4,792 research outputs found

    Global analysis by hidden symmetry

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    Hidden symmetry of a G'-space X is defined by an extension of the G'-action on X to that of a group G containing G' as a subgroup. In this setting, we study the relationship between the three objects: (A) global analysis on X by using representations of G (hidden symmetry); (B) global analysis on X by using representations of G'; (C) branching laws of representations of G when restricted to the subgroup G'. We explain a trick which transfers results for finite-dimensional representations in the compact setting to those for infinite-dimensional representations in the noncompact setting when XCX_C is GCG_C-spherical. Applications to branching problems of unitary representations, and to spectral analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces are also discussed.Comment: Special volume in honor of Roger Howe on the occasion of his 70th birthda

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity III. SL(2,R) Models

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    This is the third paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we analyze models which, despite the fact that the phase space is finite dimensional, are much more complicated than in the second paper: These are systems with an SL(2,\Rl) gauge symmetry and the complications arise because non -- compact semisimple Lie groups are not amenable (have no finite translation invariant measure). This leads to severe obstacles in the refined algebraic quantization programme (group averaging) and we see a trace of that in the fact that the spectrum of the Master Constraint does not contain the point zero. However, the minimum of the spectrum is of order 2\hbar^2 which can be interpreted as a normal ordering constant arising from first class constraints (while second class systems lead to \hbar normal ordering constants). The physical Hilbert space can then be be obtained after subtracting this normal ordering correction.Comment: 33 pages, no figure

    Special functions associated to a certain fourth order differential equation

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    We develop a theory of "special functions" associated to a certain fourth order differential operator Dμ,ν\mathcal{D}_{\mu,\nu} on R\mathbb{R} depending on two parameters μ,ν\mu,\nu. For integers μ,ν1\mu,\nu\geq-1 with μ+ν2N0\mu+\nu\in2\mathbb{N}_0 this operator extends to a self-adjoint operator on L2(R+,xμ+ν+1dx)L^2(\mathbb{R}_+,x^{\mu+\nu+1}dx) with discrete spectrum. We find a closed formula for the generating functions of the eigenfunctions, from which we derive basic properties of the eigenfunctions such as orthogonality, completeness, L2L^2-norms, integral representations and various recurrence relations. This fourth order differential operator Dμ,ν\mathcal{D}_{\mu,\nu} arises as the radial part of the Casimir action in the Schr\"odinger model of the minimal representation of the group O(p,q)O(p,q), and our "special functions" give KK-finite vectors

    Universal properties of superconformal OPEs for 1/2 BPS operators in 3D63\leq D \leq 6

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    We give a general analysis of OPEs of 1/2 BPS superfield operators for the D=3,4,5,6D=3,4,5,6 superconformal algebras OSp(8/4,R), PSU(2,2), F4{}_4 and OSp(8/48^*/4) which underlie maximal AdS supergravity in 4D+174\leq D+1\leq 7. \\ The corresponding three-point functions can be formally factorized in a way similar to the decomposition of a generic superconformal UIR into a product of supersingletons. This allows for a simple derivation of branching rules for primary superfields. The operators of protected conformal dimension which may appear in the OPE are classified and are shown to be either 1/2 or 1/4 BPS, or semishort. As an application, we discuss the "non-renormalization" of extremal nn-point correlators.Comment: To be published in NJP Focus Issue: Supersymmetry in condensed matter and high energy physic

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity II. Finite Dimensional Systems

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    This is the second paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we begin with the simplest examples: Finite dimensional models with a finite number of first or second class constraints, Abelean or non -- Abelean, with or without structure functions.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Evidence for the classical integrability of the complete AdS(4) x CP(3) superstring

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    We construct a zero-curvature Lax connection in a sub-sector of the superstring theory on AdS(4) x CP(3) which is not described by the OSp(6|4)/U(3) x SO(1,3) supercoset sigma-model. In this sub-sector worldsheet fermions associated to eight broken supersymmetries of the type IIA background are physical fields. As such, the prescription for the construction of the Lax connection based on the Z_4-automorphism of the isometry superalgebra OSp(6|4) does not do the job. So, to construct the Lax connection we have used an alternative method which nevertheless relies on the isometry of the target superspace and kappa-symmetry of the Green-Schwarz superstring.Comment: 1+26 pages; v2: minor typos corrected, acknowledgements adde

    Supersymmetry and Positive Energy in Classical and Quantum Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity

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    An N=1N = 1 supersymmetric version of two dimensional dilaton gravity coupled to matter is considered. It is shown that the linear dilaton vacuum spontaneously breaks half the supersymmetries, leaving broken a linear combination of left and right supersymmetries which squares to time translations. Supersymmetry suggests a spinorial expression for the ADM energy MM, as found by Witten in four-dimensional general relativity. Using this expression it is proven that M{M} is non-negative for smooth initial data asymptotic (in both directions) to the linear dilaton vacuum, provided that the (not necessarily supersymmetric) matter stress tensor obeys the dominant energy condition. A {\it quantum} positive energy theorem is also proven for the semiclassical large-NN equations, despite the indefiniteness of the quantum stress tensor. For black hole spacetimes, it is shown that MM is bounded from below by e2ϕHe^{- 2 \phi_H}, where ϕH\phi_H is the value of the dilaton at the apparent horizon, provided only that the stress tensor is positive outside the apparent horizon. This is the two-dimensional analogue of an unproven conjecture due to Penrose. Finally, supersymmetry is used to prove positive energy theorems for a large class of generalizations of dilaton gravity which arise in consideration of the quantum theory.Comment: 21 page

    Two-Dimensional Helioseismic Power, Phase, and Coherence Spectra of {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} Photospheric and Chromospheric Observables

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    While the {\it Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager} (HMI) onboard the {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO) provides Doppler velocity [VV], continuum intensity [ICI_C], and line-depth [LdLd] observations, each of which is sensitive to the five-minute acoustic spectrum, the {\it Atmospheric Imaging Array} (AIA) also observes at wavelengths -- specifically the 1600 and 1700 Angstrom bands -- that are partly formed in the upper photosphere and have good sensitivity to acoustic modes. In this article we consider the characteristics of the spatio--temporal Fourier spectra in AIA and HMI observables for a 15-degree region around NOAA Active Region 11072. We map the spatio--temporal-power distribution for the different observables and the HMI Line Core [ILI_L], or Continuum minus Line Depth, and the phase and coherence functions for selected observable pairs, as a function of position and frequency. Five-minute oscillation power in all observables is suppressed in the sunspot and also in plage areas. Above the acoustic cut-off frequency, the behaviour is more complicated: power in HMI ICI_C is still suppressed in the presence of surface magnetic fields, while power in HMI ILI_L and the AIA bands is suppressed in areas of surface field but enhanced in an extended area around the active region, and power in HMI VV is enhanced in a narrow zone around strong-field concentrations and suppressed in a wider surrounding area. The relative phase of the observables, and their cross-coherence functions, are also altered around the active region. These effects may help us to understand the interaction of waves and magnetic fields in the different layers of the photosphere, and will need to be taken into account in multi-wavelength local helioseismic analysis of active regions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Solar Physic

    M2-M5 blackfold funnels

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    We analyze the basic M2-M5 intersection in the supergravity regime using the blackfold approach. This approach allows us to recover the 1/4-BPS self-dual string soliton solution of Howe, Lambert and West as a three-funnel solution of an effective fivebrane worldvolume theory in a new regime, the regime of a large number of M2 and M5 branes. In addition, it allows us to discuss finite temperature effects for non-extremal self-dual string soliton solutions and wormhole solutions interpolating between stacks of M5 and anti-M5 branes. The purpose of this paper is to exhibit these solutions and their basic properties.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, harvmac; typo corrected in equation (3.19

    Fermion Helicity Flip Induced by Torsion Field

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    We show that in theories of gravitation with torsion the helicity of fermion particles is not conserved and we calculate the probability of spin flip, which is related to the anti-symmetric part of affine connection. Some cosmological consequences are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter