244 research outputs found
The contribution of optimal turbo fan transport aircraft climb schedule to air company economy
Today airlines are challenging two opposite goals: minimization of flight fuel consumption and minimization of elapsed flight time. A well‐known cost structure and cost generators represent significant pre‐conditions for defining cost optimization strategy in an airline company. Airline company management has a limited set of tools for cost managing, which include the following documents: Performance Engineers’ Manual and Aircraft Flight Manual. In this particular paper review we discuss the problem of vertical flight path of turbo‐fan aircraft, where we point out the impact of the choice of climb technique on the overall en route flight profile costs. In temporary aircraft flight preparation process, there is no stressing out the significance of the climb phase in minimizing costs of this particular flight phase. In the paper we show the procedure of defining optimal climbing resulting minimum costs, but also optimal function operational adjustment to the climb schedule. This way of the approximation of optimal function and its adjustment to the operational use enables the application of minimal cost climbing technique in operational use of transportation aircraft. On short‐haul flights, climb phase can reduce cruise flight length up to 60% of total range. In the paper, we show the impact of climb regime on flight profile of turbo‐fan aircraft considering the usage of time, fuel and costs. The impact is shown according to the data taken from the Performance Engineers Manual. The impact stresses the importance of minimum costs climbing regime to cutting down total flight costs. It also shows the conditions which need to be fulfilled in order to apply minimum costs climbing technique. We identify the scope of CAS speed during climb and TOC for flights minimum total expenses by using minimum costs climbing technique. Conditions for achieving minimum costs climbing technique are the results of the logarithmic differential. In order to achieve optimal numerical results we used Newton‐Raphson formula.
Šiandien oro transporte svarbūs du tikslai: skrydžio metu sunaudojamo kuro mažinimas ir skrydžio laiko trumpinimas. Žinoma kainos struktūra ir kainos komponentės yra reikšmingos išankstinės sąlygos, padedančios sudaryti kainos optimizavimo strategiją oro transporto bendrovėje. Oro transporto bendrovės valdytojai turi ribotą sąnaudų valdymo priemonių komplektą – tai „Priežiūros inžinieriaus vadovas“ ir „Orlaivio skrydžio vadovas“. Straipsnyje aptariama turbosraigtinio lėktuvo vertikalios skrydžio krypties problema, parodomas pasirinktos kilimo technikos poveikis bendrai skrydžio kainai. Dabartiniame lėktuvo ruošimosi skrydžiui procese nėra pabrėžiama kilimo fazės įtaka bendrų skrydžio sąnaudų mažinimui. Straipsnyje pateikiama procedūra, kaip nustatyti optimalų orlaivio kilimą mažiausiomis sąnaudomis, taip pat optimalumo funkcijos korekciją kilimo plane. Optimalumo funkcijos aproksimavimas ir jos naudojimas leidžia taikyti mažiausių sąnaudų kilimo techniką lėktuve. Trumpalaikiuose skrydžiuose kilimo fazė gali sumažinti kruizinio skrydžio trukmę iki 60 proc. Straipsnyje rodoma, kaip lėktuvo kilimo režimas daro poveikį turbosraigtinio lėktuvo skrydžiui laiko, kuro ir sąnaudų požiūriu remiantis duomeni mis, paimtais iš „Priežiūros inžinieriaus vadovo“. Skaičiai rodo, kaip minimalių sąnaudų kilimo režimas sumažina bendrąsias skrydžio sąnaudas. Straipsnyje taip pat atskleidžiamos sąlygos, kurios turi būti vykdytos norint pritaikyti minimalių sąnaudų kilimo techniką. Ją naudojant nustatytas lėktuvo skrydžio greitis ir pakilimo aukštis. Minimalių sąnaudų kilimo technikos sąlygos yra logaritminio diferencialo prendiniai. Optimaliems skaitmeniniams rezultatams gauti panaudota Niutono ir Rapsono formulė.
First published online: 21 Oct 2010
Reikšminiai žodžiai: oro bendrovė, ekonomija, transporto lėktuvas, kilimas, techniniai duomenys,
optimizavimas, sąnaudos
Learning Strategies for Contrast-agnostic Segmentation via SynthSeg for Infant MRI data
Longitudinal studies of infants’ brains are essential for research and clinical detection of neurodevelopmental disorders. However, for infant brain MRI scans, effective deep learning-based segmentation frameworks exist only within small age intervals due to the large image intensity and contrast changes that take place in the early postnatal stages of development. However, using different segmentation frameworks or models at different age intervals within the same longitudinal data set would cause segmentation inconsistencies and age-specific biases. Thus, an age-agnostic segmentation model for infants’ brains is needed. In this paper, we present”Infant-SynthSeg”, an extension of the contrast-agnostic SynthSeg segmentation framework applicable to MRI data of infants at ages within the first year of life. Our work mainly focuses on extending learning strategies related to synthetic data generation and augmentation, with the aim of creating a method that employs training data capturing features unique to infants’ brains during this early-stage development. Comparison across different learning strategy settings, as well as a more-traditional contrast-aware deep learning model (nnU-net) are presented. Our experiments show that our trained Infant-SynthSeg models show consistently high segmentation performance on MRI scans of infant brains throughout the first year of life. Furthermore, as the model is trained on ground truth labels at different ages, even labels that are not present at certain ages (such as cerebellar white matter at 1 month) can be appropriately segmented via Infant-SynthSeg across the whole age range. Finally, while Infant-SynthSeg shows consistent segmentation performance across the first year of life, it is outperformed by age-specific deep learning models trained for a specific narrow age range
Multi-scale waves in sound-proof global simulations with EULAG
EULAG is a computational model for simulating flows across a wide range of scales and physical scenarios. A standard option employs an anelastic approximation to capture nonhydrostatic effects and simultaneously filter sound waves from the solution. In this study, we examine a localized gravity wave packet generated by instabilities in Held-Suarez climates. Although still simplified versus the Earth’s atmosphere, a rich set of planetary wave instabilities and ensuing radiated gravity waves can arise. Wave packets are observed that have lifetimes ≤ 2 days, are negligibly impacted by Coriolis force, and do not show the rotational effects of differential jet advection typical of inertia-gravity waves. Linear modal analysis shows that wavelength, period, and phase speed fit the dispersion equation to within a mean difference of ∼ 4%, suggesting an excellent fit. However, the group velocities match poorly even though a propagation of uncertainty analysis indicates that they should be predicted as well as the phase velocities. Theoretical arguments suggest the discrepancy is due to nonlinearity — a strong southerly flow leads to a critical surface forming to the southwest of the wave packet that prevents the expected propagation
The mammalian gene function resource: The International Knockout Mouse Consortium
In 2007, the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) made the ambitious promise to generate mutations in virtually every protein-coding gene of the mouse genome in a concerted worldwide action. Now, 5 years later, the IKMC members have developed highthroughput gene trapping and, in particular, gene-targeting pipelines and generated more than 17,400 mutant murine embryonic stem (ES) cell clones and more than 1,700 mutant mouse strains, most of them conditional. A common IKMC web portal (www.knockoutmouse.org) has been established, allowing easy access to this unparalleled biological resource. The IKMC materials considerably enhance functional gene annotation of the mammalian genome and will have a major impact on future biomedical research
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