187 research outputs found

    Use of convergence-confinement method for preliminary support design in tunnelling

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    The main aim of the presented thesis is an analitical analysis of the primary support system in the tunnels, constructed according to the priciples of the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) using convergence-confinement method. To determine a ground reaction curve of the surrounding rock mass, parameters were calculated using Geological Strenght Index (GSI). Further on different types of support and their contribution to the support curve are discussed. Support curve shape depends on the type of support used, time of support installation and approach to the support consideration. Shotcrete and steel arches are always incorporated in the support curve while rockbolts can be included as part of the support curve or in the convergence curve due to rock reinforcement effect. Both approaches are presented and implemented into the Excel spreadsheets allowing their comparison. To verify both approaches, the measured displacements from some tunnels on the Slovenian motorway network were compared to the calucalted values as presented in the Appendix to the thesis

    Bjesnoća u životinja i postekspozicijska zaštita ljudi u Sloveniji.

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    Over the last decade cases of rabies in animals in Central Europe have decreased. The objective of this study was to analyse the influence of the changing number of laboratory confirmed rabies in animals on post-exposure rabies treatment (PET) of humans in the Republic of Slovenia. This article presents data on the number of PET patients during the period 1992-2001. In the first five years of observation, the ratio between treated patients and laboratory confirmed rabid animals was 1.0 to 3.6 respectively. Over subsequent years this ratio gradually changed to 116.2, falling to 6.3 in 2001. The main carrier of rabies in Slovenia was the red fox, but people were treated for rabies mostly because of being bitten by a dog whose owner was unknown. There was an association between PET patients and animal rabies (correlation coefficient r = 0.77; r2 0.59; 95% confidence limits -0.07 < r2 <0.89). The average number of PET patients was 40.2 per 100,000 inhabitants/year (minimum 30.3, maximum 52.0, sd 6.3) and did not change as significantly as did the number of rabid animals in the same time period. Because of existence of a huge reservoir of rabies virus in animals almost all over the world, local focuses, migration of animals and travellers, bites from animals with unknown owners, and some possibility of importing rabies by pets and other animals, it is difficult to satisfy the need for post-exposure rabies treatment of humans in those regions where rabies in animals are in decline.U posljednjih 10 godina u Središnjoj Europi smanjuje se broj životinja oboljelih od bjesnoće. Istražen je utjecaj smanjenja broja bjesnoće u životinja na opseg postekspozicijske zaštite (PEZ) ljudi u Republici Sloveniji. Istraživanje je obavljeno za razdoblje od 1992. do 2001. godine. U prvoj polovici praćenog razdoblja omjer između vakciniranih osoba i laboratorijski potvrđene bjesnoće iznosio je 1,0 do 3,6. U narednim godinama taj se omjer postupno povećao na 116,2, a do 2001 godine se ponovno smanjio na 6,3. Utvrđena je povezanost izmedju PEZ ljudi i pojave bjesnoće u životinja (r = 0,77; r2 0,59; 95% CI -0,07 < r2 <0,89). Prosječan broj PEZ na godinu bio je 40,2 na 100.000 stanovnika (najmanji 30,3 najveći 52,0) i nije se tako dinamično mijenjao kao broj oboljelih životinja od bjesnoće. Potreban je daljnji nadzor bjesnoće u životinja te PEZ, budući da je rezervoar virusa bjesnoće diljem svijeta izrazito velik, te da postoje lokalna žarišta bjesnoće i u državama koje su bjesnoću gotovo u cijelosti iskorjenile, a i zbog međunarodnog prometa putnika i životinja

    Analysis of terrestrial laser scanning data processing in the software RiSCAN PRO

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    A process of terrestrial laser scanning technology based on a real practical example is the main subject presented in this graduation thesis. We have scanned a building located nearby the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (Ljubljana, Slovenia) with terrestrial laser scanner Riegl VZ-400. The complete process of the scanning is described within this thesis, as well are the used software and hardware. An emphasis is made on data processing, which is described in detail. The used software is RiSCAN PRO that is a part of the Riegl VZ-400 system. The main issue of this thesis is to determine and to comment each part of data processing, to evaluate performance and to examine the possibilities to use the features that RiSCAN software offers. Description of the various stages of the processing includes registration point clouds, resampling, colouring scans, filtering, closing holes, triangulation, texture and few others. The result of processing is a 3D model of the scanned object

    Regulation of traffic areas in the village Gabrovka

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    In this thesis the case of the common transport space is described and illustrated. It addresses the\ud regional road through the village Gabrovka, part of which I regulated. The following are the\ud results of measurements and observations that show the shortcomings of the road. With the help\ud of situations, characteristic cross sections, given renovations and scenic views, the problem of\ud road safety and suitability is shown and given solution to. Emphasis has been put on the\ud suitability of areas for pedestrians, which is currently inapropriate. In the manufacture of the\ud thesis I used AutoCad and SketchUp. To better show the placement of the converted part of the\ud area, digital orthophoto has been used

    Difference in the conten of volatile fatty acids in the intestinal content of lean and fat laboratry mice lines

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    Cilj študije je bil določiti koncentracijo hlapnih maščobnih kislin (HMK) v vsebini debelega črevesja pri debeli (FLI), vitki (FHI) in neinbridirani ICR/OlaHsd liniji. Povečana telesna masa je dandanes vse večja težava tako pri ljudeh kot pri živalih. Razlike v koncentraciji HMK kot produkta mikrobne fermentacije prehranskih vlaknin bi lahko vplivale na razlike v mikrobni populaciji. V raziskavi smo uporabili po 21 samcev iz vsake linije (FLI, FHI in ICR/OlaHsd). Od 10. do 14. tedna starosti smo jih tedensko tehtali. V starosti 14 tednov smo jih evtanazirali in odstranili prebavni trakt. Vsebino debelega in slepega črevesja smo iztisnili s pritiskom prsta. Izmerili smo pH in v laboratoriju naredili analizo na vebnost hlapnih maščobnih kislin. V skupini FLI je bila statistično značilno (p <0,05) nižja pH vrednost v primerjavi s FHI in ICR/OlaHsd. Vsebnost ocetne in maslene kisline je bila v skupini FLI statistično značilna (p <0,05) manjša v primerjavi z drugima dvema skupinama. Ker so bile živali na enaki krmi, lahko glede na te rezultate predpostavljamo, da poteka v debelem črevesju FLI miši nekoliko drugačna fermentacija in predpostavljamo ob drugačni sestavi mikroflore.The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in large intestine (caecum and colon) of fat (FLI), lean (FHI) and outbreed ICR/OlaHsd lines. The increased body weight is nowadays increasing problem, with people, as well as with animals. Differences in the concentration of VFA, as the product of microbial fermentation of dietary fiber, could be the impact of the differences in the microbial population. In the study was used male mouse of FLI, FHI and ICR/OlaHsd, 21 of each line. From 10th to 14th week of age they were weekly weighed. At the age of 14 weeks they were euthanized and digestive tract was removed from the animal. Colon and caecum content was squeezed out by finger pressure. The pH level and the volatile fatty acids concentration were determined. There was statistically significantly (p < 0.05) lower pH level in FLI group compared to FHI and ICR/OlaHsd. In the concentration of VFA there were statistically significantly (p < 0.05) lower content of acetic acid and higher butyric acid in FLI group as compared to two other groups. According to these results, we could speculate that fat (FLI) mice could have some differences in the microbial population and consequently in fermentation since the nutrition in all groups was the same

    Sumnjivi i nepodudarni rezultati u dijagnostici bjesnoće testom imuno-fluorescencije.

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    A total of 7339 fox, dog, cat, cattle, sheep and other mammalian brains were tested to rabies virus antigen. Results of fluorescent antibody test (FAT) were evaluated by two microscopists. Doubtful and discordant results in FAT were analyzed again in virus isolation test (VIT) using mouse neuroblastoma (NA) cell line. Twenty-eight brain samples were determined as doubtful, while 9 brain samples were determined to be positive by one microscopist and negative by the other. Samples which were shown as doubtful and discordant in FAT were retested in VIT. Seventeen of these were positive in the VIT.Na prisutnost antigena virusa bjesnoće bilo je pretraženo ukupno 7339 uzoraka mozgova lisica, mačaka, goveda, ovaca i drugih vrsta životinja. Rezultate izravnog imunofluorescentnog testa vrednovala su dva stručnjaka. Uzorci koji su u testu imunofluorescencije davali sumnjive rezultate, ili se rezultati stručnjaka nisu slagali bili su pretraženi izdvajanjem virusa na kulturi stanica. Rabljena je stanična linija neuroblastoma miševa. Dvadeset osam uzoraka bilo je proglašeno sumnjivim na bjesnoću. Rezultat prvog mikroskopskog pregleda u devet uzoraka bio je pozitivan, a drugog negativan. Od ukupno 37 uzoraka, koji su bili ponovno pretraženi izdvajanjem virusa, 17 je bilo pozitivnih na bjesnoću

    Vaccination against rabies and protective antibodies - comparison of elisa and fluorescent antibody virus neutralization (favn) assays

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    The aim of the study was monitoring the efficacy of primary vaccination against rabies and the need for booster doses. These studies validate at the same time recent technological improvements in laboratory diagnostics of the level of rabies protection in human sera. Research was carried out into the level of antibodies, considering that an antibody titer ≥0.5 IU/mL is protective. We used Platelia rabies ELISA kit (BIO-RAD Laboratories) for the detection of rabies virus anti-glycoprotein antibodies in 41 human sera of previously healthy veterinarian students. Neutralisation rabies virus antibodies were also measured simultaneously by fluorescent antibody virus neutralization (FAVN) test. Two to eight years prior to entering the study subjects had received rabies treatment with human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV, Rabivac, Chiron Germany) according to the schedule: one vaccine on days 0, 7, 21 and 365. Mean level of rabies antibody detected by ELISA was 19.6 (SD 18.8 minimum 1 maximum 56). Results were higher in the groups vaccinated recently. No subject had titer ≤0.5 IU/mL in ELISA, as well as in FAVN. In FAVN test the average titer was higher, reaching 54.4 (SD 44.3 minimum 0.7 maximum 152.5). An immune-complex-like reaction occurring after administration of the booster doses of rabies vaccine is the reason for reconsideration of the needs for administration of booster rabies vaccines. At the same time, the need for mass protection of professionals exposed subjects to rabies virus is real everywhere. Results of these studies indicate that HDCV is highly protective in both FAVN and ELISA tests. A high level of protection lasts at least 8 years in human sera. Average levels of detected rabies antibodies were lower in ELISA in comparison with FAVN test. A correlation between the two tests was found

    Remifentanil target-controlled infusion with intranasal dexmedetomidine for vitreoretinal procedures: a randomized controlled trial

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    Aim To evaluate the consumption of remifentanil (as a primary end-point), analgesia, sedation, hemodynamics, respiratory effects, and surgeon and patient satisfaction (as a secondary end-point) with dexmedetomidine sedation compared with those of remifentanil sedation in patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery. Methods Patients subjected to retinal ophthalmic surgical procedures were randomized to one of two intraoperative sedation groups: one group (n=21) received intranasal dexmedetomidine plus intravenous remifentanil (DEX-REMI group), and the other group (n=19) received intravenous remifentanil only (REM group). The treatment was placebo-controlled. The sedation level was controlled according to the bispectral index, with target values between 80%-90%. Patient levels of comfort, sedation, and pain were documented. The number of intraoperative complications and the level of satisfaction were assessed. Remifentanil consumption and hemodynamic parameters were also included in the statistical analysis. Results The level of remifentanil consumption was significantly lower in the DEX-REMI group, but combination sedation improved the surgeon’s, anesthesiologist’s, and patients’ satisfaction scores. Importantly, the number of complications was zero in the DEX-REMI group, while eight cases of complications were noted in the REM group. The DEX-REMI group showed lower mean minimal arterial pressure, but it was still in the normotensive range. Conclusions For patients undergoing ophthalmic procedures, sedation with a combination of intranasal dexmedetomidine and an intravenous infusion of remifentanil provides lower remifentanil consumption, better satisfaction scores, and a lower complication rate than sedation with a remifentanil infusion alone