13 research outputs found

    Taller de e-learning para mejorar las competencias digitales en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad pública, Puerto Maldonado, 2023.

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    El propósito del estudio fue determinar el efecto del taller de e-learning para mejorar las competencias digitales: Información y alfabetización digital, comunicación y colaboración en línea, creación de contenidos digitales, seguridad de la red y resolución de problemas. De acuerdo a la intencionalidad, se trata de una investigación con un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y nivel explicativo con diseño experimental de modalidad cuasi experimental. Los procesos de investigación fueron aplicado a una muestra no probabilístico intensional con grupos intactos en estudiantes universitarios; de los cuales, 23 estudiantes pertenecen al grupo de control y 23 al grupo experimental. Los instrumentos para el recojo de los datos fue una rubrica con 22 reactivos adjunto a una rubrica de desempeño los cuales fueron validados por cinco jueces y expuesto a la confiabilidad. Los resultados muestran, que las competencias de Información y alfabetización digital, comunicación y colaboración en línea, creación de contenidos digitales, seguridad de la red y resolución de problemas, el 87% de estudiantes respectivamente alcanzaron el nivel alto, en conclusión, el taller de e-learning tiene efecto en las competencias digitales en estudiantes universitarios de ingeniería detectado por el valor de significación estadística valor < 0.0

    Energy Scheduling in the Multiple Energy System with Optimal Operation of the Responsive Loads

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    In this research, an approach is presented for the optimal scheduling of a smart energy Hub system with multiple objectives in the day ahead. The objectives include minimizing emission pollution and operation costs on the generation side, reducing the loss of energy supply probability on the demand side, and minimizing the deviation of electrical and thermal loads from their optimal profiles in the day ahead. To achieve the third objective of flattening the electrical and thermal demand profiles, a Demand response strategy is proposed, which involves the optimal shifting of electrical and thermal shiftable loads. Additionally, stochastic modelling of renewable energy sources and energy loads using the Monte Carlo technique is conducted. The proposed approach utilizes the ε-constraint method to obtain non-dominated Pareto solutions for the objectives. Finally, several case studies are performed to validate the proposed approach

    University students' learning experiences in the virtual environment

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    The process of Teaching and Learning in times of Covid-19 brought experiences between teachers and students, seeking to improve with some teaching method to obtain satisfaction in their learning, the objective of this research is to validate the instrument of measurement of Teaching and Learning Experience Questionnaire (ETLQ) in the Peruvian context with university students, This instrument consists of three parts, the Teaching and Learning Environment which consists of 19 questions, the Student Learning Approach which consists of 9 questions and the Critical Thinking with 4 questions, each question is composed of 5-point Likert-type scales (1 point = "Strongly disagree" and 5 points = "Strongly agree". A total of 2027 university students participated throughout Peru, including students from national and private universities. Cronbach's Alpha =0.957 with 32 numbers of items was valid for its respective use, with which it will be possible to measure the Learning Experiences in university students, reinforcing this result with different tests whose results were optimal and reliability analysis. Concluding that, the validation instrument is valid in the Peruvian environment, online education is accepted in its highest percentage and that the rejection of this is only in the most vulnerable students and the feedback to students is the most outstanding.Campus Lima Nort

    Operation of The Hybrid Energy Resources with Storage System Participation

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    This paper focused on the optimal operation of the hybrid energy resources in the off-grid state considering energy storage participation. The hybrid energy resources consist of wind turbine (WT), photovoltaic (PV), diesel generator (DG), and energy storage system for supplying energy to DC and AC load demand with maximum reliability. The operation of the proposed energy system based on energy control and energy optimization is modeled. The energy optimization and energy control are implemented by heuristic and nonlinear quadratic programming approaches via optimal power flow on the resources side. The energy control is done based on the weight sum method in different operation states of the system. Also, the impact of the energy storage system on the hybrid energy resources is considered as backup resources. The energy control modeling is implemented via mathematical simulation and numerical analysis in the two operation states in the summer and winter seasons for verifying the proposed approaches. Finally, the results of the energy control show optimal states of the energy system in supplying demand with considering the energy storage system

    Operation of The Hybrid Energy Resources with Storage System Participation

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    This paper focused on the optimal operation of the hybrid energy resources in the off-grid state considering energy storage participation. The hybrid energy resources consist of wind turbine (WT), photovoltaic (PV), diesel generator (DG), and energy storage system for supplying energy to DC and AC load demand with maximum reliability. The operation of the proposed energy system based on energy control and energy optimization is modeled. The energy optimization and energy control are implemented by heuristic and nonlinear quadratic programming approaches via optimal power flow on the resources side. The energy control is done based on the weight sum method in different operation states of the system. Also, the impact of the energy storage system on the hybrid energy resources is considered as backup resources. The energy control modeling is implemented via mathematical simulation and numerical analysis in the two operation states in the summer and winter seasons for verifying the proposed approaches. Finally, the results of the energy control show optimal states of the energy system in supplying demand with considering the energy storage system

    Techno-Economic Energy Optimization of the Off-Grid Electrical System with Power to Gas Storage Technology

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    Renewable energy sources (RESs) have undeniable advantages over the recent years not only to supply electrical demand but also electrical demand. However, maximum use of the RES’s power has always been challenging as high penetration of the RESs as well as their intermittent nature might compromise the distribution networks power flow constraints. This paper proposes optimal energy operation of the off-grid distribution network  (DN) with participation of the power-to-gas (PtG) storage system. In this regard, PtG system is considered as an energy supplier in the DN. The natural gas generated by using PtG is applied to backup diesel generators for meeting demand at peak times. The objective functions in the system are modeled based on technical and economic modeling including minimize the operation cost and maximize the system reliability. The optimal energy operation in the two case studies is assumed considering non-participation and participation of the PtG system. To solving of the energy optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed. Finally, proposed case studies under numerical simulation are implemented for validation of the participation of the PtG system

    Techno-Economic Energy Optimization of the Off-Grid Electrical System with Power to Gas Storage Technology

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    Renewable energy sources (RESs) have undeniable advantages over the recent years not only to supply electrical demand but also electrical demand. However, maximum use of the RES’s power has always been challenging as high penetration of the RESs as well as their intermittent nature might compromise the distribution networks power flow constraints. This paper proposes optimal energy operation of the off-grid distribution network  (DN) with participation of the power-to-gas (PtG) storage system. In this regard, PtG system is considered as an energy supplier in the DN. The natural gas generated by using PtG is applied to backup diesel generators for meeting demand at peak times. The objective functions in the system are modeled based on technical and economic modeling including minimize the operation cost and maximize the system reliability. The optimal energy operation in the two case studies is assumed considering non-participation and participation of the PtG system. To solving of the energy optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed. Finally, proposed case studies under numerical simulation are implemented for validation of the participation of the PtG system

    Use of Technological Equipment for E-learning in Peruvian University Students in Times of Covid-19

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    The advance of technology grew on a large scale due to the presence of Covid-19 together with education, this growth accompanied the teaching and learning process. The transfer from face-to-face to virtual suggested choosing a teaching process, having e-learning as the most friendly. The method applied to the research is descriptive, correlational, transversal and predictive. The sample was applied randomly and voluntarily to 3532 university students from all over Peru, the sample was collected through an online survey. The results show that there are still problems with the materials they share due to the lack of reading comprehension, but by making use of communication technology and the Internet, students are able to take advantage of it and improve their teaching and learning through self-learning

    Use and Knowledge of ICTs in Inclusive Education at Educational Levels

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    La inclusión de personas con capacidades especiales no solo debe ser un derecho sino también un deber moral por parte del Estado, porque todos tienen derecho a ser educados de la misma forma que los demás; por tal motivo, nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo medir el nivel de conocimiento docente sobre educación inclusiva en los niveles educativos del Perú en tiempos del Covid-19, la investigación es descriptiva, correlacional, predictiva y cuantitativa. Se encontró a un total de 520 docentes de los niveles preescolar, primario, secundario, universitario y de posgrado. La encuesta está compuesta por 25 preguntas divididas en cinco bloques sobre conocimientos de las TIC en discapacidades visuales, auditivas, cognitivas, motoras y de accesibilidad web;este instrumento fue elaborado con una escala tipo Likert de cinco puntos y con un nivel de conocimiento muy bajo, bajo, alto y muy alto. Los resultados muestran un Alfa de Cronbach .974, el factor exploratorio de rotación varimax con media 2.906 y varianza 1.333, la prueba de no aditividad de Tukey, la prueba de no aditividad. la prueba de T cuadrado de Hoteling, la prueba de KMO y de Bartlett, la prueba de esfericidad y bondad de ajuste de Bartlett son excelentes y significativas. En conclusión, el nivel de conocimiento docente sobre educación inclusiva en los niveles educativos en tiempos de Covid-19 está por debajo de lo esperado

    Level of Digital Teaching Competence on the Verge of the Post Pandemic

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    With the arrival of Covid-19, education at all levels had a 180° turn so our research has as its main objective to describe the level of digital competence in teachers after having experienced two years with digital competencies which will be evaluated by students, this research is descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational with a quantitative approach, with a sample of 1045 students from state and private universities who participated in the online survey, an evaluation instrument was used with 21 questions divided into 6 parts, resulting in Cronbach's Alpha optimal for its application in the Peruvian context, analyzing with different statistical tests resulting in significant values such as Bartlett's sphericity with Chi-square approximation (35573, 691) with gl. 210 and value of Sig. .000, in the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (0.975) and with the goodness of fit test with the Chi-square 5922,091 with gl 189 and value of Sig. .000. Concluding that they should continue with the training to be updated and be prepared for any future event