7 research outputs found

    Differenciál- és differenciaegyenletek kvalitatív és kvantitatív elmélete alkalmazásokkal = Qualitative and quantitative theory of differential and difference equations with applications

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    Kutatásaink a következő témakörökhöz kapcsolódtak: Megoldások aszimptotikus jellemzése és stabilitása; integrálegyenletek és egyenlőtlenségek mértékterekben; differenciálegyenletek megoldásainak paraméterektől való differenciálható függése, paraméterek becslése; állapotfüggő késleltetésű differenciálegyenletek stabilitása. A 2004-2007 kutatási időszakban 31 publikációnk jelent meg. Dolgoztainkra az elmúlt négy évben 575, ezen belül a kutatási periódusban megjelent 31 publikációnkra pedig 57 hivatkozást regisztráltunk. Eredményeinkről 9 plenáris, 33 meghívott szekció és 16 szekció előadásban számoltunk be nemzetközi konferenciákon. Ezeken kívül 34 meghívott előadást tartottunk különböző hazai és külföldi egyetemek szakmai szemináriumain. | Our research is related to the following topics: Asymptotic characterization and stability of solutions; integral equations and inequalities in measure spaces; differentiability of the solutions with respect to the parameters, and parameter estimation methods; stability of differential equations with state-dependent delays. 31 of our pubications have appeared in the research period 2004-2007. We have counted 575 citations of our papers in the last four years, including 57 citations of our 31 papers published in this period. We gave 9 plenary, 33 invited, and 16 contributed talks at international conferences, and 34 invited talks at research seminars of national and foreign universities

    Glutathione Transferases Are Involved in the Genotype-Specific Salt-Stress Response of Tomato Plants

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    Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are one of the most versatile multigenic enzyme superfamilies. In our experiments, the involvement of the genotype-specific induction of GST genes and glutathione- or redox-related genes in pathways regulating salt-stress tolerance was examined in tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum Moneymaker, Mobil, and Elán F1). The growth of the Mobil plants was adversely affected during salt stress (100 mM of NaCl), which might be the result of lowered glutathione and ascorbate levels, a more positive glutathione redox potential (EGSH), and reduced glutathione reductase (GR) and GST activities. In contrast, the Moneymaker and Elán F1 cultivars were able to restore their growth and exhibited higher GR and inducible GST activities, as well as elevated, non-enzymatic antioxidant levels, indicating their enhanced salt tolerance. Furthermore, the expression patterns of GR, selected GST, and transcription factor genes differed significantly among the three cultivars, highlighting the distinct regulatory mechanisms of the tomato genotypes during salt stress. The correlations between EGSH and gene expression data revealed several robust, cultivar-specific associations, underscoring the complexity of the stress response mechanism in tomatoes. Our results support the cultivar-specific roles of distinct GST genes during the salt-stress response, which, along with WRKY3, WRKY72, DREB1, and DREB2, are important players in shaping the redox status and the development of a more efficient stress tolerance in tomatoes

    Glutathione Transferases Are Involved in the Genotype-Specific Salt-Stress Response of Tomato Plants

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    Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are one of the most versatile multigenic enzyme superfamilies. In our experiments, the involvement of the genotype-specific induction of GST genes and glutathione- or redox-related genes in pathways regulating salt-stress tolerance was examined in tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum Moneymaker, Mobil, and Elán F1). The growth of the Mobil plants was adversely affected during salt stress (100 mM of NaCl), which might be the result of lowered glutathione and ascorbate levels, a more positive glutathione redox potential (EGSH), and reduced glutathione reductase (GR) and GST activities. In contrast, the Moneymaker and Elán F1 cultivars were able to restore their growth and exhibited higher GR and inducible GST activities, as well as elevated, non-enzymatic antioxidant levels, indicating their enhanced salt tolerance. Furthermore, the expression patterns of GR, selected GST, and transcription factor genes differed significantly among the three cultivars, highlighting the distinct regulatory mechanisms of the tomato genotypes during salt stress. The correlations between EGSH and gene expression data revealed several robust, cultivar-specific associations, underscoring the complexity of the stress response mechanism in tomatoes. Our results support the cultivar-specific roles of distinct GST genes during the salt-stress response, which, along with WRKY3, WRKY72, DREB1, and DREB2, are important players in shaping the redox status and the development of a more efficient stress tolerance in tomatoes

    The Novel Cardiac Myosin Activator Danicamtiv Improves Cardiac Systolic Function at the Expense of Diastolic Dysfunction In Vitro and In Vivo: Implications for Clinical Applications

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    Recent cardiotropic drug developments have focused on cardiac myofilaments. Danicamtiv, the second direct myosin activator, has achieved encouraging results in preclinical and clinical studies, thus implicating its potential applicability in the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Here, we analyzed the inotropic effects of danicamtiv in detail. To this end, changes in sarcomere length and intracellular Ca2+ levels were monitored in parallel, in enzymatically isolated canine cardiomyocytes, and detailed echocardiographic examinations were performed in anesthetized rats in the absence or presence of danicamtiv. The systolic and diastolic sarcomere lengths decreased; contraction and relaxation kinetics slowed down with increasing danicamtiv concentrations without changes in intracellular Ca2+ transients in vitro. Danicamtiv evoked remarkable increases in left ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening, also reflected by changes in systolic strain. Nevertheless, the systolic ejection time was significantly prolonged, the ratio of diastolic to systolic duration was reduced, and signs of diastolic dysfunction were also observed upon danicamtiv treatment in vivo. Taken together, danicamtiv improves cardiac systolic function, but it can also limit diastolic performance, especially at high drug concentrations