6 research outputs found

    On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese noun phrases

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    Przedstawiony w artykule opis semantycznych uwarunkowań swobodnego szyku składników fraz nominalnych w języku chińskim jest dla autorów podstawą twierdzenia, że język ten nie posiada składniowej kategorii DP. Rozszerzając analizę na wykładnik liczby mnogiej -men, autorzy łączą określoność fraz zawierających ten wykładnik oraz interakcje między semantyką liczby mnogiej i referencji określonej -men z jego statusem klasyfikatora, a także z brakiem projekcji składniowej DP w języku chińskim. Również własności przydawek dzierżawczych w chińskich frazach nominalnych sugerują brak kategorii DP w gramatyce języka chińskiego. Artykuł zawiera również semantyczny opis niektórych różnic w porządku linearnym składników fraz nominalnych pomiędzy językiem chińskim i językiem serbsko-chorwackim, również pozbawionym składniowej kategorii DP.We provide a semantic account of the free ordering of NP-internal elements in Chinese and argue that this provides evidence for the lack of DP in Chinese. We also extend this account to the Mandarin plural marker -men, tying the definiteness of -men phrases and its number/definiteness interaction to the classifier status of -men and the lack of DP in Chinese. We show that the binding properties of Chinese possessors also provide evidence for the no-DP analysis of Chinese. Finally, we propose a semantic account of certain differences in the order of NP-internal elements between Chinese and Serbo-Croatian, another language that lacks DP

    The Scope of Reciprocal Degree Operators and Degree Pluralities

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    A degree sentence such as John and Mary are (un)equally tall conveys both reciprocity and equivalence and hence are termed 'reciprocal equatives'. This paper investigates this degree construction; building on Schwarz's (2007) pioneer study, I suggest an account for this degree construction that covers a wider range of data. To the extent that the proposal is on the right track, it provides new support for building in plurality in the domain of degrees, an idea that has been put forward by Beck (2010, 2014) and Dotlačil & Nouwen (2016)

    On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases

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    We provide a semantic account of the free ordering of NP-internal elements in Chinese and argue that this provides evidence for the lack of DP in Chinese. We also extend this account to the Mandarin plural marker -men, tying the definiteness of -men phrases and its number/definiteness interaction to the classifier status of -men and the lack of DP in Chinese. We show that the binding properties of Chinese possessors also provide evidence for the no-DP analysis of Chinese. Finally, we propose a semantic account of certain differences in the order of NP-internal elements between Chinese and Serbo-Croatian, another language that lacks DP

    Proceedings of the Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages (TripleA) 2

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    TripleA is a workshop series founded by linguists from the University of Tübingen and the University of Potsdam. Its aim is to provide a forum for semanticists doing fieldwork on understudied languages, and its focus is on languages from Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. The second TripleA workshop was held at the University of Potsdam, June 3-5, 2015