283 research outputs found

    Hermitian lattices and bounds in K-theory of algebraic integers

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    Elaborating on a method of Soul\'e, and using better estimates for the geometry of hermitian lattices, we improve the upper bounds for the torsion part of the K-theory of the rings of integers of number fields.Comment: 11 pages. Minor chang

    Taking equity into consideration in economic evaluations of health interventions and other priority-setting tools

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    Priority setting in Health is a complex task that needs to be based on explicit criteria. While economic evaluations fulfil these requirements, the still remain further shortcomings in the current theory and practice of economic evaluation. One of them, which has attracted the interest of health economists and other professionals, refers to the equity dimension of health. A large amount of the literature reviewed in this paper addresses methodological solutions for addressing distributional concerns in economic evaluations. Yet, even though most authors agree with the general aim of reducing health inequalities, practical implementation issues that should inform policy are far from clear. This document will be followed by recommendations on further research [Abstr. p. 4] [Contents] 1. - Introduction. - 2. - Economic evaluations : 2.1 Different types. 2.2 Methodological and practical issues. 2.3 Shortcomings regarding the equity dimension. - 3. - Equity : 3.1 Rationale and definition. 3.2 Different types and practical implementation issues. 3.3 Measures of inequity. 3.4 Which principle(s) should prevail ? - 4. - Priority setting and equity concerns : 4.1 Equity weighted utility gains. 4.2 Cost-value analysis. 4.3 Frameworks for equitable allocation decisions. - 5 - Recommendations for future research. - 6 Conclusio

    L’usage de la punition Ă  l’école primaire :: efficacitĂ© ou inanitĂ© ?

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    Ayant dĂ©cidĂ© de rĂ©aliser mon travail de mĂ©moire professionnel sur le thĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ral de la punition, j’ai dĂ» cadrer plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment ma thĂ©matique. C’est aprĂšs cela que j’ai choisi le thĂšme prĂ©cis de l’usage de la punition, en m’interrogeant sur son efficacitĂ©. Une fois ma thĂ©matique choisie, il Ă©tait alors primordial de construire une base thĂ©orique, pour dans un premier temps remettre en contexte l’usage de la punition. Il Ă©tait ensuite important de confronter les diverses dĂ©finitions ainsi que de voir les Ă©ventuelles diffĂ©rences avec le terme sanction. AprĂšs avoir lu les diffĂ©rents points de vue dans la littĂ©rature, j’ai mis en place une mĂ©thode de recueil de donnĂ©es me permettant de confirmer ou non les propos des diffĂ©rents auteurs ainsi que mes hypothĂšses. Pour ce faire, j’ai rĂ©digĂ© un guide d’entretien pour des enseignants de l’école primaire. J’ai ensuite rĂ©digĂ© un questionnaire destinĂ© aux Ă©lĂšves de ces enseignants permettant ainsi de confronter les deux intervenants dans l’usage de la punition. Ensuite, sur la base des questionnaires et sur les entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s, j’ai fait une analyse reprenant diffĂ©rents points de la littĂ©rature qui m’a permis de savoir si une punition est concrĂštement efficace ou non, ainsi que les critĂšres pratiques qu’elle doit comprendre pour atteindre les objectifs visĂ©s

    Exceptional units and Euclidean number fields

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    Abstract.: By a result of H.W. Lenstra, one can prove that a number field is Euclidean with the aid of exceptional units. We describe two methods computing exceptional sequences, i.e., sets of units such that the difference of any two of them is still a unit. The second method is based on a graph theory algorithm for the maximum clique problem. This yielded 42 new Euclidean number fields in degrees 8, 9, 10, 11 and 1

    Nail Lichen Planus in a Patient with Cogan Syndrome: Report of a Case and Discussion.

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    Cogan syndrome and lichen planus represent two autoimmune disorders. Cogan syndrome is a very rare type of ANCA-negative vasculitis affecting the eyes and vestibulocochlear system. It has been associated with other autoimmune disorders, none of them showing any lichenoid inflammation. We herein report the first case of a patient that suffered from Cogan disease and developed isolated lichen planus on all nails a few years after the first diagnosis. The combination of two autoimmune disorders is not unusual and raises the question of common immunogenetic pathomechanisms

    Thermal Deamination-anation in Cobalt(III) Thiocyanate Complexes. Novel decarbonylation of the equatorial amide ligand

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    The solid state thermal behavior of trans-[Co(bpb)(amine)2]NCS⋅H2O complexes where (bpb)=[N,N'-bis(2-pyridinecarboxamido-N)-1,2-benzene], and amine=pyrrolidine (prldn)(1), and benzylamine (bzlan) (2), and trans-[Co(bpb)(piperidine)2]ClO4⋅H2O (3) (mixed with KSCN), has been studied using thermoanalytical techniques, infrared spectroscopy, and pyrolysis coupled to both infrared and mass spectrometry, PY/FTIR and PY/MS. The deamination-anation reaction is clearly observed for all three complexes. The estimated values of E a for the deamination-anation are: E a(1)=246.8 kJ mol−1, E a(2)=255.7 kJ mol−1, E a(3)=234.7 kJmol−1. The trend in E a values is rationalized based on the ligand field strength of the amines and the structural effects. A novel decarbonylation of the amide CO group from the equatorial ligand is observed after the release of one amine molecule. This process has been monitored for complex (1) by FTIR in the carbonyl region and by mass spectrometry for the detection of CO2 at 280°C. The activation energy of this process is estimated for complex (1) (662.5 kJ mol−1). The reaction scheme for the observed reactions is propose

    Evolution de la profession de bibliothécaire: approche socio-historique

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    Ce travail a pour but de traiter de la profession de bibliothĂ©caire Ă  travers les siĂšcles, de sa crĂ©ation Ă  la pĂ©riode actuelle, selon une approche sociohistorique. Un repĂ©rage des changements, des Ă©volutions technologiques ainsi que des constantes sera effectuĂ© afin de permettre au lecteur de se faire une opinion sur l’histoire de la profession ainsi que des Ă©vĂ©nements qui, au cours des siĂšcles, ont fait de cette derniĂšre celle que nous connaissons actuellement. Ce dĂ©veloppement va finalement mener Ă  se poser la question de savoir si la profession de « bibliothĂ©caire » va survivre et si oui, quelles seront les formes sous lesquelles cette derniĂšre va ĂȘtre exercĂ©e

    3D-printing liquid crystal polymers to replicate the anisotropic complexity of wood

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