1,993 research outputs found

    Flavor and Spin Contents of the Nucleon in the Quark Model with Chiral Symmetry

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    A simple calculation in the framework of the chiral quark theory of Manohar and Georgi yields results that can account for many of the ''failures'' of the naive quark model: significant strange quark content in the nucleon as indicated by the value of σπN,\sigma _{\pi N}, the u‾\overline{u}-d‾\overline{d} asymmetry in the nucleon as measured by the deviation from Gottfried sum rule and by the Drell-Yan process, as well as the various quark contributions to the nucleon spin as measured by the deep inelastic polarized lepton-nucleon scatterings.Comment: figure has been separated from tex file. No other changes. Preprint CMU-HEP94-3

    Comparative bactericidal activities of daptomycin, glycopeptides, linezolid and tigecycline against blood isolates of Gram-positive bacteria in Taiwan

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    ABSTRACTIn-vitro MICs and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of daptomycin, linezolid, tigecycline, vancomycin and teicoplanin against Gram-positive bacteria were determined using the broth microdilution method for ten blood isolates each of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), including two vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. One strain of VISA was tested in a time-kill synergism assay of daptomycin combined with oxacillin, imipenem, rifampicin and isepamicin. Daptomycin showed excellent in-vitro bactericidal activity against all the isolates tested, with no tolerance or synergism effects when combined with other agents, except with rifampicin against VISA. Vancomycin had better bactericidal activity against MRSA and MSSA than did teicoplanin. Linezolid had the poorest bactericidal activity against the isolates tested, with 100% tolerance by the MSSA and VRE isolates, and 80% tolerance by the MRSA isolates. Tolerance towards tigecycline was exhibited by 40% of the MRSA isolates, 100% of the MSSA and vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis isolates, and 90% of the vancomycin-resistant E. faecium isolates

    Piezoelectric control of the magnetic anisotropy via interface strain coupling in a composite multiferroic structure

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    We investigate theoretically the magnetic dynamics in a ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructure coupled via strain-mediated magnetoelectric interaction. We predict an electric field-induced magnetic switching in the plane perpendicular to the magneto-crystalline easy axis, and trace this effect back to the piezoelectric control of the magnetoelastic coupling. We also investigate the magnetic remanence and the electric coercivity

    Melioidosis: an emerging infection in Taiwan?

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    From January 1982 to May 2000, 17 infections caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei were diagnosed in 15 patients in Taiwan; almost all the infections were diagnosed from 1994 to May 2000. Of the 15 patients, 9 (60%) had underlying diseases, and 10 (67%) had bacteremic pneumonia. Thirteen (76%) episodes of infection were considered indigenous. Four patients died of melioidosis. Seventeen B. pseudomallei isolates, recovered from eight patients from November 1996 to May 2000, were analyzed to determine their in vitro susceptibilities to 14 antimicrobial agents, cellular fatty acid and biochemical reaction profiles, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA patterns. Eight strains (highly related isolates) were identified. All isolates were arabinose non-assimilators and were susceptible to amoxicillin-clavulanate, piperacillin-tazobactam, imipenem, and meropenem. No spread of the strain was documented

    The non-Verbal Structure of Patient Case Discussions in Multidisciplinary Medical Team Meetings

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    Meeting analysis has a long theoretical tradition in social psychology, with established practical rami?cations in computer science, especially in computer supported cooperative work. More recently, a good deal of research has focused on the issues of indexing and browsing multimedia records of meetings. Most research in this area, however, is still based on data collected in laboratories, under somewhat arti?cial conditions. This paper presents an analysis of the discourse structure and spontaneous interactions at real-life multidisciplinary medical team meetings held as part of the work routine in a major hospital. It is hypothesised that the conversational structure of these meetings, as indicated by sequencing and duration of vocalisations, enables segmentation into individual patient case discussions. The task of segmenting audio-visual records of multidisciplinary medical team meetings is described as a topic segmentation task, and a method for automatic segmentation is proposed. An empirical evaluation based on hand labelled data is presented which determines the optimal length of vocalisation sequences for segmentation, and establishes the competitiveness of the method with approaches based on more complex knowledge sources. The effectiveness of Bayesian classi?cation as a segmentation method, and its applicability to meeting segmentation in other domains are discusse

    Sharp - VII. New constraints on the dark matter free-streaming properties and substructure abundance from gravitationally lensed quasars

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    We present an analysis of seven strongly gravitationally lensed quasars and the corresponding constraints on the properties of dark matter. Our results are derived by modelling the lensed image positions and flux-ratios using a combination of smooth macro-models and a population of low-mass haloes within the mass range of 106-109 M☉. Our lens models explicitly include higher order complexity in the form of stellar discs and luminous satellites, as well as low-mass haloes located along the observed lines of sight for the first time. Assuming a cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology, we infer an average total mass fraction in substructure of fsub = 0.012+−00007004 (68 per cent confidence limits), which is in agreement with the predictions from CDM hydrodynamical simulations to within 1σ. This result is closer to the predictions than those from previous studies that did not include line-of-sight haloes. Under the assumption of a thermal relic dark matter model, we derive a lower limit on the particle relic mass of mth > 5.58 keV (95 per cent confidence limits), which is consistent with a value of mth > 5.3 keV from the recent analysis of the Ly α forest. We also identify two main sources of possible systematic errors and conclude that deeper investigations in the complex structure of lens galaxies as well as the size of the background sources should be a priority for this field

    Stability of Solid State Reaction Fronts

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    We analyze the stability of a planar solid-solid interface at which a chemical reaction occurs. Examples include oxidation, nitridation, or silicide formation. Using a continuum model, including a general formula for the stress-dependence of the reaction rate, we show that stress effects can render a planar interface dynamically unstable with respect to perturbations of intermediate wavelength

    Impact of measurement backaction on nuclear spin qubits in silicon

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    Phosphorus donor nuclear spins in silicon couple weakly to the environment making them promising candidates for high-fidelity qubits. The state of a donor nuclear spin qubit can be manipulated and read out using its hyperfine interaction with the electron confined by the donor potential. Here we use a master equation-based approach to investigate how the backaction from this electron-mediated measurement affects the lifetimes of single and multi-donor qubits. We analyze this process as a function of electric and magnetic fields, and hyperfine interaction strength. Apart from single nuclear spin flips, we identify an additional measurement-related mechanism, the nuclear spin flip-flop, which is specific to multi-donor qubits. Although this flip-flop mechanism reduces qubit lifetimes, we show that it can be effectively suppressed by the hyperfine Stark shift. We show that using atomic precision donor placement and engineered Stark shift, we can minimize the measurement backaction in multi-donor qubits, achieving larger nuclear spin lifetimes than single donor qubits

    Screening and identification of differentially expressed transcripts in circulating cells of prostate cancer patients using suppression subtractive hybridization

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor metastasis and changes in host immunosurveillance are important components in cancer development. Tumor cell invasion into the bloodstream is an essential step for systemic metastasis. Currently, the detection of tumor cells in the circulation is mainly dependent upon the utilization of known epithelial cell markers. However, expression of these molecules is not limited to cancer patients; healthy people also have a small number of epithelial cells in their circulation. Utilizing these markers to detect circulating tumor cells (CTCs) cannot adequately explain the mechanisms of tumor cell survival or their development of metastatic potential in peripheral blood. The immune system can also evolve along with the cancer, actually promoting or selecting the outgrowth of tumor variants. Unfortunately, both metastasis and immunosurveillance remain mysterious and are debatable because we have yet to define the molecules that participate in these processes. We are interested in identifying the existence of expressed genes, or mRNA species, that are specifically associated with circulating cells of cancer-bearing patients using prostate cancer (PCa) as a model. RESULTS: We established two comprehensive subtracted cDNA libraries using a molecular technique called suppression subtractive hybridization. This technique selectively amplifies transcripts that are specifically expressed in circulating cells of either PCa patients or healthy men. Following sequencing reaction, we showed that 17 out of 23 (73.9%) sequenced clones did not match any mRNAs in the GenBank database. This result suggests that genes associated with alterations in circulating cells of cancer-bearing patients are largely unknown. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that two genes are up-regulated in circulating cells of PCa patients, whereas another two genes are down-regulated in the same patients. CONCLUSION: The comprehensive gene expression analysis is capable of identifying differentially expressed genes in circulating cells of healthy men and PCa patients. We did not attempt to enrich specific cell types in this study because phenotypes of CTCs and subsets of leukocytes participating in immunosurveillance remain largely unknown. Continuous studies of these differentially expressed genes will eventually lead us to understand the mechanisms involved in tumor metastasis and immune modulation during cancer development
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