224 research outputs found

    Transgenic zebrafish with fluorescent germ cell: a useful tool to visualize germ cell proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in vivo

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    AbstractJuvenile zebrafish are hermaphroditic; undifferentiated gonads first develop into ovary-like tissues, which then either become ovaries and produce oocytes (female) or degenerate and develop into testes (male). In order to fully capture the dynamic processes of germ cells' proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in zebrafish, we established transgenic lines TG(β-actin:EGFP), harboring an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene driven by a medaka β-actin promoter. In TG(β-actin:EGFP), proliferating germ cells and female gonads strongly expressed EGFP, but fluorescence was only dimly detected in male gonads. Based on the fluorescent (+) or nonfluorescent (−) appearance of germ cells seen in living animals, three distinct groups were evident among TG(β-actin:EGFP). Transgenics in ++ group (44%) were females, had fluorescent germ cells as juveniles, and female gonads continuously fluoresced throughout sexual maturation. Transgenics in +− (23%) and −− (33%) groups were males. Fluorescent germ cells were transiently detected in +− transgenics from 14 to 34 days postfertilization (dpf), but were not detected in −− transgenics throughout their life span. Histological analyses showed that 26-dpf-old transgenics in ++, +−, and −− groups all developed ovary-like tissues: Germ cells in −− group juveniles arrested at the gonocyte stage and accumulated low quantities of EGFP, while those in ++ group juveniles highly proliferated into diplotene to perinucleolar stages and accumulated high quantities of EGFP. In +− group juveniles, degenerating oocytes, gonocytes, and spermatogonia were coexistent in transiently fluorescent gonads. Therefore, the fluorescent appearance of gonads in this study was synchronous with the differentiation of ovary-like tissues. Thus, TG(β-actin:EGFP) can be used to visualize germ cells' proliferation and juvenile hermaphroditism in living zebrafish for the first time

    Semaphorin3D regulates invasion of cardiac neural crest cells into the primary heart field

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    AbstractThe primary heart field in all vertebrates is thought to be derived exclusively from lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), which gives rise to a cardiac tube shortly after gastrulation. The heart tube then begins looping and additional cells are added from other embryonic regions, including the secondary heart field, cardiac neural crest and the proepicardial organ. Here we show in zebrafish that neural crest cells invade and contribute cardiac myosin light chain2 (cmlc2)-positive cardiomyocytes to the primary heart field. Knockdown of semaphorin3D, which is expressed in the neural crest but apparently not in LPM, reduces the size of the primary heart field and the number of cardiomyocytes in the primary heart field by 20% before formation of the primary heart tube. Sema3D morphants have subsequent complex congenital heart defects, including hypertrophic cardiomyocytes, decreased ventricular size and defects in trabeculation and in atrioventricular (AV) valve development. Neuropilin1A, a semaphorin receptor, is expressed in LPM but apparently not in the neural crest, and nrp1A morphants have cardiac development defects. We propose that a population of sema3D-dependent neural crest cells follow a novel migratory pathway, perhaps toward nrp1A-expressing LPM, and serve as an important early source of cardiomyocytes in the primary heart field

    Structure and function relationship of Zebrafish embryonic heart from confocal microscopy images

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    Confocal microscopy enables us to track myocytes in the embryonic zebrafish heart. The Zeiss LSM 5 Live high speed confocal microscope has been used to take optical sections (at 3 µm intervals and 151 frames per second) through a fluorescently labeled zebrafish heart at two developmental stages (26 and 34 hours post fertilization (hpf)). This data provides unique information allowing us to conjecture on the morphology and biomechanics of the developing vertebrate heart. Nevertheless, the myocytes, whose positions could be determined in a reliable manner, were located sparsely and mostly in one side of the heart tube. This difficulty was overcome using computational methods, that give longitudinal, radial and circumferential displacements of the myocytes as well as their contractile behavior. Applied strain analysis has shown that in the early embryonic heart tube, only the caudal region (near the in-flow) and another point in the middle of the tube can be active; the rest appears to be mostly passive. This statement is based on the delay between major strain and displacement which a material point experiences. Wave-like propagation of all three components of the displacement, especially in the circumferential direction, as well as the almost-periodic changes of the maximum strain support the hypothesis of helical muscle structure embedded in the tube. Changes of geometry in the embryonic heart after several hours are used to verify speculations about the structure based on the earlier images and aforementioned methods

    Glycogen synthase kinase 3α and 3β have distinct functions during cardiogenesis of zebrafish embryo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase, is known to play roles in many biological processes. Two closely related GSK3 isoforms encoded by distinct genes: GSK3α (51 kDa) and GSK3β (47 kDa). In previously studies, most GSK3 inhibitors are not only inhibiting GSK3, but are also affecting many other kinases. In addition, because of highly similarity in amino acid sequence between GSK3α and GSK3β, making it difficult to identify an inhibitor that can be selective against GSK3α or GSK3β. Thus, it is relatively difficult to address the functions of GSK3 isoforms during embryogenesis. At this study, we attempt to specifically inhibit either GSK3α or GSK3β and uncover the isoform-specific roles that GSK3 plays during cardiogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We blocked <it>gsk3α </it>and <it>gsk3β </it>translations by injection of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MO). Both <it>gsk3α</it>- and <it>gsk3β</it>-MO-injected embryos displayed similar morphological defects, with a thin, string-like shaped heart and pericardial edema at 72 hours post-fertilization. However, when detailed analysis of the <it>gsk3α</it>- and <it>gsk3β</it>-MO-induced heart defects, we found that the reduced number of cardiomyocytes in <it>gsk3α </it>morphants during the heart-ring stage was due to apoptosis. On the contrary, <it>gsk3β </it>morphants did not exhibit significant apoptosis in the cardiomyocytes, and the heart developed normally during the heart-ring stage. Later, however, the heart positioning was severely disrupted in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants. <it>bmp4 </it>expression in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants was up-regulated and disrupted the asymmetry pattern in the heart. The cardiac valve defects in <it>gsk3β </it>morphants were similar to those observed in <it>axin1 </it>and <it>apc</it><sup><it>mcr </it></sup>mutants, suggesting that GSK3β might play a role in cardiac valve development through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Finally, the phenotypes of <it>gsk3α </it>mutant embryos cannot be rescued by <it>gsk3β </it>mRNA, and vice versa, demonstrating that GSK3α and GSK3β are not functionally redundant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that (1) GSK3α, but not GSK3β, is necessary in cardiomyocyte survival; (2) the GSK3β plays important roles in modulating the left-right asymmetry and affecting heart positioning; and (3) GSK3α and GSK3β play distinct roles during zebrafish cardiogenesis.</p

    Regulation of shear-induced nuclear translocation of the Nrf2 transcription factor in endothelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) constantly experience fluid shear stresses generated by blood flow. Laminar flow is known to produce atheroprotective effects on ECs. Nrf2 is a transcription factor that is essential for the antioxidant response element (ARE)-mediated induction of genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-1). We previously showed that fluid shear stress increases intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in ECs. Moreover, oxidants are known to stimulate Nrf2. We thus examined the regulation of Nrf2 in cultured human ECs by shear stress.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exposure of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to laminar shear stress (12 dyne/cm<sup>2</sup>) induced Nrf2 nuclear translocation, which was inhibited by a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, and an antioxidant agent N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), but not by other protein kinase inhibitors. Therefore, PI3K, PKC, and ROS are involved in the signaling pathway that leads to the shear-induced nuclear translocation of Nrf2. We also found that shear stress increased the ARE-binding activity of Nrf2 and the downstream expression of HO-1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that the atheroprotective effect of laminar flow is partially attributed to Nrf2 activation which results in ARE-mediated gene transcriptions, such as HO-1 expression, that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system.</p

    Multiple upstream modules regulate zebrafish myf5 expression

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    BACKGROUND: Myf5 is one member of the basic helix-loop-helix family of transcription factors, and it functions as a myogenic factor that is important for the specification and differentiation of muscle cells. The expression of myf5 is somite- and stage-dependent during embryogenesis through a delicate regulation. However, this complex regulatory mechanism of myf5 is not clearly understood. RESULTS: We isolated a 156-kb bacterial artificial chromosome clone that includes an upstream 80-kb region and a downstream 70-kb region of zebrafish myf5 and generated a transgenic line carrying this 156-kb segment fused to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene. We find strong GFP expression in the most rostral somite and in the presomitic mesoderm during segmentation stages, similar to endogenous myf5 expression. Later, the GFP signals persist in caudal somites near the tail bud but are down-regulated in the older, rostral somites. During the pharyngula period, we detect GFP signals in pectoral fin buds, dorsal rostral myotomes, hypaxial myotomes, and inferior oblique and superior oblique muscles, a pattern that also corresponds well with endogenous myf5 transcripts. To characterize the specific upstream cis-elements that regulate this complex and dynamic expression pattern, we also generated several transgenic lines that harbor various lengths within the upstream 80-kb segment. We find that (1) the -80 kb/-9977 segment contains a fin and cranial muscle element and a notochord repressor; (2) the -9977/-6213 segment contains a strong repressive element that does not include the notochord-specific repressor; (3) the -6212/-2938 segment contains tissue-specific elements for bone and spinal cord; (4) the -2937/-291 segment contains an eye enhancer, and the -2937/-2457 segment is required for notochord and myocyte expression; and (5) the -290/-1 segment is responsible for basal transcription in somites and the presomitic mesoderm. CONCLUSION: We suggest that the cell lineage-specific expression of myf5 is delicately orchestrated by multiple modules within the distal upstream region. This study provides an insight to understand the molecular control of myf5 and myogenesis in the zebrafish

    The Embryonic Vertebrate Heart Tube Is a Dynamic Suction Pump

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    The embryonic vertebrate heart begins pumping blood long before the development of discernable chambers and valves. At these early stages, the heart tube has been described as a peristaltic pump. Recent advances in confocal laser scanning microscopy and four-dimensional visualization have warranted another look at early cardiac structure and function. We examined the movement of cells in the embryonic zebrafish heart tube and the flow of blood through the heart and obtained results that contradict peristalsis as a pumping mechanism in the embryonic heart. We propose a more likely explanation of early cardiac dynamics in which the pumping action results from suction due to elastic wave propagation in the heart tube

    Novel intronic microRNA represses zebrafish myf5 promoter activity through silencing dickkopf-3 gene

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    A strong, negative cis-element located at the first intron +502/+835 (I300) of zebrafish myf5 has been reported. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying this repression network, we microinjected zebrafish single-cell embryos with I300 RNA, resulting in the dramatic reduction of luciferase activity driven by the myf5 promoter. Within this I300 segment, we identified an intronic microRNA (miR-In300) located at +609/+632 and found that it was more highly expressed in the older mature somites than those newly formed, which negatively correlated with the distribution of zebrafish myf5 transcripts. We proved that miR-In300 suppressed the transcription of myf5 through abolishing myf5 promoter activity, and we subsequently identified the long isoform of the Dickkopf-3 gene (dkk3) as the target gene of miR-In300. We further found that injection of the dkk3-morpholinos (MOs) resulted in downregulation of myf5 transcripts in somites, whereas co-injection of myf5 mRNA with dkk3-MO1 enabled rescue of the defects induced by dkk3-MO1 alone. Finally, injection of miR-In300-MO enhanced both myf5 transcripts in somites and the level of Dkk3 protein in zebrafish embryos. Based on these findings, we concluded that miR-In300 binds to its target gene dkk3, which inhibits the translation of dkk3 mRNA and, in turn, suppresses zebrafish myf5 promoter activity