3 research outputs found

    Kinetics & mechanism of reaction of 1-chloro- 2,4-dinitrobenzene with otassium phenoxide, I-naphthoxide & 2-naphthoxide in methanol

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    388-391In the title reaction at different temperatures (30-45°C) the rates have been measured as a function of free [phenol]. A linear relationship is found between the observed second order rate coefficient and the ratio [CH3OH]/[PhOH]. This has been attributed to concurrent and consecutive methanolysis by methoxide ions arising from the possible proton exchange between methanol and phenoxide ion. The thermodynamic parameters of activation of the reaction of I-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene with aryl oxides and methoxide anions have been calculated. From the kinetic results it is possible to calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction:CH3H+ArO- CH3O-+ArO

    DataSheet1_Chemotherapeutic potential of betanin/capecitabine combination targeting colon cancer: experimental and bioinformatic studies exploring NFκB and cyclin D1 interplay.PDF

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    Introduction: Betanin (C₂₄H₂₆N₂O₁₃) is safe to use as food additives approved by the FDA with anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects in many types of cancer cell lines. The current experiment was designed to test the chemotherapeutic effect of the combination of betanin with the standard chemotherapeutic agent, capecitabine, against chemically induced colon cancer in mice.Methods: Bioinformatic approach was designed to get information about the possible mechanisms through which the drugs may control cancer development. Five groups of mice were assigned as, (i) saline, (ii) colon cancer, (iii) betanin, (iv) capecitabine and (v) betanin/capecitabine. Drugs were given orally for a period of six weeks. Colon tissues were separated and used for biological assays and histopathology.Results: In addition, the mRNA expression of TNF-α (4.58-fold), NFκB (5.33-fold), IL-1β (4.99-fold), cyclin D1 (4.07-fold), and IL-6 (3.55-fold) and protein levels showed several folds increases versus the saline group. Tumor histopathology scores in the colon cancer group (including cryptic distortion and hyperplasia) and immunostaining for NFκB (2.94-fold) were high while periodic-acid Schiff staining demonstrated poor mucin content (33% of the saline group). These pathologic manifestations were reduced remarkably in betanin/capecitabine group.Conclusion: Collectively, our findings demonstrated the usefulness of betanin/capecitabine combination in targeting colon cancer and highlighted that betanin is a promising adjuvant therapy to capecitabine in treating colon cancer patients.</p