of women with more than one singleton birth in the database, we made the following exclusions: missing data for pre-pregnancy BMI, pregnancy weight gain, birthweight and lipid values; maternal age less than 19 or older than 44 years old; gestational age 41weeks, gestational diabetes mellitus/diabetic. In the second and third trimesters, serum samples were collected for the determination of fasting total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Then we assessed the association between maternal lipids and birthweight. RESULTS: Infants of women whose 2nd-trimester TC increased by 10th-20th percentile (-0.92~-0.56 mmol/L) from 1st to 2nd pregnancy were 239.69 (62.32~417.06) g lighter at birth than were infants of women those of 40th-50th percentile (-0.20~-0.03 mmol/L). Parity, gestational age, neonatal gender, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, maternal weight gain, and 3rd-trimester TC and HDL-C were all associated with higher birth weight. Every unit increase in TC in the third trimester increases birthweight by 53.13 (14.32 ~91.94) g. CONCLUSION: Maternal TC level is associated with birthweight independent of shared genes. TC may be used to guide diet and predict birthweight combined with ultrasound and other indicators

    The burden of heatwave-related preterm births and associated human capital losses in China

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    Frequent heatwaves under global warming can increase the risk of preterm birth (PTB), which in turn will affect physical health and human potential over the life course. However, what remains unknown is the extent to which anthropogenic climate change has contributed to such burdens. We combine health impact and economic assessment methods to comprehensively evaluate the entire heatwave-related PTB burden in dimensions of health, human capital and economic costs. Here, we show that during 2010-2020, an average of 13,262 (95%CI 6,962-18,802) PTBs occurred annually due to heatwave exposure in China. In simulated scenarios, 25.8% (95%CI 17.1%-34.5%) of heatwave-related PTBs per year on average can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change, which further result in substantial human capital losses, estimated at over $1 billion costs. Our findings will provide additional impetus for introducing more stringent climate mitigation policies and also call for more sufficient adaptations to reduce heatwave detriments to newborn

    Psoriasis comorbid with atherosclerosis meets in lipid metabolism

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    Psoriasis (PSO) is a common skin disease affecting approximately 1%–3% of the population, and the incidence rate is increasing yearly. PSO is associated with a dramatically increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the most common of which is atherosclerosis (AS). In the past, inflammation was considered to be the triggering factor of the two comorbidities, but in recent years, studies have found that lipid metabolism disorders increase the probability of atherosclerosis in patients with psoriasis. In this review, we discuss epidemiological studies, clinical treatment methods, risk factors, and lipid metabolism of psoriasis and atherosclerosis comorbidities

    Discreet element modeling of under sleeper pads using a box test

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    It has recently been reported that under sleeper pads (USPs) could improve ballasted rail track by decreasing the sleeper settlement and reducing particle breakage. In order to find out what happens at the particle-pad interface, discrete element modelling (DEM) is used to provide micro mechanical insight. The same positive effects of USP are found in the DEM simulations. The evidence provided by DEM shows that application of a USP allows more particles to be in contact with the pad, and causes these particles to transfer a larger lateral load to the adjacent ballast but a smaller vertical load beneath the sleeper. This could be used to explain why the USP helps to reduce the track settlement. In terms of particle breakage, it is found that most breakage occurs at the particle-sleeper interface and along the main contact force chains between particles under the sleeper. The use of USPs could effectively reduce particle abrasion that occurs in both of these regions

    Seizing the window of opportunity to mitigate the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese residents

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    The health threats posed by climate change in China are increasing rapidly. Each province faces different health risks. Without a timely and adequate response, climate change will impact lives and livelihoods at an accelerated rate and even prevent the achievement of the Healthy and Beautiful China initiatives. The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is the first annual update of China’s Report of the Lancet Countdown. It comprehensively assesses the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese households and the measures China has taken. Invited by the Lancet committee, Tsinghua University led the writing of the report and cooperated with 25 relevant institutions in and outside of China. The report includes 25 indicators within five major areas (climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and political engagement) and a policy brief. This 2021 China policy brief contains the most urgent and relevant indicators focusing on provincial data: The increasing health risks of climate change in China; mixed progress in responding to climate change. In 2020, the heatwave exposures per person in China increased by 4.51 d compared with the 1986–2005 average, resulting in an estimated 92% increase in heatwave-related deaths. The resulting economic cost of the estimated 14500 heatwave-related deaths in 2020 is US$176 million. Increased temperatures also caused a potential 31.5 billion h in lost work time in 2020, which is equivalent to 1.3% of the work hours of the total national workforce, with resulting economic losses estimated at 1.4% of China’s annual gross domestic product. For adaptation efforts, there has been steady progress in local adaptation planning and assessment in 2020, urban green space growth in 2020, and health emergency management in 2019. 12 of 30 provinces reported that they have completed, or were developing, provincial health adaptation plans. Urban green space, which is an important heat adaptation measure, has increased in 18 of 31 provinces in the past decade, and the capacity of China’s health emergency management increased in almost all provinces from 2018 to 2019. As a result of China’s persistent efforts to clean its energy structure and control air pollution, the premature deaths due to exposure to ambient particulate matter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) and the resulting costs continue to decline. However, 98% of China’s cities still have annual average PM2.5 concentrations that are more than the WHO guideline standard of 10 μg/m3. It provides policymakers and the public with up-to-date information on China’s response to climate change and improvements in health outcomes and makes the following policy recommendations. (1) Promote systematic thinking in the related departments and strengthen multi-departmental cooperation. Sectors related to climate and development in China should incorporate health perspectives into their policymaking and actions, demonstrating WHO’s and President Xi Jinping’s so-called health-in-all-policies principle. (2) Include clear goals and timelines for climate-related health impact assessments and health adaptation plans at both the national and the regional levels in the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for 2035. (3) Strengthen China’s climate mitigation actions and ensure that health is included in China’s pathway to carbon neutrality. By promoting investments in zero-carbon technologies and reducing fossil fuel subsidies, the current rebounding trend in carbon emissions will be reversed and lead to a healthy, low-carbon future. (4) Increase awareness of the linkages between climate change and health at all levels. Health professionals, the academic community, and traditional and new media should raise the awareness of the public and policymakers on the important linkages between climate change and health.</p