40 research outputs found

    Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions

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    Suvremeni način života nameće nove trendove u industiji ukrasnog bilja što rezultira povećanom potražnjom za vrstama skromnih agroteničkih zahtjeva, otpornim na bolesti i štetnike. Crnjika (Nigella damascena L.) i crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) svojim skromnim agrotehničkim karakteristikama i višestrukom iskoristivosti predstavljaju nove potencijalne usjeve za uzgoj u ukrasne, prehrambene i ekološke svrhe. Koriste se kao ukras na cvjetnoj gredici i za rez, a tobolci za izradu suhih aranžamana. Sjeme obiju vrsta ima aromatična svojstva, te se u zemljama tradicionalnog uzgoja koristi u začinske svrhe. Posljednjih godina crni kim je u fokusu znanstvenih istraživanja zbog ljekovitog djelovanja ulja. Širenjem proizvodnje ukrasnog i ljekovitog bilja raste interes za uzgojem ovih vrsta, ali problem je nedostatak sjemena i neistraženi uvjeti uzgoja. Hrvatska ima idealne uvjete za uzgoj sjemena gotovo svih kultiviranih biljaka, te je istraživanje utjecaja uvjeta uzgoja na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod i kakvoću sjemena ovih vrsta osnovni korak koji otvara put uzgoju istraživanih vrsta u ukrasne i merkantilne svrhe. Pretpostavka ovog istraživanje je da će uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno) i gnojidba dušikom imati najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost. Na urod sjemena najveći utjecaj će imati gnojidba dušikom i fosforom, a na kakvoću sjemena uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru (manja zaraza sjemena bolestima) i gnojidba fosforom (viša klijavost i masa 1000 sjemenki). U cilju dokazivanja navedenih pretpostavki provedeno je dvogodišnje vegetacijsko i laboratorijsko istraživanje. Na površinama Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima postavljen je istovjetni višefaktorijelni pokus s dvije biljne vrste crnjikom i crnim kimom. Faktori u istraživanju su uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno), godina (2012., 2013.) i gnojidba (kontrola, gnojeno sa 30 kg·ha-1 dušika ili 30 kg·ha-1 fosfora). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja na kolekcijskom polju i u plasteniku. Tijekom vegetacije provedena su morfometrijska mjerenja i određivanje sastavnica i uroda sjemena. Svojstva kakvoće sjemena ispitana su u laboratoriju za kontrolu kakvoće poljoprivrednog reprodukcijskog materijala Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima prema Pravilniku o metodama uzorkovanja i ispitivanja kvalitete sjemena (NN 99/08) i International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5-70 (ISTA, 2011). Prikupljeni podaci uneseni su u računalni program Microsoft Excel u kojem su pripremljeni za statističku obradu. Podaci su statistički obrađeni u programu SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Prema rezultatima provedenog istraživanja uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru utjecao je na ukrasnu vrijednost samo kod crnjike, čime je djelomično potvrđena pretpostavka ovog istraživanja. Uzgojem u zaštićenom prostoru kod obje vrste postignute su veće vrijednosti sastavnica uroda sjemena, što je rezultiralo i višim urodom sjemena po hektaru. Sukladno očekivanom, sjeme proizvedeno u zaštićenom prostoru imalo je manji postotak bolesti kod obje vrste. Viša vlaga, energija i klijavost sjemena crnjike postignuti su u zaštićenom prostoru, dok je kod crnog kima postignuta samo viša masa 1000 sjemenki. Kod crnjike je godina utjecala na ukrasnu vrijednost i broj sjemenki u tobolcu, ali razlike u urodu sjemena po biljci i urodu sjemena po hektaru u dvije godine uzgoja nisu postignute kod ni jedne vrste. Uzgojem u dvije godine postignute su značajne razlike u vlagi sjemena kod obje vrste. Energija i klijavost sjemena crnog kima značajno se razlikovala u dvije godine, dok je kod crnjike razlika postignuta samo u energiji klijanja, a na samu klijavost sjemena godina nije značajno utjecala. Gnojidba dušikom i fosforom imala je najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod sjemena po biljci i urod sjemena po hektaru. Utjecaj gnojidbe fosforom na masu 1000 sjemenki potvrđen je ovim istraživanjem kod obje vrste, dok na klijavost sjemena gnojidba fosforom nije utjecala. Visina uroda sjemena postignuta gnojidbom dušikom i fosforom trebala bi biti osnovna smjernica u uzgoju ovih vrsta. Neovisno o istraživanim uvjetima postignuta je visoka kakvoća sjemena kod obje vrste, što potvrđuje činjenicu da živimo u zemlji sa neograničenim mogućnostima u uzgoju sjemena.Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions Within the last couple of years the area of horticulture is marked by a trend of introducing new flowering species in decoration of city areas and house gardens. Annual and biennial flowering species attractive for their abundant flowering, diversity of forms and colours of flowers proved to be highly sensitive to diseases and pests and very demanding in their cultivation. Their application is frequently not in accordance with the purpose of the place where they are used, which resulted in the change of landscape in both urban and rural areas. Awareness about the need to coexist with the nature led to demand for ornamental plants with modest agro-technical requirements, resistant to diseases, pests and climate changes. The species Nigella damascena L. (love in mist) and Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) for their positive agronomic characteristics and multiple usage possibilities seem to be potential crops for ornamental and organic purposes, as well as for industrial use. Nigella damascena has unusual flowers and is therefore ideal for cultivation in flower beds and for cutting, whereas the pods are used for making flower arrangements. Besides being used as ornamental plant, it is also used as spice and medicinal species because of its seed which contains oil and has intensive smell and mild and aromatic flavour. Gradual disappearance of traditional gardens caused disappearance of the species Nigella damascena which was traditionally cultivated in Croatia. Within the last decade Nigella sativa attracts increasing attention of scientists from the field of medicine and pharmacology, although medicinal effect of this plant has been known for a long time. It is considered to be one of the most healing plant species because of the chemical composition of the essential oil from its seeds. Although it is primarily used as medicinal plant in the countries where it is traditionally cultivated, it can also be used for ornamental purposes. Multiple usage makes these plant species plants of the future, especially in our country which has excellent possibilities for production of ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants due to its favourable agroecological conditions. Agricultural producers are interested for production of new species, but they are discouraged due to lack of high quality seed material and lack of research regarding the conditions of cultivation. The first and most important step in production of any plant species is to research the possibility of producing quality seed, especially for species that were not previously cultivated in a certain climate area for commercial purposes or for seed production. This research will define agrotechnical conditions of cultivation, ornamental value, yield and quality of seed of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa species in different cultivation conditions (protected area, open area) in two years and with three fertilization variants (control, nitrogen fertilization, phosphorus fertilization). It is estimated that the cultivation conditions and nitrogen fertilization will have the highest impact on ornamental value (plant height, number of flowering branches and pods per plants), whereas seed yield will be primarily affected by fertilization and not so much by cultivation conditions. Cultivation in protected area will result with smaller contamination of seeds with disease, whereas phosphorus fertilization will positively affect germination and 1000 seed weight. In order to prove the above stated assumptions a two year vegetation and laboratory research was carried out. On the testing grounds of Križevci College of Agriculture an identical multifactorial trial with two plant species was set up - Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The research included the impact of cultivation conditions (protected area, open area), years (2012, 2013) and fertilization (no fertilization, nitrogen fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1 and phosphorus fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1) on morphological characteristics, yield and seed quality of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The trial was set up according to random block order in four repetitions. The sowing in the open area was administered on the collection field and in the protected area in the glass house. There were 12 test land plots in the open area and 12 in the glass house, which makes up 24 combinations, each represented with 60 plants. The size of the test surface area is 110, 5 m2, and test land plot 5 m2. Fertilization was carried out prior to sowing and incorporated into the soil using rakes. Urea was used for nitrogen fertilization and triplex for phosphorus fertilization. Test land plots were divided into two subplots of 2,5 m2, where the researched species were sown with 0,5 m distance between the species. During vegetation period in both years of research mean daily air temperature and amount of precipitation were observed. Morphometric measurements (plant height, number of flowering branches) were administered during the flowering period, and the number of pods was calculated during harvest. During seed ripening period number of seeds per pod and seed yield per plant was established. Harvest was carried out when 70 % of pods were ripe, by cutting all the pods from the test land plot. The seeds were cleaned after harvest on laboratory sieves. Seed quality was tested in the laboratory for quality control of agricultural seed of Križevci College of Agriculture. Formation of samples, testing methods for determining seed moisture, 1000 seed weight and health properties of seed were carried out in line with the Rulebook on methods of sampling and testing of seed quality OG 99/08, and testing of energy and germination capacity of seed according to International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5 -70 (ISTA, 2011). Research data was entered in the computer programme Microsoft Excel, where it was prepared for statistical analysis in the programme SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Cultivation conditions significantly influenced ornamental value of the species Nigella damascena. Cultivation in protected area resulted in higher values of plant height, number of flowering branches and number of pods per plant, whereas cultivation conditions didn't significantly affect ornamental value of Nigella sativa, which only partly confirms hypothesis of this research. Seed yield per hectare was significantly higher in protected area, resulting from a higher number of seeds in a pod and seed yield per plant for both species, which is in line with the hypothesis outlined at the beginning of this research. Laboratory research indicated smaller infection of seeds with disease for those plants cultivated in protected areas, whereas the influence of cultivation conditions on other indicators of seed quality varied depending on the species. With Nigella damascena cultivation in protected areas achieved higher moister content of seed, energy and germination capacity of seed, whereas with Nigella sativa this cultivation method affected only the 1000 seed weight indicator. Year of cultivation affected the number of flowering branches and pods per plant with the species Nigella damascena, resulting in higher ornamental value, with Nigella sativa it had no impact on any of the morphological characteristics. Although cultivation during a twoyear period resulted in a significantly different number of seeds per pod for the species Nigella damascena, year of cultivation had no impact on seed yield per plant, or seed yield per hectare for researched species. Significant impact of cultivation year was visible from results of laboratory research indicating higher seed moisture content in 2012 for both species. Cultivation year affected energy and germination capacity of seed for the species Nigella sativa, whereas with the species Nigella damascena it only affected germination energy, with no significant difference in seed germination capacity between the two cultivation years. Nitrogen fertilization had the highest impact on ornamental value for both species, which confirmed the hypothesis of this research. Besides nitrogen fertilization, the researched morphological characteristics (pant height, number of flowering branches, number of seeds per pod) were also affected by phosphorus fertilization. Fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus resulted with the highest seed yields for both species, which can be interpreted as results of impact of fertilization on morphological characteristics and seed yield per plant. Nitrogen fertilization affected the number of seeds per pod for the species whereas with Nigella damascena fertilization had no significant impact on the number of seeds per pod. Phosphorus fertilization had a significantly higher 1000 seed weight with both species, but contrary to the expected, it did not affect germination capacity of seeds. Assumption regarding the influence of phosphorus fertilization on seed quality was therefore only partly confirmed. The species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa belong to the genus Nigella, and due to botanical origin the assumption of this research was that both researched species will achieve the same results in researched cultivation conditions. Basic assumptions in this research were partly confirmed, but based on the laboratory research results mentioned above it is evident that the influence of the research parameters on seed quality varies between the researched species, confirming the fact that cultivation areal of a particular plant species plays a significant role in seed production. In order to produce quality seed, it is of utmost importance to research the influence of cultivation conditions on seed quality properties. this research resulted in high quality seed produced from both researched species and in all researched cultivation conditions. Research results can be used to facilitate production of high quality seed of the species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa, which is a foundation for further cultivation of these species for ornamental purposes. Achieved seed yield for Nigella sativa should encourage agricultural producers to cultivate this species for medicinal purposes, which would lead to reduction of seed import as raw material for oil production and prevent sales of oil of suspicious quality

    Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions

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    Suvremeni način života nameće nove trendove u industiji ukrasnog bilja što rezultira povećanom potražnjom za vrstama skromnih agroteničkih zahtjeva, otpornim na bolesti i štetnike. Crnjika (Nigella damascena L.) i crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) svojim skromnim agrotehničkim karakteristikama i višestrukom iskoristivosti predstavljaju nove potencijalne usjeve za uzgoj u ukrasne, prehrambene i ekološke svrhe. Koriste se kao ukras na cvjetnoj gredici i za rez, a tobolci za izradu suhih aranžamana. Sjeme obiju vrsta ima aromatična svojstva, te se u zemljama tradicionalnog uzgoja koristi u začinske svrhe. Posljednjih godina crni kim je u fokusu znanstvenih istraživanja zbog ljekovitog djelovanja ulja. Širenjem proizvodnje ukrasnog i ljekovitog bilja raste interes za uzgojem ovih vrsta, ali problem je nedostatak sjemena i neistraženi uvjeti uzgoja. Hrvatska ima idealne uvjete za uzgoj sjemena gotovo svih kultiviranih biljaka, te je istraživanje utjecaja uvjeta uzgoja na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod i kakvoću sjemena ovih vrsta osnovni korak koji otvara put uzgoju istraživanih vrsta u ukrasne i merkantilne svrhe. Pretpostavka ovog istraživanje je da će uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno) i gnojidba dušikom imati najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost. Na urod sjemena najveći utjecaj će imati gnojidba dušikom i fosforom, a na kakvoću sjemena uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru (manja zaraza sjemena bolestima) i gnojidba fosforom (viša klijavost i masa 1000 sjemenki). U cilju dokazivanja navedenih pretpostavki provedeno je dvogodišnje vegetacijsko i laboratorijsko istraživanje. Na površinama Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima postavljen je istovjetni višefaktorijelni pokus s dvije biljne vrste crnjikom i crnim kimom. Faktori u istraživanju su uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno), godina (2012., 2013.) i gnojidba (kontrola, gnojeno sa 30 kg·ha-1 dušika ili 30 kg·ha-1 fosfora). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja na kolekcijskom polju i u plasteniku. Tijekom vegetacije provedena su morfometrijska mjerenja i određivanje sastavnica i uroda sjemena. Svojstva kakvoće sjemena ispitana su u laboratoriju za kontrolu kakvoće poljoprivrednog reprodukcijskog materijala Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima prema Pravilniku o metodama uzorkovanja i ispitivanja kvalitete sjemena (NN 99/08) i International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5-70 (ISTA, 2011). Prikupljeni podaci uneseni su u računalni program Microsoft Excel u kojem su pripremljeni za statističku obradu. Podaci su statistički obrađeni u programu SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Prema rezultatima provedenog istraživanja uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru utjecao je na ukrasnu vrijednost samo kod crnjike, čime je djelomično potvrđena pretpostavka ovog istraživanja. Uzgojem u zaštićenom prostoru kod obje vrste postignute su veće vrijednosti sastavnica uroda sjemena, što je rezultiralo i višim urodom sjemena po hektaru. Sukladno očekivanom, sjeme proizvedeno u zaštićenom prostoru imalo je manji postotak bolesti kod obje vrste. Viša vlaga, energija i klijavost sjemena crnjike postignuti su u zaštićenom prostoru, dok je kod crnog kima postignuta samo viša masa 1000 sjemenki. Kod crnjike je godina utjecala na ukrasnu vrijednost i broj sjemenki u tobolcu, ali razlike u urodu sjemena po biljci i urodu sjemena po hektaru u dvije godine uzgoja nisu postignute kod ni jedne vrste. Uzgojem u dvije godine postignute su značajne razlike u vlagi sjemena kod obje vrste. Energija i klijavost sjemena crnog kima značajno se razlikovala u dvije godine, dok je kod crnjike razlika postignuta samo u energiji klijanja, a na samu klijavost sjemena godina nije značajno utjecala. Gnojidba dušikom i fosforom imala je najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod sjemena po biljci i urod sjemena po hektaru. Utjecaj gnojidbe fosforom na masu 1000 sjemenki potvrđen je ovim istraživanjem kod obje vrste, dok na klijavost sjemena gnojidba fosforom nije utjecala. Visina uroda sjemena postignuta gnojidbom dušikom i fosforom trebala bi biti osnovna smjernica u uzgoju ovih vrsta. Neovisno o istraživanim uvjetima postignuta je visoka kakvoća sjemena kod obje vrste, što potvrđuje činjenicu da živimo u zemlji sa neograničenim mogućnostima u uzgoju sjemena.Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions Within the last couple of years the area of horticulture is marked by a trend of introducing new flowering species in decoration of city areas and house gardens. Annual and biennial flowering species attractive for their abundant flowering, diversity of forms and colours of flowers proved to be highly sensitive to diseases and pests and very demanding in their cultivation. Their application is frequently not in accordance with the purpose of the place where they are used, which resulted in the change of landscape in both urban and rural areas. Awareness about the need to coexist with the nature led to demand for ornamental plants with modest agro-technical requirements, resistant to diseases, pests and climate changes. The species Nigella damascena L. (love in mist) and Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) for their positive agronomic characteristics and multiple usage possibilities seem to be potential crops for ornamental and organic purposes, as well as for industrial use. Nigella damascena has unusual flowers and is therefore ideal for cultivation in flower beds and for cutting, whereas the pods are used for making flower arrangements. Besides being used as ornamental plant, it is also used as spice and medicinal species because of its seed which contains oil and has intensive smell and mild and aromatic flavour. Gradual disappearance of traditional gardens caused disappearance of the species Nigella damascena which was traditionally cultivated in Croatia. Within the last decade Nigella sativa attracts increasing attention of scientists from the field of medicine and pharmacology, although medicinal effect of this plant has been known for a long time. It is considered to be one of the most healing plant species because of the chemical composition of the essential oil from its seeds. Although it is primarily used as medicinal plant in the countries where it is traditionally cultivated, it can also be used for ornamental purposes. Multiple usage makes these plant species plants of the future, especially in our country which has excellent possibilities for production of ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants due to its favourable agroecological conditions. Agricultural producers are interested for production of new species, but they are discouraged due to lack of high quality seed material and lack of research regarding the conditions of cultivation. The first and most important step in production of any plant species is to research the possibility of producing quality seed, especially for species that were not previously cultivated in a certain climate area for commercial purposes or for seed production. This research will define agrotechnical conditions of cultivation, ornamental value, yield and quality of seed of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa species in different cultivation conditions (protected area, open area) in two years and with three fertilization variants (control, nitrogen fertilization, phosphorus fertilization). It is estimated that the cultivation conditions and nitrogen fertilization will have the highest impact on ornamental value (plant height, number of flowering branches and pods per plants), whereas seed yield will be primarily affected by fertilization and not so much by cultivation conditions. Cultivation in protected area will result with smaller contamination of seeds with disease, whereas phosphorus fertilization will positively affect germination and 1000 seed weight. In order to prove the above stated assumptions a two year vegetation and laboratory research was carried out. On the testing grounds of Križevci College of Agriculture an identical multifactorial trial with two plant species was set up - Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The research included the impact of cultivation conditions (protected area, open area), years (2012, 2013) and fertilization (no fertilization, nitrogen fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1 and phosphorus fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1) on morphological characteristics, yield and seed quality of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The trial was set up according to random block order in four repetitions. The sowing in the open area was administered on the collection field and in the protected area in the glass house. There were 12 test land plots in the open area and 12 in the glass house, which makes up 24 combinations, each represented with 60 plants. The size of the test surface area is 110, 5 m2, and test land plot 5 m2. Fertilization was carried out prior to sowing and incorporated into the soil using rakes. Urea was used for nitrogen fertilization and triplex for phosphorus fertilization. Test land plots were divided into two subplots of 2,5 m2, where the researched species were sown with 0,5 m distance between the species. During vegetation period in both years of research mean daily air temperature and amount of precipitation were observed. Morphometric measurements (plant height, number of flowering branches) were administered during the flowering period, and the number of pods was calculated during harvest. During seed ripening period number of seeds per pod and seed yield per plant was established. Harvest was carried out when 70 % of pods were ripe, by cutting all the pods from the test land plot. The seeds were cleaned after harvest on laboratory sieves. Seed quality was tested in the laboratory for quality control of agricultural seed of Križevci College of Agriculture. Formation of samples, testing methods for determining seed moisture, 1000 seed weight and health properties of seed were carried out in line with the Rulebook on methods of sampling and testing of seed quality OG 99/08, and testing of energy and germination capacity of seed according to International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5 -70 (ISTA, 2011). Research data was entered in the computer programme Microsoft Excel, where it was prepared for statistical analysis in the programme SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Cultivation conditions significantly influenced ornamental value of the species Nigella damascena. Cultivation in protected area resulted in higher values of plant height, number of flowering branches and number of pods per plant, whereas cultivation conditions didn't significantly affect ornamental value of Nigella sativa, which only partly confirms hypothesis of this research. Seed yield per hectare was significantly higher in protected area, resulting from a higher number of seeds in a pod and seed yield per plant for both species, which is in line with the hypothesis outlined at the beginning of this research. Laboratory research indicated smaller infection of seeds with disease for those plants cultivated in protected areas, whereas the influence of cultivation conditions on other indicators of seed quality varied depending on the species. With Nigella damascena cultivation in protected areas achieved higher moister content of seed, energy and germination capacity of seed, whereas with Nigella sativa this cultivation method affected only the 1000 seed weight indicator. Year of cultivation affected the number of flowering branches and pods per plant with the species Nigella damascena, resulting in higher ornamental value, with Nigella sativa it had no impact on any of the morphological characteristics. Although cultivation during a twoyear period resulted in a significantly different number of seeds per pod for the species Nigella damascena, year of cultivation had no impact on seed yield per plant, or seed yield per hectare for researched species. Significant impact of cultivation year was visible from results of laboratory research indicating higher seed moisture content in 2012 for both species. Cultivation year affected energy and germination capacity of seed for the species Nigella sativa, whereas with the species Nigella damascena it only affected germination energy, with no significant difference in seed germination capacity between the two cultivation years. Nitrogen fertilization had the highest impact on ornamental value for both species, which confirmed the hypothesis of this research. Besides nitrogen fertilization, the researched morphological characteristics (pant height, number of flowering branches, number of seeds per pod) were also affected by phosphorus fertilization. Fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus resulted with the highest seed yields for both species, which can be interpreted as results of impact of fertilization on morphological characteristics and seed yield per plant. Nitrogen fertilization affected the number of seeds per pod for the species whereas with Nigella damascena fertilization had no significant impact on the number of seeds per pod. Phosphorus fertilization had a significantly higher 1000 seed weight with both species, but contrary to the expected, it did not affect germination capacity of seeds. Assumption regarding the influence of phosphorus fertilization on seed quality was therefore only partly confirmed. The species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa belong to the genus Nigella, and due to botanical origin the assumption of this research was that both researched species will achieve the same results in researched cultivation conditions. Basic assumptions in this research were partly confirmed, but based on the laboratory research results mentioned above it is evident that the influence of the research parameters on seed quality varies between the researched species, confirming the fact that cultivation areal of a particular plant species plays a significant role in seed production. In order to produce quality seed, it is of utmost importance to research the influence of cultivation conditions on seed quality properties. this research resulted in high quality seed produced from both researched species and in all researched cultivation conditions. Research results can be used to facilitate production of high quality seed of the species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa, which is a foundation for further cultivation of these species for ornamental purposes. Achieved seed yield for Nigella sativa should encourage agricultural producers to cultivate this species for medicinal purposes, which would lead to reduction of seed import as raw material for oil production and prevent sales of oil of suspicious quality

    Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions

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    Suvremeni način života nameće nove trendove u industiji ukrasnog bilja što rezultira povećanom potražnjom za vrstama skromnih agroteničkih zahtjeva, otpornim na bolesti i štetnike. Crnjika (Nigella damascena L.) i crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) svojim skromnim agrotehničkim karakteristikama i višestrukom iskoristivosti predstavljaju nove potencijalne usjeve za uzgoj u ukrasne, prehrambene i ekološke svrhe. Koriste se kao ukras na cvjetnoj gredici i za rez, a tobolci za izradu suhih aranžamana. Sjeme obiju vrsta ima aromatična svojstva, te se u zemljama tradicionalnog uzgoja koristi u začinske svrhe. Posljednjih godina crni kim je u fokusu znanstvenih istraživanja zbog ljekovitog djelovanja ulja. Širenjem proizvodnje ukrasnog i ljekovitog bilja raste interes za uzgojem ovih vrsta, ali problem je nedostatak sjemena i neistraženi uvjeti uzgoja. Hrvatska ima idealne uvjete za uzgoj sjemena gotovo svih kultiviranih biljaka, te je istraživanje utjecaja uvjeta uzgoja na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod i kakvoću sjemena ovih vrsta osnovni korak koji otvara put uzgoju istraživanih vrsta u ukrasne i merkantilne svrhe. Pretpostavka ovog istraživanje je da će uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno) i gnojidba dušikom imati najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost. Na urod sjemena najveći utjecaj će imati gnojidba dušikom i fosforom, a na kakvoću sjemena uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru (manja zaraza sjemena bolestima) i gnojidba fosforom (viša klijavost i masa 1000 sjemenki). U cilju dokazivanja navedenih pretpostavki provedeno je dvogodišnje vegetacijsko i laboratorijsko istraživanje. Na površinama Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima postavljen je istovjetni višefaktorijelni pokus s dvije biljne vrste crnjikom i crnim kimom. Faktori u istraživanju su uvjeti uzgoja (zaštićeni prostor, otvoreno), godina (2012., 2013.) i gnojidba (kontrola, gnojeno sa 30 kg·ha-1 dušika ili 30 kg·ha-1 fosfora). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja na kolekcijskom polju i u plasteniku. Tijekom vegetacije provedena su morfometrijska mjerenja i određivanje sastavnica i uroda sjemena. Svojstva kakvoće sjemena ispitana su u laboratoriju za kontrolu kakvoće poljoprivrednog reprodukcijskog materijala Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima prema Pravilniku o metodama uzorkovanja i ispitivanja kvalitete sjemena (NN 99/08) i International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5-70 (ISTA, 2011). Prikupljeni podaci uneseni su u računalni program Microsoft Excel u kojem su pripremljeni za statističku obradu. Podaci su statistički obrađeni u programu SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Prema rezultatima provedenog istraživanja uzgoj u zaštićenom prostoru utjecao je na ukrasnu vrijednost samo kod crnjike, čime je djelomično potvrđena pretpostavka ovog istraživanja. Uzgojem u zaštićenom prostoru kod obje vrste postignute su veće vrijednosti sastavnica uroda sjemena, što je rezultiralo i višim urodom sjemena po hektaru. Sukladno očekivanom, sjeme proizvedeno u zaštićenom prostoru imalo je manji postotak bolesti kod obje vrste. Viša vlaga, energija i klijavost sjemena crnjike postignuti su u zaštićenom prostoru, dok je kod crnog kima postignuta samo viša masa 1000 sjemenki. Kod crnjike je godina utjecala na ukrasnu vrijednost i broj sjemenki u tobolcu, ali razlike u urodu sjemena po biljci i urodu sjemena po hektaru u dvije godine uzgoja nisu postignute kod ni jedne vrste. Uzgojem u dvije godine postignute su značajne razlike u vlagi sjemena kod obje vrste. Energija i klijavost sjemena crnog kima značajno se razlikovala u dvije godine, dok je kod crnjike razlika postignuta samo u energiji klijanja, a na samu klijavost sjemena godina nije značajno utjecala. Gnojidba dušikom i fosforom imala je najveći utjecaj na ukrasnu vrijednost, urod sjemena po biljci i urod sjemena po hektaru. Utjecaj gnojidbe fosforom na masu 1000 sjemenki potvrđen je ovim istraživanjem kod obje vrste, dok na klijavost sjemena gnojidba fosforom nije utjecala. Visina uroda sjemena postignuta gnojidbom dušikom i fosforom trebala bi biti osnovna smjernica u uzgoju ovih vrsta. Neovisno o istraživanim uvjetima postignuta je visoka kakvoća sjemena kod obje vrste, što potvrđuje činjenicu da živimo u zemlji sa neograničenim mogućnostima u uzgoju sjemena.Decorative value, yield and seed quality of the species Nigella damascena L. and Nigella sativa L. in different cultivation conditions Within the last couple of years the area of horticulture is marked by a trend of introducing new flowering species in decoration of city areas and house gardens. Annual and biennial flowering species attractive for their abundant flowering, diversity of forms and colours of flowers proved to be highly sensitive to diseases and pests and very demanding in their cultivation. Their application is frequently not in accordance with the purpose of the place where they are used, which resulted in the change of landscape in both urban and rural areas. Awareness about the need to coexist with the nature led to demand for ornamental plants with modest agro-technical requirements, resistant to diseases, pests and climate changes. The species Nigella damascena L. (love in mist) and Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) for their positive agronomic characteristics and multiple usage possibilities seem to be potential crops for ornamental and organic purposes, as well as for industrial use. Nigella damascena has unusual flowers and is therefore ideal for cultivation in flower beds and for cutting, whereas the pods are used for making flower arrangements. Besides being used as ornamental plant, it is also used as spice and medicinal species because of its seed which contains oil and has intensive smell and mild and aromatic flavour. Gradual disappearance of traditional gardens caused disappearance of the species Nigella damascena which was traditionally cultivated in Croatia. Within the last decade Nigella sativa attracts increasing attention of scientists from the field of medicine and pharmacology, although medicinal effect of this plant has been known for a long time. It is considered to be one of the most healing plant species because of the chemical composition of the essential oil from its seeds. Although it is primarily used as medicinal plant in the countries where it is traditionally cultivated, it can also be used for ornamental purposes. Multiple usage makes these plant species plants of the future, especially in our country which has excellent possibilities for production of ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants due to its favourable agroecological conditions. Agricultural producers are interested for production of new species, but they are discouraged due to lack of high quality seed material and lack of research regarding the conditions of cultivation. The first and most important step in production of any plant species is to research the possibility of producing quality seed, especially for species that were not previously cultivated in a certain climate area for commercial purposes or for seed production. This research will define agrotechnical conditions of cultivation, ornamental value, yield and quality of seed of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa species in different cultivation conditions (protected area, open area) in two years and with three fertilization variants (control, nitrogen fertilization, phosphorus fertilization). It is estimated that the cultivation conditions and nitrogen fertilization will have the highest impact on ornamental value (plant height, number of flowering branches and pods per plants), whereas seed yield will be primarily affected by fertilization and not so much by cultivation conditions. Cultivation in protected area will result with smaller contamination of seeds with disease, whereas phosphorus fertilization will positively affect germination and 1000 seed weight. In order to prove the above stated assumptions a two year vegetation and laboratory research was carried out. On the testing grounds of Križevci College of Agriculture an identical multifactorial trial with two plant species was set up - Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The research included the impact of cultivation conditions (protected area, open area), years (2012, 2013) and fertilization (no fertilization, nitrogen fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1 and phosphorus fertilization in the amount of 30 kg·ha-1) on morphological characteristics, yield and seed quality of Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa. The trial was set up according to random block order in four repetitions. The sowing in the open area was administered on the collection field and in the protected area in the glass house. There were 12 test land plots in the open area and 12 in the glass house, which makes up 24 combinations, each represented with 60 plants. The size of the test surface area is 110, 5 m2, and test land plot 5 m2. Fertilization was carried out prior to sowing and incorporated into the soil using rakes. Urea was used for nitrogen fertilization and triplex for phosphorus fertilization. Test land plots were divided into two subplots of 2,5 m2, where the researched species were sown with 0,5 m distance between the species. During vegetation period in both years of research mean daily air temperature and amount of precipitation were observed. Morphometric measurements (plant height, number of flowering branches) were administered during the flowering period, and the number of pods was calculated during harvest. During seed ripening period number of seeds per pod and seed yield per plant was established. Harvest was carried out when 70 % of pods were ripe, by cutting all the pods from the test land plot. The seeds were cleaned after harvest on laboratory sieves. Seed quality was tested in the laboratory for quality control of agricultural seed of Križevci College of Agriculture. Formation of samples, testing methods for determining seed moisture, 1000 seed weight and health properties of seed were carried out in line with the Rulebook on methods of sampling and testing of seed quality OG 99/08, and testing of energy and germination capacity of seed according to International Rules for Seed Testing, Chapter 5, Germination 5 -70 (ISTA, 2011). Research data was entered in the computer programme Microsoft Excel, where it was prepared for statistical analysis in the programme SAS 9.4 (SAS, 2012). Cultivation conditions significantly influenced ornamental value of the species Nigella damascena. Cultivation in protected area resulted in higher values of plant height, number of flowering branches and number of pods per plant, whereas cultivation conditions didn't significantly affect ornamental value of Nigella sativa, which only partly confirms hypothesis of this research. Seed yield per hectare was significantly higher in protected area, resulting from a higher number of seeds in a pod and seed yield per plant for both species, which is in line with the hypothesis outlined at the beginning of this research. Laboratory research indicated smaller infection of seeds with disease for those plants cultivated in protected areas, whereas the influence of cultivation conditions on other indicators of seed quality varied depending on the species. With Nigella damascena cultivation in protected areas achieved higher moister content of seed, energy and germination capacity of seed, whereas with Nigella sativa this cultivation method affected only the 1000 seed weight indicator. Year of cultivation affected the number of flowering branches and pods per plant with the species Nigella damascena, resulting in higher ornamental value, with Nigella sativa it had no impact on any of the morphological characteristics. Although cultivation during a twoyear period resulted in a significantly different number of seeds per pod for the species Nigella damascena, year of cultivation had no impact on seed yield per plant, or seed yield per hectare for researched species. Significant impact of cultivation year was visible from results of laboratory research indicating higher seed moisture content in 2012 for both species. Cultivation year affected energy and germination capacity of seed for the species Nigella sativa, whereas with the species Nigella damascena it only affected germination energy, with no significant difference in seed germination capacity between the two cultivation years. Nitrogen fertilization had the highest impact on ornamental value for both species, which confirmed the hypothesis of this research. Besides nitrogen fertilization, the researched morphological characteristics (pant height, number of flowering branches, number of seeds per pod) were also affected by phosphorus fertilization. Fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus resulted with the highest seed yields for both species, which can be interpreted as results of impact of fertilization on morphological characteristics and seed yield per plant. Nitrogen fertilization affected the number of seeds per pod for the species whereas with Nigella damascena fertilization had no significant impact on the number of seeds per pod. Phosphorus fertilization had a significantly higher 1000 seed weight with both species, but contrary to the expected, it did not affect germination capacity of seeds. Assumption regarding the influence of phosphorus fertilization on seed quality was therefore only partly confirmed. The species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa belong to the genus Nigella, and due to botanical origin the assumption of this research was that both researched species will achieve the same results in researched cultivation conditions. Basic assumptions in this research were partly confirmed, but based on the laboratory research results mentioned above it is evident that the influence of the research parameters on seed quality varies between the researched species, confirming the fact that cultivation areal of a particular plant species plays a significant role in seed production. In order to produce quality seed, it is of utmost importance to research the influence of cultivation conditions on seed quality properties. this research resulted in high quality seed produced from both researched species and in all researched cultivation conditions. Research results can be used to facilitate production of high quality seed of the species Nigella damascena and Nigella sativa, which is a foundation for further cultivation of these species for ornamental purposes. Achieved seed yield for Nigella sativa should encourage agricultural producers to cultivate this species for medicinal purposes, which would lead to reduction of seed import as raw material for oil production and prevent sales of oil of suspicious quality

    Germination of flower species on the Croatian market

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    Kvalitetno sjeme temelj je uspješne biljne proizvodnje. Sjemenarstvo Republike Hrvatske regulirano je zakonima i pravilnicima. Minimalni zahtjevi za kvalitetom sjemena propisani su kod svih biljnih vrsta, osim kod cvijeća. Sjeme ukrasnih trava, povrća i cvijeća dostupno hobistima i malim proizvođačima u maloprodajama bazirano je na uvozu. Distributeri sjemena u svojim paletama sjemena imaju od 30–85 cvjetnih vrsta. Prodaja cvijeća zauzima 37% ukupne prodaje „vrećica sjemena“ u maloprodajama na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Postavlja se pitanje kakvo sjeme kupujemo. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati klijavost sjemena cvjetnih vrsta slučajno odabranih u maloprodajama. Ispitivani uzorak obuhvatio je sve distributere sjemena prisutne na tržištu Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ispitivane cvjetne vrste imaju lošu klijavost ili uopće nisu klijave, što ne čudi jer prodaja takvog sjemena ne povlači za sobom nikakve zakonske sankcije.Quality seed is the foundation of a successful plant production. The seed sector in Croatia is regulated by laws and rulebooks. Minimum demands for seed quality are prescribed for all plant species, except for flowers. The seed of ornamental grasses, vegetables and flowers, which is available in retail trade to hobbyists and small producers, is based on import. Seed distributors have 30 – 85 flower species in their pallets. The sale of flowers occupies 37% of total “seed bags“ sale in retail stores in the area of Koprivnica - Križevci County. This raises the question: “What kind of seed are we buying? “ The purpose of this research was to examine the germination of randomly selected seed of flower species in retail stores. The examined sample covered all seed distributors present on the Croatian market. The results of the research have shown that all examined flower species have poor germination or no germination at all, which isn’t surprising considering the fact that selling this kind of seed does not result in any legal sanctions

    Dashboards Usage for Business Intelligence: Selected Case Studies

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    Dashboards usage has been a quite popular topic in recent years. In modern economy every second is important in decision making process and dashboards are surely one of the main tools to help achieve that goal. For decision makers they are a very convenient way of getting aggregated information in time. Most dashboards summarize data on predefined criteria but they often provide a drill-down or comparative analysis. Almost all dashboards provide graphical representation of their data for even faster response to situation on the market. Primary goal of this paper is to show the positive effects of using dashboards in business environment. Secondary objective is to show various cases of creating and using dashboards in practice. Every dashboard is unique and usable only to people who need it. This paper will describe the basic dashboard theory and provide two case studies of dashboards implemented in two very competitive industries, telecommunications and banking. Basic dashboard creation explains how to create a dashboard in MS Excel, which can be used at a small company or the company that can’t invest in expensive technologies, and case studies analyse implementation of two dashboards implemented for day-to-day reporting and highlighting critical information to management. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Impact of Conservation Tillage on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Maize in North-West Croatia

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    Finding optimal tillage system in ever-changing agroecosystem with quality and stable grain yield is challenging but essential to the farmer. At the Experiment Station Šašinovec (NW Croatia), the trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems and straw on yield and its components of maize (Zea mays L.) on silty clay loam soil (Fluvisol). The tillage systems compared were conventional tillage, minimal tillage and reduced tillage. Under each treatment, there were subplots with and without straw. Tillage systems had significant (P < 0.05) effects on 1000-seed weight, protein, harvest index and yield. The use of cover was significant only on yield, while the interaction of factors (tillage x cover) significantly affected all yield components. In our short-term experiment, deeper soil tillage provided significantly higher values on some yield components (harvest index and protein content) than conventional tillage, thus showing our farmers possible sustainable solutions for their production under agroecological conditions of the north-west of Croatia

    Cultivation of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) as a medicinal and ornamental species

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    Crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) posljednjih godina privlači sve veću pažnju znanstvenika zbog ljekovitih i aromatskih svojstva, te ukrasne vrijednosti. Skromni agrotehnički zahtjevi, otpornost na bolesti i štetnike te višestruka namjena čini ovu vrstu potencijalno isplativom za uvođenje u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati taksonomsku pripadnost, morfološka svojstva, upotrebnu vrijednost i tehnologiju uzgoja crnog kima. Rod Nigella je mali rod unutar porodice žabnjaka (Ranunculaceae Juss.), a predstavnici roda su jednogodišnje vrste kratke vegetacije rasprostranjene na području Euroazije, Sjeverne Afrike, istočnog Sredozemlja i Bliskog Istoka. Najpoznatiji predstavnik roda je crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) koji se zbog ljekovitih svojstava komercijalno uzgaja u Turskoj, Indiji, Pakistanu i Jordanu. U Europi sve više raste upotreba sjemena i ulja, ali nema komercijalne proizvodnje zbog nedovoljno istraženih uvjeta uzgoja. U klimatskim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske sjetvom u proljetnom roku i gnojidbom dušikom i fosforom postignuti su zadovoljavajući prinosi sjemena čime se otvara put uzgoju ove vrste u komercijalne svrhe, ali potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja da bi se točno definirala tehnologija uzgoja na našim prostorima.In recent years black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) has been attracting increasing attention of scientists due to its medicinal and aromatic properties, as well as its decorative value. Modest agrotechnical requirements, resistance to diseases and pests and multiple uses make this species potentially profitable for introduction into agricultural production. The aim of this research is to present the taxonomic affiliation, morphological properties, use value and technology of black cumin cultivation. The genus Nigella is a small genus within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae Juss.), whereas representatives of the genus are annual species of short vegetation distributed in Eurasia, North Africa, the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The most famous representative of the genus is black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), which is commercially grown in Turkey, India, Pakistan and Jordan due to its medicinal properties. The use of seeds and oil is growing in Europe, but there is no commercial production due to insufficiently researched growing conditions. In the climatic conditions of northwestern Croatia, satisfactory seed yields were achieved by spring sowing and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, which opens the possibility for commercial cultivation of this species, but additional research is needed in order to accurately define cultivation technology in our area


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    U svrhu povećanja zadovoljstva sadašnjih, a i budućih klijenata Visoko gospodarsko učilište u Križevcima poduzima razne aktivnosti za poboljšanje svojih usluga. Između ostalog, planira se provesti postupak akreditacije laboratorija za kontrolu kakvoće poljoprivrednog sjemena prema normi HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Osiguranje kvalitete ispitnih rezultata jedan je od važnih elemenata povjerenja u kompetentnost ispitnih laboratorija. Akreditacija laboratorija važna je i bitna pretpostavka konkurentnosti i uklapanja hrvatskih laboratorija u aktualne tokove europskog tržišta. Osim što se akreditacijom dobiva službeno priznanje da je laboratorij kompetentan provoditi ispitivanja prema određenim normama, promiče se i povjerenje korisnika u laboratorije, njihovu stručnost, pouzdanost i kvalitetu usluga. S ciljem unapređenja kvalitete provedeno je anketiranje korisnika usluga Laboratorija za kontrolu kakvoće poljoprivrednog sjemena VGUK. Anketom su se željele dobiti informacije o zadovoljstvu korisnika kvalitetom usluga laboratorija te uvid u stavove i mišljenje korisnika o potrebi akreditacije laboratorija i prednostima koje bi akreditacijom laboratorija ostvarili sami korisnici.In order to increase the satisfaction of present and future clients, Križevci College of agriculture is undertaking various activities to improve their services. Among other things, it plans to conduct the accreditation of laboratories for testing the quality of agricultural seed according to the standard HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Quality assurance of test results is one of the important elements of trust in the competence of testing laboratories. Laboratory accreditation is important and essential precondition of competitiveness and integration of Croatian laboratories in the current trends of the European market. Except getting official recognition, by the accreditation, that the laboratory is competent to carry out tests according to certain standards, it also promotes consumer confidence in the laboratories, their professionalism, reliability and quality of service. With the aim of improving the quality, the users of Laboratory for testing the quality of agricultural seeds at Križevci College of agriculture were surveyed. The survey was conducted in order to obtain information on customer satisfaction with quality of laboratory services as well as an insight into attitudes and opinions on the need of laboratory accreditation and advantages which would benefit the users


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    Program oplemenjivanja pšenice za održivu (ekološku) proizvodnju započet pred petnaestak godina rezultirao je prvom registriranom sortom za tu namjenu (Vesna). Uz adekvatnu sortu za ekološku poljoprivredu važno je i prikladno sredstvo za predsjetveno tretiranje sjemena. Sjeme sedam genotipova pšenice (Divana, Koleda, Vesna i četiri nove linije namijenjenih ekološkoj poljoprivredi) tretirano je s dva ekološki prihvatljiva sredstva Fitolife (0.1%) i kombinacijom Ekorasta i Bordoške juhe (3% + 3% - 200 ml/100 kg) te Vitavaxom 200 FF (200 ml/100 kg sjemena) kao standardom. Analiziran je urod zrna i sastavnice rodnosti te zaraza zrna nakon žetve. Tijekom vegetacije na pokusnom usjevu nisu korišteni fungicidi. Za sve tri sastavnice rodnosti (broj klasova po m2, broj zrna po klasu i masa 1000 zrna) utvrđene su značajne razlike između tri ispitivana tretmana. Urodi zrna tretmana Ekorastom i Bordoškom juhom te Vitavaxom 200 FF bili su značajno viši od tretmana s Fitolifeom. Najmanji postotak zaraze bolestima zrna bio je na varijanti tretiranoj Vitavaxom 200FF, a najveći kod tretiranja Fitolifeom. Najveće razlike su utvrđene za saprofit Alternaria alternata (Fitolife 44.4%; Ekorast i Bordoška juha 33.8% i Vitavax 200FF 25.8%) Kod sva tri tretmana sumarna zaraza Fusarium graminearum i F. nivale bila je ispod 10%. Temeljem provedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da bi u ekološkoj proizvodnji pšenice predsjetveno tretiranje sjemena kombinacijom Ekorasta i Bordoške juhe (3% + 3%) bilo učinkovita i ekonomski prihvatljiva zamjena za konvencionalno tretiranje kemijskim preparatom Vitavax 200FF.Fifteen years ago started program of wheat breeding for sustainable (organic) agriculture, and the first cultivar from that program (Vesna) was released. In seed production for organic agriculture acceptable seed dressing is necessary. Seed dressing with the two ecologically acceptable preparations (Fitolife susp. 0.1% and Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture 3+3%) and one standard chemical Vitavax 200FF (200 ml/100 kg seed) at seven genotypes (Divana, Koleda, Vesna and four new breeds for organic agriculture) were tested. Grain yield, yield components, and grain infestation with pathogens were observed. Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture and Vitavax 200FF had significantly higher grain yield than the treatment with Fitolife. Significantly differences in yield components between three treatments registered too. In spite of extremely wet growing season during vegetation period wheat where not protected by fungicide. In general the Vitavax 200FF treatment had the lowest level of infestation, while the highest infestation was observed at Fitolife treatment. Significant differences were detected in infestation with the saprophyte fungi Alternaria alternata (Fitolife 44.4%; Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture 33.8% and Vitavax 200FF 25.8%). As seed germination ability depends on the presence of Fusarium graminearum and F. nivale, it is important that at all three treatments the cumulative attack of the two pathogens were below 10%. Based on the results it can be concluded that in organic wheat production seed dressing with Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture (3+3%) could be acceptable replacement for the standard chemical seed treatment with Vitavax 200FF


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    Program oplemenjivanja pšenice za održivu (ekološku) proizvodnju započet pred petnaestak godina rezultirao je prvom registriranom sortom za tu namjenu (Vesna). Uz adekvatnu sortu za ekološku poljoprivredu važno je i prikladno sredstvo za predsjetveno tretiranje sjemena. Sjeme sedam genotipova pšenice (Divana, Koleda, Vesna i četiri nove linije namijenjenih ekološkoj poljoprivredi) tretirano je s dva ekološki prihvatljiva sredstva Fitolife (0.1%) i kombinacijom Ekorasta i Bordoške juhe (3% + 3% - 200 ml/100 kg) te Vitavaxom 200 FF (200 ml/100 kg sjemena) kao standardom. Analiziran je urod zrna i sastavnice rodnosti te zaraza zrna nakon žetve. Tijekom vegetacije na pokusnom usjevu nisu korišteni fungicidi. Za sve tri sastavnice rodnosti (broj klasova po m2, broj zrna po klasu i masa 1000 zrna) utvrđene su značajne razlike između tri ispitivana tretmana. Urodi zrna tretmana Ekorastom i Bordoškom juhom te Vitavaxom 200 FF bili su značajno viši od tretmana s Fitolifeom. Najmanji postotak zaraze bolestima zrna bio je na varijanti tretiranoj Vitavaxom 200FF, a najveći kod tretiranja Fitolifeom. Najveće razlike su utvrđene za saprofit Alternaria alternata (Fitolife 44.4%; Ekorast i Bordoška juha 33.8% i Vitavax 200FF 25.8%) Kod sva tri tretmana sumarna zaraza Fusarium graminearum i F. nivale bila je ispod 10%. Temeljem provedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da bi u ekološkoj proizvodnji pšenice predsjetveno tretiranje sjemena kombinacijom Ekorasta i Bordoške juhe (3% + 3%) bilo učinkovita i ekonomski prihvatljiva zamjena za konvencionalno tretiranje kemijskim preparatom Vitavax 200FF.Fifteen years ago started program of wheat breeding for sustainable (organic) agriculture, and the first cultivar from that program (Vesna) was released. In seed production for organic agriculture acceptable seed dressing is necessary. Seed dressing with the two ecologically acceptable preparations (Fitolife susp. 0.1% and Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture 3+3%) and one standard chemical Vitavax 200FF (200 ml/100 kg seed) at seven genotypes (Divana, Koleda, Vesna and four new breeds for organic agriculture) were tested. Grain yield, yield components, and grain infestation with pathogens were observed. Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture and Vitavax 200FF had significantly higher grain yield than the treatment with Fitolife. Significantly differences in yield components between three treatments registered too. In spite of extremely wet growing season during vegetation period wheat where not protected by fungicide. In general the Vitavax 200FF treatment had the lowest level of infestation, while the highest infestation was observed at Fitolife treatment. Significant differences were detected in infestation with the saprophyte fungi Alternaria alternata (Fitolife 44.4%; Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture 33.8% and Vitavax 200FF 25.8%). As seed germination ability depends on the presence of Fusarium graminearum and F. nivale, it is important that at all three treatments the cumulative attack of the two pathogens were below 10%. Based on the results it can be concluded that in organic wheat production seed dressing with Ekorast + Bordeaux mixture (3+3%) could be acceptable replacement for the standard chemical seed treatment with Vitavax 200FF