1,268 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence of TcT_c enhancement without the influence of spin fluctuations: NMR study on LaFeAsO_{1-x}H_x under a pressure of 3.0 GPa

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    The electron-doped high-transition-temperature (T_c) iron-based pnictide superconductor LaFeAsO_{1-x}H_x has a unique phase diagram: superconducting (SC) double domes are sandwiched by antiferromagnetic phases at ambient pressure and they turn to a single dome with a maximum T_c that exceeds 45K at a pressure of 3.0 GPa. We studied whether spin fluctuations are involved in increasing T_c under a pressure of 3.0 GPa by using ^{75}As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. The ^{75}As-NMR results for the powder samples show that T_c increases up to 48 K without the influence of spin fluctuations. The fact indicates that spin fluctuations are not involved in raising T_c, which implies that other factors, such as orbital degrees of freedom, may be important for achieving a high T_c of almost 50 K.Comment: Correponding Author: Naoki Fujiwar

    ^{75}As NMR study of the growth of paramagnetic-metal domains due to electron doping near the superconducting phase in LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_{x}

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    We studied the electric and magnetic behavior near the phase boundary between antiferromagnetic (AF) and superconducting (SC) phases for a prototype of high-T_c pnictides LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_{x} by using nuclear magnetic resonance, and found that paramagnetic-metal (PM) domains segregate from AF domains. PM domains grow in size with increasing electron doping level and are accompanied by the onset of superconductivity, and thus application of pressure or increasing the doping level causes superconductivity. The existence of PM domains cannot be explained by the existing paradigm that focuses only on the relationship between superconductivity and antiferromagnetism. Based on orbital fluctuation theory, the existence of PM domains is evidence of the ferroquadrupole state.Comment: 5 figure

    Quantum critical behavior in heavily doped LaFeAsO1x_{1-x}Hx_x pnictide superconductors analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We studied the quantum critical behavior of the second antiferromagnetic (AF) phase in the heavily electron-doped high-TcT_c pnictide, LaFeAsO1x_{1-x}Hx_x by using 75^{75}As and 1^{1}H nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) technique. In the second AF phase, we observed a spatially modulated spin-density-wave-like state up to xx=0.6 from the NMR spectral lineshape and detected a low-energy excitation gap from the nuclear relaxation time T1T_1 of 75^{75}As. The excitation gap closes at the AF quantum critical point (QCP) at x0.49x \approx 0.49. The superconducting (SC) phase in a lower-doping regime contacts the second AF phase only at the AF QCP, and both phases are segregated from each other. The absence of AF critical fluctuations and the enhancement of the in-plane electric anisotropy are key factors for the development of superconductivity.Comment: accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Seiberg-Witten prepotential for E-string theory and random partitions

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    We find a Nekrasov-type expression for the Seiberg-Witten prepotential for the six-dimensional non-critical E_8 string theory toroidally compactified down to four dimensions. The prepotential represents the BPS partition function of the E_8 strings wound around one of the circles of the toroidal compactification with general winding numbers and momenta. We show that our expression exhibits expected modular properties. In particular, we prove that it obeys the modular anomaly equation known to be satisfied by the prepotential.Comment: 14 page

    Detection of antiferromagnetic ordering in heavily doped LaFeAsO1-xHx pnictide superconductors using nuclear-magnetic-resonance techniques

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    We studied double superconducting (SC) domes in LaFeAsO1-xHx by using 75As- and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, and unexpectedly discovered that a new antiferromagnetic (AF) phase follows the double SC domes on further H doping, forming a symmetric alignment of AF and SC phases in the electronic phase diagram. We demonstrated that the new AF ordering originates from the nesting between electron pockets, unlike the nesting between electron and hole pockets as seen in the majority of undoped pnictides. The new AF ordering is derived from the features common to high-Tc pnictides: however, it has not been reported so far for other high-Tc pnictides because of their poor electron doping capability.Comment: 5 figures, in press in PR

    Origin of critical-temperature enhancement of an iron-based high-T_c superconductor, LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_{x} : NMR study under high pressure

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of an iron (Fe)-based superconductor LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_x (x = 0.08 and 0.14) were performed at ambient pressure and under pressure. The relaxation rate 1/T_1 for the overdoped samples (x = 0.14) shows T-linear behavior just above T_c, and pressure application enhances 1/T_1T similar to the behavior of T_c. This implies that 1/T_1T = constant originates from the Korringa relation, and an increase in the density of states at the Fermi energy D(E_F) leads to the enhancement of T_c. In the underdoped samples (x = 0.08), 1/T_1T measured at ambient pressure also shows T-independent behavior in a wide temperature range above T_c. However, it shows Curie-Weiss-like T dependence at 3.0 GPa accompanied by a small increase in T_c, suggesting that predominant antiferromagnetic fluctuation suppresses development of superconductivity or remarkable enhancement of T_c. The qualitatively different features between underdoped and overdoped samples are systematically explained by a band calculation with hole and electron pockets

    Spin density wave and superconductivity in CaFe_{1-x}Co_{x}AsF studied by nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements to investigate the evolution of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting (SC) states upon electron doping in CaFe_{1-x}Co_{x}AsF, which exhibits an intermediate phase diagram between those of LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_x and Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_x)_2As_2. We found that homogeneous coexistence of the incommensurate SDW and SC states occurs only in a narrow doping region around the crossover regime, which supports S_{+-}-wave symmetry. However, only the structural phase transition survives upon further doping, which agrees with predictions from orbital fluctuation theory. The transitional features upon electron doping imply that both spin and orbital fluctuations are involved in the superconducting mechanism

    Magnetic order in CaFe1-xCoxAsF (x = 0, 0.06, 0.12) superconductor compounds

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    A Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) experiment has been performed to investigate the structural phase transition and magnetic order in CaFe1-xCoxAsF superconductor compounds (x = 0, 0.06, 0.12). The parent compound CaFeAsF undergoes a tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition at 134(3) K, while the magnetic order in form of a spin-density wave (SDW) sets in at 114(3) K. The antiferromagnetic structure of the parent compound has been determined with a unique propagation vector k = (1,0,1) and the Fe saturation moment of 0.49(5)uB aligned along the long a-axis. With increasing Co doping, the long range antiferromagnetic order has been observed to coexist with superconductivity in the orthorhombic phase of the underdoped CaFe0.94Co0.06AsF with a reduced Fe moment (0.15(5)uB). Magnetic order is completely suppressed in optimally doped CaFe0.88Co0.12AsF. We argue that the coexistence of SDW and superconductivity might be related to mesoscopic phase separation.Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    Homogeneous coexistence of SDW and SC states in CaFe(1-x)Co(x)AsF studied by nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We investigated the homogeneous coexistence of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting (SC) states via 75As-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in CaFe(1-x)Co(x)AsF and found that the electronic and magnetic properties of this compound are intermediate between those of LaFeAsO(1-x)F(x) and Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2. For 6% Co-doped samples, the paramagnetic spectral weight completely disappears in the crossover regime between the SDW and SC phases followed by the anomalous behavior of relaxation rate (1/T1), implying that the two phases are not segregated. The 59Co-NMR spectra show that spin moments are not commensurate but spatially modulated. These experimental results suggest that incommensurate SDW (IC-SDW) and SC states are compatible in this compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure