798 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Sesame Seed Exports in Burkina Faso: The Vector Error Correction Approach

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    The research is financed by Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Grant No. AS-SS-107-02. Abstract Burkina Faso's (BFA) dependence on a single export crop, namely cotton, has so far threatened its economy since the fluctuating and uncontrollable drops in world cotton prices. The diversification of cash crops has become a national priority that is appropriated day by day by actors of rural development, and more particularly by farmers seeking to improve and secure their income. Thus, export crops, such as sesame, appear obvious and essential, not only for farmers’ income security but also for the country by its ability to attract currencies. In the last decade, BFA’s the sesame sector has recorded a tremendous growth both in quantity and value of exports to being the eighth world largest exporter of sesame seed. Considering its unequaled performance in the export of sesame seed, we deemed relevant to identify the key factors affecting that performance and to study their effects on sesame seed export earnings in order to draft appropriated policies aimed to enhance the country’s earnings. This study uses the cointegration approach, and has purposely designed exports value as the independent variable to analyze the country exports performance using time series data for the period of 47 years (1970-2016). One cointegration vector is found between the variables employed; thereby the Vector Error Correction Model has been performed. The empirical results reveal that nominal exchange rate, producer price, world export volume of sesame seed as a proxy of world demand, and world price are key factors affecting significantly the country’s exports performance in the short-run. Moreover, in the long-run nominal exchange rate, production, producer price, and world export price are factors determining significantly export earnings of sesame seed in Burkina Faso. For Burkina Faso to increase its market shares and export earnings, especially in the long-run, it is principally recommended to boost the production by increasing significantly yields and ensure an appropriate transmission of international prices increments to farmers. Keywords: Agricultural Export, Determinants of Agricultural Exports, Sesame Seed, Cointegration, Burkina Faso. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-4-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Constructing an Index for Brand Equity: A Hospital Example

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    If two hospitals are providing identical services in all respects, except for the brand name, why are customers willing to pay more for one hospital than the other? That is, the brand name is not just a name, but a name that contains value (brand equity). Brand equity is the value that the brand name endows to the product, such that consumers are willing to pay a premium price for products with the particular brand name. Accordingly, a company needs to manage its brand carefully so that its brand equity does not depreciate. Although measuring brand equity is important, managers have no brand equity index that is psychometrically robust and parsimonious enough for practice. Indeed, index construction is quite different from conventional scale development. Moreover, researchers might still be unaware of the potential appropriateness of formative indicators for operationalizing particular constructs. Towards this end, drawing on the brand equity literature and following the index construction procedure, this study creates a brand equity index for a hospital. The results reveal a parsimonious five-indicator brand equity index that can adequately capture the full domain of brand equity. This study also illustrates the differences between index construction and scale development

    A Two-stage Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting by Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector Regression

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    Stock price prediction has attracted much attention from both practitioners and researchers. However, most studies in this area ignored the non-stationary nature of stock price series. That is, stock price series do not exhibit identical statistical properties at each point of time. As a result, the relationships between stock price series and their predictors are quite dynamic. It is challenging for any single artificial technique to effectively address this problematic characteristics in stock price series. One potential solution is to hybridize different artificial techniques. Towards this end, this study employs a two-stage architecture for better stock price prediction. Specifically, the self-organizing map (SOM) is first used to decompose the whole input space into regions where data points with similar statistical distributions are grouped together, so as to contain and capture the non-stationary property of financial series. After decomposing heterogeneous data points into several homogenous regions, support vector regression (SVR) is applied to forecast financial indices. The proposed technique is empirically tested using stock price series from seven major financial markets. The results show that the performance of stock price prediction can be significantly enhanced by using the two-stage architecture in comparison with a single SVR model

    Innovate with Complex Information Technologies: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Examination

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    Complex information technologies (CITs), such as ERP packages, have become the core component of modern organizations. Corporate investments in CITs have soared to a record high. Firms need to creatively apply the technologies in order to adapt to the ever-changing environments and realize the full potential of the technologies. We approach this issue from the perspective of ‘Innovate with IT’, a post-acceptance usage behavior that describes innovative use of information technologies to support individual task performances. Drawing upon the IS Continuance (ISC) model, as well as the managerial and individual factors that facilitate higher level IT use, a model is theoretically developed to understand employees’ novel use of CITs. A field study was conducted in a large manufacturing firm using ERP packages to empirically validate the model. The results suggest that the ISC model, personal propensity toward IT innovations, and management support jointly nurture employees’ creative use of complex technologies

    Costunolide causes mitotic arrest and enhances radiosensitivity in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>This work aimed to investigate the effect of costunolide, a sesquiterpene lactone isolated from <it>Michelia compressa</it>, on cell cycle distribution and radiosensitivity of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The assessment used in this study included: cell viability assay, cell cycle analysis by DNA histogram, expression of phosphorylated histone H3 (Ser 10) by flow cytometer, mitotic index by Liu's stain and morphological observation, mitotic spindle alignment by immunofluorescence of alpha-tubulin, expression of cell cycle-related proteins by Western blotting, and radiation survival by clonogenic assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that costunolide reduced the viability of HA22T/VGH cells. It caused a rapid G2/M arrest at 4 hours shown by DNA histogram. The increase in phosphorylated histone H3 (Ser 10)-positive cells and mitotic index indicates costunolide-treated cells are arrested at mitosis, not G2, phase. Immunofluorescence of alpha-tubulin for spindle formation further demonstrated these cells are halted at metaphase. Costunolide up-regulated the expression of phosphorylated Chk2 (Thr 68), phosphorylated Cdc25c (Ser 216), phosphorylated Cdk1 (Tyr 15) and cyclin B1 in HA22T/VGH cells. At optimal condition causing mitotic arrest, costunolide sensitized HA22T/VGH HCC cells to ionizing radiation with sensitizer enhancement ratio up to 1.9.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Costunolide could reduce the viability and arrest cell cycling at mitosis in hepatoma cells. Logical exploration of this mitosis-arresting activity for cancer therapeutics shows costunolide enhanced the killing effect of radiotherapy against human HCC cells.</p

    Comprehensive characterization of polyproline tri-helix macrocyclic nanoscaffolds for predictive ligand positioning

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    Multivalent ligands hold promise for enhancing avidity and selectivity to simultaneously target multimeric proteins, as well as potentially modulating receptor signaling in pharmaceutical applications. Essential for these manipulations are nanosized scaffolds that precisely control ligand display patterns, which can be achieved by using polyproline oligo-helix macrocyclic nanoscaffolds via selective binding to protein oligomers and cell surface receptors. This work focuses on synthesis and structural characterization of different-sized polyproline tri-helix macrocyclic (PP3M) scaffolds. Through combined analysis of circular dichroism (CD), small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SWAXS), electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, and molecular modeling, a non-coplanar tri-helix loop structure with partially crossover helix ends is elucidated. This structural model aligns well with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging. The present work enhances the precision of nanoscale organic synthesis, offering prospects for controlled ligand positioning on scaffolds. This advancement paves the way for further applications in nanomedicine through selective protein interaction, manipulation of cell surface receptor functions, and developments of more complex polyproline-based nanostructures

    Design and Synthesis of 2-(3-Benzo[ b ]thienyl)-6,7-methylenedioxyquinolin-4-one Analogues as Potent Antitumor Agents that Inhibit Tubulin Assembly

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    As part of our continuing investigation of azo-flavonoid derivatives as potential anticancer drug candidates, a series of 2-aryl-6,7-methylenedioxyquinolin-4-one analogs was designed and synthesized. The design combined structural features of 2-(2-fluorophenyl)-6,7-methylenedioxyquinolin-4-one (CHM-1), a previously discovered compound with potent in vivo antitumor activity, and 2-arylquinolin-4-ones identified by CoMFA models. The newly synthesized analogs were evaluated for cytotoxicity against seven human cancer cell lines, and structure-activity relationship (SAR) correlations were established. Analogs 1, 37, and 39 showed potent cytotoxicity against different cancer cell lines. Compound 1 demonstrated selective cytotoxicity against Hep 3B (hepatoma) cells. Compound 37 was cytotoxic against HL-60 (leukemia), HCT-116 (colon cancer), Hep 3B (hepatoma), and SK-MEL-5 (melanoma) cells. Compound 39 exhibited broad cytotoxicity against all seven cancer cell lines, with IC50 values between 0.07–0.19 µM. Results from mechanism of action studies revealed that these new quinolone derivatives function as antitubulin agents

    Twisting of the DNA-binding surface by a β-strand-bearing proline modulates DNA gyrase activity

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    DNA gyrase is the only topoisomerase capable of introducing (−) supercoils into relaxed DNA. The C-terminal domain of the gyrase A subunit (GyrA-CTD) and the presence of a gyrase-specific ‘GyrA-box’ motif within this domain are essential for this unique (−) supercoiling activity by allowing gyrase to wrap DNA around itself. Here we report the crystal structure of Xanthomonas campestris GyrA-CTD and provide the first view of a canonical GyrA-box motif. This structure resembles the GyrA-box-disordered Escherichia coli GyrA-CTD, both adopting a non-planar β-pinwheel fold composed of six seemingly spirally arranged β-sheet blades. Interestingly, structural analysis revealed that the non-planar architecture mainly stems from the tilted packing seen between blades 1 and 2, with the packing geometry likely being defined by a conserved and unusual β-strand-bearing proline. Consequently, the GyrA-box-containing blade 1 is placed at an angled spatial position relative to the other DNA-binding blades, and an abrupt bend is introduced into the otherwise flat DNA-binding surface. Mutagenesis studies support that the proline-induced structural twist contributes directly to gyrase’s (−) supercoiling activity. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that a β-strand-bearing proline may impact protein function. Potential relevance of β-strand-bearing proline to disease phenylketonuria is also noted