5 research outputs found

    Iloa vanhemmuuteen : vanhemmuutta tukeva teematapahtuma

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    Kehittämistyömme tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa lapsiperheille suunnattu, vanhemmuutta vahvistava teematapahtuma kolmessa Helsinkiläisessä neuvolassa. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa kuusi neuvolaympäristöön soveltuvaa tieto- ja toimintapakettia sekä niihin liittyvä materiaali sekä järjestää vanhemmille iloinen, ideoita antava ja voimauttava hetki arjen keskelle ja arkea tukemaan. Pyrimme tuottamaan sisällöllisesti innostavan ja voimauttavan kokonaisuuden, joka olisi vanhempia osallistava. Kokeilimme teematapahtumaa terveyden edistämisen työmenetelmänä vastaamaan neuvolatyön haasteisiin vanhemmuuden tukemisen alueella. Lähtökohtana tälle kehittämistyölle oli sekä käytännön neuvolatyöstä että tutkimuksista esiin noussut tarve tukea perheitä entistä enemmän vanhemmuuteen, kasvatustyöhön, voimavaroihin ja arjessa selviytymiseen liittyen. Kehittämistyömme tuotoksena oli kolme vanhemmuutta vahvistavaa teematapahtumaa sekä tapahtuman toteutukseen tarvittava materiaali. Teematapahtumat koostuivat seuraavista osa-alueista: Vauvan kehollisuus- vauvahieronta ja vauvatus, Liikkeelle vauvan kanssa, Vauvavuoden kulku, Kontakti lapseen - sadutus ja lapsihieronta, Mitä tehdä lapsen kanssa kotona ja kodin ulkopuolella sekä Tahtoikäisen kanssa selviytyminen. Teematapahtuman nimeksi muotoutui Iloa vanhemmuteen. Iloa vanhemmuuteen -tapahtumissa oli yhteensä 78 osallistujaa ja palaute oli positiivista. Osallistujat olivat pääosin vauvojen ja varhaisleikki-ikäisten lasten äitejä, mutta paikalla oli myös joitakin isiä ja terveysaseman henkilökuntaa. Osallistujat kiersivät, keskustelivat ja keräsivät tietoa tarjolla olleista aiheista. Terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoiden ja osallistujien välinen keskustelu oli rakentavaa ja tietoa välittävää, vaikkakin keskustelu jäi enimmäkseen pinnalliseksi, mahdollisesti tapahtuman messumaisen luonteen vuoksi. Tällaisen projektiluonteisen kehittämistyön tekeminen oli mielenkiintoinen, kehittävä ja opettava kokemus. Tapahtuman toteuttaminen kolmessa eri toimipisteessä mahdollisti kolmen varsin erilaisen kokemuksen saannin. Jatkoa ajatelleen olisi tärkeää löytää motivoituneet yhteistyöneuvolat sekä sopiva paikka tapahtuman järjestämiselle, jotta se tavoittaisi mahdollisimman suuren osan kohderyhmästään eli neuvolan asiakkaista.The purpose of this final project was to plan and organise an event that was directed at families with children under school age and conducted in three maternity and child health centres in Helsinki. The aim of this project was to produce informative material that can be used when holding similar events in the future, and to arrange an event with a focus on strengthening parenthood and parental resources. Our aim was also to get into interaction with the maternity and child health centres and their customers. The starting point for this project was that both practice and research show that parents of today need even more support than before regarding parenthood, parenting, parental resources, and everyday life with small children. As an output, we organized three events with a turnout of seventy-eight parents most of which were mothers of small babies. The material consisted of topics concerning parenthood and parenting. The parents gathered up information by talking with the students and by collecting the provided material. Organizing an event such as this one was an interesting and informative experience. Because the event was organized three times in three different locations we were left with three diverse learning experiences that can be of use for future reference. When planning an event similar to this one attention should be paid to finding motivated maternity and child health centres for partners in co-operation and a more suitable location for the event to reach as many parents as possible

    COVID-19 Vaccination Among Diverse Population Groups in the Northern Governorates of Iraq

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    Objectives: The present study was carried out to investigate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among populations of internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and host communities in northern Iraq and the related underlying factors.Methods: Through a cross-sectional study conducted in five governorates in April–May 2022, 4,564 individuals were surveyed. Data were collected through an adapted questionnaire designed to gather data on participants.Results: 4,564 subjects were included (59.55% were 19–45 years old; 54.51% male). 50.48% of the participants (51.49% of host communities, 48.83% of IDPs, and 45.87% of refugees) had been vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. 40.84% of participants (42.28% of host communities, 35.75% of IDPs, and 36.14% of refugees) had been vaccinated by two doses, and 1.56% (1.65% of host communities, 0.93% of IDPs, and 1.46% of refugees) were vaccinated with three doses.Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors including age, gender, education, occupation, and nationality could affect vaccination coverage. Moreover, higher acceptance rate of vaccination is associated with belief in vaccine safety and effectiveness and trust in the ability of the vaccine to prevent complications

    Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults Using Methamphetamine: Does It Affect Comorbidity, Quality of Life, and Global Functioning?

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    Objective: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common in adulthood, and it is associated with different high- risk behaviors, particularly substance use. Evidence suggests a high prevalence of ADHD in adults who take methamphetamine (METH). This study aimed at comparing functional level, quality of life, and psychiatric comorbidities in METH users with and without adult ADHD (A-ADHD). Method: In this cross-sectional study, 134 patients who had a history of METH use (at least once in lifetime) were selected from among inpatient and outpatient referrals to a psychiatric hospital. DIVA was performed for those who were positive on the Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales–Self-Report-Screening Version (CAARS-SR-SV). The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Brief (WHOQoL-BREF) were used to assess the participants’ level of functioning and quality of life, respectively. Psychiatric comorbidities including substance use disorders were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-Axis I (SCID-I). Results: Among the METH users, 10.4% were diagnosed as having A-ADHD. A-ADHD was more prevalent among female METH users than males. The hyperactive-impulsive and combined types were more common than the inattentive type. Opiates and cannabis were the most commonly abused drugs by the 2 groups, while sedative-hypnotic use was significantly higher in the individuals with A-ADHD. Substance-induced mood disorder was the most prevalent comorbidity in the 2 groups and was higher in those with A-ADHD. quality of life and the GAF scores were significantly lower in those with A-ADHD and duration of METH use was higher Compared to the METH users without A-ADHD, (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study provided some preliminary findings supporting the prevalence of Adult ADHD among METH users and its negative impacts on their global functioning and quality of life. To provide more effective intervention for METH users, detection and treatment of those with A-ADHD can be of clinical value

    Coping methods to stress among patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

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    Dialysis patients need to deal and cope with various aspects of their disease. Identifying the adaptation methods provides valuable information for planning specific treatment and medical care delivery and improving the performance of medical teams. The present study aims to evaluate the coping strategies to stress among patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) at the Imam Reza Educational-Medical Hospital, Tabriz, West Azarbaijan, Iran. This descriptive and analytical study was conducted on 70 patients in the year 2012. The subjects were selected through census method and simple random sampling method. Data were collected using a customized questionnaire and consisted of demographic information and the Jalowiec Coping Scale (JCS) through a structured interview. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data in SPSS (version 13). The mean score of frequency of use of the coping strategy as "sometimes used" for the HD patients was 70.94 ± 18.91 and also for PD patients as "seldom used" was 58.70 ± 12.66. The mean score of helpfulness of coping strategies in the HD group was 49.57 ± 19.42 as "slightly helpful", whereas in the PD group it was 37.21 ± 14.38 as "slightly helpful" Furthermore, both groups used the emotion-oriented coping styles more frequently than the problem-oriented methods. HD patients used coping methods more frequently than the PD patients. The majority of patients used emotion-oriented coping strategies to deal with stress factors. Use of educational, counseling and supportive programs to assist in coping techniques can facilitate the coping process with stress factors in dialysis patients