10,167 research outputs found

    Stable and unstable regimes in Bose-Fermi mixture with attraction between components

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    A collapse of the trapped boson- fermion mixture with the attraction between bosons and fermions is investigated in the framework of the effective Hamiltonian for the Bose system. The properties of the 87^{87}Rb and 40^{40}K mixture are analyzed quantitatively at T=0T= 0. We find numerically solutions of modified Gross- Pitaevskii equation which continuously go from stable to unstable branch. We discuss the relation of the onset of collapse with macroscopic properties of the system. A comparison with the case of a Bose condensate of atomic 7Li^7Li system is given.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    An Improved Approach for Measurement of Coupled Heat and Water Transfer in Soil Cells

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    Laboratory experiments on coupled heat and water transfer in soil have been limited in their measurement approaches. Inadequate temperature control creates undesired two-dimensional distributions of both temperature and moisture. Destructive sampling to determine soil volumetric water content (θ) prevents measurement of transient θ distributions and provides no direct information on soil thermal properties. The objectives of this work were to: (i) develop an instrumented closed soil cell that provides one-dimensional conditions and permits in situ measurement of temperature, θ, and thermal conductivity (λ) under transient boundary conditions, and (ii) test this cell in a series of experiments using four soil type–initial θ combinations and 10 transient boundary conditions. Experiments were conducted using soil-insulated cells instrumented with thermo-time domain reflectometry (T-TDR) sensors. Temperature distributions measured in the experiments show nonlinearity, which is consistent with nonuniform thermal properties provided by thermal moisture distribution but differs from previous studies lacking one-dimensional temperature control. The T-TDR measurements of θ based on dielectric permittivity, volumetric heat capacity, and change in volumetric heat capacity agreed well with post-experiment sampling, providing r 2 values of 0.87, 0.93, and 0.95, respectively. Measurements of θ and λ were also consistent with the shapes of the observed temperature distributions. Techniques implemented in these experiments allowed observation of transient temperature, θ, and λ distributions on the same soil sample for 10 sequentially imposed boundary conditions, including periods of rapid redistribution. This work demonstrates that, through improved measurement techniques, the study of heat and water transfer processes can be expanded in ways previously unavailable

    Testing a nitrogen fertilizer applicator designed to reduce leaching losses

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    Conventional practices for nitrogen fertilization of corn produce soil conditions that are conducive to preferential water flow and nitrate leaching. A new fertilizer applicator is proposed that will more effectively protect the fertilizer from infiltrating water and thus reduce the potential for leaching. The device forms a small compacted layer of soil above the subsurface fertilizer band and then mounds soil into a surface dome directly above the fertilizer band. This new localized compaction and doming (LCD) method is evaluated by measuring soil physical properties around the fertilizer band and comparing them with measurements made within the conventional knifing system. The LCD applicator increased penetration resistance from 0.50 to 0.75 MPa at the fertilizer band. As the knife slit above the fertilizer band was closed by the LCD applicator, soil bulk density was increased from 1.2 to 1.4 g/cm3 in the region. The ponded infiltration rate through the fertilizer band was reduced from 19.7 cm/h at the conventional knife slit to 10.1 cm/h at the LCD surface. Reduced water flow through the fertilizer band will result in reduced NO3-N movement. Nitrate movement was measured during a growing season in a corn field, and NO3-N applied by the LCD applicator moved approximately 60% as deep as NO3-N applied by a conventional knife applicator. The ability to restrict NO3-N movement by modifying the surface soil at N application represents a simple yet effective strategy to reduce NO3-N leaching losses and possible impacts on groundwater quality

    Errors in Heat Flux Measurement by Flux Plates of Contrasting Design and Thermal Conductivity

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    The thermal conductivity (λ) of soils may vary by a factor of about 4 for a range of field soil water contents. Measurement of soil heat flux (G) using a heat flux plate with a fixed λ distorts heat flow through the plates and in the adjacent soil. The objectives of this research were to quantify heat flow distortion errors for soil heat flux plates of widely contrasting designs and to evaluate the accuracy of a previously reported correction. Six types of commercially available heat flux plates with varying thickness, face area, and thermal conductivity (λm) were evaluated. Steady-state laboratory experiments at flux densities from 20 to 175 W m−2 were completed in a large box filled with dry or saturated sand having λ of 0.36 and 2.25 W m−1K−1 A field experiment compared G measured with pairs of four plate types buried at 6 cm in a clay soil with G determined using the gradient technique. The flux plates underestimated G in the dry sand by 2.4 to 38.5% and by 13.1 to 73.2% in saturated sand while in moist clay plate performance ranged from a 6.2% overestimate to a 71.4% underestimate. Application of the correction generally improved agreement between plate estimates and independent Gmeasurements, especially when λ \u3e λm, although most plate estimates were still significantly lower than the actual G Limitations of the correction procedure indicate that renewed effort should be placed on innovative sensor designs that avoid or minimize heat flow distortion and/or provide direct, in situ calibration capability

    Can Modus Vivendi Save Liberalism from Moralism? A Critical Assessment of John Gray’s Political Realism

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    This chapter assesses John Gray’s modus vivendi-based justification for liberalism. I argue that his approach is preferable to the more orthodox deontological or teleological justificatory strategies, at least because of the way it can deal with the problem of diversity. But then I show how that is not good news for liberalism, for grounding liberal political authority in a modus vivendi undermines liberalism’s aspiration to occupy a privileged normative position vis-à-vis other kinds of regimes. So modus vivendi can save liberalism from moralism, but at cost many liberals will not be prepared to pay

    Global, regional, and national burden of hepatitis B, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: Combating viral hepatitis is part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and WHO has put forth hepatitis B elimination targets in its Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis (WHO-GHSS) and Interim Guidance for Country Validation of Viral Hepatitis Elimination (WHO Interim Guidance). We estimated the global, regional, and national prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV), as well as mortality and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to HBV, as part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019. This included estimates for 194 WHO member states, for which we compared our estimates to WHO elimination targets. Methods: The primary data sources were population-based serosurveys, claims and hospital discharges, cancer registries, vital registration systems, and published case series. We estimated chronic HBV infection and the burden of HBV-related diseases, defined as an aggregate of cirrhosis due to hepatitis B, liver cancer due to hepatitis B, and acute hepatitis B. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian mixed-effects meta-regression tool, to estimate the prevalence of chronic HBV infection, cirrhosis, and aetiological proportions of cirrhosis. We used mortality-to-incidence ratios modelled with spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression to estimate the incidence of liver cancer. We used the Cause of Death Ensemble modelling (CODEm) model, a tool that selects models and covariates on the basis of out-of-sample performance, to estimate mortality due to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and acute hepatitis B. Findings: In 2019, the estimated global, all-age prevalence of chronic HBV infection was 4·1% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 3·7 to 4·5), corresponding to 316 million (284 to 351) infected people. There was a 31·3% (29·0 to 33·9) decline in all-age prevalence between 1990 and 2019, with a more marked decline of 76·8% (76·2 to 77·5) in prevalence in children younger than 5 years. HBV-related diseases resulted in 555 000 global deaths (487 000 to 630 000) in 2019. The number of HBV-related deaths increased between 1990 and 2019 (by 5·9% [-5·6 to 19·2]) and between 2015 and 2019 (by 2·9% [-5·9 to 11·3]). By contrast, all-age and age-standardised death rates due to HBV-related diseases decreased during these periods. We compared estimates for 2019 in 194 WHO locations to WHO-GHSS 2020 targets, and found that four countries achieved a 10% reduction in deaths, 15 countries achieved a 30% reduction in new cases, and 147 countries achieved a 1% prevalence in children younger than 5 years. As of 2019, 68 of 194 countries had already achieved the 2030 target proposed in WHO Interim Guidance of an all-age HBV-related death rate of four per 100 000. Interpretation: The prevalence of chronic HBV infection declined over time, particularly in children younger than 5 years, since the introduction of hepatitis B vaccination. HBV-related death rates also decreased, but HBV-related death counts increased as a result of population growth, ageing, and cohort effects. By 2019, many countries had met the interim seroprevalence target for children younger than 5 years, but few countries had met the WHO-GHSS interim targets for deaths and new cases. Progress according to all indicators must be accelerated to meet 2030 targets, and there are marked disparities in burden and progress across the world. HBV interventions, such as vaccination, testing, and treatment, must be strategically supported and scaled up to achieve elimination. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Effects of Middle-Ear Disorders on Power Reflectance Measured in Cadaveric Ear Canals

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    Objective: Reflectance measured in the ear canal offers a noninvasive method to monitor the acoustic properties of the middle ear, and few systematic measurements exist on the effects of various middleear disorders on the reflectance. This work uses a human cadaver-ear preparation and a mathematical middle-ear model to both measure and predict how power reflectance R is affected by the middle-ear disorders of static middle-ear pressures, middle-ear fluid, fixed stapes, disarticulated incudostapedial joint, and tympanic-membrane perforations. Design: R was calculated from ear-canal pressure measurements made on human-cadaver ears in the normal condition and five states: (1) positive and negative pressure in the middle-ear cavity, (2) fluidfilled middle ear, (3) stapes fixed with dental cement, (4) incudostapedial joint disarticulated, and (5) tympanic-membrane perforations. The middle-ear model of Kringlebotn (1988) was modified to represent the middle-ear disorders. Model predictions are compared with measurements. Results: For a given disorder, the general trends of the measurements and model were similar. The changes from normal in R, induced by the simulated disorder, generally depend on frequency and the extent of the disorder (except for the disarticulation). Systematic changes in middle-ear static pressure (up to ±300 daPa) resulted in systematic increases in R. These affects were most pronounced for frequencies up to 1000 to 2000 Hz. Above about 2000 Hz there were some asymmetries in behavior between negative and positive pressures. Results with fluid in the middle-ear air space were highly dependent on the percentage of the air space that was filled. Changes in R were minimal when a smaller fraction of the air space was filled with fluid, and as the air space was filled with more saline, R increased at most frequencies. Fixation of the stapes generally resulted in a relatively small low-frequency increase in R. Disarticulation of the incus with the stapes led to a consistent lowfrequency decrease in R with a distinctive minimum below 1000 Hz. Perforations of the tympanic membrane resulted in a decrease in R for frequencies up to about 2000 Hz; at these lower frequencies, smaller perforations led to larger changes from normal when compared with larger perforations. Conclusions: These preliminary measurements help assess the utility of power reflectance as a diagnostic tool for middle-ear disorders. In particular, the measurements document (1) the frequency ranges for which the changes are largest and (2) the extent of the changes from normal for a spectrum of middle-ear disorders

    Modus Vivendi Beyond the Social Contract: Peace, Justice, and Survival in Realist Political Theory

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    This essay examines the promise of the notion of modus vivendi for realist political theory. I interpret recent theories of modus vivendi as affirming the priority of peace over justice, and explore several ways of making sense of this idea. I proceed to identify two key problems for modus vivendi theory, so conceived. Normatively speaking, it remains unclear how this approach can sustain a realist critique of Rawlsian theorizing about justice while avoiding a Hobbesian endorsement of absolutism. And conceptually, the theory remains wedded to a key feature of social contract theory: political order is conceived as based on agreement. This construes the horizontal tensions among individual or group agents in society as prior to the vertical, authoritative relations between authorities and their subjects. Political authority thereby appears from the start as a solution to societal conflict, rather than a problem in itself. I argue that this way of framing the issue abstracts from political experience. Instead I attempt to rethink the notion of modus vivendi from within the lived experience of political conflict, as oriented not primarily toward peace, but political survival. With this shift of perspective, the idea of modus vivendi shows us, pace Bernard Williams, that the “first political question” is not how to achieve order and stability, but rather: what can I live with

    Timing of oviposition by western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in apple fruit

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    Adult western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were most abundant on flower clusters of apple, Malus × domestica Borkhausen, from king bloom to full bloom. Low numbers of thrips remained on the clusters after petal fall as fruit enlarged. Thrips larvae peaked in numbers after densities of adults had peaked, usually by petal fall. Two staining procedures were developed for detecting thrips eggs in the surface of fruit ovary tissues (the edible portion of fruit), and in other blossom tissues (stamen, style, calyx, stem and leaves). Eggs were abundant in the latter tissues throughout the bloom and post—bloom periods; the calyx appeared to be highly preferred. Few eggs were detected in fruit ovary tissues during bloom. Egg numbers in ovary tissues began to increase about 8-13 d after full bloom, when fruit had grown beyond 5 mm diameter. The most effective timing of pesticides corroborated the oviposition data. Formetanate hydrochloride or spinosad caused the greatest reduction in oviposition injury (pansy spot) when applied from full bloom to about 5 mm fruit diameter

    Method for Maintaining One-Dimensional Temperature Gradients in Unsaturated, Closed Soil Cells

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    One-dimensional temperature gradients are difficult to achieve in nonisothermal laboratory studies because, in addition to desired axial temperature gradients, ambient temperature interference (ATI) creates a radial temperature distribution. Our objective was to develop a closed soil cell with limited ATI. The cell consists of a smaller soil column, the control volume, surrounded by a larger soil column, which provides radial insulation. End boundary temperatures are controlled by a new spiral-circulation heat exchanger. Four cell size configurations were tested for ATI under varying ambient temperatures. Results indicate that cells with a 9-cm inner column diameter, 5-cm concentric soil buffer, and either 10- or 20-cm length effectively achieved one-dimensional temperature conditions. At 30°C ambient temperature, and with axial temperature gradients as large as 1°C cm−1, average steady-state radial temperature gradients in the inner soil columns were−1 Thus, these cell configurations meet the goal of maintaining a one-dimensional temperature distribution. These cells provide new opportunities for improving the study of coupled heat and water movement in soil