569 research outputs found

    The relationships between technical operator turnover rate and selected working condition factors in Taiwan\u27s printing industry

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how technical operator turnover rate related to selected working condition factors in Taiwan\u27s printing industry. These factors, as defined in this study, included wages, employee benefits, alternative work schedules, training programs, and gainsharings. If the results of this study showed that technical operator turnover rate was related to these selected factors, then the findings of this study would be helpful to a manager making decisions on turnover management. The data for this study were collected by using three sets of questionnaires: (a) one designed for personnel directors, (b) one targeted at financial directors, and (c) one aimed at technical operators. These questionnaires were developed by the author and were validated by graphic arts professionals both in the United States and in Taiwan. The population of this study was the medium-size lithographic printing companies in Taiwan, having between 20 and 60 employees. These companies were members of the Taiwan Printing Industry Association between January 1991 and June 1992. The statistical analyses were accomplished by employing the multiple regression analysis at the 0.05 level of significance to determine how technical operator turnover rate related to these selected factors as defined in this study. The results of this study indicated that there were significant correlations between technical operator turnover rate and the defined working condition factors. The turnover rate could be predicted by using any two specific variables, based on the information gathered from either the management or the operators. The companies with higher wages had better benefits, training programs, gainsharings, and alternative work schedules. At the same time, the technical operators\u27 perceptions of these companies\u27 practice in wages, employee benefits, alternative work schedules, training programs, and gainsharings were also higher. The turnover rates for these companies were lower. Recommendations for management interested in employee turnover management were (a) be aware of the importance of working conditions, (b) should note the strong correlations between the actual amount of each selected working condition factor as defined in this study and the technical operators\u27 perceptions of each factor, (c) the needs for re-evaluating the employees\u27 working conditions when employee turnover rate begins to increase. Recommendations for further study were (a) extending the selected working condition factors and include the external economic climate, internal size of operation, line of business, personal factors, and psychological motivation factors; (b) enlarging the population needed for further study which may include small, medium, and large size lithographic printing companies and the non-member lithographic printing companies, adding the company size and membership as independent variables; (c) stretching the time frame of future study to 3 years for the purpose of verifying the long-term effects of working conditions on employee turnover rate; (d) repeating this study in different countries and compare these results with the results of this study for the purpose of finding out the effects of different cultures and environments; and (e) conducting this same study at a later date and compare the results of these two studies to see what changes might have occurred through time

    Bacteria in the apical root canals of teeth with apical periodontitis

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    Background/PurposeBacteria in the tooth root canal may cause apical periodontitis. This study examined the bacterial species present in the apical root canal of teeth with apical periodontitis. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed to evaluate whether these identified bacterial species were susceptible to specific kinds of antibiotics.MethodsSelective media plating and biochemical tests were used first to detect the bacterial species in samples taken from the apical portion of root canals of 62 teeth with apical periodontitis. The isolated bacterial species were further confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.ResultsWe found concomitant presence of two (32 teeth) or three species (18 teeth) of bacteria in 50 (80.6%) out of 62 tested teeth. However, only 34 bacterial species were identified. Of a total of 118 bacterial isolates (83 anaerobes and 35 aerobes), Prophyromonas endodontalis was detected in 10; Bacteroides, Dialister invisus or Fusobacterium nucleatum in 9; Treponema denticola or Enterococcus faecalis in 8; Peptostreptococcus or Olsenella uli in 6; and Veillonella in 5 teeth. The other 25 bacterial species were detected in fewer than five teeth. Approximately 80–95% of bacterial isolates of anaerobes were sensitive to ampicillin/sulbactam (Unasyn), amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin), cefoxitin, and clindamycin. For E. faecalis, 85–90% of bacterial isolates were sensitive to gentamicin and linezolid.ConclusionRoot canal infections are usually caused by a mixture of two or three species of bacteria. Specific kinds of antibiotic can be selected to control these bacterial infections after antibiotic sensitivity testing

    VI-Band Follow-Up Observations of Ultra-Long-Period Cepheid Candidates in M31

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    The ultra-long period Cepheids (ULPCs) are classical Cepheids with pulsation periods exceeding 80\approx 80 days. The intrinsic brightness of ULPCs are ~1 to ~3 mag brighter than their shorter period counterparts. This makes them attractive in future distance scale work to derive distances beyond the limit set by the shorter period Cepheids. We have initiated a program to search for ULPCs in M31, using the single-band data taken from the Palomar Transient Factory, and identified eight possible candidates. In this work, we presented the VI-band follow-up observations of these eight candidates. Based on our VI-band light curves of these candidates and their locations in the color-magnitude diagram and the Period-Wesenheit diagram, we verify two candidates as being truly ULPCs. The six other candidates are most likely other kinds of long-period variables. With the two confirmed M31 ULPCs, we tested the applicability of ULPCs in distance scale work by deriving the distance modulus of M31. It was found to be μM31,ULPC=24.30±0.76\mu_{M31,ULPC}=24.30\pm0.76 mag. The large error in the derived distance modulus, together with the large intrinsic dispersion of the Period-Wesenheit (PW) relation and the small number of ULPCs in a given host galaxy, means that the question of the suitability of ULPCs as standard candles is still open. Further work is needed to enlarge the sample of calibrating ULPCs and reduce the intrinsic dispersion of the PW relation before re-considering ULPCs as suitable distance indicators.Comment: 13 pages, with 14 Figures and 4 Tables (one online table). AJ accepte

    Modulation of nucleosome-binding activity of FACT by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation

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    Chromatin-modifying factors play key roles in transcription, DNA replication and DNA repair. Post-translational modification of these proteins is largely responsible for regulating their activity. The FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription) complex, a heterodimer of hSpt16 and SSRP1, is a chromatin structure modulator whose involvement in transcription and DNA replication has been reported. Here we show that nucleosome binding activity of FACT complex is regulated by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. hSpt16, the large subunit of FACT, is poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) resulting from physical interaction between these two proteins. The level of hSpt16 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is elevated after genotoxic treatment and coincides with the activation of PARP-1. The enhanced hSpt16 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation level correlates with the dissociation of FACT from chromatin in response to DNA damage. Our findings suggest that poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of hSpt16 by PARP-1 play regulatory roles for FACT-mediated chromatin remodeling

    Relationships among Constitution, Stress, and Discomfort in the First Trimester

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    The purpose of this study was to explore correlations among constitution, stress, and discomfort symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy. We adopted a descriptive and correlational research design and collected data from 261 pregnant women during their first trimester in southern Taiwan using structured questionnaires. Results showed that (1) stress was significantly and positively correlated with Yang-Xu, Yin-Xu, and Tan-Shi-Yu-Zhi constitutions, respectively; (2) Yin-Xu and Tan-Shi-Yu-Zhi constitutions had significant correlations with all symptoms of discomfort, while Yang-Xu had significant correlations with all symptoms of discomfort except for “running nose”; (3) Tan-Shi-Yu-Zhi constitution and stress were two indicators for “fatigue”; Tan-Shi-Yu-Zhi was the indicator for “nausea”; Yang-Xu and Yin-Xu were indicators for “frequent urination.” Our findings also indicate that stress level affects constitutional changes and that stress and constitutional change affect the incidence of discomfort. This research can help healthcare professionals observe these discomforts and provide individualized care for pregnant women, to nurture pregnant women into neutral-type constitution, minimize their levels of discomfort, and promote the health of the fetus and the mother

    Design of microarray probes for virus identification and detection of emerging viruses at the genus level

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    BACKGROUND: Most virus detection methods are geared towards the detection of specific single viruses or just a few known targets, and lack the capability to uncover the novel viruses that cause emerging viral infections. To address this issue, we developed a computational method that identifies the conserved viral sequences at the genus level for all viral genomes available in GenBank, and established a virus probe library. The virus probes are used not only to identify known viruses but also for discerning the genera of emerging or uncharacterized ones. RESULTS: Using the microarray approach, the identity of the virus in a test sample is determined by the signals of both genus and species-specific probes. The genera of emerging and uncharacterized viruses are determined based on hybridization of the viral sequences to the conserved probes for the existing viral genera. A detection and classification procedure to determine the identity of a virus directly from detection signals results in the rapid identification of the virus. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated the validity and feasibility of the above strategy with a small number of viral samples. The probe design algorithm can be applied to any publicly available viral sequence database. The strategy of using separate genus and species probe sets enables the use of a straightforward virus identity calculation directly based on the hybridization signals. Our virus identification strategy has great potential in the diagnosis of viral infections. The virus genus and specific probe database and the associated summary tables are available a

    An overview of the Phalaenopsis orchid genome through BAC end sequence analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Phalaenopsis </it>orchids are popular floral crops, and development of new cultivars is economically important to floricultural industries worldwide. Analysis of orchid genes could facilitate orchid improvement. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences (BESs) can provide the first glimpses into the sequence composition of a novel genome and can yield molecular markers for use in genetic mapping and breeding.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used two BAC libraries (constructed using the <it>Bam</it>HI and <it>Hin</it>dIII restriction enzymes) of <it>Phalaenopsis equestris </it>to generate pair-end sequences from 2,920 BAC clones (71.4% and 28.6% from the <it>Bam</it>HI and <it>Hin</it>dIII libraries, respectively), at a success rate of 95.7%. A total of 5,535 BESs were generated, representing 4.5 Mb, or about 0.3% of the <it>Phalaenopsis </it>genome. The trimmed sequences ranged from 123 to 1,397 base pairs (bp) in size, with an average edited read length of 821 bp. When these BESs were subjected to sequence homology searches, it was found that 641 (11.6%) were predicted to represent protein-encoding regions, whereas 1,272 (23.0%) contained repetitive DNA. Most of the repetitive DNA sequences were gypsy- and copia-like retrotransposons (41.9% and 12.8%, respectively), whereas only 10.8% were DNA transposons. Further, 950 potential simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were discovered. Dinucleotides were the most abundant repeat motifs; AT/TA dimer repeats were the most frequent SSRs, representing 253 (26.6%) of all identified SSRs. Microsynteny analysis revealed that more BESs mapped to the whole-genome sequences of poplar than to those of grape or <it>Arabidopsis</it>, and even fewer mapped to the rice genome. This work will facilitate analysis of the <it>Phalaenopsis </it>genome, and will help clarify similarities and differences in genome composition between orchids and other plant species.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using BES analysis, we obtained an overview of the <it>Phalaenopsis </it>genome in terms of gene abundance, the presence of repetitive DNA and SSR markers, and the extent of microsynteny with other plant species. This work provides a basis for future physical mapping of the <it>Phalaenopsis </it>genome and advances our knowledge thereof.</p

    Progesterone Increases Apoptosis and Inversely Decreases Autophagy in Human Hepatoma HA22T/VGH Cells Treated with Epirubicin

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Epirubicin can induce intracellular reactive oxygen species and is widely used to treat unresectable HCC. Progesterone has been found to inhibit the proliferation of hepatoma cells. This study was designed to test the combined effects of epirubicin and progesterone on human hepatoma cell line, HA22T/VGH. These cells were treated with different concentrations of epirubicin with or without the coaddition of 30 μM progesterone and then analyzed for apoptosis, autophagy, and expressions of apoptotic-related proteins and multidrug-resistant gene. Epirubicin treatment dose-dependently inhibited the growth of HA22T/VGH cells. Addition of 30 μM progesterone, which was inactive alone, augmented the effect of epirubicin on the inhibition of growth of HA22T/VGH cells. Cotreatment with progesterone enhanced epirubicin-induced apoptosis, as evidenced by greater increase in caspase-3 activity and in the ratio of the apoptosis-regulating protein, Bax/Bcl-XL. The combination also caused a decrease in autophagy and in the expression of multidrug resistance-related protein 1 mRNA compared to epirubicin alone. This study shows the epirubicin/progesterone combination was more effective in increasing apoptosis and inversely decreasing autophagy on HA22T/VGH cells treated with epirubicin alone, suggesting that this combination can potentially be used to treat HCC