1,339 research outputs found

    The Puzzle of Humility and Disparity

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    Suppose that you are engaging with someone who is your oppressor, or someone who espouses a heinous view like Nazism or a ridiculous view like flat-earthism. In contexts like these, there is a disparity between you and your interlocutor, a dramatic normative difference across which you are in the right and they are in the wrong. As theorists of humility, we find these contexts puzzling. Humility seems like the *last* thing oppressed people need and the *last* thing we need in dealing with those whose views are heinous or ridiculous. Responding to such people via humility seems uncalled for, even inappropriate. But how could this be, given that humility is a *virtue*? The purpose of the paper is to explore this puzzle. We explain what the puzzle is and then attempt to draw some lessons from it: first, the lesson that the importance of humility is limited in several ways, and second, the lesson that humility nonetheless has several important roles to play, even for people who are in the right in contexts of disparity

    The Impact on Midwives of Undertaking Screening for Domestic Violence: Focus Group Findings

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    Objective: To investigate the impact mandatory screening for domestic violence has had upon registered midwives. Design: Three phase study – Phase one involved focus group interviews. Setting: Hospitals in South-East Queensland undertaking mandatory domestic violence screening. Participants: Registered midwives undertaking screening for domestic violence. Results: Several barriers were identified that directly impacted upon the midwives' potential to screen effectively. Barriers identified were classified as intrinsic (intrapersonal and perception) and extrinsic (interpersonal, environmental and organisational infrastructure). Principle, conclusions and implications for practice: Although midwives have strong beliefs about the value of domestic violence screening, there is a negative perception about it's efficacy and an assumption of failure due to the barriers identified by the registered midwives

    Creating a Values Based Collections Evaluation Rubric

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    As libraries and communities consider institutional values and ethical standards in the wake of 2020, we need to scrutinize how those values and standards connect with our collections decisions. Critical Librarianship is at the forefront of work being done by librarians across the country. Related to this concept, there is an existing body of literature about the contents of the collections themselves, with respect to issues like decolonization and open access, but little about the specific business relationships we maintain in order to acquire these collections. Are the values of our partners in the publishing ecosystem aligned with ours? What should we do if a publisher makes decisions or takes actions that go against our stated principles, but their content is relevant to the ongoing work of our patrons? What are the broader implications for our communities of doing business with these publishers? Precisely whose values need to be taken into account when making these decisions? Balancing the needs of our patrons with the principles of critical librarianship is a challenge faced by all collections librarians. Librarians from Purdue University take a critical approach to identifying the values of their institution at multiple levels, including a newly released Libraries strategic plan, to create a values-based rubric for future collection assessment. Business librarians can play an important role in teaching our colleagues how to find company information on the vendors with which we deal to help inform this type of evaluation

    Landing the Job: How Special Libraries Can Support Career Research

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    Special libraries often provide career searching support to their users. Career research has changed significantly over the past decade, as have the resources available to librarians and their patrons. Librarians at Purdue University’s Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics have formed partnerships with other organizations across campus in order to share the cost of specialized career resources, streamline instruction, and best serve students. This article discusses how these cooperative relationships were formed, and also recommends specific specialized career resources that libraries providing career research assistance may want to consider

    Discovery and Atmospheric Characterization of Giant Planet Kepler-12b: An Inflated Radius Outlier

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    We report the discovery of planet Kepler-12b (KOI-20), which at 1.695 ± 0.030 R_J is among the handful of planets with super-inflated radii above 1.65 R_J. Orbiting its slightly evolved G0 host with a 4.438 day period, this 0.431 ± 0.041 M_J planet is the least irradiated within this largest-planet-radius group, which has important implications for planetary physics. The planet's inflated radius and low mass lead to a very low density of 0.111 ± 0.010 g cm^(–3). We detect the occultation of the planet at a significance of 3.7σ in the Kepler bandpass. This yields a geometric albedo of 0.14 ± 0.04; the planetary flux is due to a combination of scattered light and emitted thermal flux. We use multiple observations with Warm Spitzer to detect the occultation at 7σ and 4σ in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bandpasses, respectively. The occultation photometry timing is consistent with a circular orbit at e < 0.01 (1σ) and e < 0.09 (3σ). The occultation detections across the three bands favor an atmospheric model with no dayside temperature inversion. The Kepler occultation detection provides significant leverage, but conclusions regarding temperature structure are preliminary, given our ignorance of opacity sources at optical wavelengths in hot Jupiter atmospheres. If Kepler-12b and HD 209458b, which intercept similar incident stellar fluxes, have the same heavy-element masses, the interior energy source needed to explain the large radius of Kepler-12b is three times larger than that of HD 209458b. This may suggest that more than one radius-inflation mechanism is at work for Kepler-12b or that it is less heavy-element rich than other transiting planets

    What Window Shopping the Health Insurance Exchanges in Year Two Revealed about the State of the Consumer Experience

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    Soon after the launch of HealthCare.gov, the exchange websites that formed the vanguard of the Affordable Care Act quickly became notorious for numerous bugs, crashes, and painfully slow loading times. Over a year later, the portals have reached a sufficient level of stability and core functionality on the back end. But what about the front end?https://repository.upenn.edu/pennwhartonppi/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Combination Therapy for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

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    There is insufficient evidence to recommend combination therapy for the routine management of postmenopausal osteoporosis. (Strength of Recommendation [SOR]: C, based on expert opinion). Combination therapy with parathyroid hormone (PTH) and a bisphosphonate is less effective than treatment with PTH alone, and should not be used. (SOR: C, based on a randomized trial using disease-oriented end points). However, combination therapy with raloxifene (Evista) and a bisphosphonate or PTH, and sequential treatment with PTH followed by alendronate (Fosamax) have been shown to increase bone mineral density (BMD) more than single-agent therapy and may be considered in patients with severe or refractory postmenopausal osteoporosis. (SOR: C, based on expert opinion)