131 research outputs found

    Organic sheep production

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    The most important aspects of organic sheep production are given based of literature data, as well as implementation possibility of the production in mountainous regions of our country. Organic sheep farming is based on suitable crop rotations, animal manures, clover, low stocking rates and good animal husbandry. Organic sheep unit must be registered with an organic sector body and the production system adopted must meet the specified organic standards. The animals must normally be fed with organically produced feedstuffs and maximum use of grazing. Preventative management is always encouraged, as well as homoeopathic and herbal remedies. Veterinary drugs must not be used as a preventative medicine on a routine basis except to prevent distress of illness or injury

    Propusti u sprovođenju higijenskih mera pri muži krava

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    Milk presents very convenient environment for multiplying of microorganisms from the surroundings or from udder itself. To obtain milk correct in hygienic sense, except health milk glands, environmental factors which could contribute to additional milk contamination are important too. Failures in hygiene of milk, milkmen, milking environment or milking machines, as well as their technical accuracy, have primary importance in occurrence of udder diseases and therefore in milk quality too. In this paper, the mentioned factors were examined on the farm with free keeping of cows, where they were milked in a milking parlour. Results obtained by the observation and estimation of corresponding procedures are satisfactory on the whole, but correction of the existing failures could contribute to better health condition of udder, better production results and improvement of hygienic quality of milk.Mleko predstavlja veoma povoljnu sredinu za razmnožavanje mikroorganizama poreklom iz spoljne sredine ili iz samog vimena. Za dobijanje higijenski ispravnog mleka, osim zdrave mlečne žlezde, važni su i faktori spoljne sredine, koji mogu da doprinesu naknadnoj kontaminaciji mleka. Propusti u higijeni muže, muzača, sredine u kojoj se obavlja muža i aparata za mužu kao i njihova tehnička ispravnost, imaju primaran značaj u nastanku oboljenja vimena a odatle i na kvalitet mleka. U ovom radu su pomenuti faktori ispitivani na farmi sa slobodnim držanjem krava, gde se muža obavlja u izmuziÅ”tu. Rezultati dobijeni posmatranjem i bodovanjem odgovarajućih postupaka su u celini zadovoljavajući, iako postoje propusti čijom bi se korekcijom moglo doprineti boljem zdravstvenom stanju vimena, boljim proizvodnim rezultatima i poboljÅ”anju higijenske ispravnosti mleka

    Najznačajniji propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti životinja na farmama goveda i svinja

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    In this paper the most significant welfare oversights on two cattle and two pig farms with intensive breeding system, as well as on nine cattle and two pig farms on private breeding farms are discussed. The results concerning cattle and pig welfare were derived after calculating several indicator types (behavior of breeders towards animals, animal needs indicators, animal behavior, health condition, feeding and productivity indicators). Most frequent oversights were that, that there were no plans about providing welfare and resolving health condition, then spatial, microclimatic and hygienic conditions which lead to technopatia and etopathias and reduction of production results. Based on derived data we can conclude that it is necessary to define standards of welfare in cattle and pig breeding, and according to which create appropriate plans for securing welfare for this animal species, which will be improved in time.U ovom radu razmatrani su najznačajniji propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti životinja na dve farme goveda i dve farme svinja sa intenzivnim sistemom gajenja, kao i devet farmi goveda i tri farme svinja kod individualnih proizvođača. Rezultati koji se odnose na obezbeđenje dobrobiti goveda i svinja su dobijeni na osnovu sagledavanja indikatora odnosa odgajivača prema životinjama, zatim indikatora potreba životinja, ponaÅ”anja, zdravstvenog stanja, ishrane i produktivnosti. NajčeŔći propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti ovih vrsta životinja ogledaju se u nepostojanju plana obezbeđenja dobrobiti i zdravstvenog stanja, zatim prostornih, mikroklimatskih i higijenskih uslova, koji dovode do pojave tehnopatija i etopatija i smanjenja proizvodnih rezultata. Na osnovu utvrđenih rezultata zaključuje se da je potrebno definisati standarde dobrobiti u gajenju goveda i svinja u naÅ”oj zemlji i na osnovu njih odgovarajuće planove za obezbeđenje dobrobiti ovih vrsta životinja, koji bi se vremenom usavrÅ”avali

    Uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena na telesnu masu, prirast, iskoriŔćavanje hrane i koncentraciju selena u pojedinim tkivima kod svinja

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    Thirty-nine gilts, 82 days old, divided into 3 groups, were fed the main diet supplemented by 0; 0.3 and 0.6 mg Se/kg in the form of Seenriched yeast during 99 days. Selenium levels of 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg diet led to no significant bodyweight gain nor increase in body mass in any of the studied periods. However, gilts fed a diet supplemented with selenium (0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg) during the whole research period had somewhat higher body mass (1.17 and 3.36%, respectively) and higher average daily bodyweight gain (1.07 and 4.30%, respectively). Selenium supplemented diet influenced also more efficient feed conversion for 3.11 and 2.18%, respectively. The highest content of selenium was observed in the kidneys, then in liver and heart whilst the lowest selenium content was observed in the leg and neck musculature. Selenium concentration in kidneys ranged from 1.23 mg/kg to 1.38 mg/kg and no statistically significant differences were established among studied groups. Selenium concentration in the liver was 3-4 times lower, and in the heart muscle even up to 6 times lower in comparison with the kidneys. Among the studied groups statistically significant differences were established (P lt 0.01) for selenium levels in liver and heart muscle. The highest levels were observed in the group fed 0.6 mg Se/kg diet, that is, in the liver 0.511 mg/kg and in the heart 0.313 mg/kg. Selenium concentration in the leg and neck muscle was twice, i.e., three times higher in gilts fed 0.3 mg Se/kg and 0.6 mg Se/kg diet in relation to animals fed no supplemented selenium diets (P lt 0.01).Trideset i devet nazimica starih 82. dana, podeljenih u 3 grupe, hranjeno je osnovnim obrokom dopunjenim sa 0, 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg u obliku seleniziranog kvasca u toku 99 dana. Nivoi selena od 0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg hrane nisu doveli do značajnog povećanja prirasta i telesne mase ni u jednom ispitivanom periodu. Međutim, nazimice hranjene obrocima sa dodatkom selena (0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg) u toku celog perioda ispitivanja imale su neÅ”to veću telesnu masu (1,17 i 3,36%, redom) i prosečan dnevni prirast (1,07 i 4,30%, redom). Dodati selen u hranu je uticao i na efikasnije iskoriŔćavanje hrane za 3,11 i 2,18% redom. Najveći sadržaj selena ustanovljen je u bubrezima, a zatim u jetri i srcu, a najmanji u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi. Koncentracija selena u bubrezima kretala se od 1,23 do 1,38 mg/kg i nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih grupa. U jetri, koncentracija selena je bila 3-4 puta niža, a u srčanoj muskulaturi čak i do 6 puta niža nego u bubrezima. Između ispitivanih grupa ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike (P lt 0,01) u nivou selena u jetri i srčanoj muskulaturi. NajviÅ”i nivo ustanovljen je u grupi hranjene sa 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane i to u jetri 0,511, a u srcu 0,313 mg/kg. Koncentracija selena u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi bila je dva, odnosno tri puta veća kod nazimica hranjenih sa 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane u odnosu na grla koja nisu dobijala dodatak selena (P lt 0,01)

    Sprečavanje pojave i suzbijanje stafilokoknog mastitisa krava

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    Staphylococcal mastitis represents the most frequent form of cow mastitis in intensive milk production and a high economical problem as well. Prevention and eradication of this type of mastitis asks for consistent and continuous applying of a number of preventive and therapeutic measures by using an appropriate control programme. In our conditions, however, there are a certain disregards especially in carrying out of hygienic measures during the milking. In our investigation, an after milking disinfectant based on dodecylbenzylsulphonic acid, as an only hygienic measure, decreased a rate of new infections for 2,7 %. Our examinations have confirmed that partial usage of the programme has not significant effect on reducing possible new infections.NajčeŔći oblik mastitisa krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji, i veliki ekonomski problem, predstavlja stafilokokni mastitis. Sprečavanje pojave i suzbijanje ovog oblika mastitisa zahteva doslednu i kontinuiranu primenu niza preventivnih i terapijskih mera kroz odgovarajući program kontrole. U naÅ”im uslovima postoje izvesni propusti, naročito u sprovodenju higijenskih mera tokom muže. U naÅ”em istraživanju, primenom dezinficijensa posle muže na bazi dodecilbenzilsulfonske kiseline, kao jedine higijenske mere, pojava novih infekcija smanjena je za 2,7 %. Ispitivanjem smo utvrdili da parcijalnim sprovođenjem programa nema značajnijeg uticaja na smanjivanje pojave novih infekcija

    Freezing the boars semen: Some limitations and perspectives

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    Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and genetics of farm animals. Next developed procedure to the cryopreservate semen made great step towards different possibilities almost unlimited preservation of pathogen free quality genotypes semen, its usage in different time and locations, making transport easier and manipulative fees more acceptable. Limitations of the technique consider biological traits of semen and difficulties to reproduce them. The knowledge gained from the AI and the cryopreservation experience was extremely helpful in stepwise development of each successive reproductive technology, such as superovulation, embryo transfer, and, eventually, cloning

    Zdravstveni status i biosigurnosni planovi na farmama svinja

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    Preservation of necessary level of swine herd health status is the most important aspect of bio-security, farm production and successful welfare protection. It involves a list of bio-security measures which must be essential part of production technology, including good rearing conditions and other prophylactic measures appliance. According to previously performed investigations, a list of elements required to establish standards for bio-security for particular pig farm was created. The list includes elements related to assure spatial., microclimate and hygienic conditions for pigs rearing, care, nutrition and watering, surveillance, regrouping and transport of swine, disease outbreak control, barns equipment and production process organization which are performed by veterinarians and zootechnicians. Bio-security standards must concern necessary level of swine herd health status and organization, size and type of operation and anticipate all compulsory measures for health control and disease spreading prevention, particularly those whose outbreak must be reported. In bio-security plan structure present epidemiological situation, potential herd health and production threats, as well as possible solutions must be concerned.Očuvanje potrebnog nivoa zdravstvenog stanja populacije je najvažniji aspekt očuvanja biosigurnosti i uspeha proizvodnje, kao i dobrobiti svinja, i podrazumeva niz biosigurnosnih mera koje moraju biti sastavni deo proizvodne tehnologije, uključujući dobre uslove smeÅ”taja i držanja i primenu profilaktičkih mera. Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja je sastavljena lista elemenata neophodnih za uspostavljanje standarda i izradu planova biosigurnosti za konkretnu farmu svinja. Lista sadrži elemente koji se odnose na obezbeđenja prostornih, mikroklimatskih i higijenskih uslova gajenja životinja, negu, ishranu i napajanje, nadzor, pregrupisavanje i transport životinja, mera za sprečavanje pojave bolesti, opremanje staja i organizacija tehnoloÅ”kog procesa proizvodnje, koje sprovode odgajivači, veterinarski i zootehnički stručnjaci. Standardi biosigurnosti moraju uzeti u obzir neophodan nivo zdravstvenog stanja zapata svinja, organizaciju, obim i vid proizvodnje na farmi i predvideti sve neophodne mere za kontrolu zdravstvenog stanja zapata i sprečavanje unoÅ”enja i Å”irenja infektivnih bolesti, posebno onih čije se postojanje mora prijaviti. Pri izradi konkretnih planova biosigurnosti mora se uzeti u obzir trenutna epizootioloÅ”ka situacija, ali i predvideti potencijalne pretnje po zdravstveno stanje i proizvodnju na farmi i moguća reÅ”enja

    Uticaj toplotnog stresa na proizvodnju mleka kod mlečnih krava

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    Heat stress in dairy cows is caused by a combination of environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and air movement). Continual genetic selectin for greater performance results to increased sensitivity to heat stress. It was one of the reasons why lactation curve during summer has decreasing trend compared to spring in which lactation curve maintained within high levels. The trial was conducted in spring (April-May) and summer period (June-July) on total of 40 dairy cows of Holstein-Friesian breed in early lactation period (first 60 days of lactation). Milking capacity in cows and milk chemical ingredients (milk fat and proteins) were statistically significantly higher in the spring period compared to summer, while higher values of lactose were not statistically significant. Total average milk production per cow was significantly higher in spring period (42.74Ā±4.98l) than in summer (39.60Ā±5.09l) at the level of P lt 0.05. A higher rate of milk fat was recorded in spring in relation to summer period the level of significance being P lt 0.01. The content of proteins in milk in spring period was 13% higher than in summer. The established difference was highly statistically significant (P lt 0.001). Obtained values for percentage of lactose varied slightly (4.45Ā±0.54% in spring versus 4.03Ā±0.24% in summer period; P>0.05).Toplotni stres kod mlečnih krava uzrokovan je većim brojem spoljaÅ”njih faktora - temperaturom, relativnom vlažnoŔću vazduha, sunčevom radijacijom i kretanjem vazduha. Genetska selekcija za veće proizvodne rezultate povećava osetljivost na toplotni stres. To je jedan od razloga Å”to laktaciona kriva za vreme letnjeg perioda ima trend pada u poređenju sa prolećem kada laktaciona kriva dostiže visoke nivoe. Ogled je izveden u prolećnom (april-maj) i letnjem periodu (jun-jul) na ukupno 40 mlečnih krava holÅ”tajn-frizijske rase u ranom laktacionom periodu (prvih 60 dana laktacije). Mlečnost krava i hemijski sastojci mleka (mlečna mast i proteini ) su bili statistički značajno veći u prolećnom periodu u odnosu na letnji, dok veće vrednosti laktoze nisu bile i statistički značajne. Ukupna prosečna proizvodnja mleka po kravi je bila značajno veća u prolećnom periodu (42,74Ā±4,98l) nego u letnjem (39,60Ā±5, 09l) na nivou od P lt 0,05. Veći procenat mlečne masti zabeležen je u prolećnom nego u letnjem periodu na nivou značajnosti P lt 0,01. Sadržaj proteina u mleku u prolećnom periodu bio je 13% veći nego u letnjem. Ustanovljena razlika bila je visoko statistički značajna (P lt 0,001). Dobijene vrednosti za procenat laktoze malo su varirale (4,45Ā±0,54% u prolećnom prema 4,03Ā±0,24% u letnjem periodu; P>0,05)

    Hemolitička aktivnost ekstrakta rizoma i korena kukureka (H. odorus Waldst. et Kit.) primenjenog kod pacova soja Wistar

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    In the health care of animals phytoteraphy is being applied very intensively, mostly for the prophylactic purpose and with the aim of treating weaker forms of diseases and chronic course of a disease. It is well known from a traditional folk medicine that Helleborus L. can induce the functions of defensive cell effectors and increase the activity of rapid, unspecific mechanisms of immune response. The plants of the genus Helleborus L. contain saponosides which increase the permeability of the erythrocytes membrane and that leads to the haemolysis and loss of haemoglobin. In this research paper we have studied the influence which the rhisome and root extract of H. odorus Waldst. et Kit., may have on the value of the erythrocytes count, concentration of haemoglobin and haematocrit value. In the rats in the trial group the extract of underground plant organs of Helleborus odorus Walds. et Kit. was applied intramuscularly in the concentration of 0,5, 5 or 20mg/100g TM. In the rats in a control group a sterile physiological solution in the quantity of 0,25ml/100g TM was applied in the same way.Fitoterapija se u zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi životinja veoma intenzivno primenjuje u profilaktičke svrhe i u cilju lečenja blažih oblika bolesti i bolesti hroničnog toka. Iz tradicionalne, narodne medicine poznato je da kukurek podstiče funkcije efektorskih odbrambenih ćelija i povećava aktivnost brzih, nespecifičnih mehanizama imunskog odgovora. Biljke roda Helleborus L. sadrže saponozide koji povećavaju permeabilnosti membrane eritrocita Å”to dovodi do hemolize i gubitka hemoglobina. U ovom radu ispitivali smo uticaj ekstrakta rizoma i korena H. odorus Waldst. et Kit. na vrednost broja eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina i hematokritsku vrednost. Pacovima oglednih grupa ekstrakt kukureka je aplikovan intramuskularno u koncentraciji 0,5, 5 ili 20mg/100g TM. Pacovima kontrolne grupe na isti način je aplikovan sterilan fizioloÅ”ki rastvor u količini od 0,25ml/100g TM

    Constructive alignment between objectives, teaching and learning activities, student competencies and assessment methods in higher education

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    A high-quality learning process in higher education properly and constructively aligns essential elements: study programs and course objectives, learning outcomes, content, student workload, teaching and learning activities, assessment methods, and acquisition of student competencies, which is known in the literature as constructive alignment (CA). In essence, CA is bringing into alignment the predetermined competencies, the learning and teaching activities, and the assessment types. Furthermore, CA is an outcomes-based approach to teaching in which the learning outcomes that students are intended to achieve are defined before teaching takes place. Learning success at all levels of study primarily depends on constructive alignment as one of the most significant and influential principles in higher education. Detailed knowledge of this principle and consistent application is the basic obligation of teaching staff in higher education. To develop a ā€œconstructively alignedā€ course unit, a teacher should start from the intended course-specific competencies, after which they should choose the most appropriate learning, instructive, and teaching activities, and assessment methods for these specific competencies. The paper explains in more detail the essence of CA between student workload expressed through ECTS, study programs, course and unit objectives, learning outcomes, theoretical and practical contents, teaching and learning methodology, formative and summative assessment methods, and effective acquisition of student generic and course-specific competencies. Keywords: constructive alignment, student workload, objectives, learning outcomes, learning and teaching activities, assessment, competencie
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