3,960 research outputs found

    Thermal properties of Ti-doped Cu-Zn soft ferrites used as thermally actuated material for magnetizing superconductors

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    A great majority of widely used ferrite ceramics exhibit a relatively high temperature of order–disorder phase transition in their magnetic subsystem. For applications related to the magnetization process of superconductors, however, a low value of T c is required. Here we report and analyze in detail the thermal properties of bulk Ti-doped Cu–Zn ferrite ceramics Cu0.3Zn0.7Ti0.04Fe1.96O4 and Mg0.15Cu0.15Zn0.7Ti0.04Fe1.96O4. They are characterized by a Curie temperature in the range 120–170 K and a maximum DC magnetic susceptibility exceeding 20 for the Cu0.3Zn0.7Ti0.04Fe1.96O4 material. The temperature dependence of both the specific heat C p and of the thermal conductivity κ, determined between 2 and 300 K, are found not to exhibit any peculiar feature at the magnetic transition temperature. The low-temperature dependence of both κ and the mean free path of phonons suggests a mesoscopic fractal structure of the grains. From the measured data, the characteristics of thermally actuated waves are estimated. The low magnetic phase transition temperature and suitable thermal parameters make the investigated ferrite ceramics applicable as magnetic wave producers in devices designed for magnetization of high-temperature superconductors.We thank the University of Liège (ULg) and the Ministry of Higher Education of Communauté Française de Belgique for a research grant Action de Recherches Concertées (ARC 11/16-03). We thank Alexander Krivchikov for fruitful discussions and Oksana Mendiuk for taking SEM images. This work is part of a collaboration programme between the FRS-FNRS (Belgium) and the PAS (Polish Academy of Sciences).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Institute of Physics via http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/49/12/12500

    Dialkyldithiophosphate Acids (HDDPs) as Effective Lubricants of Sol–Gel Titania Coatings in Technical Dry Friction Conditions

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    The goal of this study was the investigation of the effectiveness of dialkyldithiophosphate acids (HDDPs) films in improving the tribological properties of thin, sol– gel derived titania coatings. Amorphous, anatase, and rutile titania coatings were obtained using sol–gel dip–coating deposition after treatment at 100, 500, and 1,000 C, respectively. Titania coatings were then modified from the liquid phase by HDDPs acids having dodecyl-(C12), tetradecyl-(C14), and hexadecyl-(C16) alkyl chains deposited by dip–coating (DC) and Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) methods. The influence of the deposition procedure, the length of the HDDPs alkyl chain and the type of titania substrate on the surface morphology and tribological properties were studied. It was found, using wetting contact angle measurements, that these modifications of titania coatings decrease the surface free energy and increase its hydrophobicity. The surface topography imaged by Atomic force microscopy (AFM), exhibit island-like or agglomerate features for the DC deposition method, while smooth topographies were observed for LB depositions. Tribological tests were conducted by means of a microtribometer operating in the normal load range 30–100 mN. An enhancement of tribological properties was observed upon modification, as compared to unmodified titania

    Perspectives from deductible plan enrollees: plan knowledge and anticipated care-seeking changes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Consumer directed health care proposes that patients will engage as informed consumers of health care services by sharing in more of their medical costs, often through deductibles. We examined knowledge of deductible plan details among new enrollees, as well as anticipated care-seeking changes in response to the deductible.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a large integrated delivery system with a range of deductible-based health plans which varied in services included or exempted from deductible, we conducted a mixed-method, cross-sectional telephone interview study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 458 adults newly enrolled in a deductible plan (71% response rate), 51% knew they had a deductible, 26% knew the deductible amount, and 6% knew which medical services were included or exempted from their deductible. After adjusting for respondent characteristics, those with more deductible-applicable services and those with lower self-reported health status were significantly more likely to know they had a deductible. Among those who knew of their deductible, half anticipated that it would cause them to delay or avoid medical care, including avoiding doctor's office visits and medical tests, even services that they believed were medically necessary. Many expressed concern about their costs, anticipating the inability to afford care and expressing the desire to change plans.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Early in their experience with a deductible, patients had limited awareness of the deductible and little knowledge of the details. Many who knew of the deductible reported that it would cause them to delay or avoid seeking care and were concerned about their healthcare costs.</p

    How the other half lives: CRISPR-Cas's influence on bacteriophages

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    CRISPR-Cas is a genetic adaptive immune system unique to prokaryotic cells used to combat phage and plasmid threats. The host cell adapts by incorporating DNA sequences from invading phages or plasmids into its CRISPR locus as spacers. These spacers are expressed as mobile surveillance RNAs that direct CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins to protect against subsequent attack by the same phages or plasmids. The threat from mobile genetic elements inevitably shapes the CRISPR loci of archaea and bacteria, and simultaneously the CRISPR-Cas immune system drives evolution of these invaders. Here we highlight our recent work, as well as that of others, that seeks to understand phage mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas evasion and conditions for population coexistence of phages with CRISPR-protected prokaryotes.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Suitable thicknesses of base metal and interlayer, and evolution of phases for Ag/Sn/Ag transient liquid-phase joints used for power die attachment

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    Both real Si insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) with conventional Ni\Ag metallization and a dummy Si die with thickened Ni\Ag metallization have been bonded on Ag foils electroplated with 2.7 m and 6.8 m thick Sn as an interlayer at 250ºC for 0 min, 40 min and 640 min. From microstructure characterization of the resulting joints, suitable thicknesses are suggested for the Ag base metal and the Sn interlayer for Ag/Sn/Ag transient liquid phase (TLP) joints used in power die attachment, and the diffusivities of Ag and Sn in the Ag phase are extracted. In combination with the kinetic constants of Ag3Sn growth and diffusivities of Ag and Sn in Ag reported in the literature, the extracted diffusivities of Ag and Sn in Ag phase are also used to simulate and predict the diffusion-controlled growth and evolution of phases in the Ag/Sn/Ag TLP joints during an extended bonding process and in service

    Prenatal Transfer of Gut Bacteria in Rock Pigeon

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    Vertebrates evolved in concert with bacteria and have developed essential mutualistic relationships. Gut bacteria are vital for the postnatal development of most organs and the immune and metabolic systems and may likewise play a role during prenatal development. Prenatal transfer of gut bacteria is shown in four mammalian species, including humans. For the 92% of the vertebrates that are oviparous, prenatal transfer is debated, but it has been demonstrated in domestic chicken. We hypothesize that also non-domestic birds can prenatally transmit gut bacteria. We investigated this in medium-sized Rock pigeon (Columba livia), ensuring neonates producing fair-sized first faeces. The first faeces of 21 neonate rock pigeons hatched in an incubator, contained a microbiome (bacterial community) the composition of which resembled the cloacal microbiome of females sampled from the same population (N = 5) as indicated by multiple shared phyla, orders, families, and genera. Neonates and females shared 16.1% of the total number of OTUs present (2881), and neonates shared 45.5% of their core microbiome with females. In contrast, the five females shared only 0.3% of the 1030 female OTUs present. These findings suggest that prenatal gut bacterial transfer may occur in birds. Our results support the hypothesis that gut bacteria may be important for prenatal development and present a heritability pathway of gut bacteria in vertebrates

    Surface Electron-Hole Rich Species Active in the Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation

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    Iridium and ruthenium and their oxides/hydroxides are the best candidates for the oxygen evolution reaction under harsh acidic conditions owing to the low overpotentials observed for Ru- and Ir-based anodes and the high corrosion resistance of Ir-oxides. Herein, by means of cutting edge operando surface and bulk sensitive X-ray spectroscopy techniques, specifically designed electrode nanofabrication and ab initio DFT calculations, we were able to reveal the electronic structure of the active IrOx centers (i.e., oxidation state) during electrocatalytic oxidation of water in the surface and bulk of high-performance Ir-based catalysts. We found the oxygen evolution reaction is controlled by the formation of empty Ir 5d states in the surface ascribed to the formation of formally IrV species leading to the appearance of electron-deficient oxygen species bound to single iridium atoms (μ1-O and μ1-OH) that are responsible for water activation and oxidation. Oxygen bound to three iridium centers (μ3-O) remains the dominant species in the bulk but do not participate directly in the electrocatalytic reaction, suggesting bulk oxidation is limited. In addition a high coverage of a μ1-OO (peroxo) species during the OER is excluded. Moreover, we provide the first photoelectron spectroscopic evidence in bulk electrolyte that the higher surface-to-bulk ratio in thinner electrodes enhances the material usage involving the precipitation of a significant part of the electrode surface and near-surface active species

    Cough quality in children: a comparison of subjective vs. bronchoscopic findings

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    BACKGROUND: Cough is the most common symptom presenting to doctors. The quality of cough (productive or wet vs dry) is used clinically as well as in epidemiology and clinical research. There is however no data on the validity of cough quality descriptors. The study aims were to compare (1) cough quality (wet/dry and brassy/non-brassy) to bronchoscopic findings of secretions and tracheomalacia respectively and, (2) parent's vs clinician's evaluation of the cough quality (wet/dry). METHODS: Cough quality of children (without a known underlying respiratory disease) undergoing elective bronchoscopy was independently evaluated by clinicians and parents. A 'blinded' clinician scored the secretions seen at bronchoscopy on pre-determined criteria and graded (1 to 6). Kappa (K) statistics was used for agreement, and inter-rater and intra-rater agreement examined on digitally recorded cough. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine if cough quality related to amount of airway secretions present at bronchoscopy. RESULTS: Median age of the 106 children (62 boys, 44 girls) enrolled was 2.6 years (IQR 5.7). Parent's assessment of cough quality (wet/dry) agreed with clinicians' (K = 0.75, 95%CI 0.58–0.93). When compared to bronchoscopy (bronchoscopic secretion grade 4), clinicians' cough assessment had the highest sensitivity (0.75) and specificity (0.79) and were marginally better than parent(s). The area under the ROC curve was 0.85 (95%CI 0.77–0.92). Intra-observer (K = 1.0) and inter-clinician agreement for wet/dry cough (K = 0.88, 95%CI 0.82–0.94) was very good. Weighted K for inter-rater agreement for bronchoscopic secretion grades was 0.95 (95%CI 0.87–1). Sensitivity and specificity for brassy cough (for tracheomalacia) were 0.57 and 0.81 respectively. K for both intra and inter-observer clinician agreement for brassy cough was 0.79 (95%CI 0.73–0.86). CONCLUSIONS: Dry and wet cough in children, as determined by clinicians and parents has good clinical validity. Clinicians should however be cognisant that children with dry cough may have minimal to mild airway secretions. Brassy cough determined by respiratory physicians is highly specific for tracheomalacia