4,826 research outputs found

    Geology of the Brewood area, 1:10000 sheet SJ80NE : part of 1:50000 sheet 153 (Wolverhampton)

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    This report describes the geology of 1:lO 000 sheet SJ 80 NE (Brewood) which is included in 1 :50 000 Geological Sheet 153 (Wolverhampton) (Figure 1). The sheet area (hereafter referred to as the ‘district’) was first geologically surveyed at the 1 : 10 560 scale by H. Dewey, E. E. L. Dixon and R. L. Sherlock between 19 1 5 and 192 1, and published on Staffordshire County Series sheets 49SE, 50SW, 55NE, 55SE, 56NW and 56SW. The one-inch Geological Sheet 153 (Wolverhampton) was published in 1929, and the accompanying sheet memoir (Whitehead et al.) dates fiom 1928. The district was resurveyed by E. Hough at the 1 : 10 000 scale in 1997. The district lies within South Staffordshire, with the small town of Brewood the main centre of population. The countryside around Brewood is rural, and largely given over to agriculture. The east-west-trending M54, which is the principal road between the West Midlands and Shropshire, traverses part of the south of the district. The River Penk flows northwards along a shallow valley across the south-eastern and north-eastern corners of the district. The Shropshire Union Canal flows fiom Shut Green in the north of the district to The Hattons in the south

    Triggered Earthquakes and the 1811–1812 New Madrid, Central United States, Earthquake Sequence

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    The 1811–1812 New Madrid, central United States, earthquake sequence included at least three events with magnitudes estimated at well above M 7.0. I discuss evidence that the sequence also produced at least three substantial triggered events well outside the New Madrid Seismic Zone, most likely in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. The largest of these events is estimated to have a magnitude in the low to mid M 5 range. Events of this size are large enough to cause damage, especially in regions with low levels of preparedness. Remotely triggered earthquakes have been observed in tectonically active regions in recent years, but not previously in stable continental regions. The results of this study suggest, however, that potentially damaging triggered earthquakes may be common following large mainshocks in stable continental regions. Thus, in areas of low seismic activity such as central/eastern North America, the hazard associated with localized source zones might be more far reaching than previously recognized. The results also provide additional evidence that intraplate crust is critically stressed, such that small stress changes are especially effective at triggering earthquakes

    Southern Surface Rupture Associated with the M 7.3 1992 Landers, California, Earthquake

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    Although most evidence suggests that the 28 June 1992 M 7.3 Landers earthquake ruptured unilaterally north, significant surface rupture was mapped on the Eureka Peak and Burnt Mountain faults, to the south of the Landers epicenter. An eyewitness account reports that surface rupture occurred on the northern Eureka Peak fault within approximately 35 sec of the mainshock initiation. Array analysis of the Landers mainshock provides evidence in support of this report; a significant southern subevent in the early mainshock coda. I also analyze dense array recordings of a M 5.6 aftershock that occurred 3 min after the mainshock at 34°7.65â€ČN, 116°23.82â€ČW and show that there is strong evidence that this event was also associated with significant rupture on the Eureka Peak fault. This analysis thus suggests that the Eureka Peak fault rupture was not caused by direct bilateral mainshock rupture but instead was initially triggered less than a minute after the mainshock and reruptured by the M 5.6 aftershock. Results for the evolution of the Landers sequence suggest that mainshock subevents may in some cases be accurately described as aftershocks (i.e., disjoint triggered events) that occur within the duration of mainshock strong ground motion

    Empirical Green’s Function Analysis of Recent Moderate Events in California

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    I use seismic data from portable digital stations and the broadband Terrascope network in southern California to investigate radiated earthquake source spectra and discuss the results in light of previous studies on both static stress drop and apparent stress. Applying the empirical Green's function (EGF) method to two sets of M 4–6.1 events, I obtain deconvolved source-spectra estimates and corner frequencies. The results are consistent with an ω^2 source model and constant Brune stress drop. However, consideration of the raw spectral shapes of the largest events provides evidence for a high-frequency decay more shallow than ω^2. The intermediate (≈f^(–1)) slope cannot be explained plausibly with attenuation or site effects and is qualitatively consistent with a model incorporating directivity effects and a fractional stress-drop rupture process, as suggested by Haddon (1996). However, the results obtained in this study are not consistent with the model of Haddon (1996) in that the intermediate slope is not revealed with EGF analysis. This could reflect either bandwidth limitations inherent in EGF analysis or perhaps a rupture process that is not self-similar. I show that a model with an intermediate spectral decay can also reconcile the apparent discrepancy between the scaling of static stress drop and that of apparent stress drop for moderate-to-large events

    Neural Substrates of Homing Pigeon Spatial Navigation: Results from Electrophysiology Studies

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    Over many centuries, the homing pigeon has been selectively bred for returning home from a distant location. As a result of this strong selective pressure, homing pigeons have developed an excellent spatial navigation system. This system passes through the hippocampal formation (HF), which shares many striking similarities to the mammalian hippocampus; there are a host of shared neuropeptides, interconnections, and its role in the storage and manipulation of spatial maps. There are some notable differences as well: there are unique connectivity patterns and spatial encoding strategies. This review summarizes the comparisons between the avian and mammalian hippocampal systems, and the responses of single neurons in several general categories: (1) location and place cells responding in specific areas, (2) path and goal cells responding between goal locations, (3) context-dependent cells that respond before or during a task, and (4) pattern, grid, and boundary cells that increase firing at stable intervals. Head-direction cells, responding to a specific compass direction, are found in mammals and other birds but not to date in pigeons. By studying an animal that evolved under significant adaptive pressure to quickly develop a complex and efficient spatial memory system, we may better understand the comparative neurology of neurospatial systems, and plot new and potentially fruitful avenues of comparative research in the future

    Keeping the History in Historical Seismology: The 1872 Owens Valley, California Earthquake

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    The importance of historical earthquakes is being increasingly recognized. Careful investigations of key pre‐instrumental earthquakes can provide critical information and insights for not only seismic hazard assessment but also for earthquake science. In recent years, with the explosive growth in computational sophistication in Earth sciences, researchers have developed increasingly sophisticated methods to analyze macroseismic data quantitatively. These methodological developments can be extremely useful to exploit fully the temporally and spatially rich information source that seismic intensities often represent. For example, the exhaustive and painstaking investigations done by Ambraseys and his colleagues of early Himalayan earthquakes provides information that can be used to map out site response in the Ganges basin. In any investigation of macroseismic data, however, one must stay mindful that intensity values are not data but rather interpretations. The results of any subsequent analysis, regardless of the degree of sophistication of the methodology, will be only as reliable as the interpretations of available accounts—and only as complete as the research done to ferret out, and in many cases translate, these accounts. When intensities are assigned without an appreciation of historical setting and context, seemingly careful subsequent analysis can yield grossly inaccurate results. As a case study, I report here on the results of a recent investigation of the 1872 Owen's Valley, California earthquake. Careful consideration of macroseismic observations reveals that this event was probably larger than the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, and possibly the largest historical earthquake in California. The results suggest that some large earthquakes in California will generate significantly larger ground motions than San Andreas fault events of comparable magnitude

    A Conceptual Geological Model for investigating shallow sub-surface geology, Cheshire Energy Research Field Site

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    This report is a published product of the UK Geoenergy Observatories project (formerly known as the ESIOS project), by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and forms part of the geological characterisation of the Cheshire site. The report gives a conceptual overview of the shallow sub-surface geology around the Cheshire Energy Research Field Site, including a review of geological processes that have been active in this vicinity following the deposition of the youngest preserved bedrock in the area, the Sherwood Sandstone Group. This recent geological history has resulted in a complicated near-surface succession that influences the properties of rocks and soils. These have an effect on sub-surface flow processes and behaviour

    Scientific overview and historical context of the 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquake sequence

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    The central and eastern United States has experienced only 5 historic earthquakes with Mw 7.0, four during the New Madrid sequence of 1811-1812: three principal mainshocks and the so-called «dawn aftershock» following the first mainshock. Much of the historic earthquake research done in the United States has focused on the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), because the largest New Madrid earthquakes may represent the archetype for the most damaging earthquakes to be expected in intraplate regions. Published magnitude values ranging from 7.0 to 8.75 have generally been based on macroseismic effects, which provide the most direct constraint on source size for the events. Critical to the interpretation of these accounts is an understanding of their historic context. Early settlments clustered along waterways, where substantial amplification of seismic waves is expected. Analyzing the New Madrid intensity values with a consideration of these effects yields preferred values of Mw 7.2-7.3, 7.0, and 7.4-7.5 for the December, January, and February mainshocks, respectively, and of 7.0 for the «dawn aftershock». These values are consistent with other lines of evidence, including scaling relationships. Finally, I show that accounts from the New Madrid sequence reveal evidence for remotely triggered earthquakes well outside the NMSZ. Remotely triggered earthquakes represent a potentially important new wrinkle in historic earthquake research, as their ground motions can sometimes be confused with mainshock ground motions
