32 research outputs found

    Implementación de un sistema de alimentación para aplicaciones espaciales

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    A medida que el ser humano busca llegar a los confines del universo, el desarrollo tecnológico va en aumento, pero a veces no lo suficientemente rápido como se gustaría. Los avances tecnológicos, no eliminan las duras condiciones que existen en el espacio. Estas características no solo dificultan la vida, sino que también lo hacen con la tecnología. La electrónica depende de materiales muy específicas para funcionar que a ciertas condiciones cambian sus propiedades. En el espacio, la generación de energía es clave para mantener la vida, y esta energía por lo general viene del sol. Para poder utilizar esta energía, es necesario transformarla mediante paneles solares y, tratarla para poder enviársela a cada uno de los subsistemas de una nave o satélite. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un convertidor CC-CC que forme parte de un conjunto de circuitos que se encarguen de gestionar la energía de una nave espacial o satélite. Dada las características del proyecto se busca conseguir un sistema dotado de mucha eficiencia y buenas prestaciones. Para el proyecto, se ha realizado un análisis de distintos convertidores para poder optar al que mejor cumpla las características establecidas. Además, se ha diseñado el convertidor CC-CC con componentes muy concretos, para aumentar las prestaciones y eficiencia, y así poder desarrollar un sistema tanto fiable como seguro para el resto de los circuitos para que ningún inconveniente afecte al sistema completo.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic


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    The formation of yield and its components is especially important in the breeding of new amphidiploid species. In order to determine the main components of yield in the species Triticum ×toschevii, 12 indices of the spikes were analyzed in three successive growing periods. Componential analysis was done to determine the main components in the formation of the yield’s structural elements. Based on the analyses carried out, the number of grains per spike and 1000 kernel weight were determined as the main structural elements. Indices such as number of spikelets per spike, spike length, and spike length with the awns were of secondary importance. The componential analysis clearly distinguished the structural elements of yield according to the way of their formation. The main components were four and they accounted for over 96 % of the total variation. The indices number of spikelets per spike, spike length, and awnness index were determined as typical vegetative components. The number of grains per spike and all mass indices were formed by the main component and were determined as typical generative indices. The length of spikes with awns and the number of spikelets along the length of the spike were determined by a third component. Such data outlined the high importance of the variation of the generative indices for the size of yield. This imposes the necessity to carry out purposeful selection in the species Triticum ×toschevii, so that it can be efficiently introduced as a cultural plant

    Environment Adjusted Yield Model for Ranking and Stability Assessment of Winter Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.) Genotypes

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    Obtaining high yields from crops such as triticale is directly related to the interaction of the used genotypes with the conditions of the environment. Therefore, the breeding of the crop is targeted toward reducing the effects, which various stress factors have on productivity. One of the shortcomings of the interaction of the genotype with the environment is that under contrasting growing conditions the different cultivars are ranked in a different way according to their yield value. This considerably hinders their evaluation and the possibility to choose the most suitable cultivars for the respective geographic area and micro region. In order to adequately assess the different triticale genotypes under contrasting conditions of the environment, a model for yield ranking was developed. It is based on the ratio between the reaction of the genotype under specific conditions of the environment with the mean productivity of the same genotype under the rest of the conditions of testing. This allowed increasing the contrast between differing genotypes and their more adequate ranking under certain conditions, or as a whole during the tested contrasting periods. On the other hand, the model allowed grouping of the genotypes with identical reaction to the conditions of the environment. The model was applied to eleven Bulgarian winter triticale cultivars (Kolorit, Atila, Akord, Respekt, Bumerang, Irnik, Dobrudzhanets, Lovchanets, Doni 52, Blagovest and Borislav) and to six contrasting periods of growing (2015 ndash%253B 2020). The results from the model values showed that the cultivars were grouped in different ways during the individual periods in comparison to their grouping according to yield values. Cultivars with similar productivity having identical ranks contrasted better with each other when applying the model. The genotypes, which possessed high stability, were characterized with lower ranks according to the results from the used model, especially in periods with clearly expressed drought. The ranks of the model values remained significantly high regardless of the conditions of the environments in cultivars Bumerang and Doni 52. The developed model demonstrated considerable similarities to the HARV and Hi models and can be reliably used in practical breeding work under contrasting environments


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    Introduction: Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a benign aggressive destructive osteolytic lesion of osteoclastic origin. The central giant cell granuloma is often found in the mandible, anterior to the first molars. It most commonly occurs in patients under the age of 30, with a clear female prevalencePurpose: To present a case of CGCG of the lower jaw in Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, University Hospital "St. Anna". Although en bloc resection provides the lowest recurrence rate, only a few single case reports describe the use of this technique followed by reconstruction with autogenous bone grafts.Material and methods: The medical history of a 28 years patient with a large central giant cell granuloma in the mandible. Biopsy specimen taken from the lesion showed CGCG followed by curettage with peripheral ostectomy with preservation of the continuity of the mandible.Result: At the 1-year clinical and radiological follow up there was no sign of recurrence. Conclusion: After complete healing of the graft, prosthetic rehabilitation with implants will be perfomed. This allows the best functional and aesthetic results

    High Yielding Triticale Lines With High Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Stem Rust

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    Higher attacks by some fungal diseases are observed in triticale in the recent years. Together with yellow and brown rust, powdery mildew and stem rust are main economically important diseases on triticale. The breeding for resistant cultivars is economically the most efficient and environmentally friendly method for disease control. During 2015 ndash%253B 2016, 43 triticale lines were selected, which had shown resistance to the causative agents of powdery mildew (Blumeri graminis f.sp. tritici %253D Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici) and stem rust Puccinia graminis. f.sp. tritici, and which possessed very good economic parameters. The investigation was carried out in an artificial infection field at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute. The lines were divided into two groups according to their resistance to the studied pathogens and their productivity. All lines were analyzed for production potential. Triticale lines 102%252F99-212, 211%252F05-107, 63%252F08-89, 218%252F08-97 and 93%252F08-87 demonstrated full resistance to the causative agents of powdery mildew and stem rust and possessed productivity exceeding the used standard with over 20 %25. Lines 63%252F08-86, 63%252F01-293, 63%252F08-83, 100%252F08-93, 218%252F08-81, 100%252F08-87, 11%252F07-95, 195%252F05-120, 113%252F07-86, 111%252F07-102, 93%252F08-89, 63%252F08-88, 63%252F08-79, 157т%252F9-4, 196%252F06-135, 195%252F05-148 combined high productivity with full resistance to powdery mildew and good resistance to stem rust

    Pleomorphic adenoma of the palpebra: a histopathological case report

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign glandular tumor, originating most commonly from the parotid gland. Other rare locations for PA are the breast, lung, lacrimal glands, etc. PA originating from other exocrine glands such as the glands of Moll in the palpebra are extremely rare. Herein we report a case report of a 66-year-old female patient with such PA, excised due to vision impediment, with a discussion on the histological aspects and diagnostic and management approaches of PA in this rare location

    Morphological hallmarks in early stage retinopathy in premature babies (retrolental fibroplasia)

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    Retinopathy in premature babies, also called retrolental fibroplasia, is one of the leading causes of visual impairment in the pediatric population. The condition occurs in developed countries and the pathophysiological mechanisms for its development are due to the overall immaturity of the body, in particular the respiratory system. The need for the baby to be kept in a highly oxygenated environment, against the background of pantissue hypoxia, results in the proliferation of retinal vessels subsequently sprouting into the posterior ocular chamber. As the respiratory system matures, the vessels degenerate and are replaced by connective tissue, which can lead to many complications. In order to detect early vascular changes in the retina, the ocular bulb of a pediatric autopsy case was examined, associated with early changes of premature retinopathy and a single control pediatric autopsy without clinical data on retinal pathology. Both patients were of comparable age - 3 months. In the patient with clinical manifestations of retrolental fibroplasia in the outer layers of the retina, there was profound proliferation of blood vessels, including thick-walled ones, with impaired histoarchitectonics of the retina. The second patient presented with no clinical data and conventional retinal morphology without vascular proliferation. The condition does not require morphological diagnosis. The observational findings of fundoscopy, together with the clinical information, are often specific enough and with good therapeutic interventions - lung rehabilitation, control of the oxygen environment, it is possible for the changes to regress without pathological progression. Morphological diagnosis is indicated only in cases with missing medical records, clinical evidence of visual impairment and the need for differential diagnosis with other disorders in the retina, some of which may have a genetic etiology and pose a potential risk to other relatives


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    The formulation of the present classifications of species of the genus Triticum associates mainly with several plant morphological factors such as fragility of the spikes spindle, grains threshability, grain sphericity, shape and position of glumes, lemmas and paleas and awns, compactness, etc. Special attention is paid to the factor "cultural/wild" form, the ploidy and the genomic constitution of the species, often supported by molecular data which provides considerable comfort in disclosing phylogenetic features in a particular taxonomic unit. Such taxonomic determination is associated with certain disadvantages. It is not sufficiently focused on the spike morphology related to the reproductive apparatus of the plant, and also the causes of phylogenetic differentiation of certain parameters, such as spike branching, multiple spikelets, as well as the ratios of quantitative properties. The existing classifications do not give a precise answer to the taxonomic position of amphidiploids in the genus Triticum, and also for those obtained from hybrid combinations with genera Aegilops, Secale, Haynaldia, Hordeum, Elymus, Leymus, Elytrigia, Agropyron, as transitional and similar forms. Based on studies of spike and grain morphology of a large number of representatives of the genus Triticum and other interspecific and intergeneric amphidiploid forms, a classification of the genus sensu lato and sensu stricto is composed. Sensu stricto, genus Triticum covers all existing wild and cultivated known wheat forms, together with interspecific artificial synthetic forms. Sensu lato, the genus includes intergeneric hybrids, for which a specific generic epithet was coined - ×Triticum, and also a specific epithet, consistent with the originator of the amphidiploid. Special attention was paid to species and amphidiploids with the genus Aegilops. Classification sensu strictissimo was also formulated where the genus Triticum brings together only diploid species, but natural amphidiploids are separated as genus Aegilotriticum, and artificial as genus ×Aegilotriticum, and the remote intergeneric amphidiploids are not subject to the classification. Drawn up in this way, the classifications cover morphological and ecological, evolutionary and phylogenetic features of the representatives of the genus Triticum


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    Introduction: Mandibular block autografts have been used extensively for alveolar ridge augmentation with great success and include the symphysis and ramus buccal shelf as donor sites. Objectives: Purpose of our study is to analyze preoperative CBCT assessment of donor sites- (symphysis and ramus buccal shelf) for ranges of autogenous block graft. Material and Methods: In our study, we have analyzed with CBCT these donor sites in 15 patients and were determined the osteotomy lines of the graft depends on the limiting anatomical critical structures. Also according to CBCT with 3D printing could be done stereolithographic models and 3D cutting models for optimizing surgery. Results: Symphysis can provide a range of dense cortical cancellous bone ranging from 17,7/7,65/6,68 mm, in contrast to a typical ramus buccal shelf block graft that is 9/9,2/8,1 mm. In symphisis area, there were observed a significant difference in width of the block at the level of the second incisor and canine. Also, the thickness of the graft differs in cranial and in caudal position. About bone graft from the buccal shell of mandibular ramus, thickness decreases from cranial to caudal direction as the measurement is at about 8mm. The width of the block is bigger in a cranial direction and smaller at the half level of its height. Conclusion: Preoperative assessment of donor site is essential for the success of the procedure. These grafts can be used for predictable horizontal augmentation of 5 to 7 mm and vertical augmentation of up to and including 6 mm

    Analysis and Assessment of Yield Ranking Models in Triticale (xTriticosecale Wittm.) in Contrasting Environmental Conditions

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    The analysis and evaluation of yield is an important stage of the breeding process in cereals. There are various methods for grouping and ranking of the tested genotypes by their yield, which allows for a correct interpretation of the interaction of the environment with the genotype. Triticale as a product of wide hybridization is characterized by certain features, which requires the applicable models for yield evaluation in other cereals to be analyzed in this crop. For this purpose five yield ranking models were assessed in 16 triticale varieties for a three-year period. The three monitored periods were characterized by contrasting agro-climatic conditions of the environment. With the highest efficiency was the model using average standard value formed by values of check varieties in the experiment. With a good performance for yield evaluation are also models in which the yield is adjusted by the variation caused by different environmental conditions – heritability adjusted (HA) model and Hi-model. In spite of this fact, HA-grouping is very similar to the grouping of the varieties by their absolute yield. This is related to the absence of many locations of the study, regardless of the contrasting agro-climatic conditions. On the other hand, the Hi-model enables interpretation of yield and grouping of yield reaction in different varieties without multilocation trials. Despite some of their disadvantages, each of the used models could be applied to the analysis of the yield in periods of different conditions, depending on the specific purpose of the breeding program