97 research outputs found

    Perception in Teaching and Learning English for Special Purposes in Benin Public Universities

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    The investigations were carried out over a period of three academic years i e from 2018 2019 2019- 2020 and 2020- 2021 Research involved gathering data on learners views on their learning needs and expectations on encountered difficulties in learning at Universities on the ranking of preferences for language skills i e the degree of importance of proficiency in different areas of language and collecting and analyzing learners self-assessment data throughout the course The techniques of gathering data included different types of questionnaires administered to learners at the beginning in the middle and at the end of the courses The aim of research was to consider the issues of learning English on a University level and explore the ways of improving the quality of learning and consequently the teaching methods For the findings learners attitudes difficulties and production allow to create the needs and foster proficiency in language for professional purposes in some universitie

    Can children with sickle cell disease undergo open splenectomy without preoperative transfusion despite severe anemia? A report of three cases

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    Preoperative red cells transfusion to correct anaemia and to reduce the proportion of sickle red cells is part of standard preparation of children with sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) for major procedures including open abdominal surgeries. We report three children with sickle cell anaemia presenting with chronic massive splenomegaly and hypersplenism. The children were initially denied surgery because of extremely low haemoglobin levels and the inefficacy of transfusion. Subsequently, they underwent successful open abdominal splenectomy without any red cells transfusion. These observations are important to paediatricians and surgeons in settings where HbSS is common. They highlight the fact that surgery should not be withheld from children with sickle cell anaemia and massive splenomegaly purely on the basis of difficulty in correcting anaemia before the procedure.Key words: Sickle cell disease,surgery, splenectomy, transfusion

    Modeling Least Cost Selection of Best Management Practices to Reduce Soil Erosion in the Fort Cobb Watershed Using Swat

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    The main cause of water quality impairment in the United States is due to Non-Point Source (NPS) pollution caused by human activities like agriculture and urbanization. An example is the Fort Cobb Watershed which has limited capability due to soil erosion and phosphorus load. Soil and water conservation practices can be used to mitigate soil erosion, nitrogen and phosphorus inflow from agricultural lands. Some conservation practices have been implemented in the Fort Cobb Reservoir watershed but their cost effectiveness has not yet been assessed. The objective of this study is to determine the most cost effective selection and location of Best Management Practices (BMPs) on farmland to reduce soil erosion and the delivery of sediment and phosphorus to the reservoir. Detailed conservation practices were simulated with the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) to determine yields, erosion, and phosphorus loss for each practice by each HRU (a soil type-land use unit) and location in the watershed. Linear Programming was used to determine the cost minimizing choice of BMP(s) for each HRU (hydrologic response unit) that meets sediment and phosphorus targets for the watershed.Of the conservation practices simulated, conservation tillage plus contour farming (66%), conservation tillage plus strip cropping (83%) and conservation tillage plus parallel terrace (95%) are the most effective in reducing sediment loads as compared to the baseline (conservation tillage only). The results of the linear programming maximization of net profit indicate that a combination of management practices is the best option for reducing soil erosion while maintaining a substantial income for the farmers.Key words: Watershed, management practices, optimal choice, SWAT, linear programming.Agricultural Economic

    Clément Desrumaux et Jérémie Nollet (dirs), Un capital médiatique ? Usages et légitimation de la médiatisation en politique

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    Dirigé par Cédric Desrumaux et Jérémie Nollet, cet ouvrage collectif de 206 pages fait suite aux journées d’études organisées les 5 et 6 septembre 2016 à Sciences Po Toulouse. Il offre une compréhension approfondie du concept de « capital médiatique ». L’ouvrage n’est pas seulement une étude de la médiatisation politique, il entend aussi être une contribution à la sociologie du champ politique et des ressources qui y prévalent. Après une introduction, le livre se compose de huit contribution..

    Teaching English for medicine as an approach applied to language for specific purposes in Benin health schools

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    Abstract : The English language, due to its role in the world today, has become the cornerstone of higher education development. One’s ability to speak specific English to his domain is a good asset required by job market and scientific research. The present study sought to point out the difficulties and challenges to ESP teaching-learning at medical schools. To that perspective, 150 respondents split into 100 medical learners, 20 ESP teachers and 30 healthcare professionals have been sampled from Medico –Social Training School (EFMS) of Parakou to participate in the survey. Data have been collected through questionnaires, interviews and class observation. The analysis performed with SPSS software showed that teachers are faced with lack of modern teaching materials, learners’ demotivation in classes and large class size. The courses’ contents do not fit the learners’ needs as well as the teaching method adopted by teachers. Keywords: English for medicine, approach, specialty, Benin, health school

    Aberrant course and anatomical variants of the branches of the aortic arch

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    The aortic arch is the segment of the thoracic aorta located between its ascending and descending portions at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra. Its main collateral branches constitute the supra aortic trunks (SAT). We reported 4 cases of variations of these trunks. The first two cases show 2 supra aortic trunks with a right bicarotido-subclavian trunk; the third, 4 supra aortic trunks with a right vertebral-subclavian trunk and the fourth, an origin’s variant and an aberrant course of the supra aortic trunks. These variants find their explanation in the embryology and are important to be known by the neurologist, the neurosurgeon, the vascular surgeon, the otolaryngologist and the radiologist for an adequate diagnosis and therapy. Keywords: Aortic arch, SAT, Aberrant path

    Les occlusions neonatales au Centre National Hospitalier et Universitare (CNHU) de Cotonou : Aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques

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    Les occlusions nonatales (ONN), les plus frquentes des urgences chirurgicales nonatales, sont des affections graves, greves d.une forte mortalit dpassant encore 50% en Afrique tropicale. Ce travail avait pour objectifs d.tudier leurs aspects pidmiologiques, cliniques et volutifs et d.analyser les problmes poss par leur prise en charge au Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire (CNHU) de Cotonou. Il s.agit d.une tude rtrospective vise descriptive portant sur les occlusions nonatales, l.exclusion des malformations ano-rectales. 62 dossiers d.occlusions nonatales ont t colligs reprsentant 41 % des syndromes occlusifs. L.incidence annuelle moyenne tait de 4. L.ge moyen d.admission tait de 14 ± 5 jours. La sex-ratio tait de 1,4. Le dlai d.admission tait en moyenne de 11 ± 4 jours. Aucune ONN n.a t diagnostique en priode antnatale. 50% des ONN taient des atrsies intestinales. Le dlai moyen d.intervention chirurgicale tait de 7 + 3 jours. Les complications post-opratoires, observes dans 75% des cas, taient domines par la dnutrition (55%) et les occlusions post-opratoires (22%). La mortalit globale tait de 44,2%. Elle tait plus importante chez les oprs (58,3%). Les ONN ont une frquence sous estime Cotonou. Elles sont caractrises par des retards considrables l.admission, au diagnostic et l.intervention, et de fortes, morbidit et mortalit. Cette situation est en rapport avec l.absence de diagnostic antnatal, l.inexistence de services spcialiss et performants d.Anesthsie-Ranimation et de Soins intensifs en Nonatologie et l.inexistence de couverture sociale universelle. Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 3(1) 2006: 457-46

    Le Traitement Medical De La Stenose Hypertrophique Du Pylore A Cotonou (Benin): A propos de deux cas.

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    La fréquence globale de la sténose hypertrophique du pylore se situe entre 1 et 3 pour 1000 naissances vivantes et concerne 5 fois plus le garçon que la fille. Son traitement, toujours chirurgical, était une pyloromyotomie extramuqueuse mise au point par Fredet en 1907 et Ramsted en 1911. La morbidité était de 1 à 16 % avec une mortalité inférieure à 0,4 % en Occident. La morbidité et la mortalité restent lourdes en Afrique car le traitement chirurgical de la sténose hypertrophique du pylore dans les paysdéfavorisés demeure hypothéqué par des conditions difficiles de prise en charge. A l’instar des études indiennes, serbes et japonaises, les auteurs rapportent 2 cas de sténose hypertrophique dupylore traités efficacement par l’atropine en intraveineuse à Cotonou

    CT pelvimetry of variant pelvis and child birth prognosis

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    The aim of this study was to determine the threshold values of pelvimetry by scanning and to evaluate the ability of the pelvimetry alone to diagnose a fetal-pelvic disproportion. It was an observational retrospective study on 410 pregnant women who had a scanner pelvimetry for any reasons. Based on the fetal presentations, two subgroups (breech and cephalic -others) have been defined. Measurements of the main obstetric diameters (promonto-retropubic, median transverse and dual sciatica) were taken. The 5th and 10th percentile were calculated as well as the 90th and 95th to determine the threshold values of pelvimetry by scanner. The scanner values found on CT were compared with the standard X ray pelvimetry values. Referring to extreme values obtained by pelvimetry scanner, some pathological pelvic brim were reconstructed in 3D. Moreover, the delivery prognostic was analyzed by crossing the pelvic inlet dimensions (Magnin index) and pelvic outlet dimensions (bi-sciatic diameter) with the outcome of the delivery. The mean values of the scanno-pelvimetry measurement in our series were:m12,39 cm (± 1) for the promonto-retropubic diameter, 12.88 cm (± 1.01) for the transverse median diameter and 11 cm (± 1.32) for the bi-sciatic diameter. These measurements provided an accuracy less than 1 cm compared to the standard ray pelvimetry. Although Magnin index at 23 allows a vaginal delivery, 51% of oursample have failed. Moreover, for the Magnin index at 24 and 25, the vaginal delivery failure rate remains high:45.1% and 39.61% respectively. Compared to classical pelvimetry, pelvimetry by scanner provides additional precision and allows to study the geometry of the basin. However, the pelvimetry alone could not be effective to establish the prognosis of vaginal delivery.Keywords: scanno-pelvimetry, prognosis, deliver

    Hydranencephalie a Cotonou (Benin) a propos de 3 cas cliniques

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    L’hydranencéphalie est une malformation rare du système cérébral. Elle est caractérisée par une disparition des hémisphères cérébraux bilatéraux qui sont remplacés par le liquide céphalorachidien. Nous rapportons 3 cas cliniques. Le diagnostic repose sur le scanner cérébral et l’IRM et pose un problème thérapeutique et éthique car aucun traitement n’améliore le développement neurologique.Mots-clés: hydranencéphalie, hydrocéphalie, malformation, système nerveux central, BéninEnglish Title: Hydranencephaly at Cotonou (Benin): 3 cases reportsEnglish AbstractHydranencephaly is a rare malformation of the brain system. It is characterized by the absence of bilateral cerebral hemispheres which are replaced by cerebrospinal fluid. We present three clinical cases. Brain CTscan was performes for diagnosis. Therapeutic and ethic problems are discussed.Keywords: hydranencephaly, hydrocephalus, malformation, central nervous system, Beni
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