16 research outputs found

    A survey of training and practice patterns of massage therapists in two US states

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the growing popularity of therapeutic massage in the US, little is known about the training or practice characteristics of massage therapists. The objective of this study was to describe these characteristics. METHODS: As part of a study of random samples of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners, we interviewed 226 massage therapists licensed in Connecticut and Washington state by telephone in 1998 and 1999 (85% of those contacted) and then asked a sample of them to record information on 20 consecutive visits to their practices (total of 2005 consecutive visits). RESULTS: Most massage therapists were women (85%), white (95%), and had completed some continuing education training (79% in Connecticut and 52% in Washington). They treated a limited number of conditions, most commonly musculoskeletal (59% and 63%) (especially back, neck, and shoulder problems), wellness care (20% and 19%), and psychological complaints (9% and 6%) (especially anxiety and depression). Practitioners commonly used one or more assessment techniques (67% and 74%) and gave a massage emphasizing Swedish (81% and 77%), deep tissue (63% and 65%), and trigger/pressure point techniques (52% and 46%). Self-care recommendations, including increasing water intake, body awareness, and specific forms of movement, were made as part of more than 80% of visits. Although most patients self-referred to massage, more than one-quarter were receiving concomitant care for the same problem from a physician. Massage therapists rarely communicated with these physicians. CONCLUSION: This study provides new information about licensed massage therapists that should be useful to physicians and other healthcare providers interested in learning about massage therapy in order to advise their patients about this popular CAM therapy


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    Szukala A. Frankreich. In: Hrbek R, ed. Die Reform der Europäischen Union. Positionen und Perspektiven anläßlich der Regierungskonferenz. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. Vol 41. Baden-Baden: Nomos; 1997: 77-88

    Temperature-Driven Dissolution of Nanoalloyed Catalyst During Ink Preparation and Membrane Electrode Assembly Fabrication

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    Platinum (Pt) alloys are excellent oxygen-reduction catalysts used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, yet their effective integration poses challenges. Through in-situ X-ray diffraction, we investigate the compositional changes during the ink preparation of PtCo and PtNi catalysts and reveal that dissolution is primarily driven by temperature. Comparisons with conventional catalyst-coated membrane (CCM) fabrication methods highlight structural transformations during hot-pressing. Paving the way for advancements in sustainable energy technologies, our findings emphasize the essential need for fundamental knowledge of ink-making and CCM fabrication to unlock Pt-alloy catalyst potential for hydrogen fuel cells. In addition to the academic community, the industry shall benefit from this precise and easy-to-employ methodology

    Genomic analyses reveal two species of the matamata (Testudines: Chelidae: Chelus spp.) and clarify their phylogeography

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    The matamata is one of the most charismatic turtles on earth, widely distributed in northern South America. Debates have occurred over whether or not there should be two subspecies or species recognized due to its geographic variation in morphology. Even though the matamata is universally known, its natural history, conservation status and biogeography are largely unexplored. In this study we examined the phylogeographic differentiation of the matamata based on three mitochondrial DNA fragments (2168 bp of the control region, cytochrome oxidase subunit I, and the cytochrome b gene), one nuclear genomic DNA fragment (1068 bp of the R35 intron) and 1661 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Our molecular and morphological analyses revealed the existence of two distinct, genetically deeply divergent evolutionary lineages of matamatas that separated in the late Miocene (approximately 12.7 million years ago), corresponding well to the time when the Orinoco Basin was established. As a result of our analyses, we describe the genetically and morphologically highly distinct matamata from the Orinoco and Río Negro Basins and the Essequibo drainage as a species new to science (Chelus orinocensis sp. nov.). Chelus fimbriata sensu stricto is distributed in the Amazon Basin and the Mahury drainage. Additionally, the analyses revealed that each species displays phylogeographic differentiation. For C. orinocensis, there is moderate mitochondrial differentiation between the Orinoco and the Río Negro. For C. fimbriata, there is more pronounced differentiation matching different river systems. One mitochondrial clade was identified from the Amazon, Ucayali, and Mahury Rivers, and another one from the Madeira and Jaci Paraná Rivers. The C. orinocensis in the Essequibo and Branco Rivers have haplotypes that constitute a third clade clustering with C. fimbriata. Phylogenetic analyses of the R35 intron and SNP data link the matamatas from the Essequibo and Branco with the new species, suggesting past gene flow and old mitochondrial introgression. Chelus orinocensis is collected for the pet trade in Colombia and Venezuela. However, neither the extent of the harvest nor its impact are known. Hence, it is crucial to gather more information and to assess its exploitation throughout its distribution range to obtain a better understanding of its conservation status and to design appropriate conservation and management procedures. Resumen: La matamata es una de las tortugas más carismáticas del mundo, ampliamente distribuida en el norte de Sudamérica. Debido a su variación morfológica geográfica, se debate sobre el reconocimiento de dos subespecies o especies. A pesar de que la matamata es universalmente conocida, su historia natural, estado de conservación y biogeografía han sido muy poco estudiados. En este estudio examinamos la diferenciación filogeográfica de las matamatas en base ​​a tres fragmentos de ADN mitocondrial (2168 pb de la región de control, la subunidad I del citocromo oxidasa y el gen del citocromo b), un fragmento de ADN genómico nuclear (1068 pb del intrón R35) y 1661 polimorfismos de nucleótido único (SNPs). Nuestros análisis moleculares y morfológicos revelaron la existencia de dos linajes evolutivos distintos de matamatas, genéticamente divergentes que se separaron en el Mioceno tardio (hace aproximadamente 12.7 millones de años), correspondiendo al tiempo en que se estableció la cuenca del Orinoco. Como resultado de nuestros análisis, describimos las genéticamente y morfológicamente distintas matamatas de las cuencas del Orinoco, Río Negro y Essequibo como una especie nueva para la ciencia (Chelus orinocensis sp. nov.). Chelus fimbriata sensu stricto se distribuye en la cuenca del Amazonas y en el drenaje del Mahury. Adicionalmente, los análisis revelaron que cada especie muestra diferenciación filogeográfica. Para C. orinocensis, hay una moderada diferenciación mitocondrial entre el Orinoco y el Río Negro. Para C. fimbriata, hay una diferenciación más pronunciada, concordando con los diferentes sistemas fluviales. Se identificó un clado de los ríos Amazonas, Ucayali y Mahury y otro de los ríos Madeira y Jaci Paraná. Las C. orinocensis de los ríos Essequibo y Branco tienen haplotipos que constituyen un tercer clado que se agrupa con C. fimbriata. Los análisis filogenéticos del intrón R35 y los datos de SNP asocian las matamatas de Essequibo y Branco con la nueva especie, sugiriendo flujo de genes pasado ​​e introgresión mitocondrial antigua. Chelus orinocensis se colecta para el comercio de mascotas en Colombia y Venezuela. Sin embargo, ni se conoce el alcance de las colectas ni su impacto. Por lo tanto, es crucial recopilar más información y evaluar su explotación en todo su rango de distribución, comprender mejor su estado de conservación y para diseñar acciones apropiadas de conservación y manejo. © 202