1,642 research outputs found

    Detection of Diatomic Carbon in 2I/Borisov

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    2I/Borisov is the first-ever observed interstellar comet (and the second detected interstellar object (ISO)). It was discovered on 2019 August 30 and has a heliocentric orbital eccentricity of ~3.35, corresponding to a hyperbolic orbit that is unbound to the Sun. Given that it is an ISO, it is of interest to compare its properties—such as composition and activity—with the comets in our solar system. This study reports low-resolution optical spectra of 2I/Borisov. The spectra were obtained by the MDM Observatory Hiltner 2.4 m telescope/Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph (on 2019 October 31.5 and November 4.5, UT). The wavelength coverage spanned from 3700 to 9200 Å. The dust continuum reflectance spectra of 2I/Borisov show that the spectral slope is steeper in the blue end of the spectrum (compared to the red). The spectra of 2I/Borisov clearly show CN emission at 3880 Å, as well as C2 emission at both 4750 and 5150 Å. Using a Haser model to covert the observed fluxes into estimates for the molecular production rates, we find Q(CN) = 2.4 ± 0.2 × 10²⁴ s⁻¹, and Q(C₂) = (5.5 ± 0.4) × 10²³ s⁻¹ at the heliocentric distance of 2.145 au. Our Q(CN) estimate is consistent with contemporaneous observations, and the Q(C₂) estimate is generally below the upper limits of previous studies. We derived the ratio Q(C₂)/Q(CN) = 0.2 ± 0.1, which indicates that 2I/Borisov is depleted in carbon-chain species, but is not empty. This feature is not rare for the comets in our solar system, especially in the class of Jupiter-family comets

    Probing the C-H Activation of Linear and Cyclic Ethers at (PNP)Ir

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    Interaction of the amido/bis(phosphine)-supported (PNP)Ir fragment with a series of linear and cyclic ethers is shown to afford, depending on substrate, products of α,α-dehydrogenation (carbenes), α,β-dehydrogenation (vinyl ethers), or decarbonylation. While carbenes are exclusively obtained from tert-amyl methyl ether, sec-butyl methyl ether (SBME), n-butyl methyl ether (NBME), and tetrahydrofuran (THF), vinyl ethers or their adducts are observed upon reaction with diethyl ether and 1,4-dioxane. Decarbonylation occurs upon interaction of (PNP)Ir with benzyl methyl ether, and a mechanism is proposed for this unusual transformation, which occurs via a series of C−H, C−O, and C−C bond cleavage events. The intermediates characterized for several of these reactions as well as the α,α-dehydrogenation of tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE) are used to outline a reaction pathway for the generation of PNP-supported iridium(I) carbene complexes, and it is shown that the long-lived, observable intermediates are substrate-dependent and differ for the related cases of MTBE and THF. Taken together, these findings highlight the variety of pathways utilized by the electron-rich, unsaturated (PNP)Ir fragment to stabilize itself by transferring electron density to ethereal substrates through oxidative addition and/or the formation of π-acidic ligands

    Eigenmodes of Decay and Discrete Fragmentation Processes

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    Linear rate equations are used to describe the cascading decay of an initial heavy cluster into fragments. This representation is based upon a triangular matrix of transition rates. We expand the state vector of mass multiplicities, which describes the process, into the biorthonormal basis of eigenmodes provided by the triangular matrix. When the transition rates have a scaling property in terms of mass ratios at binary fragmentation vertices, we obtain solvable models with explicit mathematical properties for the eigenmodes. A suitable continuous limit provides an interpolation between the solvable models. It gives a general relationship between the decay products and the elementary transition rates.Comment: 6 pages, plain TEX, 2 figures available from the author

    Using diffusion tensor imaging to identify corticospinal tract projection patterns in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy.

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    AIM: To determine whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be an independent assessment for identifying the corticospinal tract (CST) projecting from the more-affected motor cortex in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy (CP). METHOD: Twenty children with unilateral spastic CP participated in this study (16 males, four females; mean age 9y 2mo [standard deviation (SD) 3y 2mo], Manual Ability Classification System [MACS] level I-III). We used DTI tractography to reconstruct the CST projecting from the more-affected motor cortex. We mapped the motor representation of the more-affected hand by stimulating the more- and the less-affected motor cortex measured with single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We then verified the presence or absence of the contralateral CST by comparing the TMS map and DTI tractography. Fisher's exact test was used to determine the association between findings of TMS and DTI. RESULTS: DTI tractography successfully identified the CST controlling the more-affected hand (sensitivity=82%, specificity=78%). INTERPRETATION: Contralateral CST projecting from the lesioned motor cortex assessed by DTI is consistent with findings of TMS mapping. Since CST connectivity may be predictive of response to certain upper extremity treatments, DTI-identified CST connectivity may potentially be valuable for determining such connectivity where TMS is unavailable or inadvisable for children with seizures.K08 NS073796 - NINDS NIH HHS; TL1 RR024158 - NCRR NIH HHS; K01 NS062116 - NINDS NIH HHS; UL1 RR024156 - NCRR NIH HHS; KL2 RR024157 - NCRR NIH HHS; R01 HD076436 - NICHD NIH HHSPublished versio

    Multiple Items, Ascending Price Auctions: An Experimental Examination of Alternative Auction Sequences

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    The paper investigates the revenue and efficiency of different ascending price auction architectures for the sale of three items and five bidders. Four architectures are studied: two different sequences of single item auctions, simultaneous auctions with a common countdown clock, and simultaneous auctions with item specific countdown clocks. A countdown clock measures the time until the auction closes but resets with each new bid. The environment contains independent private values, no uncertainty about own preferences, no information about other’s preferences, and a one unit budget constraint. The Nash equilibrium best response with straight forward bidding fits both dynamic and outcome data well. When non-unique Nash equilibria exist as in the case of simultaneous markets with a common clock, the social value maximizing Nash equilibrium emerges as the equilibrium selection. Both total revenue and efficiencies depend on the architecture as predicted by the Nash model, with the exception of the independent clocks architecture, which performs poorly on all dimensions

    On the extremal number of edges in hamiltonian connected graphs

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    AbstractAssume that n and δ are positive integers with 3≤δ<n. Let hc(n,δ) be the minimum number of edges required to guarantee an n-vertex graph G with minimum degree δ(G)≥δ to be hamiltonian connected. Any n-vertex graph G with δ(G)≥δ is hamiltonian connected if |E(G)|≥hc(n,δ). We prove that hc(n,δ)=C(n−δ+1,2)+δ2−δ+1 if δ≤⌊n+3×(nmod2)6⌋+1, hc(n,δ)=C(n−⌊n2⌋+1,2)+⌊n2⌋2−⌊n2⌋+1 if ⌊n+3×(nmod2)6⌋+1<δ≤⌊n2⌋, and hc(n,δ)=⌈nδ2⌉ if δ>⌊n2⌋

    Coexistence of anterior communicating artery aneurysm and tuberculum sellae meningioma

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    SummaryTuberculum sellae meningioma is a common intracranial tumor. However, its coexistence with an intratumoral aneurysm is rare. Here, we present the case of a 65-year-old woman with progressive vision loss caused by a tuberculum sellae meningioma coexisting with an intratumoral anterior communicating artery aneurysm. Treatment modalities for patients with this rare coexisting pathology were reviewed. When an intracranial tumor is closely related to the major intracranial vessel, preoperative magnetic resonance imaging angiography, a safe and noninvasive imaging study, is suggested for the early diagnosis of a possible coexisting aneurysm and for reducing the risk of intraoperative aneurysm rupture

    Can the Future Influence the Present?

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    One widely accepted model of classical electrodynamics assumes that a moving charged particle produces both retarded and advanced fields. This formulation first appeared at least 75 years ago. It was popularized in the 1940\u27s by work of Wheeler and Feynman. But the most fundamental question associated with the model has remained unanswered: When (if ever) does the two-body problem have a unique solution? The present paper gives an answer in one special case. Imagine two identical charged particles alone in the universe moving symmetrically along the x axis. One is at x(t) and the other is at −x(t). Their motion is then governed by a system of functional differential equations involving both retarded and advanced arguments. This system together with the Newtonian initial data x(0)=x0\u3e0 and x′(0)=0 has a unique solution for all time provided x0 is sufficiently large. Perhaps the existence and uniqueness proof given for this special case will pave the way for more general results on this curious two-body problem

    Expression and immunogenicity of secreted forms of bovine ephemeral fever virus glycoproteins applied to subunit vaccine development

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    This study was support by grants from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-106-2911-I-020-501; MOST-107-2313-B-020-011-MY3) and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/P025080/1).Aims  Vaccines for bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV) are available but are difficult to produce, expensive, or suffer from genetic instability. Therefore, we designed constructs encoding C-terminally truncated forms (transmembrane anchoring region deleted) of glycoproteins G and GNS such that they were secreted from the cell into the media to achieve high-level antigen expression, correct glycosylation pattern, and enable further simple purification with the V5 epitope tag. Methods and Results  In this study, synthetic biology was employed to create membrane-bound and secreted forms of G and GNS glycoprotein. Mammalian cell culture was employed as an antigen expression platform, and the secreted forms of G and GNS protein were easily purified from media by using a highly effective, single-step method. The V5 epitope tag was genetically fused to the C-termini of the proteins, enabling detection of the antigen through immunoblotting and immunomicroscopy. Our data demonstrated that the C-terminally truncated form of the G glycoprotein was efficiently secreted from cells into the cell media. Moreover, the immunogenicity was confirmed in mice test. Conclusions  The immuno-dot blots showed that the truncated G glycoprotein was present in the total cell extract, and was clearly secreted into the media, consistent with the western blotting data and live-cell images. Our strategy presented the expression of secreted, epitope-tagged, forms of the BEFV glycoproteins such that appropriately glycosylated forms of BEFV G protein was secreted from the BHK-21 cells. This indicates that high-level expression of secreted G glycoprotein is a feasible strategy for large-scale production of vaccines and improving vaccine efficacy. Significance and Impact of the Study The antigen expression strategy designed in this study can produce high-quality recombinant protein and reduce the amount of antigen used in the vaccine.PostprintPeer reviewe