618 research outputs found

    Investigation of stratiform sulphide mineralisation at McPhun's Cairn, Argyllshire

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia, anticardiolipin antibody status, and risk for vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia, anticardiolipin antibody status, and risk for vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients.Background. Vascular access failure is an important cause of morbidity in end-stage renal failure patients on hemodialysis. Currently, little is known about risk factors that predispose certain hemodialysis patients to recurrent access thrombosis. Hyperhomocysteinemia (common in patients with renal failure) predisposes people with normal renal function to recurrent and early-onset venous thrombosis, although the effect on vascular access thrombosis is currently unknown. Previous studies have suggested that high titers of IgG anticardiolipin antibody (IgG-ACA) predispose hemodialysis patients to access thrombosis. This cross sectional study was designed to assess for an association between two predictive variables, hyperhomocysteinemia and elevated titers of IgG-ACA, and vascular access thrombosis in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis.Methods. Risk factors for vascular access thrombosis were documented, and the number of episodes of access thrombosis was recorded for the previous three years in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Midweek predialysis total homocysteine and IgG-ACA levels were measured in all subjects.Results. Of the 118 patients who were enrolled, 75.4% had a native arteriovenous fistula. Episodes of vascular access thrombosis were recorded for the previous three years; 34 (28.8%, 95% CI 20.9 to 37.9%) patients had 72 episodes of access thrombosis over the period of risk. Mean homocysteine levels were not significantly different between these 34 patients (28.6 ÎĽmol/liter, 95% CI 24.5 to 32.7) and the patients who had no episodes of graft thrombosis (29.8 ÎĽmol/liter, 95% CI 26.7 to 32.9). Sixty-seven unselected patients had IgG-ACA levels drawn for analysis, and all assays were negative. The only variable that was associated with a higher risk for graft thrombosis was the type of vascular access placed (odds ratio 4.0, 95% CI 1.6 to 9.6 for patients with a synthetic graft compared with those with an arteriovenous fistula).Conclusions. No association was found between homocysteine levels or anticardiolipin antibody and vascular access thrombosis in our patient population

    Reconciling Neutralino Relic Density with Yukawa Unified Supersymmetric Models

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    Supersymmetric grand unified models based on the gauge group SO(10) are especially attractive in light of recent data on neutrino masses. The simplest SO(10) SUSY GUT models predict unification of third generation Yukawa couplings in addition to the usual gauge coupling unification. Recent surveys of Yukawa unified SUSY GUT models predict an inverted scalar mass hierarchy in the spectrum of sparticle masses if the superpotential mu term is positive. In general, such models tend to predict an overabundance of dark matter in the universe. We survey several solutions to the dark matter problem in Yukawa unified supersymmetric models. One solution-- lowering the GUT scale mass value of first and second generation scalars-- leads to u_R and c_R squark masses in the 90-120 GeV regime, which should be accessible to Fermilab Tevatron experiments. We also examine relaxing gaugino mass universality which may solve the relic density problem by having neutralino annihilations via the Z or h resonances, or by having a wino-like LSP.Comment: 21 page file plus 9 figures; updated version to coincide with published versio

    Optimal imaging of remote bodies using quantum detectors

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    We implement a general imaging method by measuring the complex degree of coherence using linear optics and photon number resolving detectors. In the absence of collective or entanglement-assisted measurements, our method is optimal over a large range of practically relevant values of the complex degree of coherence. We measure the size and position of a small distant source of pseudothermal light, and show that our method outperforms the traditional imaging method by an order of magnitude in precision. Finally, we show that a lack of photon-number resolution in the detectors has only a modest detrimental effect on measurement precision and simulate imaging using the new and traditional methods with an array of detectors, showing that the new method improves both image clarity and contrast

    High-precision B(E2) measurements of semi-magic Ni 58,60,62,64 by Coulomb excitation

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    High-precision reduced electric-quadrupole transition probabilities B(E2;01+→21+) have been measured from single-step Coulomb excitation of semi-magic Ni58,60,62,64 (Z=28) beams at 1.8 MeV per nucleon on a natural carbon target. The energy loss of the

    Persistence properties of a system of coagulating and annihilating random walkers

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    We study a d-dimensional system of diffusing particles that on contact either annihilate with probability 1/(q-1) or coagulate with probability (q-2)/(q-1). In 1-dimension, the system models the zero temperature Glauber dynamics of domain walls in the q-state Potts model. We calculate P(m,t), the probability that a randomly chosen lattice site contains a particle whose ancestors have undergone exactly (m-1) coagulations. Using perturbative renormalization group analysis for d < 2, we show that, if the number of coagulations m is much less than the typical number M(t), then P(m,t) ~ m^(z/d) t^(-theta), with theta=d Q + Q(Q-1/2) epsilon + O(epsilon^2), z=(2Q-1) epsilon + (2 Q-1) (Q-1)(1/2+A Q) epsilon^2 +O(epsilon^3), where Q=(q-1)/q, epsilon =2-d and A =-0.006. M(t) is shown to scale as t^(d/2-delta), where delta = d (1 -Q)+(Q-1)(Q-1/2) epsilon+ O(epsilon^2). In two dimensions, we show that P(m,t) ~ ln(t)^(Q(3-2Q)) ln(m)^((2Q-1)^2) t^(-2Q) for m << t^(2 Q-1). The 1-dimensional results corresponding to epsilon=1 are compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 5 figure

    Punctuated equilibria and 1/f noise in a biological coevolution model with individual-based dynamics

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    We present a study by linear stability analysis and large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of a simple model of biological coevolution. Selection is provided through a reproduction probability that contains quenched, random interspecies interactions, while genetic variation is provided through a low mutation rate. Both selection and mutation act on individual organisms. Consistent with some current theories of macroevolutionary dynamics, the model displays intermittent, statistically self-similar behavior with punctuated equilibria. The probability density for the lifetimes of ecological communities is well approximated by a power law with exponent near -2, and the corresponding power spectral densities show 1/f noise (flicker noise) over several decades. The long-lived communities (quasi-steady states) consist of a relatively small number of mutualistically interacting species, and they are surrounded by a ``protection zone'' of closely related genotypes that have a very low probability of invading the resident community. The extent of the protection zone affects the stability of the community in a way analogous to the height of the free-energy barrier surrounding a metastable state in a physical system. Measures of biological diversity are on average stationary with no discernible trends, even over our very long simulation runs of approximately 3.4x10^7 generations.Comment: 20 pages RevTex. Minor revisions consistent with published versio

    Updated Constraints on the Minimal Supergravity Model

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    Recently, refinements have been made on both the theoretical and experimental determinations of the i.) mass of the lightest Higgs scalar (m_h), ii.) relic density of cold dark matter in the universe (Omega_CDM h^2), iii.) branching fraction for radiative B decay BF(b \to s \gamma), iv.) muon anomalous magnetic moment (a_\mu), and v.) flavor violating decay B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-. Each of these quantities can be predicted in the MSSM, and each depends in a non-trivial way on the spectra of SUSY particles. In this paper, we present updated constraints from each of these quantities on the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model as embedded in the computer program ISAJET. The combination of constraints points to certain favored regions of model parameter space where collider and non-accelerator SUSY searches may be more focussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. Version published in JHE

    Electromagnetic properties of the 21+ state in 134Te: Influence of core excitation on single-particle orbits beyond 132Sn

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    The g factor and B(E2) of the first excited 2+ state have been measured following Coulomb excitation of the neutron-rich semimagic nuclide 134Te (two protons outside 132Sn) produced as a radioactive beam. The precision achieved matches related g-factor m
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