101 research outputs found

    PPCU Sam: Open-source face recognition framework

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    In recent years by the popularization of AI, an increasing number of enterprises deployed machine learning algorithms in real life settings. This trend shed light on leaking spots of the Deep Learning bubble, namely the catastrophic decrease in quality when the distribution of the test data shifts from the training data. It is of utmost importance that we treat the promises of novel algorithms with caution and discourage reporting near perfect experimental results by fine-tuning on fixed test sets and finding metrics that hide weak points of the proposed methods. To support the wider acceptance of computer vision solutions we share our findings through a case-study in which we built a face-recognition system from scratch using consumer grade devices only, collected a database of 100k images from 150 subjects and carried out extensive validation of the most prominent approaches in single-frame face recognition literature. We show that the reported worst-case score, 74.3% true-positive ratio drops below 46.8% on real data. To overcome this barrier, after careful error analysis of the single-frame baselines we propose a low complexity solution to cover the failure cases of the single-frame recognition methods which yields an increased stability in multi-frame recognition during test time. We validate the effectiveness of the proposal by an extensive survey among our users which evaluates to 89.5% true-positive ratio

    The Railway as a Sustainable Heritage: Monument Railways in the Service of Sustainability through the Example of the Gyor-Veszprém Railway Line

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    Nowadays, sustainability is a term that has been analysed many times in public life, among the technical and social sciences alike, examined from several sides, but at least often voiced. In the study, in relation to the sustainability of a healthy human life, it is examined how railways and their historic preservation contribute to this. As the basis of the research, it was chosen the only standard-gauge railway line in Hungary that is under monument protection railway line No. 11 between Gyor and Veszprém. The research is based on the methodology of historical-architectural research: starting from the history of the railway, it explores its architectural and historical values, discusses the creation and importance of protection, and then tries to draw conclusions about the role of the railway line in sustainability by analysing social phenomena, and finally makes proposals for the role of sustainability regarding its increase. The novelty of the study is that it connects the ways of thinking of specialised fields that previously existed side by side. The purpose of monument protection is the preservation of values, which, according to the 20-th-century way of thinking, primarily serves cultural purposes. The monument protection of some parts of the analysed railway line clearly contributed to the preservation of the infrastructure. As an environmentally friendly and sustainable means of transport, the railway plays a prominent role in the healthy preservation of natural areas. This is proven by the history of the examined railway line

    Az étrend szerepe a húgyúti kövek kialakulásában és megelőzésében

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    In Hungary and in the developed countries urinary stones occur more often due to nutritional habits, obesity and sedentary lifestyle beside the endocrine and metabolic causes. In the daily urological and family doctor practice prevention should have an important role. Prevention is based not only on body weight control, physical exercise and medical treatment, but on proper diet as well. The nutritional components can change the consistence of urine, causing supersaturation, which is essential in stone formation. Specific nutritional components can either prevent stone formation (increased fluid intake, citrate, magnesium, fruits and vegetables) or either increase stone formation (decreased fluid intake, proteins, carbohydrates, oxalate, salt, increased calcium intake, ascorbic-acid etc). We summarized evidence-based practical dietary suggestions on the primary and secondary prevention of urinary stones. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(22): 851-855

    Bonyolultságelmélet és algebra = Complexity and algebra

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    Az elmúlt négy évben számos, a CSP-vel kapcsolatos problémát vizsgáltunk. 43 tudományos dolgozatot publikáltunk, ezek nagy részét vezető nemzetközi folyóiratokban. Legfontosabb eredményeink a következők: A Feder-Vardi tételt általánosítva beláttuk, hogy a CSP problémák osztálya polinomiálisan ekvivalens a Monotone Monadic Strict NP osztállyal. Igazoltuk, hogy a lineáris programmal approximálható CSP problémák osztálya pontosan az 1-szélességű osztály. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy függvényteljes algebrákra az ekvivalenciaprobléma bonyolultsága coNP-teljes. Továbbá beláttuk, hogy kommutatív gyűrűk felett a szigma ekvivalencia probléma P-beli, ha pedig a gyűrű Jacobson-radikál szerinti faktora nemkommutatív, akkor coNP-teljes. Kezdeményeztük a kiterjesztett egyenletmegoldhatóság és ekvivalencia vizsgálatát, és beláttuk a kapcsolódó dichotómiatételeket csoportokra. | In the last four years we studied several problems concerning CSP. We published 43 research papers, mainly in leading international journals. Our most important results are the following: We generalized the Feder-Vardi Theorem by proving that every Monotone Monadic Strict NP problem is polynomially equivalent to a CSP problem. We showed that the class of CSP problems that can be approximated by a linear program coincides with the class of problems of width one. We proved that the equivalence problem is coNP-complete for functionally complete algebras. We showed that the sigma equivalence problem can be solved in polynomial time for commutative rings and is coNP-complete if the factor by the Jacobson radical is not commutative. We introduced the extended equivalence and equation solvability problems and we proved the corresponding dichotomy theorems for groups

    Female Sexual Dysfunction in Association with Sexual History, Sexual Abuse and Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hungary

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    Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) has a negative impact on women’s quality of life, self-esteem, and physical health. The aim of the present study was to explore the prevalence and the factors associated with FSD using an online questionnaire. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among young adults (18−35 years old) in Hungary using the DSM-5 criteria. The participants (n = 5942) were divided into three major groups: FSD (20.3%), an intermediate group (43.9%), and a control group (35.6%). Most of the women showing FSD were affected with female orgasmic disorder (9.2%) and genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder (4.6%), while female sexual interest/arousal disorder was found in altogether 100 women (1.7%); 4.8% of women were affected by more than one definite disorder. The occurrence of female sexual dysfunction was related to the women’s previous sexual history (first sexual experience, sexual education, early encounter with pornographic content, and sexual abuse), their self-satisfaction (with their own body, genitalia, and sexual attraction), and their sexual orientation. Sexual dysfunction showed a strong association with abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and self-esteem. The present study identified the relationship between sexual dysfunctions and other health conditions, which can be the basis for some form of screening and early assistance programs for FSD

    Environmental properties of cells improve machine learning-based phenotype recognition accuracy

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    To answer major questions of cell biology, it is often essential to understand the complex phenotypic composition of cellular systems precisely. Modern automated microscopes produce vast amounts of images routinely, making manual analysis nearly impossible. Due to their efficiency, machine learning-based analysis software have become essential tools to perform single-cell-level phenotypic analysis of large imaging datasets. However, an important limitation of such methods is that they do not use the information gained from the cellular micro- and macroenvironment: the algorithmic decision is based solely on the local properties of the cell of interest. Here, we present how various features from the surrounding environment contribute to identifying a cell and how such additional information can improve single-cell-level phenotypic image analysis. The proposed methodology was tested for different sizes of Euclidean and nearest neighbour-based cellular environments both on tissue sections and cell cultures. Our experimental data verify that the surrounding area of a cell largely determines its entity. This effect was found to be especially strong for established tissues, while it was somewhat weaker in the case of cell cultures. Our analysis shows that combining local cellular features with the properties of the cell's neighbourhood significantly improves the accuracy of machine learning-based phenotyping

    Erdő egészségi állapot vizsgálatok a KASZÓ-LIFE projekt keretében = Health condition investigation of forests in KASZÓ-LIFE project

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    A 2014-2018 között megvalósult „KASZÓ-LIFE” program keretében élőhely rehabilitáció történt a KASZÓ Zrt. területén, enyves éger (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) és kocsányos tölgy (Quercus robur L.) állományokban. A területen vízvisszatartó létesítmények segítségével próbálják csökkenteni, illetve lassítani a talajvíz süllyedését, javítani az erdők talajának vízháztartását, és ezen keresztül az erdők egészségi állapotát. Az erdők egészségi állapotának megfigyelésére mintaterületeket jelöltünk ki, ahol évente két alkalommal rögzítettünk adatokat. Az adatokat összevetettük a talajvíz, csapadék és meteorológiai mérések eredményeivel. A rendszeres egészségi állapot felvételezésekkel felmértük a bekövetkezett változásokat, és meghatároztuk a területen rendszeresen előforduló kárformákat és ezek kiváltó okait. Az eddigi vizsgálatok adatai azt mutatják, hogy mind a tölgyek, mind az égerek esetében 2017-től már kisebb mértékű javulás jelentkezett a kontroll területekhez képest. Ugyanakkor a vizsgált időszak relatív rövidsége miatt még nem lehet egyértelmű következtetéseket levonni a program sikerességéről, de a megfigyelések folytatásával erre is lehetőség nyílik a jövőben

    Soft computing számítógépes realizálása numerikus algoritmusokkal = Soft computing implementation by numerical algorithms

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    A Soft computing számítógépes realizálása számítógépes algoritmusokkal c. projektben elért eredmények a következők: 1. Kidolgozásra került a többdimenziós fuzzy kalkulusban is alkalmazható rácsmentes interpolációs technika. 2. Az evolúciós feladatok megoldására minőségi tulajdonságokat (monotonitás, energia megmaradás) is megőrző sokprocesszoros környezetben is hatékonyan alkalmazható numerikus algoritmusok kerültek kifejlesztésre. 3. A parciális differenciálegyenletek számítógépes megoldásához kifejlesztésre került egy ciklikus mátrix prekondicionert alkalmazó tartomány dekompozíciós párhuzamos algoritmus. 4. A nagyméretű lineáris egyenletrendszerek és nemlineáris minimalizálási feladatok megoldásához egy reziduum négyzet minimalizáláson alapuló új genetikai jellegű jól skálázható párhuzamos algoritmus került kifejlesztésre. | The main results of the project: Computer realization of soft computing by numerical algorithm: 1. Development of a meshless interpolation technique applicable for multidimensional fuzzy calculus. 2. Working out some parallel numerical algorithms preserving quality properties of the solution (monotonicity, conservative of energy) for evolution problems. 3. Development of a domain decomposition parallel algorithm for numerical solution of partial differential equations based on cyclic preconditioner matrices. 4. For large linear system of equation and for nonlinear minimizing problems development of a parallel scalable genetic algorithm based on residual minimization