32 research outputs found

    La relation au monde dans Les Thibault de Roger Martin du Gard

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    L ensemble romanesque Les Thibault de Roger Martin du Gard (publié de 1922 à 1940) est sous-tendu par un témoignage que l auteur adresse au lecteur sur le monde réel dans lequel l écrivain français vécut. L objectif de cette thèse est d analyser ce témoignage à travers certains aspects des relations multilatérales entre ces trois pôles que sont la société, l œuvre et l auteur. L œuvre romanesque de Roger Martin du Gard informe la société de son époque autant qu elle est informée par elle, et l écrivain, façonné par la société, façonne à son tour une société romanesque. La relation au monde des personnages des Thibault puise ses sources dans l expérience même de l auteur : relations familiales, relations entre les deux sexes, relations sociales et religieuses, autant de clés pour comprendre l œuvre mais peut-être aussi la vie de l auteur. Pour permettre d apprécier la réception de l œuvre de Roger Martin du Gard auprès du public chinois, la dernière partie de cette thèse analyse les deux traductions des Thibault publiées dans les années 1980 en Chine, et propose aussi quelques éléments de comparaison avec une fresque romanesque chinoise à portée elle aussi familiale et sociale, la trilogie de Ba Jin (Pa Kin) intitulée Torrent (Famille Printemps Automne, 1932-1940). L étude des analogies entre ces deux œuvres certes très différentes permet de découvrir comment le roman de Roger Martin du Gard et son message dépassent les frontières, trouvent écho dans d autres cultures, et finissent par rejoindre l humanité universelle.In the eight novels Les Thibault by Roger Martin du Gard (published between 1922 to 1940), the author addresses the reader and describes the world in which the former lives. The objective of this thesis is to examine Martin du Gard s discourse with respect to some aspects of the multilateral relationships between society, author and oeuvre. R.M.G s novels informed society of his time and were themselves shaped by society. The author moulded by society then constructs a fictional world. The relationships in Les Thibault are autobiographical in nature whether familial, gender, social or religious and these constitute the principal means of understanding the oeuvre and the author s own life.To evaluate the reception of Roger Martin du Gard s work among the Chinese public, the final part of this thesis analyses the two translations of Les Thibault, published in China in the 1980s. Comparison with a Chinese trilogy, Torrent (Family Spring Autumn, 1932-1940), by Ba Jin (Pa Kin), although very different but which also considers family and social relationships, allows consideration of how Roger Martin du Gard s message crosses frontiers and reflects universal concerns, those of humanity itself.ARRAS-Bib.electronique (620419901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A snoRNA modulates mRNA 3' end processing and regulates the expression of a subset of mRNAs.

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    mRNA 3' end processing is an essential step in gene expression. It is well established that canonical eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3' processing is carried out within a macromolecular machinery consisting of dozens of trans-acting proteins. However, it is unknown whether RNAs play any role in this process. Unexpectedly, we found that a subset of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are associated with the mammalian mRNA 3' processing complex. These snoRNAs primarily interact with Fip1, a component of cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF). We have functionally characterized one of these snoRNAs and our results demonstrated that the U/A-rich SNORD50A inhibits mRNA 3' processing by blocking the Fip1-poly(A) site (PAS) interaction. Consistently, SNORD50A depletion altered the Fip1-RNA interaction landscape and changed the alternative polyadenylation (APA) profiles and/or transcript levels of a subset of genes. Taken together, our data revealed a novel function for snoRNAs and provided the first evidence that non-coding RNAs may play an important role in regulating mRNA 3' processing

    Association of perceived stress and sleep quality among medical students: the mediating role of anxiety and depression symptoms during COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has intensified the influence on medical students by changing the lifestyle, online study and clinical practice which bring out series of stress, sleep disturbance and mental health problems. This cross-sectional study aim to explore the association between perceived stress and sleep quality among medical students and investigated whether anxiety and depression mediated this association during pandemic. A total of 1,021 medical students in two universities who were from Guangdong Province, China participated this study and from January to September 2020 through the online question are, with 28.80% reporting sleep disturbances. The medical students were finished various self-reported questionnaires, including the Perceived Stress Scale-10, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9, the study found positive correlations among sleep quality, perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. The data was analyzed with The Amos 26.0 system. Result demonstrated that perceived stress was associated with poor sleep quality. Anxiety and depression partially mediated the association between perceived stress and poor sleep quality, explaining 73.08% of the association. This study’s structural equation model offers a useful framework for assessing mechanisms mediating associations between perceived stress and sleep quality. The findings emphases the importance of addressing psychological factors in high-pressure situations, which can exacerbate sleep disturbances among medical students. It is important to screen the level of stress, mental health problems and investigate the risk factors of sleep quality among medical students during emergency public health events

    Cryotherapy Combined with Warm Transfusion Apply to Serious Burns in a Rabbit Model: An Experimental Study

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    A bottoming 275 kilowatt planar solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) gas turbine (GT) hybrid system control approach has been conceptualized and designed. Based on previously published modeling techniques, a dynamic model is developed that captures the physics sufficient for dynamic simulation of all processes that affect the system with time scales greater than ten milliseconds. The dynamic model was used to make system design improvements to enable the system to operate dynamically over a wide range of power output (15 to 100% power). The wide range of operation was possible by burning supplementary fuel in the combustor and operating the turbine at variable speed for improved thermal management. The dynamic model was employed to design a control strategy for the system. Analyses of the relative gain array (RGA) of the system at several operating points gave insight into input/output (I/O) pairing for decentralized control. Particularly, the analyses indicate that for SOFC/GT hybrid plants that use voltage as a controlled variable it is beneficial to control system power by manipulating fuel cell current and to control fuel cell voltage by manipulating the anode fuel flowrate. To control the stack temperature during transient load changes, a cascade control structure is employed in which a fast inner loop that maintains the GT shaft speed receives its setpoint from a slower outer loop that maintains the stack temperature. Fuel can be added to the combustor to maintain the turbine inlet temperature for the lower operating power conditions. To maintain fuel utilization and to prevent fuel starvation in the fuel cell, fuel is supplied to the fuel cell proportionally to the stack current. In addition, voltage is used as an indicator of varying fuel concentrations allowing the fuel flow to be adjusted accordingly. Using voltage as a sensor is shown to be a potential solution to making SOFC systems robust to varying fuel compositions. The simulation tool proved effective for fuel cell/GT hybrid system control system development. The resulting SOFC/GT system control approach is shown to have transient load-following capability over a wide range of power, ambient temperature, and fuel concentration variations. Copyright © 2006 by ASME

    Life and literature in Les Thibault by Roger Martin du Gard

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    L’ensemble romanesque Les Thibault de Roger Martin du Gard (publié de 1922 à 1940) est sous-tendu par un témoignage que l’auteur adresse au lecteur sur le monde réel dans lequel l’écrivain français vécut. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser ce témoignage à travers certains aspects des relations multilatérales entre ces trois pôles que sont la société, l’œuvre et l’auteur. L’œuvre romanesque de Roger Martin du Gard informe la société de son époque autant qu’elle est informée par elle, et l’écrivain, façonné par la société, façonne à son tour une société romanesque. La relation au monde des personnages des Thibault puise ses sources dans l’expérience même de l’auteur : relations familiales, relations entre les deux sexes, relations sociales et religieuses, autant de clés pour comprendre l’œuvre mais peut-être aussi la vie de l’auteur. Pour permettre d’apprécier la réception de l’œuvre de Roger Martin du Gard auprès du public chinois, la dernière partie de cette thèse analyse les deux traductions des Thibault publiées dans les années 1980 en Chine, et propose aussi quelques éléments de comparaison avec une fresque romanesque chinoise à portée elle aussi familiale et sociale, la trilogie de Ba Jin (Pa Kin) intitulée Torrent (Famille – Printemps – Automne, 1932-1940). L’étude des analogies entre ces deux œuvres certes très différentes permet de découvrir comment le roman de Roger Martin du Gard et son message dépassent les frontières, trouvent écho dans d’autres cultures, et finissent par rejoindre l’humanité universelle.In the eight novels Les Thibault by Roger Martin du Gard (published between 1922 to 1940), the author addresses the reader and describes the world in which the former lives. The objective of this thesis is to examine Martin du Gard’s discourse with respect to some aspects of the multilateral relationships between society, author and oeuvre. R.M.G’s novels informed society of his time and were themselves shaped by society. The author moulded by society then constructs a fictional world. The relationships in Les Thibault are autobiographical in nature whether familial, gender, social or religious and these constitute the principal means of understanding the oeuvre and the author’s own life.To evaluate the reception of Roger Martin du Gard’s work among the Chinese public, the final part of this thesis analyses the two translations of Les Thibault, published in China in the 1980s. Comparison with a Chinese trilogy, Torrent (Family – Spring – Autumn, 1932-1940), by Ba Jin (Pa Kin), although very different but which also considers family and social relationships, allows consideration of how Roger Martin du Gard’s message crosses frontiers and reflects universal concerns, those of humanity itself

    Raccourcir la distance entre ICI et ailleurs : étude basée sur une expérience de cotraduction littéraire

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    La présente étude a pour objectif d’analyser la collaboration sino-française dans le domaine de la traduction littéraire, plus précisément, dans la traduction de La neuvième veuve (Dijiuge guafu) de l’écrivain chinois Yan Geling, traduit conjointement en français par une Chinoise francophone et une Française sinophone. Le degré des reformulations réalisées par la traductrice française, qui opère généralement sur la base de la version proposée par sa collaboratrice, dépend non seulement de la qualité du travail de cette dernière, mais aussi de la différence de goûts littéraires et de philosophies traductives des deux collaboratrices. Leurs façons de travailler et leurs identités culturelles qui diffèrent posent des difficultés à leur coopération, mais la cotraduction reste un moyen qui permet d’optimiser le traitement du texte

    The correlation between texture features and fibrous cap thickness of lipid-rich atheroma based on optical coherence tomography imaging

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    PurposeFibrous cap thickness (FCT) is seen as critical to plaque vulnerability. Therefore, the development of automatic algorithms for the quantification of FCT is for estimating cardiovascular risk of patients. Intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) is currently the only in vivo imaging modality with which FCT, the critical component of plaque vulnerability, can be assessed accurately. This study was aimed to discussion the correlation between the texture features of OCT images and the FCT in lipid-rich atheroma. MethodsFirstly, a full automatic segmentation algorithm based on unsupervised fuzzy c means (FCM) clustering with geometric constrains was developed to segment the ROIs of IVOCT images. Then, 32 features, which are associated with the structural and biochemical changes of tissue, were carried out to describe the properties of ROIs. The FCT in grayscale IVOCT images were manually measured by two independent observers. In order to analysis the correlation between IVOCT image features and manual FCT measurements, linear regression approach was performed. ResultsInter-observer agreement of the twice manual FCT measurements was excellent with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.99. The correlation coefficient between each individual feature set and mean FCT of OCT images were 0.68 for FOS, 0.80 for GLCM, 0.74 for NGTDM, 0.72 for FD, 0.62 for IM and 0.58 for SP. The fusion image features of automatic segmented ROIs and FCT measurements improved the results significantly with a high correlation coefficient (r= 0.91, p<0.001). Conclusion The OCT images features demonstrated the perfect performances and could be used for automatic qualitative analysis and the identification of high-risk plaques instead manual FCT measurements