60 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Dirac signature of germanene

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    The structural and electronic properties of germanene coated Ge 2Pt clusters have been determined by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at room temperature. The interior of the germanene sheet exhibits a buckled honeycomb structure with a lattice constant of 4.3 Å and a buckling of 0.2 Å. The zigzag edges of germanene are reconstructed and display a 4× periodicity. The differential conductivity of the interior of the germanene sheet has a V-shape, which is reminiscent of the density of states of a two-dimensional Dirac system. The minimum of the differential conductivity is located close to the Fermi level and has a non-zero value, which we ascribe to the metallic character of the underlying Ge 2Pt substrate. Near the reconstructed germanene zigzag edges the shape of the differential conductivity changes from a V-shape to a more parabolic-like shape, revealing that the reconstructed germanene zigzag edges do not exhibit a pronounced metallic edge state

    Local probing of coupled interfaces between two-dimensional electron and hole gases in oxide heterostructures by variable-temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    The electronic structure of an epitaxial oxide heterostructure containing two spatially separated two-dimensional conducting sheets, one electronlike (2DEG) and the other holelike (2DHG), has been investigated using variable temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Heterostructures of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 bilayers on (001)-oriented SrTiO3 (STO) substrates provide the unique possibility to study the coupling between subnanometer spaced conducting interfaces. The band gap increases dramatically at low temperatures due to a blocking of the transition from the conduction band of the STO substrate to the top of the valence band of the STO capping layer. This prevents the replenishment of the depleted electrons in the capping layer from the underlying 2DEG and enables charging of the 2DHG by applying a negative sample bias voltage within the band gap region. At low temperatures the 2DHG can be probed separately with the proposed experimental geometry, although the 2DEG is located less than 1 nm belo

    One-step sculpting of silicon microstructures from pillars to needles for water and oil repelling surfaces

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    Surfaces that repel both water and oil effectively (contact angles > 150°) are rare. Here we detail the microfabrication method of silicon surfaces with such properties. The method is based on careful tuning of the process conditions in a reactive etching protocol. We investigate the influence of SF6, O2 and CHF3 gases during the etching process using the same pitch of a photolithographic mask. Varying the loading conditions during etching, we optimized the conditions to fabricate homogeneous pedestal-like structures. The roughness of the microstructures could also effectively be controlled by tuning the dry plasma etching conditions. The wetting behavior of the resulting microstructures was evaluated in terms of the water and oil contact angles. Excitingly, the surfaces can be engineered from superhydrophobic to omniphobic by variation of the aforementioned predefined parameter

    Germanene: the germanium analogue of graphene

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    Recently, several research groups have reported the growth of germanene, a new member of the graphene family. Germanene is in many aspects very similar to graphene, but in contrast to the planar graphene lattice, the germanene honeycomb lattice is buckled and composed of two vertically displaced sub-lattices. Density functional theory calculations have revealed that free-standing germanene is a 2D Dirac fermion system, i.e. the electrons behave as massless relativistic particles that are described by the Dirac equation, which is the relativistic variant of the Schrödinger equation. Germanene is a very appealing 2D material. The spin-orbit gap in germanene (~24 meV) is much larger than in graphene (<0.05 meV), which makes germanene the ideal candidate to exhibit the quantum spin Hall effect at experimentally accessible temperatures. Additionally, the germanene lattice offers the possibility to open a band gap via for instance an externally applied electrical field, adsorption of foreign atoms or coupling with a substrate. This opening of the band gap paves the way to the realization of germanene based field-effect devices. In this topical review we will (1) address the various methods to synthesize germanene (2) provide a brief overview of the key results that have been obtained by density functional theory calculations and (3) discuss the potential of germanene for future applications as well for fundamentally oriented studies

    Electrons, Photons, and Force: Quantitative Single-Molecule Measurements from Physics to Biology

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    Single-molecule measurement techniques have illuminated unprecedented details of chemical behavior, including observations of the motion of a single molecule on a surface, and even the vibration of a single bond within a molecule. Such measurements are critical to our understanding of entities ranging from single atoms to the most complex protein assemblies. We provide an overview of the strikingly diverse classes of measurements that can be used to quantify single-molecule properties, including those of single macromolecules and single molecular assemblies, and discuss the quantitative insights they provide. Examples are drawn from across the single-molecule literature, ranging from ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy studies of adsorbate diffusion on surfaces to fluorescence studies of protein conformational changes in solution