72 research outputs found

    Assessing the utility of multiplexed liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for gluten detection in Australian breakfast food products

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    Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten that is associated with gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and malabsorption. Gluten is a general name for a class of cereal storage proteins of wheat, barley, and rye that are notably resistant to gastrointestinal digestion. After ingestion, immunogenic peptides are subsequently recognized by T cells in the gastrointestinal tract. The only treatment for CD is a life-long gluten-free diet. As such, it is critical to detect gluten in diverse food types, including those where one would not expect to find gluten. The utility of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) using cereal-specific peptide markers to detect gluten in heavily processed food types was assessed. A range of breakfast products, including breakfast cereals, breakfast bars, milk-based breakfast drinks, powdered drinks, and a savory spread, were tested. No gluten was detected by LC-MS in the food products labeled gluten-free, yet enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) measurement revealed inconsistencies in barley-containing products. In products containing wheat, rye, barley, and oats as labeled ingredients, gluten proteins were readily detected using discovery proteomics. Panels comprising ten cereal-specific peptide markers were analyzed by targeted proteomics, providing evidence that LC-MS could detect and differentiate gluten in complex matrices, including baked goods and milk-based products

    Hordein accumulation in developing barley grains

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    The temporal pattern of accumulation of hordein storage proteins in developing barley grains was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Hordein accumulation was compared to the pattern seen for two abundant control proteins, serpin Z4 (an early accumulator) and lipid transferase protein (LTP1, a late accumulator). Hordeins were detected from 6 days post-anthesis (DPA) and peaked at 30 DPA. Changes in fresh weight indicate that desiccation begins at 20 DPA and by 37 DPA fresh weight had decreased by 35%. ELISA analysis of hordein content, expressed on a protein basis, increased to a maximum at 30 DPA followed by a 17% decrease by 37 DPA. The accumulation of 39 tryptic and 29 chymotryptic hordein peptides representing all classes of hordein was studied by LC-MS/MS. Most peptides increased to a maximum at 30 DPA, and either remained at the maximum or did not decrease significantly. Only five tryptic peptides, members of the related B1- and γ1-hordeins decreased significantly by 21–51% at 37 DPA. Thus, the concentration of some specific peptides was reduced while remaining members of the same family were not affected. The N-terminal signal region was removed by proteolysis during co-translation. In addition to a suite of previously characterized hordeins, two novel barley B-hordein isoforms mapping to wheat low molecular weight glutenins (LMW-GS-like B-hordeins), and two avenin-like proteins (ALPs) sharing homology with wheat ALPs, were identified. These identified isoforms have not previously been mapped in the barley genome. Cereal storage proteins provide significant nutritional content for human consumption and seed germination. In barley, the bulk of the storage proteins comprise the hordein family and the final hordein concentration affects the quality of baked and brewed products. It is therefore important to study the accumulation of hordeins as this knowledge may assist plant breeding for improved health outcomes (by minimizing triggering of detrimental immune responses), nutrition and food processing properties

    Perennial ryegrass contains gluten-like proteins that could contaminate cereal crops

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    Background: To ensure safe consumption of gluten-free products, there is a need to understand all sources of unintentional contamination with gluten in the food chain. In this study, ryegrass (Lolium perenne), a common weed infesting cereal crop, is analysed as a potential source of gluten-like peptide contamination. Materials and Methods: Ten ryegrass cultivars were analysed using shot gun proteomics for the presence of proteins from the prolamin superfamily. A relative quantitative assay was developed to detect ryegrass gluten-like peptides in comparison with those found in 10 common wheat cultivars. Results: A total of 19 protein accessions were found across 10 cultivars of rye grass for the protein families of PF00234-Tryp_alpha_amyl, PF13016-Gliadin, and PF03157-Glutenin_HMW. Protein and peptide homology searches revealed that gliadin-like peptides were similar to avenin and gamma-gliadin peptides. A total of20 peptides, characteristic of prolamin superfamily proteins, were selected for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Only two of the monitored peptides were detected with high abundance in wheat, and all others were detected in ryegrass. Glutenin and alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor peptides were reported for the first time in ryegrass and were noted to be conserved across the Poaceae family. Conclusion: A suite of gluten-like peptides were identified using proteomics that showed consistent abundance across ryegrass cultivars but were not detected in wheat cultivars. These peptides will be useful for differentiating wheat gluten contamination from rye grass gluten contamination

    Proteome changes resulting from malting in hordein-reduced barley lines

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    Hordeum vulgare L., commonly known as barley, is primarily used for animal feed and malting. The major storage proteins in barley are hordeins, known triggers of celiac disease (CD). Here, sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH)-MS proteomics was employed to investigate the proteome profile of grain and malt samples from the malting barley cultivar Sloop and single-, double-, and triple hordein-reduced lines bred in a Sloop background. Using a discovery proteomics approach, 2688 and 3034 proteins were detected from the grain and malt samples, respectively. By utilizing label-free relative quantitation through SWATH-MS, a total of 2654 proteins have been quantified from grain and malt. The comparative analyses between the barley grain and malt samples revealed that the C-hordein-reduced lines have a more significant impact on proteome level changes due to malting than B- and D-hordein-reduced lines. Upregulated proteins in C-hordein-reduced lines were primarily involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and fatty acid peroxidation processes to provide more energy for seed germination during malting. By applying proteomics approaches after malting in hordein-reduced barley lines, we uncovered additional changes in the proteome driven by the genetic background that were not apparent in the sound grain. Our findings offer valuable insights for barley breeders and maltsters seeking to understand and optimize the performance of gluten-free grains in malt products

    From grain to malt: Tracking changes of ultra-low-gluten barley storage proteins after malting

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a major cereal crop produced globally. Hordeins, the major storage proteins in barley, can trigger immune responses leading to celiac disease or symptoms associated with food allergy. Here, proteomics approaches were employed to investigate the proteome level changes of grain and malt from the malting barley cultivar, Sloop, and single-, double- and triple hordein-reduced lines. The triple hordein-reduced line is an ultra-low gluten barley cultivar, Kebari®. Using discovery proteomics, 2,688 and 3,034 proteins in the barley and malt samples were detected respectively. Through the application of targeted proteomics, a significant reduction in the quantity of B-, D-, and γ-hordeins, as well as avenin-like proteins, was observed in the ultra-low gluten malt sample. A compensation mechanism was observed evidenced by increased biosynthesis of seed storage globulins, specifically vicilin-like globulins. Overall, this study has provided insights into protein compositional changes after malting in celiac-friendly barley varieties

    Proteome and nutritional shifts observed in hordein double-mutant barley lines

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    Lysine is the most limiting essential amino acid in cereals, and efforts have been made over the decades to improve the nutritional quality of these grains by limiting storage protein accumulation and increasing lysine content, while maintaining desired agronomic traits. The single lys3 mutation in barley has been shown to significantly increase lysine content but also reduces grain size. Herein, the regulatory effect of the lys3 mutation that controls storage protein accumulation as well as a plethora of critically important processes in cereal seeds was investigated in double mutant barley lines. This was enabled through the generation of three hordein double-mutants by inter-crossing three single hordein mutants, that had all been backcrossed three times to the malting barley cultivar Sloop. Proteome abundance measurements were integrated with their phenotype measurements; proteins were mapped to chromosomal locations and to their corresponding functional classes. These models enabled the prediction of previously unknown points of crosstalk that connect the impact of lys3 mutations to other signalling pathways. In combination, these results provide an improved understanding of how the mutation at the lys3 locus remodels cellular functions and impact phenotype that can be used in selective breeding to generate favourable agronomic traits

    Hordein Accumulation in Developing Barley Grains

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    The temporal pattern of accumulation of hordein storage proteins in developing barley grains was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Hordein accumulation was compared to the pattern seen for two abundant control proteins, serpin Z4 (an early accumulator) and lipid transferase protein (LTP1, a late accumulator). Hordeins were detected from 6 days post-anthesis (DPA) and peaked at 30 DPA. Changes in fresh weight indicate that desiccation begins at 20 DPA and by 37 DPA fresh weight had decreased by 35%. ELISA analysis of hordein content, expressed on a protein basis, increased to a maximum at 30 DPA followed by a 17% decrease by 37 DPA. The accumulation of 39 tryptic and 29 chymotryptic hordein peptides representing all classes of hordein was studied by LC-MS/MS. Most peptides increased to a maximum at 30 DPA, and either remained at the maximum or did not decrease significantly. Only five tryptic peptides, members of the related B1- and γ1-hordeins decreased significantly by 21–51% at 37 DPA. Thus, the concentration of some specific peptides was reduced while remaining members of the same family were not affected. The N-terminal signal region was removed by proteolysis during co-translation. In addition to a suite of previously characterized hordeins, two novel barley B-hordein isoforms mapping to wheat low molecular weight glutenins (LMW-GS-like B-hordeins), and two avenin-like proteins (ALPs) sharing homology with wheat ALPs, were identified. These identified isoforms have not previously been mapped in the barley genome. Cereal storage proteins provide significant nutritional content for human consumption and seed germination. In barley, the bulk of the storage proteins comprise the hordein family and the final hordein concentration affects the quality of baked and brewed products. It is therefore important to study the accumulation of hordeins as this knowledge may assist plant breeding for improved health outcomes (by minimizing triggering of detrimental immune responses), nutrition and food processing properties

    Amplification of DNA from Whole Cells of Cyanobacteria Using PCR

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    Carotenoid accumulation and function in seeds and non-green tissues

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    Carotenoids are plant pigments that function as antioxidants, hormone precursors, colourants and essential components of the photosynthetic apparatus. Carotenoids accumulate in nearly all types of plastids, not just the chloroplast, and are thus found i

    Quinol and Cytochrome Oxidases in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis

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