22 research outputs found

    Santiago de Chile

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    Campus-TV begleitet Professor Sebastian Hoth aus der Heidelberger Universitäts-Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik bei seinem Seminar in der südamerikanischen Metropole. Das Heidelberg Center für Lateinamerika und Universidad de Chile hatten den Kurs organisiert, in dem es auch um implantierte Hörgeräte für taube Babys ging. Auf dem Media-Server aufgenommen im: April 2005 (Dauer: 5 Minuten, 48 Sekunden)

    Preschool children estimating lengths - the role of standard units as relevant prior knowledge

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    International audienceLength estimation is a relevant ability in our everyday life. Especially during the Corona Pandemic, estimating a distance of 1.50 m is crucial for our health and social life. Standard units play a central role in many length estimation processes that occur in our everyday surrounding. However, standard units as well as approaches to length estimation are generally discussed with children in elementary school while children already face situations already in their preschool age. This research addresses the question of how preschool children deal with length estimation. In a study with 189 preschool children who were about to start elementary school, we assessed their length estimates and analyzed the role of standard units in this context. It shows that standard units are used by the majority of kids to estimate lengths. However, their estimates are far from precise but the relation between the measures they name is mostly correct

    Preschool children estimating lengths -the role of standard units as relevant prior knowledge

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    International audienceLength estimation is a relevant ability in our everyday life. Especially during the Corona Pandemic, estimating a distance of 1.50 m is crucial for our health and social life. Standard units play a central role in many length estimation processes that occur in our everyday surrounding. However, standard units as well as approaches to length estimation are generally discussed with children in elementary school while children already face situations already in their preschool age. This research addresses the question of how preschool children deal with length estimation. In a study with 189 preschool children who were about to start elementary school, we assessed their length estimates and analyzed the role of standard units in this context. It shows that standard units are used by the majority of kids to estimate lengths. However, their estimates are far from precise but the relation between the measures they name is mostly correct

    Wege zum CI-Audiologen

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    Die Versorgung mit dem Cochlea-Implantat(CI) steht in Bezug auf Vielschichtigkeit und Aufwand mit Sicherheit an der Spitze der medizinischen Behandlungen, an denen Audiologen maßgeblich mitwirken. In vorausgegangenen Ausgaben der Zeitschrift für Audiologie ([1] und [2]) wurde ausführlich begründet, weshalb Audiologen im Rahmen der CI-Versorgung eine wichtige Rolle spielen und wie entscheidend es für eine qualitativ hochwertige Therapie mit dem CI ist, dass ein exzellent ausgebildeter, im Bereich Hörprothesen spezialisierter Audiologe im Team des versorgenden Zentrums mitarbeitet. Ziel ist es, dass der akademisch qualifizierte CI-Audiologe vermöge seiner profunden und zugleich breitbandigen Kenntnisse auf Augenhöhe mit Ärzten, Pädagogen und Therapeuten in der CI-Versorgung zusammenarbeitet und selbstständig alle audiologischen Maßnahmen veranlassen und durchführen kann. Hierzu hat die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) ein spezifisches und detailliertes Weiterbildungskonzept ausgearbeitet

    The interplay between glottis and vocal tract during the male passaggio

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich. - This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively. - Primärausgabe im Karger-Verlag (www.karger.com/?doi=10.1159/000087084) erschienen

    Intraoperative quantification of floating mass transducer coupling quality in active middle ear implants: a multicenter study

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    Purpose!#!Evaluating the effectiveness of intraoperative auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) to stimulation by the Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) active middle ear implant for quantifying the implant's floating mass transducer (FMT) coupling quality.!##!Methods!#!In a diagnostic multicentric study, patients (> 18 years) who received a VSB with different coupling modalities were included. Pre- and postoperative bone conduction thresholds, intraoperative VSB-evoked ABR thresholds (VSB-ABR) using a modified audio processor programmed to preoperative bone conduction thresholds, postoperative vibrogram thresholds, and postoperative VSB-ABR thresholds were measured. Coupling quality was calculated from the difference between the pure tone average at 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz (3PTA) vibrogram and postoperative 3PTA bone conduction thresholds.!##!Results!#!Twenty-three patients (13 males, 10 females, mean age 56.6 (± 12.5) years) were included in the study. Intraoperative VSB-ABR response thresholds could be obtained in all except one patient where the threshold was > 30 dB nHL. Postoperatively, an insufficient coupling of 36.7 dB was confirmed in this patient. In a Bland-Altman analysis of the intraoperative VSB-ABRs and coupling quality, the limits of agreement exceeded ± 10 dB, i.e., the maximum allowed difference considered as not clinically important but the variation was within the general precision of auditory brainstem responses to predict behavioral thresholds. Five outliers were identified. In two patients, the postoperative VSB-ABR thresholds were in agreement with the coupling quality, indicating a change of coupling before the postoperative testing.!##!Conclusion!#!The response thresholds recorded in this set-up have the potential to predict the VSB coupling quality and optimize postoperative audiological results