8,272 research outputs found

    Functional hybrid rubisco enzymes with plant small subunits and algal large subunits: engineered rbcS cDNA for expression in chlamydomonas.

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    There has been much interest in the chloroplast-encoded large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) as a target for engineering an increase in net CO(2) fixation in photosynthesis. Improvements in the enzyme would lead to an increase in the production of food, fiber, and renewable energy. Although the large subunit contains the active site, a family of rbcS nuclear genes encodes the Rubisco small subunits, which can also influence the carboxylation catalytic efficiency and CO(2)/O(2) specificity of the enzyme. To further define the role of the small subunit in Rubisco function, small subunits from spinach, Arabidopsis, and sunflower were assembled with algal large subunits by transformation of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant that lacks the rbcS gene family. Foreign rbcS cDNAs were successfully expressed in Chlamydomonas by fusing them to a Chlamydomonas rbcS transit peptide sequence engineered to contain rbcS introns. Although plant Rubisco generally has greater CO(2)/O(2) specificity but a lower carboxylation V(max) than Chlamydomonas Rubisco, the hybrid enzymes have 3-11% increases in CO(2)/O(2) specificity and retain near normal V(max) values. Thus, small subunits may make a significant contribution to the overall catalytic performance of Rubisco. Despite having normal amounts of catalytically proficient Rubisco, the hybrid mutant strains display reduced levels of photosynthetic growth and lack chloroplast pyrenoids. It appears that small subunits contain the structural elements responsible for targeting Rubisco to the algal pyrenoid, which is the site where CO(2) is concentrated for optimal photosynthesis.This work was supported in part by Grant DE-FG02-00ER15044 from the United States Department of Energy

    New upper bounds on the rate of a code via the Delsarte-MacWilliams inequalities

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    With the Delsarte-MacWilliams inequalities as a starting point, an upper bound is obtained on the rate of a binary code as a function of its minimum distance. This upper bound is asymptotically less than Levenshtein's bound, and so also Elias's

    The Effects of Amygdalar Size Normalization on Group Analysis in Late-Life Depression

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    Structural MRI has been utilized in numerous ways to measure morphologic characteristics of subcortical brain regions. Volumetric analysis is frequently used to quantify the size of brain structures to ultimately compare size differences between individuals. In order to make such comparisons, inter-subject variability in brain and/or head size must be taken into consideration. A heterogeneous set of methods are commonly used to normalize regional volume by brain and/or head size yielding inconsistent findings making it diffcult to interpret and compare results from published volumetric studies. This study investigated the effect that various volume normalization methodologies might have on group analysis. Specifically, the amygdalae were the regions of interest in elderly, healthy and depressed individuals. Normalization methods investigated included spatial transformations, brain and head volume, and tissue volume techniques. Group analyses were conducted with independent t-tests by dividing amygdalar volumes by various volume measures, as well as with univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) analyses by using amygdalar volumes as dependent variables and various volume measures as covariates. Repeated measures ANOVA was performed to assess the effect of each normalization procedure. Results indicate that volumetric differences between groups varied based on the normalization method utilized, which may explain, in part, the discrepancy found in amygdalar volumetric studies. We believe the findings of this study are extensible to other brain regions and demographics, and thus, investigators should carefully consider the normalization methods utilized in volumetric studies to properly interpret the results and conclusions

    The Effect Of Degree Of Hypoxia On The Electroencephalogram In Infants, II

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    The Immunity of Local Governments and Their Officials from Antitrust Claims After City of Boulder

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    On January 13, 1982, the United States Supreme Court rendered an opinion against the City of Boulder, Colorado, which expanded the potential liability of local governmental entities and their officials to claims under the federal antitrust laws. The Supreme Court essentially held that a municipality cannot obtain immunity from antitrust claims unless it satisfies a stringent test. Due to the broad language of the opinion, virtually every activity in which a local governmental entity engages, including the traditional activities of zoning, licensing, franchising, purchasing and operating public utilities, has become subject to antitrust challenges that may require a trial on the merits

    Encephalitis Following Modified Measles

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