19 research outputs found

    Detached house with dental surgeries in Humpolec

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    Bakalářská práce je zpracována na téma rodinný dům s provozovnou, kterou tvoří zubní ordinace a obsahuje dokumentaci pro provádění stavby. Navržený objekt je umístěn na území kraje Vysočina ve městě Humpolec. Objekt je nepodsklepený a rozdělen na dvě samostatné části, které tvoří jeden celek. První část objektu tvoří dvoupodlažní rodinný dům, určen pro 4 osoby ve variantě 5+1. Druhou částí je jednopodlažní zubní ordinace pro 2 členný personál. Objekt je zděný, kde svislé konstrukce jsou navrženy z keramických bloků systému KERATHERM, vodorovné konstrukce jsou z železobetonových stropních panelů SPIROLL. Střecha nad částí rodinného domu je pultová, dvouplášťová s větraným podstřeším. Konstrukce této střechy tvoří dřevěné příhradové vazníky spojované prolisovanými styčníkovými deskami. Střecha nad zubní ordinací je plochá s vegetačním souvrstvím, která slouží i jako venkovní terasa rodinného domu.The point of this bachelor´s thesis is the project of a family house with establishment consisting of dental surgeries and contains the complete documentacion for the execution of the project. This building is situated in the region Vysočina, the city of Humpolec. The building is without a basement, and divided into two separate parts to form a whole. The first part of the building consist of two-storey house, designed for 4 people in variant 5+1. The second part is a single storey dental clinic for 2 membered staff. The building is designed as a brick building, where the vertical structures are designed from ceramic blocks KERATHERM systém, horizontal structures are made of ceiling panels SPIROLL. The roof over part of the house is a shed, with ventilation layer. The roof construction consists of wooden trusses joined punched truss plates. The roof over the dental clinics is flat with the growing stack witch sever as an outdoor tarrace of the house.

    Cinema point

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    Diplomová práce řeší návrh kina s kavárnou na území města Humpolec v kraji Vysočina. Obsahuje kompletní dokumentaci pro provádění stavby, posouzení z hlediska požární bezpečnosti a z hlediska stavební fyziky. Dále návrh vzduchotechniky pro kinosál, foyer a kavárnu. V objektu se nachází jeden kinosál a jedna kavárna, která je umístěna v druhém nadzemním podlaží. Kinosál je navržený s kapacitou 196 míst, z toho je vyhrazeno 5 míst pro osoby s omezenou schopností pohybu. Promítání je zajištěno jak ve 2D formátu, tak pro 3D projekci. Zmíněná kavárna je určená pro návštěvníky kina i pro širokou veřejnost. Kapacita kavárny je 36 míst. Budova je navržena jako dvoupodlažní s členitým půdorysem s oblými tvary bez ostrých rohů s vystupující částí střechy kinosálu, která se nachází na severní straně objektu a má funkci rozčlenění budovy na jednotlivé celky. Budova má rozměry 39,15 m x 29,45 m. Nosnou konstrukci objektu tvoří vyztužené železobetonové monolitické stěny a stropy. V jižní části objektu u místností Foyer, kavárna je navržena prosklená fasáda z LOP. Nosná konstrukce zastřešení nad kinosálem je tvořena dřevěnými příhradovými vazníky spojované styčníkovými prolisovanými deskami.The diploma thesis solves a theater with a cafe in the town of Humpolec in the Vysočina Region. It contains complete documentation for execution, assessment in terms of fire safety and in terms of building physics. Furthermore, the proposal ventilation for cinema, foyer and cafe. There is a cinema and a cafe, which is located on the second floor. Cinema is designed with a capacity of 196 seats, of which 5 seats are reserved for people with limited mobility. Screening is provided as 2D mode and 3D projection. The café is designed for moviegoers and the general public. The café seats 36 seats. The building is designed as a two storey with dissected floor plan with rounded shapes with no sharp edges with a protruding portion of the roof of cinema, which is located on the north side of the building and has the function division of the building into individual units. The building has dimensions of 39.15 meters x 29.45 meters. The supporting structure of the building consists of reinforced concrete reinforced walls and ceilings. In the southern part of the building with rooms Foyer café is designed glass facade of the LOP. Supporting roof structure over the cinema hall is made up of wooden trusses joined punched punched plates.

    Die Besiedlung der Tschechischen Republik

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    Ebenso wie alle Staaten des östlichen Mitteleuropas und Osteuropas haben die gewaltigen Veränderungen des gesellschaftlichen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systems der letzten Jahre auch die Tschechische Republik erfaßt. Aus einer Abseitsposition innerhalb des ehemaligen Ostblocks hat die Tschechische Republik ihre zentrale Lage im Herzen Europas wiedererlangt, wie sie sie schon im Mittelalter innehatte. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags steht der Wandel des Siedlungssystems, in dem sich diese Änderungen widerspiegeln. Der Raumordnung und Landesplanung der Tschechischen Republik kommt nun die Aufgabe zu, sich diesen Veränderungen zu stellen, insbesondere den Siedlungswandel in den Städten und Dörfern zu steuern, die Infrastruktur entsprechend auszubauen und die Umweltqualität besonders in den kritischen Gebieten im Interesse der Bewohner zu verbessern

    A Structural Reinforcement Layer with Woodchips Used on Forest Roads

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    Described biotechnical measures focus on the use of woodchips in the formation of a structural reinforcement layer on forest roads in the places with high levels of groundwater. These are often short sections of roads which can thus block off entire forests. In history, these sections were overcome using corduroy roads. Currently, there are tendencies to revive the biotechnical technology and replace logs used for corduroy roads with woodchips. This study investigates the possible reinforcement of a waterlogged section using woodchips in a forest road of multifunctional character, which serves for cycling as well as timber transport. In total, three different types of reinforcement were constructed using woodchips in combination with geotextile and crushed stone. The reinforcement was tested by common operations using a timber extraction tractor with tandem axle trailer. The modulus of deformation was measured on the surface and the deformation characteristics of the layer were determined. Subsequently, the shape of the reinforcement cross-section was surveyed. The results have shown that, even with very low modulus of deformation values, the shape of the reinforcement cross-section does not change statistically in two types of the reinforcement technology. These two types of reinforcement can be successfully used for forest roads that perform the recreational function or for timber transport by tractor. The main advantages are that renewable material is used and no extraction and moving of the ground occur during its production

    Recycled Asphalt as an Alternative to Natural Aggregates for Forest Road Reinforcement

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    The objective of the present paper is to confirm or reject the possible use of recycled asphalt to reinforce forest haul roads regarding the technical requirements set by the standards and directives relevant to the construction of forest road surfaces. The hypothesis is based on the presumption that recycled materials, if correctly used, can reach the same construction properties as standard materials, hence their application does not have a negative effect on reinforcement quality. On a selected stretch of the forest road, three test sections were constructed with the use of recycled asphalt, however, each of them with a different technological solution. The first section was reinforced with unbound mixture – Type1 without added water, the second section was constructed using a version of vibrated macadam technology, and recycled asphalt was applied to the third section by the method of basic compacting. In each of the sections, tacheometric cross profile measurement was carried out at monthly intervals to monitor the changes in the cross profile shape, and the number of passages of fully loaded logging trucks was registered; static load tests were performed at pre-defined time intervals to determine the deformation moduli such as deformation characteristics of the road surface structural layers. In all three reinforcement versions, the values of deformation moduli observed during the static load tests were between 68–90% of the values set by relevant standards for these technologies using natural aggregates. However, the tacheometric measurements did not reveal statistically significant changes in the shape of the reinforcement cross-section. Based on the obtained results, applying recycled asphalt to reinforce forest roads seems to be a suitable alternative to natural quarry aggregate used in unbound structural layers. Recycled material needs to meet the regulatory limits for foreign elements and pass ecotoxicity tests, which is evidenced by a certificate on material compliance issued by the test laboratory

    Functional Electrospun Nanofiber Webs for the Separation of Oily Wastewater

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    Surface-modified nanofibrous PVDF membranes for liquid separation technology

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    Preparing easily scaledup, cost-effective, andrecyclablemembranes for separation technology is challenging. In the present study, a unique and newtype ofmodified polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofibrous membrane was prepared for the separation of oil-water emulsions. Surface modification was done in two steps. In the first step, dehydrofluorination of PVDF membranes was done using an alkaline solution. After the first step, oil removal and permeability of themembraneswere dramatically improved. In the second step, TiO2 nanoparticles were grafted onto the surface of the membranes. After adding TiO2 nanoparticles, membranes exhibited outstanding anti-fouling and self-cleaning performance. The as-prepared membranes can be of great use in new green separation technology and have great potential to deal with the separation of oil-water emulsions in the near future