Sprečavanje pojave i suzbijanje stafilokoknog mastitisa krava


Staphylococcal mastitis represents the most frequent form of cow mastitis in intensive milk production and a high economical problem as well. Prevention and eradication of this type of mastitis asks for consistent and continuous applying of a number of preventive and therapeutic measures by using an appropriate control programme. In our conditions, however, there are a certain disregards especially in carrying out of hygienic measures during the milking. In our investigation, an after milking disinfectant based on dodecylbenzylsulphonic acid, as an only hygienic measure, decreased a rate of new infections for 2,7 %. Our examinations have confirmed that partial usage of the programme has not significant effect on reducing possible new infections.Najčešći oblik mastitisa krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji, i veliki ekonomski problem, predstavlja stafilokokni mastitis. Sprečavanje pojave i suzbijanje ovog oblika mastitisa zahteva doslednu i kontinuiranu primenu niza preventivnih i terapijskih mera kroz odgovarajući program kontrole. U našim uslovima postoje izvesni propusti, naročito u sprovodenju higijenskih mera tokom muže. U našem istraživanju, primenom dezinficijensa posle muže na bazi dodecilbenzilsulfonske kiseline, kao jedine higijenske mere, pojava novih infekcija smanjena je za 2,7 %. Ispitivanjem smo utvrdili da parcijalnim sprovođenjem programa nema značajnijeg uticaja na smanjivanje pojave novih infekcija

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