15 research outputs found

    Management of the Hydrologic System in Areas Subject to Coal Mining Activities

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    Publicity given to the detrimental effects of mining activities on the environment has tended to overshadow somewhat the hydrologic opportunities and benfits that could be associated with these activities. For example, many areas disturbed by surface mining have proved to be excellent recharge areas for groundwater aquifers. The degree to which mine sites can be exploited to improve management of the hydrologic system depends on both the local geology and the mining techniques used. The report examines the effects of present mining activities on the associated hydrology system, and identifies specific mining procedures and management techniques which not only minimize negative hydrologic impacts of mining operations, but which also enhance the values of the hydrologic system in terms of existing and potential social uses. Thus, the results of the research contribute to the solution of present and future hydrologic problems (both quanitty and quality) associated with coal mining in the western U.S. Emphasis is placed on sites which are representative of both existing and future coal mining areas. The specific objectives of the study are to: 1. Evaluate the potential for using underground coal mines to: a. Tap previously inaccessible groundwater supplies. b. Reduce the salt load to the Colorado River by decreasing the contact of groundwater with salt-bearing geologic formations. c. Store water in abondoned mines. 2. Consider the potential effects of underground coal mines on water resources. 3. Evaluate the potential of using surface mined areas to collect surface runoffs and thus: a. Reduce the sediment loads to the Colorado River. b. Enhance water storage in the basin. Each of the preceding objectives is addressed and discussed by the report in terms of actual coal mines in central Utah. The study suggests not only ways of reducing negative hydrologic impacts of mining operations, but also operational and management mining techniques which will enhance the social use value of the hydrologic systems, and thus, in fact, create hydrologic opportunities

    Evolving Water Resources Infrastructure Management Issues in Nebraska

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    A Machine Learning Approach for Identification of Low-Head Dams

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    Identifying low-head dams (LHDs) and creating an inventory is a priority, as fatalities continue to occur at these structures. Because obstruction inventories do not specifically identify LHDs and they are not assigned a hazard classification, there is no official inventory of LHDs; a multi-agency taskforce is creating one now by identifying LHDs using Google Earth Pro (GE Pro). The purpose of this paper is to assess whether a machine learning approach can accelerate the creation of the national inventory. We implemented a machine learning approach to use a high-resolution remote sensing data with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. The model achieved 76% accuracy in identifying LHDs (true positives) and 95% accuracy identifying Non-low-head-dams (true negatives) on the validation set. We deployed the trained model for the National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric (Hydrofabric) flowlines in the Provo River watershed. The results showed a high number of false positives and low accuracy due to the mismatch between Hydrofabric flowlines and actual waterways. We recommend improving the accuracies of the Hydrofabric waterway tracing algorithms to increase the percentage of correctly classified LHDs

    A Machine Learning Approach for Identification of Low-Head Dams

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    Identifying low-head dams (LHDs) and creating an inventory is a priority, as fatalities continue to occur at these structures. Because obstruction inventories do not specifically identify LHDs and they are not assigned a hazard classification, there is no official inventory of LHDs; a multi-agency taskforce is creating one now by identifying LHDs using Google Earth Pro (GE Pro). The purpose of this paper is to assess whether a machine learning approach can accelerate the creation of the national inventory. We implemented a machine learning approach to use a high-resolution remote sensing data with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. The model achieved 76% accuracy in identifying LHDs (true positives) and 95% accuracy identifying Non-low-head-dams (true negatives) on the validation set. We deployed the trained model for the National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric (Hydrofabric) flowlines in the Provo River watershed. The results showed a high number of false positives and low accuracy due to the mismatch between Hydrofabric flowlines and actual waterways. We recommend improving the accuracies of the Hydrofabric waterway tracing algorithms to increase the percentage of correctly classified LHDs

    Extending Multi-Beam Sonar with Structure from Motion Data of Shorelines for Complete Pool Bathymetry of Reservoirs

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    Bathymetric mapping is an important tool for reservoir management, typically completed before reservoir construction. Historically, bathymetric maps were produced by interpolating between points measured at a relatively large spacing throughout a reservoir, typically on the order of a few, up to 10, meters or more depending on the size of the reservoir. These measurements were made using traditional survey methods before the reservoir was filled, or using sonar surveys after filling. Post-construction issues such as sedimentation and erosion can change a reservoir, but generating updated bathymetric maps is difficult as the areas of interest are typically in the sediment deltas and other difficult-to-access areas that are often above water or exposed for part of the year. We present a method to create complete reservoir bathymetric maps, including areas above the water line, using small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV) photogrammetry combined with multi-beam sonar data—both established methods for producing topographic models. This is a unique problem because the shoreline topographic models generated by the photogrammetry are long and thin, not an optimal geometry for model creation, and most images contain water, which causes issues with image-matching algorithms. This paper presents methods to create accurate above-water shoreline models using images from sUAVs, processed using a commercial software package and a method to accurately knit sonar and Structure from Motion (SfM) data sets by matching slopes. The models generated by both approaches are point clouds, which consist of points representing the ground surface in three-dimensional space. Generating models from sUAV-captured images requires ground control points (GCPs), i.e., points with a known location, to anchor model creation. For this study, we explored issues with ground control spacing, masking water regions (or omitting water regions) in the images, using no GCPs, and incorrectly tagging a GCP. To quantify the effect these issues had on model accuracy, we computed the difference between generated clouds and a reference point cloud to determine the point cloud error. We found that the time required to place GCPs was significantly more than the time required to capture images, so optimizing GCP density is important. To generate long, thin shoreline models, we found that GCPs with a ~1.5-km (~1-mile) spacing along a shoreline are sufficient to generate useful data. This spacing resulted in an average error of 5.5 cm compared to a reference cloud that was generated using ~0.5-km (~1/4-mile) GCP spacing. We found that we needed to mask water and areas related to distant regions and sky in images used for model creation. This is because water, objects in the far oblique distance, and sky confuse the algorithms that match points among images. If we did not mask the images, the resulting models had errors of more than 20 m. Our sonar point clouds, while self-consistent, were not accurately georeferenced, which is typical for most reservoir surveys. We demonstrate a method using cross-sections of the transition between the above-water clouds and sonar clouds to geo-locate the sonar data and accurately knit the two data sets. Shore line topography models (long and thin) and integration of sonar and drone data is a niche area that leverages current advances in data collection and processing. Our work will help researchers and practitioners use these advances to generate accurate post-construction reservoir bathometry maps to assist with reservoir management