42 research outputs found

    Chemical LTD, but not LTP, induces transient accumulation of gelsolin in dendritic spines

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    Synaptic plasticity underlies central brain functions, such as learning. Ca2+ signaling is involved in both strengthening and weakening of synapses, but it is still unclear how one signal molecule can induce two opposite outcomes. By identifying molecules, which can distinguish between signaling leading to weakening or strengthening, we can improve our understanding of how synaptic plasticity is regulated. Here, we tested gelsolin's response to the induction of chemical long-term potentiation (cLTP) or long-term depression (cLTD) in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. We show that gelsolin relocates from the dendritic shaft to dendritic spines upon cLTD induction while it did not show any relocalization upon cLTP induction. Dendritic spines are small actin-rich protrusions on dendrites, where LTD/LTP-responsive excitatory synapses are located. We propose that the LTD-induced modest - but relatively long-lasting - elevation of Ca2+ concentration increases the affinity of gelsolin to F-actin. As F-actin is enriched in dendritic spines, it is probable that increased affinity to F-actin induces the relocalization of gelsolin.Peer reviewe

    Stress fibers are generated by two distinct actin assembly mechanisms in motile cells

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    Stress fibers play a central role in adhesion, motility, and morphogenesis of eukaryotic cells, but the mechanism of how these and other contractile actomyosin structures are generated is not known. By analyzing stress fiber assembly pathways using live cell microscopy, we revealed that these structures are generated by two distinct mechanisms. Dorsal stress fibers, which are connected to the substrate via a focal adhesion at one end, are assembled through formin (mDia1/DRF1)–driven actin polymerization at focal adhesions. In contrast, transverse arcs, which are not directly anchored to substrate, are generated by endwise annealing of myosin bundles and Arp2/3-nucleated actin bundles at the lamella. Remarkably, dorsal stress fibers and transverse arcs can be converted to ventral stress fibers anchored to focal adhesions at both ends. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis revealed that actin filament cross-linking in stress fibers is highly dynamic, suggesting that the rapid association–dissociation kinetics of cross-linkers may be essential for the formation and contractility of stress fibers. Based on these data, we propose a general model for assembly and maintenance of contractile actin structures in cells

    Synapsien karsiutumisen merkitys autismikirjon häiriössä

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Aivojen hermosolujen väliset kiihdyttävät signaalit saapuvat vastaanottaviin soluihin pääosin tuojahaarakkeiden okasten kautta. Yksilön kehittyessä hermosolujen välisten synapsiyhteyksien ja tuojahaarakkeiden okasten määrä alkuun lisääntyy, kunnes niiden määrä saavuttaa huippunsa noin yhden vuoden iässä. Tämän jälkeen okaset karsiutuvat aikuisikään asti ja muovautuvat dynaamisesti läpi aikuisiän. Synapsien lukumäärän lisäksi hermosolujen välisten kiihdyttävien ja estävien signaalien tasapaino on tärkeää normaalille aivotoiminnalle. Autismikirjon häiriöitä sairastavien aivoja tutkittaessa on todettu, että heidän okasensa ovat usein poikkeavan muotoisia ja niitä on normaalia enemmän. Autismikirjon häiriöön liitetyt poikkeavuudet synapsiyhteyksien ja okasten valinnassa sekä kiihdyttävien ja estävien synapsien tasapainossa ovat todennäköisesti yhteydessä aivojen tiedonkäsittelyn muutoksiin.Peer reviewe

    ASD-Associated De Novo Mutations in Five Actin Regulators Show Both Shared and Distinct Defects in Dendritic Spines and Inhibitory Synapses in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons

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    Many actin cytoskeleton-regulating proteins control dendritic spine morphology and density, which are cellular features often altered in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Recent studies using animal models show that autism-related behavior can be rescued by either manipulating actin regulators or by reversing dendritic spine density or morphology. Based on these studies, the actin cytoskeleton is a potential target pathway for developing new ASD treatments. Thus, it is important to understand how different ASD-associated actin regulators contribute to the regulation of dendritic spines and how ASD-associated mutations modulate this regulation. For this study, we selected five genes encoding different actin-regulating proteins and induced ASD-associated de novo missense mutations in these proteins. We assessed the functionality of the wild-type and mutated proteins by analyzing their subcellular localization, and by analyzing the dendritic spine phenotypes induced by the expression of these proteins. As the imbalance between excitation and inhibition has been suggested to have a central role in ASD, we additionally evaluated the density, size and subcellular localization of inhibitory synapses. Common for all the proteins studied was the enrichment in dendritic spines. ASD-associated mutations induced changes in the localization of alpha-actinin-4, which localized less to dendritic spines, and for SWAP-70 and SrGAP3, which localized more to dendritic spines. Among the wild-type proteins studied, only alpha-actinin-4 expression caused a significant change in dendritic spine morphology by increasing the mushroom spine density and decreasing thin spine density. We hypothesized that mutations associated with ASD shift dendritic spine morphology from mushroom to thin spines. An M554V mutation in alpha-actinin-4 (ACTN4) resulted in the expected shift in dendritic spine morphology by increasing the density of thin spines. In addition, we observed a trend toward higher thin spine density withmutations inmyosin IXb and SWAP-70. Myosin IIb and myosin IXb expression increased the proportion of inhibitory synapses in spines. The expression of mutated myosin IIb (Y265C), SrGAP3 (E469K), and SWAP-70 (L544F) induced variable changes in inhibitory synapses.Peer reviewe

    MIM-Deficient Mice Exhibit Anatomical Changes in Dendritic Spines, Cortex Volume and Brain Ventricles, and Functional Changes in Motor Coordination and Learning

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    In this study, we performed a comprehensive behavioral and anatomical analysis of the Missing in Metastasis (Mtss1/MIM) knockout (KO) mouse brain. We also analyzed the expression of MIM in different brain regions at different ages. MIM is an I-BAR containing membrane curving protein, shown to be involved in dendritic spine initiation and dendritic branching in Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Behavioral analysis of MIM KO mice revealed defects in both learning and reverse-learning, alterations in anxiety levels and reduced dominant behavior, and confirmed the previously described deficiency in motor coordination and pre-pulse inhibition. Anatomically, we observed enlarged brain ventricles and decreased cortical volume. Although MIM expression was relatively low in hippocampus after early development, hippocampal pyramidal neurons exhibited reduced density of thin and stubby dendritic spines. Learning deficiencies can be connected to all detected anatomical changes. Both behavioral and anatomical findings are typical for schizophrenia mouse models.Peer reviewe

    Protrudin regulates FAK activation, endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis

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    During angiogenesis, endothelial cells form protrusive sprouts and migrate towards the angiogenic stimulus. In this study, we investigate the role of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-anchored protein, Protrudin, in endothelial cell protrusion, migration and angiogenesis. Our results demonstrate that Protrudin regulates angiogenic tube formation in primary endothelial cells, Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Analysis of RNA sequencing data and its experimental validation revealed cell migration as a prominent cellular function affected in HUVECs subjected to Protrudin knockdown. Further, our results demonstrate that knockdown of Protrudin inhibits focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activation in HUVECs and human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). This is associated with a loss of polarized phospho-FAK distribution upon Protrudin knockdown as compared to Protrudin expressing HUVECs. Reduction of Protrudin also results in a perinuclear accumulation of mTOR and a decrease in VEGF-mediated S6K activation. However, further experiments suggest that the observed inhibition of angiogenesis in Protrudin knockdown cells is not affected by mTOR disturbance. Therefore, our findings suggest that defects in FAK activation and its abnormal subcellular distribution upon Protrudin knockdown are associated with a detrimental effect on endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis. Furthermore, mice with global Protrudin deletion demonstrate reduced retinal vascular progression. To conclude, our results provide evidence for a novel key role of Protrudin in endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Tropomyosin Tpm3.1 is required to maintain the structure and function of the axon initial segment

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    The axon initial segment (AIS) is the site of action potential initiation and serves as a cargo transport filter and diffusion barrier that helps maintain neuronal polarity. The AIS actin cytoskeleton comprises actin patches and periodic sub-membranous actin rings. We demonstrate that tropomyosin isoform Tpm3.1 co-localizes with actin patches and that the inhibition of Tpm3.1 led to a reduction in the density of actin patches. Furthermore, Tpm3.1 showed a periodic distribution similar to sub-membranous actin rings but Tpm3.1 was only partially congruent with sub-membranous actin rings. Nevertheless, the inhibition of Tpm3.1 affected the uniformity of the periodicity of actin rings. Furthermore, Tpm3.1 inhibition led to reduced accumulation of AIS structural and functional proteins, disruption in sorting somatodendritic and axonal proteins, and a reduction in firing frequency. These results show that Tpm3.1 is necessary for the structural and functional maintenance of the AIS.Peer reviewe

    Carbonic anhydrase seven bundles filamentous actin and regulates dendritic spine morphology and density

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    Intracellular pH is a potent modulator of neuronal functions. By catalyzing (de)hydration of CO2, intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA(i)) isoforms CA2 and CA7 contribute to neuronal pH buffering and dynamics. The presence of two highly active isoforms in neurons suggests that they may serve isozyme-specific functions unrelated to CO2-(de)hydration. Here, we show that CA7, unlike CA2, binds to filamentous actin, and its overexpression induces formation of thick actin bundles and membrane protrusions in fibroblasts. In CA7-overexpressing neurons, CA7 is enriched in dendritic spines, which leads to aberrant spine morphology. We identified amino acids unique to CA7 that are required for direct actin interactions, promoting actin filament bundling and spine targeting. Disruption of CA7 expression in neocortical neurons leads to higher spine density due to increased proportion of small spines. Thus, our work demonstrates highly distinct subcellular expression patterns of CA7 and CA2, and a novel, structural role of CA7.Peer reviewe