740 research outputs found

    Differences in receptivity to gastrointestinal infections with nematodes in dairy ewes: Influence of age and of the level of milk production

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    Resistance to anthelmintics in populations of gastrointestinal nematodes is a major concern in small ruminants. One solution to limit the spread of anthelmintic resistance is to apply treatments selectively by targeting the most susceptible animals within a flock. In dairy goats, previous studies have shown that, within a flock, goats in first lactation and those with high level of milk production were highly receptive to nematode infections. These results provided the rationale for targeted treatments. In dairy ewes, such epidemiological information on possible factors modulating the susceptibility to parasitism were still lacking. The objective of the current study was therefore to examine differences in the level of parasite infection and in the pathophysiological consequences in dairy ewes, depending on the age or on the level of milk production. In three farms, parasite egg excretion, and the serum concentrations of pepsinogen and inorganic phosphate were compared on one hand between primiparous and multiparous ewes; on the other hand, between ewes with the highest and the lowest level of milk production, within a cohort of 3–5-year old animals. Overall, the results did not indicate significant differences for both either the parasitological or pathophysiological measurements depending on the level of milk production. In contrast, significant differences were found according to age, indicating higher levels of infections in the primiparous ewes than in the multiparous ones and suggesting that this category of animals represents a particular parasitic risk within a flock

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du pĂąturage mixte entre ovins et bovins dans la gestion du parasitisme digestif en systĂšme d’élevage Agriculture Biologique

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    Gastrointestinal trichostrongylosis represent one of the main constraint associated with the breeding of ruminants on pastures which is associated with Organic Farming. Besides the repeated use of anthelmintic treatments, the control of these parasitic infections can also be based on an improvement of the host response and on the reduction of animal infection by decreasing the contact with infective larvae through pertinent grazing management. Mixed grazing between different hosts species, particularly between cattle and small ruminants, represents one of the method to reduce the infestivity of pastures. This method is based on the relatively high specificity of many nematode species for one host. The advantages and limits of mixed grazing practices, either by alternate or simultaneous mode, are discussed both in regard of parasite infection and production measurements

    Mag het een onsje meer zijn? : een studie naar de Duitse varkensvleeskolom

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    De Duitse varkensvleesindustrie is van groot en toenemend belang voor de Nederlandse varkenshouderijkolom. Om de primaire varkenshouders goed te kunnen adviseren heeft Rabobank opdracht gegeven om een analyse te laten uitvoeren van deze markt. Op basis van deze analyse zijn aanbevelingen opgesteld voor Nederlandse zeugenhouders en vleesvarkenhouders om de huidige goede positie te handhaven of te verbetere

    An SIS-based sideband-separating heterodyne mixer optimized for the 600 to 720 GHz band

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    The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is the largest radio astronomical enterprise ever proposed. When completed, each of its 64 constituting radio-telescopes will be able to hold 10 heterodyne receivers covering the spectroscopic windows allowed by the atmospheric transmission at the construction site, the altiplanos of the northern Chilean Andes. In contrast to the sideband-separating (2SB) receivers being developed at low frequencies, double-side-band (DSB) receivers are being developed for the highest two spectroscopic windows (bands 9 and 10). Despite of the well known advantages of 2SB mixers over their DSB counterparts, they have not been implemented at the highest-frequency bands as the involved dimensions for some of the radio frequency components are prohibitory small. However, the current state-of-the-art micromachining technology has proved that the structures necessary for this development are attainable. Here we report the design, modeling, realization, and characterization of a 2SB mixer for band 9 of ALMA (600 to 720 GHz). At the heart of the mixer, two superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions are used as mixing elements. The constructed instrument presents an excellent performance as shown by two important figures of merit: noise temperature of the system and side band ratio, both of them within ALMA specifications

    A random tunnel number one 3-manifold does not fiber over the circle

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    We address the question: how common is it for a 3-manifold to fiber over the circle? One motivation for considering this is to give insight into the fairly inscrutable Virtual Fibration Conjecture. For the special class of 3-manifolds with tunnel number one, we provide compelling theoretical and experimental evidence that fibering is a very rare property. Indeed, in various precise senses it happens with probability 0. Our main theorem is that this is true for a measured lamination model of random tunnel number one 3-manifolds. The first ingredient is an algorithm of K Brown which can decide if a given tunnel number one 3-manifold fibers over the circle. Following the lead of Agol, Hass and W Thurston, we implement Brown's algorithm very efficiently by working in the context of train tracks/interval exchanges. To analyze the resulting algorithm, we generalize work of Kerckhoff to understand the dynamics of splitting sequences of complete genus 2 interval exchanges. Combining all of this with a "magic splitting sequence" and work of Mirzakhani proves the main theorem. The 3-manifold situation contrasts markedly with random 2-generator 1-relator groups; in particular, we show that such groups "fiber" with probability strictly between 0 and 1.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 15 December 200

    Use of <i>recA</i> as an alternative phylogenetic marker in the family <i>Vibrionaceae</i>

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    This study analysed the usefulness of recA gene sequences as an alternative phylogenetic and/or identification marker for vibrios. The recA sequences suggest that the genus Vibrio is polyphyletic. The high heterogeneity observed within vibrios was congruent with former polyphasic taxonomic studies on this group. Photobacterium species clustered together and apparently nested within vibrios, while Grimontia hollisae was apart from other vibrios. Within the vibrios, Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio mimicus clustered apart from the other genus members. Vibrio harveyi- and Vibrio splendidus-related species formed compact separated groups. On the other hand, species related to Vibrio tubiashii appeared scattered in the phylogenetic tree. The pairs Vibrio coralliilyticus and Vibrio neptunius, Vibrio nereis and Vibrio xuii and V. tubiashii and Vibrio brasiliensis clustered completely apart from each other. There was a correlation of 0·58 between recA and 16S rDNA pairwise similarities. Strains of the same species have at least 94 % recA sequence similarity. recA gene sequences are much more discriminatory than 16S rDNA. For 16S rDNA similarity values above 98 % there was a wide range of recA similarities, from 83 to 99 %

    Omvang van een varkensbedrijf

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    Het aantal varkens dat per bedrijf gehouden kan worden is afhankelijk van het arbeidsaanbod en van de automatiseringsgraad

    Theoretical and experimental study of AC loss in HTS single pancake coils

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    The electromagnetic properties of a pancake coil in AC regime as a function of the number of turns is studied theoretically and experimentally. Specifically, the AC loss, the coil critical current and the voltage signal are discussed. The coils are made of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10/Ag (BiSCCO) tape, although the main qualitative results are also applicable to other kinds of superconducting tapes, such as coated conductors. The AC loss and the voltage signal are electrically measured using different pick up coils with the help of a transformer. One of them avoids dealing with the huge coil inductance. Besides, the critical current of the coils is experimentally determined by conventional DC measurements. Furthermore, the critical current, the AC loss and the voltage signal are simulated, showing a good agreement with the experiments. For all simulations, the field dependent critical current density inferred from DC measurements on a short tape sample is taken into account.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures; contents extended (sections 3.2 and 4); one new figure (figure 5) and two figures replaced (figures 3 and 8); typos corrected; title change

    Economische gevolgen van bestaande regelgeving voor de Nederlandse varkenshouderij

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    Op verzoek van LNV is berekend wat de gevolgen voor de varkenshouderij zijn als bedrijven (na de overgangstermijn) moeten voldoen aan de eisen in het Varkensbesluit en Ammoniak- en Nitraatrichtlijn. Op basis van individuele varkensbedrijven in het Bedrijven-Informatienet is nagegaan of bedrijven de noodzakelijke investeringen kunnen financieren en of na de investering nog een inkomen uit het bedrijf resteert. Ook is nagegaan of varkensbedrijven alternatieve vormen van huisvesting toe kunnen passen die minder vergaande investeringen vergen. Het beleid waarvoor de overgangstermijn per 2013 verstrijkt heeft vergaande gevolgen voor de gehele varkenssector

    Homotopy on spatial graphs and generalized Sato-Levine invariants

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    Edge-homotopy and vertex-homotopy are equivalence relations on spatial graphs which are generalizations of Milnor's link-homotopy. Fleming and the author introduced some edge (resp. vertex)-homotopy invariants of spatial graphs by applying the Sato-Levine invariant for the constituent 2-component algebraically split links. In this paper, we construct some new edge (resp. vertex)-homotopy invariants of spatial graphs without any restriction of linking numbers of the constituent 2-component links by applying the generalized Sato-Levine invariant.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure
