193 research outputs found

    Game theory-based resource allocation for secure WPCN multiantenna multicasting systems

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    This paper investigates a secure wireless-powered multiantenna multicasting system, where multiple power beacons (PBs) supply power to a transmitter in order to establish a reliable communication link with multiple legitimate users in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. The transmitter has to harvest radio frequency (RF) energy from multiple PBs due to the shortage of embedded power supply before establishing its secure com- munication. We exploit a novel and practical scenario that the PBs and the transmitter may belong to different operators and a hierarchical energy interaction between the PBs and the transmitter is considered. Specifically, the monetary incentives are required for the PBs to assist the transmitter for secure communications. This leads to the formulation of a Stackelberg game for the secure wireless-powered multiantenna multicasting system, where the transmitter and the PB are modelled as leader and follower, respectively, each maximizing their own utility function. The closed-form Stackelberg equilibrium of the formulated game is then derived where we study various scenarios of eavesdroppers and legitimate users that can have impact on the optimality of the derived solutions. Finally, numerical results are provided to validate our proposed schemes

    Cross-layer topology design for network coding based wireless multicasting

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    This paper considers wireless multicast networks where network coding (NC) is applied to improve network throughput. A novel joint topology and cross-layer design is proposed to miximize the network throughput subject to various quality-of-service constraints, such as: wireless multicast rate, wireless link capacity, energy supply and network lifetime. Specifically, a heuristic NC-based link-controlled routing tree algorithm is developed to reduce the number of required intermediate nodes. The proposed algorithm facilitates the optimization of the wireless multicast rate, data flow of wireless links, energy supply and lifetime of nodes through a novel cross-layer design. The proposed joint topology and cross-layer design is evaluated and compared against other schemes from the literature. The results show that the proposed scheme can achieve up to 50% increase in the system throughput when compared to a classic approach

    Enhancing secrecy rate in cognitive radio networks via multilevel Stackelberg game

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    In this letter, physical layer (PHY) security is investigated for both primary and secondary transmissions of a cognitive radio network (CRN) that is in danger of malicious attempt by an eavesdropper (ED). In our proposed system, the secondary transmitter (ST) is acted as a trusted relay (TR) for primary transmission and the PHY security is facilitated by the cooperation between the primary transmitter (PT) and the ST using the multilevel Stackelberg game. In particular, we formulate and solve the optimization problem of maximizing secrecy rates in different phases of primary and secondary transmissions. Finally, numerical examples are provided to demonstrate that the spectrum leasing based on trading secondary access for cooperation is a promising framework for enhancing secrecy rate in CRNs

    Cross-layer optimisation for topology design of wireless multicast networks via network coding

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    One of the main challenges towards reliable multicast transmissions over wireless networks is the dynamics of the wireless links (e.g. wireless errors, fading, interference, collisions, etc.) that can cause retransmissions overhead over the limited available bandwidth. To this end this paper considers the scenario of wireless multicast networks where network coding is applied to improve network throughput. We first propose a novel cross-layer optimisation framework for network topology design in order to optimise the wireless multicast rate, data flow of the wireless links, energy supply and node lifetime. The performance of the proposed solution is evaluated and compared against other solutions from the literature in terms of system throughput, total energy, and network lifetime. The results show that the proposed cross-layer design outperforms the other schemes involved, reaching up to 50% increase in the system throughput

    Cooperative spectrum sensing with secondary user selection for cognitive radio networks over Nakagami-m fading channels

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    This paper investigates cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) in cognitive wireless radio networks (CWRNs). A practical system is considered where all channels experience Nakagami-mm fading and suffer from background noise. The realisation of the CSS can follow two approaches where the final spectrum decision is based on either only the global decision at fusion centre (FC) or both decisions from the FC and secondary user (SU). By deriving closed-form expressions and bounds of missed detection probability (MDP) and false alarm probability (FAP), we are able to not only demonstrate the impacts of the mm-parameter on the sensing performance but also evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the two CSS schemes with respect to various fading parameters and the number of SUs. It is interestingly noticed that a smaller number of SUs could be selected to achieve the lower bound of the MDP rather using all the available SUs while still maintaining a low FAP. As a second contribution, we propose a secondary user selection algorithm for the CSS to find the optimised number of SUs for lower complexity and reduced power consumption. Finally, numerical results are provided to demonstrate the findings

    Enhancing secrecy rate in cognitive radio networks via stackelberg game

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    In this paper, a game theory based cooperation scheme is investigated to enhance the physical layer security in both primary and secondary transmissions of a cognitive radio network (CRN). In CRNs, the primary network may decide to lease its own spectrum for a fraction of time to the secondary nodes in exchange of appropriate remuneration. We consider the secondary transmitter node as a trusted relay for primary transmission to forward primary messages in a decode-and-forward (DF) fashion and, at the same time, allows part of its available power to be used to transmit artificial noise (i.e., jamming signal) to enhance primary and secondary secrecy rates. In order to allocate power between message and jamming signals, we formulate and solve the optimization problem for maximizing the secrecy rates under malicious attempts from EDs. We then analyse the cooperation between the primary and secondary nodes from a game-theoretic perspective where we model their interaction as a Stackelberg game with a theoretically proved and computed Stackelberg equilibrium. We show that the spectrum leasing based on trading secondary access for cooperation by means of relay and jammer is a promising framework for enhancing security in CRNs

    A secure network coding based modify-and-forward scheme for cooperative wireless relay networks

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    This paper investigates the security at the physical layer of cooperative relay communications. Inspired by the principle of physical-layer network coding (PNC), we propose a new secure relaying scheme, namely secure PNC-based modify-and-forward (SPMF). In the proposed scheme, the relay node linearly combines the decoded data from the source node with an encrypted key before conveying the mixed data to the destination node. As both the linear PNC operation and encrypted key at the relay are unknown to the eavesdropper, the SPMF scheme provides a double security level in the system. Particularly, taking into account the practical scenario of the imperfect knowledge shared between the relay and destination, the secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the proposed SPMF scheme is analysed and evaluated in comparison with modify-and-forward, cooperative jamming, decode-and-forward and direct transmission schemes. The proposed scheme is shown to achieve a performance improvement of up to 3 dB when compared to the conventional schemes under imperfect knowledge of shared information between the nodes

    Beamforming in coexisting wireless systems with uncertain channel state information

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    This paper considers an underlay access strategy for coexisting wireless networks where the secondary system utilizes the primary spectrum to serve its users. We focus on the practical cases where there is uncertainty in the estimation of channel state information (CSI). Here the throughput performance of each system is limited by the interference imposed by the other, resulting in conflicting objectives. We first analyze the fundamental tradeoff between the tolerance interference level at the primary system and the total achievable throughput of the secondary users. We then introduce a beamforming design problem as a multiobjective optimization to minimize the interference imposed on each of the primary users while maximizing the intended signal received at every secondary user, taking into account the CSI uncertainty. We then map the proposed optimization problem to a robust counterpart under the maximum CSI estimation error. The robust counterpart is then transformed into a standard convex semi-definite programming. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme against various levels of CSI estimation error. We further show that in the proposed approach, the trade-off in the two systems modelled by Pareto frontier can be engineered by adjusting system parameters. For instance, the simulations show that at the primary system interference thresholds of -10 dBm (-5 dBm) by increasing number of antennas from 4 to 12, the secondary system throughput is increased by 3.3 bits/s/channel-use (5.3 bits/s/channel-use