1,563 research outputs found

    Wide-bandwidth, tunable, multiple-pulse-width optical delays using slow light in cesium vapor

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    We demonstrate an all-optical delay line in hot cesium vapor that tunably delays 275 ps input pulses up to 6.8 ns and 740 input ps pulses up to 59 ns (group index of approximately 200) with little pulse distortion. The delay is made tunable with a fast reconfiguration time (hundreds of ns) by optically pumping out of the atomic ground states.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Landfast Sea Ice Conditions in the Canadian Arctic: 1983 – 2009

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    We used Canadian Ice Service (CIS) digital charts from 1983 to 2009 to create a climatology of landfast sea ice in the Canadian Arctic. The climatology characterized the spatial distribution and variability of landfast ice through an average annual cycle and identified the mean onset date, breakup date, and duration of landfast ice. Trends in date and duration of onset and breakup were calculated over the 26-year period on the basis of CIS regions and sub-regions. In several sub-regions— particularly in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago—we calculated significant trends towards later landfast ice onset or earlier breakup, or both. These later onset and earlier breakup dates translated into significant decreases in landfast ice duration for many areas of the Canadian Arctic. For communities located in the most affected areas, including Tuktoyaktuk, Kugluktuk, Cambridge Bay, Gjoa Haven, Arctic Bay, and Pond Inlet, this shorter landfast ice season is of significant social, cultural, and economic importance. Landfast sea-ice duration in the interior of the Northwest Passage has not undergone any statistically significant decrease over the time series.Nous nous sommes appuyés sur les cartes numériques du Service canadien des glaces (SCG) pour les années 1983 à 2009 afin de produire la climatologie de la glace de mer de l’Arctique canadien. La climatologie permet de caractériser la distribution spatiale et la variabilité de la glace de mer au moyen d’un cycle annuel moyen, et de déterminer la date moyenne du commencement, la date de la débâcle et la durée de la glace de mer. Les tendances en matière de dates et de durées relativement au commencement et à la débâcle ont été calculées sur la période de 26 ans en fonction des régions visées par le SCG et des sous-régions. Dans plusieurs sous-régions — plus particulièrement dans l’archipel Arctique canadien — nous avons calculé d’importantes tendances indiquant des dates de commencement plus tardives de la glace de mer ou des dates de débâcle plus hâtives, ou les deux. Ces dates plus hâtives et plus tardives se traduisent par la réduction considérable de la durée de la glace de mer en maints endroits de l’Arctique canadien. Pour les localités situées dans la plupart des régions touchées, dont Tuktoyaktuk, Kugluktuk, Cambridge Bay, Gjoa Haven, Arctic Bay et Pond Inlet, cette saison de glace de mer plus courte revêt une grande importance sur les plans social, culturel et économique. Du point de vue statistique, la durée de la glace de mer à l’intérieur du passage du Nord-Ouest n’a pas connu de réduction importante au cours de cette période

    Increasing Multiyear Sea Ice Loss in the Beaufort Sea: A New Export Pathway for the Diminishing Multiyear Ice Cover of the Arctic Ocean

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    Historically, multiyear sea ice (MYI) covered a majority of the Arctic and circulated through the Beaufort Gyre for years. However, increased ice melt in the Beaufort Sea during the early 2000s was proposed to have severed this circulation. Constructing a regional MYI budget from 1997 to 2021 reveals that MYI import into the Beaufort Sea has increased year-round, yet less MYI now survives through summer and is transported onwards in the Gyre. Annual average MYI loss quadrupled over the study period and increased from ∼7% to ∼33% of annual Fram Strait MYI export, while the peak in 2018 (385,000 km2) was similar in magnitude to Fram Strait MYI export. The ice-albedo feedback coupled with the transition toward younger thinner MYI is responsible for the increased MYI loss. MYI transport through the Beaufort Gyre has not been severed, but it has been reduced so severely to prevent it from being redistributed throughout the Arctic Ocean

    Lensing in the Hercules Supercluster

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    We report Keck LRIS observations of an arc-like background galaxy near the center of Abell 2152 (z=0.043), one of the three clusters comprising the Hercules supercluster. The background object has a redshift z=0.1423 and is situated 25 arcsec north of the primary component of the A2152 brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). The object is about 15 arcsec in total length and has a reddening-corrected R-band magnitude of mR=18.55±0.03m_R = 18.55\pm0.03. Its spectrum shows numerous strong emission lines, as well as absorption features. The strength of the H-alpha emission would imply a star formation rate \SFR \approx 3h^{-2} \msun yr−1^{-1} in the absence of any lensing. However, the curved shaped of this object and its tangential orientation along the major axis of the BCG suggest lensing. We model the A2152 core mass distribution including the two BCG components and the cluster potential. We present velocity and velocity dispersion profile measurements for the two BCG components and use these to help constrain the potential. The lens modeling indicates a likely magnification factor of ∼1.9\sim1.9 for the lensed galaxy, making A2152 the nearest cluster in which such significant lensing of a background source has been observed. Finally, we see evidence for a concentration of early-type galaxies at z=0.13z=0.13 near the centroid of the X-ray emission previously attributed to A2152. We suggest that emission from this background concentration is the cause of the offset of the X-ray center from the A2152 BCG. The background concentration and the dispersed mass of the Hercules supercluster could add further to the lensing strength of the A2152 cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ (January 2001). 9 pages; uses emulateapj.sty. The all-important "Figure 1" is included here in GIF format; for a version which includes Figure 1 as a high-resolution Postscript image, see: http://adcam.pha.jhu.edu/~jpb/a2152.ps.g

    Using WebGIS to Develop a Spatial Bibliography for Organizing, Mapping, and Disseminating Research Information: A Case Study of Quaking Aspen

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    On the Ground • Spatial data is valuable to researchers for locating studies that occur in a particular area of interest, or one with similar attributes. • Without a standard in publishing protocol, spatial data largely goes unreported, or is difficult to find without searching the publication. • Assigning location data and displaying points on a public web map makes locating publications based on spatial location possible

    Putting the PASS in Class: Peer Mentors’ Identities in Science Workshops on Campus and Online

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    In this paper, we analyse the introduction of peer mentors into timetabled classes to understand how in-class mentoring supports students’ learning. The peer mentors in this study are high-achieving students who previously completed the same course and who were hired and trained to facilitate Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). PASS gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding through revision and active learning and are typically held outside of class time. In contrast, our trial embedded peer mentors into classes for a large (~250 students) first-year workshop-based course. We employed a participatory action research methodology to facilitate the peer mentors’ co-creation of the research process. Data sources include peer mentors’ journal entries, student cohort data, and a focus group with teaching staff. We found that during face-to-face workshops, peer mentors role-modelled ideal student behaviour (e.g., asking questions) rather than acting as additional teachers, and this helped students to better understand how to interact effectively in class. The identity of embedded peer mentors is neither that of teachers nor of students, and it instead spans aspects of both as described using a three-part schema comprising (i) identity, (ii) associated roles, and (iii) associated practices. As we moved classes online mid-semester in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, mentors’ identities remained stable, but mentors adjusted their associated roles and practices, including through the technical aspects of their engagement with students. This study highlights the benefits of embedding mentors in classrooms on campus and online

    Effects Of Length, Complexity, And Grammatical Correctness On Stuttering In Spanish-Speaking Preschool Children

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    Purpose: To explore the effects of utterance length, syntactic complexity, and grammatical correctness on stuttering in the spontaneous speech of young, monolingual Spanish-speaking children. Method: Spontaneous speech samples of 11 monolingual Spanish-speaking children who stuttered, ages 35 to 70 months, were examined. Mean number of syllables, total number of clauses, utterance complexity (i.e., containing no clauses, simple clauses, or subordinate and/or conjoined clauses), and grammatical correctness (i.e., the presence or absence of morphological and syntactical errors) in stuttered and fluent utterances were compared. Results: Findings revealed that stuttered utterances in Spanish tended to be longer and more often grammatically incorrect, and contain more clauses, including more subordinate and/or conjoined clauses. However, when controlling for the interrelatedness of syllable number and clause number and complexity, only utterance length and grammatical incorrectness were significant predictors of stuttering in the spontaneous speech of these Spanish-speaking children. Use of complex utterances did not appear to contribute to the prediction of stuttering when controlling for utterance length. Conclusions: Results from the present study were consistent with many earlier reports of English-speaking children. Both length and grammatical factors appear to affect stuttering in Spanish-speaking children. Grammatical errors, however, served as the greatest predictor of stuttering.Communication Sciences and Disorder

    SN~2012cg: Evidence for Interaction Between a Normal Type Ia Supernova and a Non-Degenerate Binary Companion

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    We report evidence for excess blue light from the Type Ia supernova SN 2012cg at fifteen and sixteen days before maximum B-band brightness. The emission is consistent with predictions for the impact of the supernova on a non-degenerate binary companion. This is the first evidence for emission from a companion to a SN Ia. Sixteen days before maximum light, the B-V color of SN 2012cg is 0.2 mag bluer than for other normal SN~Ia. At later times, this supernova has a typical SN Ia light curve, with extinction-corrected M_B = -19.62 +/- 0.02 mag and Delta m_{15}(B) = 0.86 +/- 0.02. Our data set is extensive, with photometry in 7 filters from 5 independent sources. Early spectra also show the effects of blue light, and high-velocity features are observed at early times. Near maximum, the spectra are normal with a silicon velocity v_{Si} = -10,500$ km s^{-1}. Comparing the early data with models by Kasen (2010) favors a main-sequence companion of about 6 solar masses. It is possible that many other SN Ia have main-sequence companions that have eluded detection because the emission from the impact is fleeting and faint.Comment: accepted to Ap
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