64 research outputs found

    Editorial – Eye Disorders in the Post-COVID Era

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    A comprehensive systemic approach is needed to make effective decisions for global sustainability. The system’s points of view introduced sustainable development (S.D.) and sustainability in prior years. Sustainable development is expressed as a desire followed by humanity to live in a better condition considering all the limits that nature could have. Social, environmental, and economic responsibilities are the wide-ranging developmental characteristics that form sustainability. In this paper, with the help of search engines like Scopus and Web of Science, several documents related to environmental sustainability in the mining industry were studied. The principal investigated problems were tailings dam failure, forestland use in mining operations, social and environmental issues in crushed stone mining industries, landfill mining challenges, climatic problems, economic problems, and fatalities in artisanal and small-scale mines. Also, a table was designed to categorise these problems and determine the solution and primary goal. This study investigates the severity of mining operation conditions and environmental issues in this industry. The common environmental problems in the mining industry include soil degradation, deforestation, land subsidence, acid mine drainage, waste production, natural landscape destruction, coal production, carbon footprint, dust pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and climatic problems. To have a more sustainable mining industry, all the mining stages, from the exploration to the post-closure stages, must minimise resource and energy consumption and waste products.Za donošenje učinkovitih odluka u sklopu globalne održivosti potreban je sveobuhvatan sustavan pristup, što posebno dolazi do izražaja prethodnih godina. Održivi razvoj izražava se kao želja čovječanstva za životom u boljim uvjetima uzimajući u obzir moguća ograničenja prirode. Društvene, ekološke i ekonomske odgovornosti ubrajaju se među brojne karakteristike razvoja koje čine održivost. U ovome radu, uz pomoć tražilica poput Scopusa i Web of Science, proučavano je nekoliko dokumenata vezanih uz održivost okoliša u rudarskoj industriji. Glavni fokusi studija vezani su uz probleme kao što su klizanje jalovišta, korištenje šumskoga zemljišta u rudarskim radovima, socijalna i ekološka pitanja u eksploataciji i proizvodnji tehničko-građevnoga kamena, izazovi eksploatacije na odlagalištima, klimatski problemi, ekonomski problemi i smrtni slučajevi u privatnim i malim rudnicima. Također, osmišljena je tablica koja kategorizira te probleme i njihova rješenja te primarni cilj. Ova studija istražuje važnost radnih uvjeta u rudarstvu i probleme okoliša u rudarskoj industriji. Uobičajeni ekološki problemi u toj industriji uključuju degradaciju tla, krčenje šuma, slijeganje zemljišta, odvodnju kiselih otpadnih voda iz rudnika, proizvodnju otpada, degradaciju prirodnoga krajolika, proizvodnju ugljena, ugljični otisak, onečišćenje prašinom, emisije stakleničkih plinova i klimatske probleme. Kako bismo imali održiviju rudarsku industriju, sve faze rudarstva, od istraživanja do faza nakon zatvaranja, moraju minimizirati potrošnju resursa i energije te otpadne proizvode

    Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Risk Factors in An Iranian Cohort: A Case-control Study

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    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the possible risk factors of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) in an Iranian cohort. Methods: We recruited 39 consecutive CSCR cases and 80 age-matched controls with no ocular pathology from the same medical center from March 2019 to March 2021. Enrolled patients underwent complete ophthalmological examination and extensive history taking in a referral setting. Logistic regression analysis was performed to detect any possible association of potential risk factors with CSCR. Results: The mean age of CSCR patients was 40.69±7.71 years. The male-to-female ratio in cases and controls was 1:1.79 and 1.22:1, respectively. Logistic regression analysis revealed that alcohol consumption (odds ratio, OR: 62.0, P <0.001), smoking (OR: 4.0, 95% CI: 1.47-10.85, P <0.006), corticosteroid use (OR: 6.95, 95% CI: 2.64-18.28, P <0.001), and high psychological stress (OR: 13.34, 95% CI: 4.68-38.02, P <0.01) were significant risk factors for developing CSCR. Ischemic heart disease (P =0.550), hypertension (P =0.750), and hyperopia (P =0.467) were not associated with the risk of CSCR. The most common form of steroid use was oral in both groups. No pregnant female was present in the study sample, precluding the assessment of its potential association with CSCR.Conclusion: CSCR often affects individuals of productive working ages; thus, identifying its preventable risk factors is highly encouraged. Our results suggested that alcohol consumption, smoking, and high levels of psychological stress are independent, preventable risk factors for CSCR

    The First Reported Case of Ocular Syphilis in an Iranian Patient

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    Purpose: To report the first case of ocular syphilis in an Iranian patient and discuss its diagnostic challenges. Case Report: A man in his mid-70s presented with progressive bilateral visual and auditory decline. He had previously lived in a Southeast Asian country for 10 years. Prior steroid therapies entailed no inflammation subsidence. His visual acuity at presentation was light perception OU. Funduscopic findings included severe vitritis, severe optic atrophy, diffuse retinal vascular occlusion, and diffuse retinal atrophy OU. Angiography demonstrated diffuse areas of retinal and choriocapillaris atrophy with no active choroiditis. Scaly cutaneous lesions were noted on his palms and soles – atypical findings of secondary syphilis. Serum analysis revealed an underlying syphilis infection. The cerebrospinal fluid sample was reactive to anti-syphilis antibodies, securing a neurosyphilis diagnosis. Two weeks of antibiotic therapy resulted in cutaneous lesions resolution and relative visual improvement despite extensive baseline retinal atrophic damage. Conclusion: Ocular syphilis can mimic numerous ocular inflammatory scenarios. In cases of ocular inflammation that is unresponsive to steroids, reconsidering alternative diagnoses, especially infections with the highest clinical relevance, is necessary. We stress the importance of acquiring patients’ sexual history, regardless of cultural barriers and the rarity of the entity in some regions

    Erratum: Inverted ILM Flap Technique in Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy

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    This article is an Erratum to "Inverted ILM Flap Technique in Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy" . Please download the PDF or view the article HTML.

    Inverted ILM Flap Technique in Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy

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    Purpose: To present the outcome of optic disc pit maculopathy (ODPM) managed successfullywith an inverted internal limiting membrane (ILM) flap over the optic disc. A narrative review ofODPM pathogenesis and surgical management techniques are also provided. Case Report: This prospective interventional case series included three eyes of three adultpatients (25–39 years old) with unilateral ODPM and a mean duration of unilaterally decreasedvisual acuity of 7.33 ± 2.40 months (4–12 months). The pars plana vitrectomy with posteriorvitreous detachment induction was performed on eyes, followed by an inverted ILM flap insertionover the optic disc and gas tamponade. Patients were followed for 7–16 weeks postoperatively;best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved dramatically in one patient from 2/200 to 20/25.BCVA in other patients improved two and three lines – to 20/50 and 20/30, respectively. Asignificant anatomical improvement was achieved in all three eyes, and no complication wasdetected throughout the follow-up period. Conclusion: Vitrectomy with inverted ILM flap insertion over the optic disc is safe and can yieldfavorable anatomical improvement in patients with ODPM

    Association Between Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Seronegative Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder

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    Background: Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease in the central nervous system. Association between NMOSD and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection has been investigated, but few studies have assessed the relationship between H. pylori and seronegative AQP4-Ab NMOSD. Objectives: This study aimed to survey the association between H. pylori infection and NMOSD patients with seronegative AQP4-Ab status, as well as the possible relationship between the presence of H. pylori and clinical characteristics. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Kashani Hospital affiliated with the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, from October 2017 to May 2019. A total of 35 consecutive seronegative AQP4-Ab NMOSD patients and 37 sex and age-matched healthy controls participated in the study. Demographic and clinical characteristics were obtained from all participants. We assessed participants’ seroprevalence of IgG and IgM antibodies against H. pylori. The Association of H. pylori with NMOSD was determined. Results: The frequency of IgG and IgM Ab H. pylori seropositivity in NMOSD patients was 22.9% and 40.0%, respectively. Among HC, 11(29.7%) and 20(54.1%) were positive for IgG and IgM Ab H. pylori. Although the rate of H. pylori IgG (OR=0.700, 95%, CI=0.243, 2.017, P=0.420) and IgM Ab (OR=0.567, 95%, CI=0.222, 1.444, P=0.233) seropositivity in NMOSD were lower than NMOSD, these differences were not statistically different. No clinical variables associated with H. pylori IgG and IgM seropositivity infection seropositivity. Conclusion: These findings show that possibly there is no relationship between H. pylori infection and seronegative AQP4-Ab NMOSD

    Targeting Multiple Signal Transduction Pathways of SARS-CoV-2: Approaches to COVID-19 Therapeutic Candidates

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    Due to the complicated pathogenic pathways of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), related medicinal therapies have remained a clinical challenge. COVID-19 highlights the urgent need to develop mechanistic pathogenic pathways and effective agents for preventing/treating future epidemics. As a result, the destructive pathways of COVID-19 are in the line with clinical symptoms induced by severe acute coronary syndrome (SARS), including lung failure and pneumonia. Accordingly, revealing the exact signaling pathways, including inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and autophagy, as well as relative representative mediators such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), Bax/caspases, and Beclin/LC3, respectively, will pave the road for combating COVID-19. Prevailing host factors and multiple steps of SARS-CoV-2 attachment/entry, replication, and assembly/release would be hopeful strategies against COVID-19. This is a comprehensive review of the destructive signaling pathways and host–pathogen interaction of SARS-CoV-2, as well as related therapeutic targets and treatment strategies, including potential natural products-based candidatesJ.E. gratefully acknowledges funding from CONICYT (PAI/ACADEMIA N°79160109)S